Chapter 357 Invitations from all parties

In addition to Japan, in some other parts of Asia.

Sporadic fans also began to watch Ye Zhen's show.

But most of them are just Chinese who go overseas to work.

Only a very few are natives of some Asian and other countries.

Although Ye Zhen relies on CCTV and is on international channels.

But not many people watched it in the first place, let alone many places now.

Television is a luxury for them.

Not every household has it.

The gap between Asian countries is huge.

But at this time, the Yangcheng TV station was already going crazy.

Because there are countless partners and advertisers, as well as some heads of universities.

The Yangcheng TV station was completely blocked.

Since this place was officially designated as a restricted area, ordinary fans and some people who want to live stream here to earn traffic have stayed in Ye Zhen.

There is no way to appear in front of the Yangcheng TV station.

It's been a long time since we've had a crowd like this.

The guard on duty thought these people were crazy fans.

But after registering carefully.

I found that one of them was either the CEO of a certain company or the vice principal of a certain school.

And some of the rest.

People from some Taoist association or martial arts association came over.

They have only one goal, and that is Ye Zhen.

"Please let me see Mr. Ye, just three minutes is enough."

"We, Qingbei University, plan to invite Mr. Ye as a visiting professor."

"We warmly invite Mr. Ye to become our honorary professor!"

"As long as you let Mr. Ye endorse our products, I will pay you 100 million in endorsement fees!"

The guard has really never seen such a scene.

These people are not ordinary people, but elites in various fields.

But now they are like aunties grabbing vegetables in the wet market.

If you squeeze me, I will squeeze you.

This matter requires Director Huang to come directly to the door.

He doesn't dare to offend anyone here.

It would be very difficult to have a meal with some of these people.

"Director Huang, I have an advertising fee of 100 million to talk to you, but I need your teacher Ye to be present."

"I want to donate a building to your Yangcheng TV station. All I need is that you ask Teacher Ye to accept me as your disciple!"

"As long as you let Teacher Ye come and give one class a week, our Qingbei University can promise to make Teacher Ye our official professor!"

After seeing Huang Tai grow up, all the people went crazy.

Director Huang knew that if he didn't handle this well, his position as director, which he was sure to be, might be in jeopardy again.

The other deputy directors looked like they were watching the show.

If it were an ordinary host or an actor.

Director Huang can really control things with his hands, let alone the deputy director. .

Some of the following department directors are available.

The TV station and entertainment industry are darker, feudal and hierarchical than everyone imagines.

But Ye Zhen is different. Director Huang certainly knows how valuable Ye Zhen is.

Yangcheng TV now has a special status and everything it has now.

Even his future position as director was brought about by Ye Zhen.

It was precisely because Director Huang knew the importance of Ye Zhen that he found this matter extremely difficult.

"Everyone, please stop arguing." Director Huang said with a placid look on his face, "Everyone who comes through the door is a guest, and everyone is a respectable person."

"How about we go in and have a chat?" Director Huang directly invited these people into Yangcheng TV Station.

At this time a young man came over.

When walking, it is like a dragon walking like a tiger walking, with a special sense of rhythm.

"Hello, are you Director Huang?" The young man smiled and said, "Heavenly Master of Infinite Fortune and Longevity."

"I am a member of the Taoist sect. Our Taoist sect would like to invite fellow Taoist Ye to go up the mountain to discuss Taoism."

The people around looked at the young man.

Daomen? Is that a Taoist person?

This is the first time everyone has heard that this gate actually invites people to go up the mountain.

"He's actually from the Taoist sect?"

"People from the Taoist sect will not go down the mountain easily."

"Can Mr. Ye actually win the favor of the Taoist sect?"

Only some very high-level people know that this door is actually not simple.

After all, this is our country’s native, indigenous religion.

But at this moment, a compassionate voice also penetrated the crowd.

"Amitabha." A fair-skinned monk came to Director Huang, "I Buddha would like to invite Donor Ye to come to my Buddhist school to debate scriptures."

People from Taoism and Buddhism actually appeared here at the same time?

"He's actually from Buddhism?"

"What day is today? Is this leaf really a reincarnation and a psychic?"

"I feel like Ye Zhen is more like the reincarnation of an immortal."

But it’s not over yet.

There were people getting out of the car and they could see the special license plate of the vehicle.

That's a license plate affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Ah? Why is it so lively here?" The people who got off the car from the Chinese Academy of Sciences looked around and saw that so many people had gathered.

"Director Huang, we are from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"We would like to invite Ye Zhen to cooperate with us at the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Are all the people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences here?

You must know that the Chinese Academy of Sciences can be said to be the highest temple of science in our country.

It is a place that countless people who study science dream of.

Now he actually took the initiative to invite Ye Zhen.

Everyone feels that the world is starting to become magical.

"A Taoist gate in a Taoist holy land."

"One is a Buddhist holy place."

"The other one is the highest scientific palace in our country." Suddenly, the invitation from Qingbei University seemed much bleak.

Director Huang felt like he was already sweating profusely. He couldn't afford to offend this person.

