Chapter 356 False Immortal

"Stomach pain." Ye Zhen suddenly felt a great pain in his stomach.

This is something very wrong.

It turned out that after Ye Zhen reached the realm of health keeper.

You shouldn't get sick so easily.

But now Ye Zhen has a stomachache?

How is this going?

Don't say that Ye Zhen is now a health advocate. Even before, Ye Zhen didn't have stomachaches.

This is very wrong.

Because this state of being a health keeper proves that Ye Zhen's body and spirit are already in a perfect state.

Things like fever and cold will never happen to Ye Zhen.

It should be immune to all diseases, that's how it should be.

Some people who exercise regularly can do this.

Not to mention people like Ye Zhen who are in the realm of health care masters.

Even if you eat some diarrhea, or some expired and poisoned food.

Ye Zhen's body can also be safe and sound.

"Could it be that the gods and humans are declining?" Ye Zhen thought of a possibility.

But you are not an immortal, either? How come the gods and humans have declined?

Ye Zhen doesn't understand, or is this the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth?

But what Ye Zhen had to do at this time was to go to the toilet.

Ye Zhen went to the toilet and pulled out something very dark and smelly.

"Is this marrow cleansing?" Ye Zhen felt the impurities in his body follow his pull.

After everything was expelled from his body, Ye Zhen knew why he had the stomachache just now.

This is because of the impurities produced in your own body.

The realm of health maintenance allows the impurities condensed in Ye Zhen's body to be released in the form of stool.

After pulling it, Ye Zhen felt that his whole body was clear.

While taking a bath, Ye Zhen discovered that she could breathe in the water.

Just like fish.

However, fish rely on their gills to absorb oxygen from the water, and Ye Zhen relies on his own abilities.

This can be considered a new discovery.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhen woke up from her bed.

It just so happens that I don't have to go to work today, so it's time to rest again.

Ye Zhen wants to try the limit of his current Qi training.

Because I have never reached the stage of being a health keeper before.

Every day's "Advanced Qi Training" has its limits.

But now Ye Zhen has reached the realm of a health keeper, and is no longer the same as before.

Ye Zhen sat cross-legged on the bed and started running the "Advanced Qi Training Technique".

This puff lasts for an hour.

An hour had passed before Ye Zhen finished taking a breath.

An hour and a half later, Ye Zhen felt the limit.

Then Ye Zhen exhaled to release the gas that he didn't need.

During the entire exhalation process, there was even a sound of wind and thunder.

This is just Ye Zhen's ordinary inhalation and exhalation, that's all.

Three hours had passed between Ye Zhen's breathing.

It was just a breath. When Ye Zhen opened his eyes, it was already three hours later.

"This efficiency has been improved countless times." Ye Zhen also understood why the immortals in this novel often stayed in seclusion for decades.

Because Ye Zhen now takes three hours to practice one breath, and Ye Zhen can continue to practice like this.

In this way, 24 hours a day, for Ye Zhen, it is only eight breaths.

Ordinary people breathe in and out, and it only takes a few seconds to complete one breath.

"It seems that this time is not enough." Ye Zhen not only needs to practice the "Basic Qi Training Art", but also the "Introduction to Immortal Magic".

What about mental exercise?

Ye Zhen's current mental strength is extremely solid.

As the common saying goes, like steel.

The previous mental training method was of no use to Ye Zhen.

But fortunately, Ye Zhen has two marks in his mind, even if Ye Zhen has been promoted to the realm of health care master.

These two marks are still slowly increasing Ye Zhen's mental power.

"It seems that this mental training method also needs to be improved."

Ye Zhen had known before that these skill points could be used in these cultivation methods.

But it only takes three million popularity points to exchange for a little bit.

Ye Zhen looked at his remaining popularity points, and he still had a pitiful 20 popularity points left.

It's not enough to fill the gaps between teeth. Ye Zhen is already thinking about how to gain more popularity points.

the other side.

Ye Zhen's program broadcast yesterday has been on the front pages of various websites since last night.

There was no sign of the heat abating at all until noon today.

Now almost two-thirds of the country knows that Ye really exists.

As long as you open your phone, no matter what APP you are using, in the video or marketing account.

You are bound to see Ye Zhen's figure.

Also, now it’s not just the Yangcheng newspapers that report on the content of Ye Zhen’s program.

Newspapers across the country have also learned to be smart.

Started to imitate the practices of Yangcheng Newspaper.

Directly publish the most popular Ye Zhen.

What's written in the newspaper.

"The greatest discovery of the 21st century, the Ye Zhen effect".

"What is the Ye Zhen Effect and how it affects our lives".

"Who is Ye Zhen?" What is the Ye Zhen Effect?

This newspaper will also try to be objective and relatively restrained.

But the Internet doesn’t care about you.

Especially those marketing accounts and some self-media.

That's how to attract traffic, all kinds of headlines.

"Shock! It turns out that we already died once in 99! 》.

"Shocking you for a whole year, something like this actually happened in 99."

