Chapter 358 Eight Major Divisions

At this time, Producer Chen and the others were frantically calling Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen was in Bureau 749, but it was not so easy to contact Ye Zhen.

Ning Xiu took Ye Zhen to Bureau 749 in eastern Guangdong.

This place is not just for managing Guangdong Province.

To be correct, this should be the 749 General Administration of South China.

It’s just that because it is established in eastern Guangdong Province, everyone generally calls it the Eastern Guangdong Bureau 749.

In fact, the 749 Bureau in Eastern Guangdong is not far from Yangcheng.

Because Yangcheng is the capital of Eastern Guangdong Province.

So the Guangdong East Bureau 749 is actually established here in Yangcheng.

It's just that it's more secretive.

This was Ye Zhen's first time coming to the East Guangdong Bureau.

Ning Xiu also spent some time in the Guangdong East General Administration when he was training and serving.

Ning Xiu first drove around nine turns and eighteen turns.

After passing through an underground tunnel, we entered a secret garage.

Ye Zhen, who was in the car, could feel the time in this secret garage.

The whole car is being moved.

"The Guangdong East Bureau is hidden underground."

"The whole underground range, and a lot of places above ground."

"There are entrances and exits to the Guangdong East General Administration." Ning Xiu explained to Ye Zhen, who was sitting in the passenger seat, "I only know a few of them."

Soon after, I heard the sound of the machine stopping.

The secret garage door also opens.

Ning Xiu drove directly to the underground world.

"Welcome to Guangdong Bureau 749." Ning Xiu drove in.

There are people waiting on the side all the time, except for the guards.

There are also various cameras and infrared scans in the dark.

After Ning Xiu got out of the car, someone came over immediately.

"Captain of Yangcheng 749 Bureau, Ning Xiu." Ning Xiu explained his identity to the visitor.

The other person took his mobile phone and swiped it, and Ning Xiu's various information was already displayed on the mobile phone.

Name: Ning Xiu.

Position: Captain of the Yangcheng 749 Bureau.

Age: 27 years old.

Marriage: Single.

Level: Investigator III.


"Hello, Miss Ning Xiu." The staff greeted Ning Xiu politely.

Next came Ye Zhen.

As soon as I scanned Ye Zhen's information, it also appeared on my phone.

However, Ye Zhen's information is a little different.

The staff member looked at the data scanned by Ye Zhen and looked at Ye Zhen in surprise.

Ye Zhen asked in a low voice: "Is there any problem?"

The staff member shook his head, "It's not like there's anything wrong with it."

"It's just that I have never seen such information displayed."

Ning Xiu was also curious, what's surprising about this?

Because it is shown on Ye Zhen’s information.

Name: Ye Zhen.

Position: Special advisor to Bureau 749 and Bureau 656.

Age: 24 years old.

Marriage: Single.

Level: First-level Investigator.

The staff are not people who have seen the world.

But this was the first time he saw someone actually working in two security bureaus.

And Ye Zhen is already a first-level investigator at such a young age?

This was something he had never seen before.

Ning Xiu looked at Ye Zhen's level in the bureau and gave Ye Zhen a strange look, "Your level is actually higher than mine?"

Ye Zhen himself didn't know about this, "I don't know either."

After the staff checked the pupils and blood of Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu.

After confirming that both of them were the same, they let Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu in.

In this empty place, Ye Zhen seemed to be in an underground city.

"I didn't expect that there would be such an underground city underground in Yangcheng." Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu observed the surrounding environment as they walked.

Except that the environment is a little darker, it is basically no different from the city outside.

"Of course, these 749 rounds don't just have this function."

"When a natural disaster occurs, it could even lead to a nuclear war."

"Everyone here can be safe and sound." Ning Xiu seemed to be very aware of what was going on here.

But just when Ning Xiu and Ye Zhen were walking towards the office.

Someone was already waiting for Ye Zhen and the others outside the door.

"Advisor Ye, Captain Ning." A man in black greeted Ye Zhen enthusiastically.

And shook hands with Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu respectively.

It was as if we had known each other for a long time.

Ye Zhen turned to look at Ning Xiu and asked, "Are you familiar?"

"Who are you?" Ning Xiu didn't recognize the man in black in front of her, and her eyes were full of doubts.

"Ah?" The man in black touched his head and laughed, "I forgot to introduce myself."

"My name is Xiao Yan. The boss asked me to pick you two up." Xiao Yan looked like a sunny boy and had a very outgoing personality.

Ye Zhen finally understood why Xiao Yan was asked to receive the two of them.

Because Xiao Yan seems to be a very sunny person, with a passionate smile on his face all the time.

Make people feel cordial from the bottom of their hearts.

"Xiao Yan? Are you Xiao Yan?" Ning Xiu exclaimed.

"You know me?" Xiao Yan smiled.

Ning Xiu said: "There is no one in the 749 Bureau in Eastern Guangdong who has never heard of your name."

"The youngest first-level investigator in the bureau, he has become a first-level investigator at the age of 29."

"So far, we have handled countless abnormal events."

Xiao Yan was told by Ning Xiu: "It's all just a false name, everyone is just giving him face."

"Let's go, boss and the others are already waiting for you inside." Xiao Yan led Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu as the guide.

Xiao Yan introduced it to the tour guide and Ye Zhen very enthusiastically.

"Consultant Ye, do you know how many regional general bureaus we have in China?"

Ye Zhen shook his head, "I would like to hear the details."

Xiao Yan cleared his throat: "Speaking of these 749 bureaus, in general, there are seven regional general bureaus and one overseas special processing bureau nationwide.

It is divided into Northwest China, North China, Northeast China, Southwest China, Central China, East China and finally our South China region.