"Please ask Immortal Ye Zhen to come over quickly!" Director Huang had already secretly sent a message to the little secretary.

But Ye Zhen didn't go to work today.

"Hahaha." Director Huang forced himself to pretend to be calm, "Everyone, please come in and have a seat and have a sip of tea."

These people actually entered the Yangcheng TV station one after another.

Almost all meeting rooms are open for reception.

Director Huang shouted angrily: "Tea, water and snacks are all ready."

"We can't afford to offend anyone inside."

"If you do a good job, everyone will get a salary increase!"

Director Huang asked his secretary, "Where is Ye Zhen? Have you contacted him?"

While dialing Ye Zhen's number, the little secretary shook her head and said, "No, Teacher Ye Zhen's phone number can't be reached."

At this time, Director Huang was extremely anxious, and Ye Zhen was not here at such a critical moment.

The little secretary reminded: "Director Huang, isn't there also Producer Chen?"

"Producer Chen is at work today."

Director Huang thought for a moment, "Yes, why did I forget about this guy?"

In fact, the invitations from this Taoist sect and Buddhism are reasonable.

After all, there have been some foreshadowings in the show before.

But for some reason, everyone on the Internet knew about what happened at Yangcheng TV Station.

Ye Zhen's name is on the hot search again.

Currently, Ye Zhen alone accounts for three of the top ten hot searches.

"The Dao Sect actually went down the mountain to invite God Ye in person? Is this God Ye the unique Dao Holy Body?"

"In front of you, you underestimated our Ye Shen. This is at least the ancient holy body! It is arbitrary for eternity! Does Emperor Ye understand?"

"I also saw Buddhist people. Does this mean that Teacher Ye may be a reincarnated psychic?"

"Oh my God, Teacher Ye is not the reincarnation of some golden cicada, is he going to journey to the West again?"

"You two are nothing, but the Chinese Academy of Sciences has taken action! Do you understand the value of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?"

No matter which one it is, it is very outrageous for ordinary people.

But what students pay more attention to is the number one university in the country.

Qingbei University directly wanted to hire Ye Zhen as a professor.

This shows that reading is really useful.

This time, Ye Zhen's reputation as the God of Examination became even more popular among students.

But everyone is curious about where Ye Zhen will choose to go.

"If it were me, I would go to Longhu Mountain in Taoism. Wouldn't it be nice to directly cultivate to become an immortal?"

"This Ye Zhen is just a Celestial Master with a foreign surname at most. I don't think he is very good."

"It's best to go to Buddhism. Maybe you can even achieve Bodhi!"

"Don't even think about going directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is the gathering place for the top talents in our country!"

At this time, Producer Chen was busy trading stocks in his office.

But the recent stock market.

Producer Chen only said two things.

a shares.

3000 points.

The rest are mostly tears.

At this time, Director Huang rushed straight into Producer Chen's office without even opening the door.

Supervisor Chen took a closer look and saw that it was Director Huang?

Producer Chen immediately cut his computer screen to the desktop with quick eyesight and quick hands.

After all, Producer Chen is just fishing at work, so long as he is discovered by his subordinates.

This was discovered by the leader and could not be justified.

"Director Huang, what kind of wind has brought you here?" Producer Chen looked at Director Huang with a smile.

Director Huang just said anxiously: "Something is going wrong, Old Chen."

"Don't worry." Producer Chen said slowly, "If you have anything to say, please tell me slowly."

Director Huang said: "This matter cannot be urgent."

Director Huang informed Producer Chen of the current situation.

I saw the relaxed expression on Producer Chen's face turn serious.

Then it became serious.

Finally his eyes widened.

He looked like he couldn't believe it.

"No." Producer Chen said in confusion: "You are looking for Ye Zhen, why are you looking for me?"

Huang Taichang clapped his hands vigorously, "I just couldn't find Ye Zhen, so I came to find you."

"Aren't you the most familiar with Teacher Ye?"

"Have you called Mr. Ye?" Producer Chen immediately dialed Ye Zhen's number.

But Ye Zhen didn't pick up the call.

Producer Chen had no choice at this time, "Then there's nothing I can do to help."

Director Huang pulled Producer Chen, "You and I will deal with those people together!"

Producer Chen felt his scalp numb just thinking about it, and shook his head quickly, "No, no, no, this is your responsibility as the director."

"I'm just a small producer."

"It's hard to reach the level of elegance."

Director Huang paid no attention to Producer Chen's nonsense and directly took Producer Chen to socialize.

Having one more person to share the pressure with him makes Director Huang feel much more relaxed.

Some people here now have huge social energy.

If one thing is not handled well, there is no need to stay here in Yangcheng TV station.

So where is Ye Zhen at this time?

At this time, Ye Zhen was in Bureau 749 of Eastern Guangdong Province.

Ning Xiu's phone call made Ye Zhen leave his rental house early.

"Consultant Ye, someone from Bureau 749 wants to meet with you." Ning Xiu called Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen seemed to have expected it.

"No problem, when will we leave?"

"I'm downstairs with you now."

(End of this chapter)

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