"Chinese people must read, top secret information you don't know".

"Ye Zhen, the God Who Changed Our Real World".

"It turns out that we have been deceived by the authorities. What is the real world like?" 》.

"Delete after three minutes, risk your life to expose government secrets." It can be said that they have made enough traffic.

The current Internet era is an era where traffic is king.

Traffic is equal to money. No matter you are really popular or black and red, it turns out that traffic is money.

So every time Ye Zhen's show is broadcast, there is a carnival of marketing accounts and self-media.

Many ordinary viewers are chatting about things in 99 on the Internet.

"Finally, someone told me what happened in 99, and I said it was true."

"What happened in 99?"

"Don't listen to other people's nonsense. This is all fabricated. I don't believe this happened in 99."

"If it hadn't been for 99, do you think you would still be living the life you have now?"

I just want them to tell me what happened in 99.

Many people cannot speak out.

This gave many people an opportunity to take advantage of it, and they made all kinds of outrageous claims.

Why were we fighting against the aliens from Trisolaris? All the people were soldiers.

Others say that our enemies are actually humans in the future, and they will destroy us after traveling from the future to our modern times.

What is even more outrageous is that in fact, all of this was caused by Ye Zhen, who was the mastermind behind the scenes.

Anyway, there are various opinions.

However, this Ye Zhen effect has indeed attracted the attention of experts.

It's just that they don't have any reasonable explanation to explain this Ye Zhen effect.

"What's going on with this Ye Zhen effect?"

"Even the most powerful hacker can't modify books in the real world, right?"

"Is it possible that there is something really wrong with our memory?"

"Or is it that we are all brain-controlled, that's why we are in the current situation."

"But why do some people have it and some people don't?"

These so-called experts and scholars themselves have not researched a reason.

Especially when they went to scientists, they couldn't find a reasonable explanation.

Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came to a view similar to that of Ye Zhen.

"This may illustrate the existence of the multiverse."

"After all, from a physical perspective, the multiverse must exist."

"It's just that I don't know why these multiverses merge."

"It's possible that this Ye Zhen effect is due to the fusion of multiverses."

This is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences studying physics.

There are also some academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in other fields.

"Is this a sunken ancient continent? This is not impossible."

"So far, there is a school of thought that thinks we don't have that little land on Blue Star now."

"Now we all know that continents and oceans are 37 degrees Celsius."

"Their view is that in the past, Pangea, the land and ocean at that time were 46 kilometres, or even 55 kilometres."

However, another academician thought of a possibility.

"Actually, this Ye Zhen effect can also be explained by time and space travel."

"Time travelers go to the past or the future, changing the timeline and creating a butterfly effect in the world."

"Then the will of Blue Star, or the consciousness of Gaia, what we in China call the Way of Heaven, began to correct reality and the timeline."

It can be seen from his words that this academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has been watching Ye Zhen's videos.

Except for the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There is also an uproar in foreign countries now.

Ye Zhen started to become popular in foreign countries.

Especially in Japan, half of Japan now knows Ye Zhen.

After all, small Japan is just a small place.

Not many people either.

This God's Generation family really blew up many Japanese people.

"This Kamida family really exists! Mr. Ye is so awesome."

"But is what Mr. Ye said about this divine document true?"

"We have to ask the officials, but they probably don't know either."

The most popular things on the Internet in Japan right now are Ye Zhen and the Godly Documents.

It's like an urban legend.

It's just that no one knew the existence of this thing in the ancient documents of the Gods.

If it weren't for Ye Zhen, everyone might never know about this.

The Emperor of Japan also saw the news.

"is this real?"

"The Jindai family actually has such a mission?"

"Why didn't I know this before?" The emperor curiously summoned Kamishiro Takeuchi to come in.

The current emperor is just a mascot-like existence and has no real power at all.

Those currently in control are some large chaebols and aristocratic families.

But the most important thing is the United States.

This is the real master.

Kamishiro Takeuchi directly rejected the emperor's call, which was a very treasonous thing.

But at most it was just a scolding.

After all, the Kamidao family is still standing in Japan.

But this makes people even more curious as to whether this divine document is genuine.

Many reporters or other politicians went to the Jindai family to inquire.

Previously, in Japan's upper class society, there was a saying that had been circulating among them for thousands of years.

That is, the head of the Jindai family has the ability to rejuvenate his youth.

And it has been recorded. Many people say that Kamidai Takeuchi lived for thousands of years.

It wasn't until Ye Zhen's show was broadcast that they knew what the secret of the longevity of Takeuchi was.

"So this is the secret of the immortals of the Kamida family?"

"To put it bluntly, it's nothing more than that."

"I thought there really was any immortality, but it was just a trick."

The mystery of the Jindai family has lost its mystery under Ye Zhen's show.

If this happened in ancient times, it could be said to be very fatal.

But for modern times, it's just a bit of a curiosity.

I have to say that this first generation Kamidai Takeuchi is really a talent.

He actually thought of such a way to pass on this divine document.

(End of this chapter)

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