Plus a special overseas office. Eight in total. "

This was the first time Ye Zhen knew this.

It's just a short walk to the conference room.

Xiao Yan can be said to be very talkative, making neither Ye Zhen nor Ning Xiu feel bored at all.

"Why did you arrive so soon?" Xiao Yan looked at the door in front of him, "I still have a lot of things that I haven't introduced to you."

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "There will be opportunities in the future."

Xiao Yan knocked on the door: "Boss, I brought it to you."

A voice came from the room, "Yeah."

After pushing the door open, the first thing Ye Zhen saw was a vicissitudes of life man with a beard on his face sitting on a chair.

And this man also had a mahogany pipe in his mouth.

Xiao Yan said from the side: "Consultant Ye, let me introduce you."

"This is the boss of our Guangdong Bureau 749, Lin Dong."

Lin Dong took out the burning pipe with one hand and looked at Ye Zhen at the same time.

"Are you Ye Zhen?" Lin Dong nodded, "Sure enough, it's better to meet than to be famous."

"I don't know, why did Mr. Lin call me here?" Ye Zhen said, neither humble nor overbearing.

Lin Dong knocked on his pipe and said, "I invite you over this time."

"I have something I need your help with, Consultant Ye."

"What is it?" Ye Zhen replied: "If it is within my ability, I will try my best."

Lin Dong gave Xiao Yan a wink.

Xiao Yan immediately knew what he should do.

Xiao Yan closed the door and controlled the button on the side.

Soon the whole room darkened in the center of the office.

There was a clear three-dimensional projection displayed in front of Ye Zhen and the others.

Lin Dong asked in a deep voice: "Ye Zhen effect, Consultant Ye, you brought it up first, right?"

Ye Zhen usually surfs the Internet.

Those phenomena that I raised in the program.

There is a difference between things in human memory and reality in the real world.

This situation is now named the Ye Zhen effect.

Lin Dong said seriously: "We have never discovered anything like this before."

"Or maybe we've been ignoring it."

Xiao Yan nodded aside, "Although these are just some very small details."

"But for those of us in Bureau 749, of course we know what this means."

Lin Dong put the pipe on the table, "We discovered a strange phenomenon before."

"That's what happened in 99, Consultant Ye, you said."

"We have already noticed this, but no one has found anything wrong in their memory."

"It seems like something important has been forgotten, but we just can't remember it."

"We suspect that after the millennium, the world has been restarted." Lin Dong said this shocking statement in an extremely calm tone.

Ye Zhen looked at the three-dimensional projection in front of him, "So the Ye Zhen effect I discovered is evidence of the world restarting?"

Lin Dong nodded, "Your meticulous observation, as well as your unparalleled thinking and perspective are all what we need."

"But since Counselor Ye's Ye Zhen theory came out."

"We're starting to see this effect."

"And our world began to change slightly, although I can't tell what kind of change it was."

"But we are indeed different from before."

"I hope you can make everyone understand a truth."

The seeds of doubt and doubt have been planted in everyone's hearts.

Xiao Yan said with a complex expression: "What is true and what is true history?"

"Is human history really the same as what is recorded in our textbooks?"

Ye Zhen looked at Lin Dong, "I understand, you want me to clear up your doubts, right?"

"This matter is easy to handle." Ye Zhen knew immediately what they were calling him to do.

First, they want to test themselves to see if they have any real abilities.

I suspect there is someone or organization behind me.

The second is that they really have difficulties and need Ye Zhen's help to solve them.

"Do you have any idea?" Lin Dong asked seriously.

"Can you directly spread the pictures here to the entire 749 Bureau in eastern Guangdong?" Ye Zhen just asked a question.

Lin Dong said: "My place is the central office of the entire 749 Bureau in eastern Guangdong."

"It can deliver information to the entire 749 bureau in eastern Guangdong."

"Then there's no problem." Ye Zhen said directly: "Don't you just want to try my skills?"

Lin Dong didn't expect Ye Zhen to see it at a glance.

"Turn the camera on me."

"Pass on what I said and what I saw." Ye Zhen sat on a chair.

Lin Dong said: "Do as Advisor Ye said."

Xiao Yan quickly finished it on the side, and the miniature lens was already pointed at Ye Zhen.

Usually only Lin Dong uses this function.

No matter where it is in the 749 Bureau in eastern Guangdong, as long as there is a screen.

Both can see and hear what Lin Dong said.

Now this function is used on Ye Zhen.

Lin Dong used his authority, and soon Ye Zhen appeared on every screen in Bureau 749.

"Has it started?" Ye Zhen looked aside.

Xiao Yan nodded.

Everyone in Guangdong Bureau 749 is very curious.

Who is the young man who suddenly appears on the screen?

One-eyed dragon Yang He looked at his screen, "Isn't this the boss's exclusive ability?"

"Why is it being used by others?"

Nalan Cuihua looked at Ye Zhen on the screen, "Is he the one who caused our bureau to quarrel with the bureau next door?"

Many people from the 749th Bureau in Eastern Guangdong knew Ye Zhen.

Because Ye Zhen is now the most popular person outside.

"Ah? Isn't this Teacher Ye?"

"Ye Shen is actually from our 749th round!"

"No wonder it's so powerful. It turns out that Teacher Ye is from our 749th game!"

Ye Zhen looked relaxed and content, with no trace of nervousness at all.

"Hello everyone, today I was invited to answer your questions."

"What is going on in the history of this world?"

Looking at Ye Zhen's appearance, Ning Xiu's heart was already in her throat.

This is the 749 General Administration of Eastern Guangdong! Ye Zhen actually showed up to the General Administration for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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