Chapter 360 The Importance of Space-Time Coordinates

Now everyone understands.

After this resets time, it causes some space-time coordinates to change.

This hides what really happened.

"And to do this, what influenced human history?" Ye Zhen said in a gloomy tone.

"The AD calendar is also called the Christian Era, also known as the Western calendar or the Western calendar."

“Taking the year of Jehovah’s birth as the first year resets the history of all mankind.”

"Why did it happen to be the final battle that happened in 99?"

"Why did this happen at the turn of the millennium?"

After hearing Ye Zhen's words, everyone felt chills on their backs.

Didn't expect this to be such a vicious thing?

Nowadays, we are very accustomed to using this chronological system.

No one thought there was anything wrong with this.

"However, fortunately, there are still sensible people in our country and there are real bosses."

"Our country also wanted to completely abolish our country's traditional lunisolar calendar and fully use the Western calendar."

“And regard January 1 as our country’s New Year.”

"But back then, some people fought against all opinions and preserved the lunisolar calendar, which we call the old calendar."

In fact, Japan also used our old calendar back then, and they originally celebrated the New Year according to the old calendar.

Because they were copying us back then.

But now Japan has completely abandoned the old calendar and completely used the new calendar.

So their New Year is January 1st.

But we all know now that our Chinese New Year is calculated based on the old calendar.

It is for this reason that we keep our own calendar.

Our Chinese civilization has been passed down to this day and will never be extinguished.

This is definitely not a coincidence.

Xiao Yan on the side said softly: "The establishment of the Gregorian calendar was approved and promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582."

Ning Xiu heard Xiao Yan's voice, "Isn't 1582 the year when 10 days of human history were deleted?"

Xiao Yan and Ning Xiu looked at each other, and they both saw extremely shocked expressions in each other's eyes.

However, Lin Dong's expression became more and more gloomy and serious.

I only heard Ye Zhen continue to say: "Now we can't confirm whether this so-called Jehovah is a real person."

"Because for such an important figure, we don't even know the date of his birth and death."

"To this day, there is still debate in the Western world about the year in which this Lord was born."

"According to their statement, this Jehovah may have been born in 4, 8, 6 BC, etc."

"But the current view is that the year when Jehovah was born is regarded as the first year of the Christian era."

"The funny thing is, this Jehovah can't confirm the year he was born."

Now after Ye Zhen said this, anyone who is not a fool knows that there is a problem here.

"Is this chronological system such a child's play?"

"It feels like it's irrelevant and they're just trying to reset time."

“Looking at it this way, it doesn’t matter at all what year this Jehovah was born.”

"They're just trying to reset the calendar."

The more we think about it, the more horrifying we feel, as if everything is being controlled by an invisible hand.

"Have you ever felt that time seems to pass very fast now?" Ye Zhen said suddenly.

"After the millennium, time seems to pass much faster."

In fact, this is not Ye Zhen's opinion alone.

It was mentioned a long time ago.

Since the turn of the millennium, time seems to have passed very quickly.

Time passes much faster than before, and many people say this is an illusion.

Time is indeed a very special thing.

Some people say that time does not exist at all, it is just a feeling we have.

The hours, minutes and seconds we use to calculate time now are actually nothing more than a recording method.

"Actually, our time has indeed sped up." Ye Zhen said this amazing fact.

"It seems like we are being accelerated to a certain time and space coordinate."

"It's like there's something waiting for us ahead."

Ye Zhenyan said this, and the information transmission was over.

Lin Dong's eyes changed several times, "Consultant Ye, you are really unexpected."

"Welcome to our 749 Bureau." Lin Dong extended his hand.

After this experience, Lin Dong was completely impressed by Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen smiled and said: "Wait a minute, I don't think I promised to join."

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Zhen with wide eyes, "This is a personal invitation from our boss!"

"Consultant Ye, do you know what this means!"

Ning Xiu didn't expect that Ye Zhen would even refuse Lin Dong's invitation.

He would refuse Lin Dong's invitation, which has never happened before.

Lin Dong looked at Ye Zhen in surprise, "Do you know what my invitation means?"

"I don't care." Ye Zhen smiled, "I just agreed to be your external consultant."

"It's still in effect."

Lin Dong glanced at Ye Zhen, "Hahaha, interesting young man."

Lin Dong relit his pipe and started puffing away again.

"It's up to you, but my door to the 749th round is open for you at any time."

Xiao Yan didn't expect that Ye Zhen actually refused.

However, Xiao Yan asked Ye Zhen a question, "Consultant Ye, I have a question."

"Where will this acceleration of time push us?" Ye Zhen shook his head, "Who knows what will happen in the future."

Xiao Yan felt very uneasy.

"Maybe we have been destroyed more than once." Ye Zhen smiled.

"Do you want to say 2012?" Xiao Yan thought of the doomsday rumors that year.

After the millennium, time in our world has been sped up.

I have been pushed towards the end of the world in 2012.

However, in Bureau 749, we have been studying things about future predictions.

It was because of this that Ning Xiu found Ye Zhen.

Lin Dong said: "The next two to three years will be the most critical moment."

Ye Zhen nodded: "You are right."

"Because in this era of Dharma End, it has already begun to bottom out."

"What is said is that when things go to extremes, they must be reversed."

"As long as you make statistics, you can find that the frequency of various abnormal events has been much higher in recent times."

Xiao Yan said from the side: "I also have such a feeling."

Lin Dong pressed the communicator on the table and said, "Cuihua, count the frequency of recent abnormal events."

Only Nalan Cuihua's voice was heard on the other end of the phone.

"Boss! I've said it many times, don't call me Cuihua!"

"Okay, Cuihua." Lin Dong smiled and said, "I know Cuihua."

Soon Nalan Cuihua will send the data.

I only saw in the data that the frequency of abnormal events this year is 500% of the past. This is already a very exaggerated matter.

"Okay, I'm very happy to see you today, Consultant Ye." Lin Dong stood up, "In the future, you can come to us anytime you want."

"I have already asked others to give you access permission."

This made Ning Xiu on the side very envious.

Because even she does not have the right to enter and exit the 749 Bureau in East Guangdong at will.

"Thank you, happy cooperation." Ye Zhen stretched out his hand.

Lin Dong and Ye Zhen shook hands, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

After Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu left.

Xiao Yan and Lin Dong were the only two people left in the office.

"What do you think of Consultant Ye?" Lin Dong asked Xiao Yan, his eyes filled with admiration.

Because in Lin Dong's eyes, Xiao Yan is his best successor.

And Lin Dong was trained in this way.

After Xiao Yan thought for a while, "There is no doubt about Consultant Ye's ability."

"Even among our eight regions, we can't find anyone like Consultant Ye."

"But the only problem is that he's not used to being controlled."

"We can't quite tell him what to do."

Lin Dong nodded, "This is enough."

"By the way, has your pineal gland turned on recently?"

In this age of materialism and extravagance, many people find it difficult to control themselves.

This results in 99.9% of people being unable to awaken.

But now in the Age of Dharma Ending, time has been accelerated.

It has begun to bottom out.

It is now easier for people to awaken to the supernatural, which is to open the so-called pineal gland. "

But how many people can do it now?

Xiao Yan shook his head, "This is too difficult."

“This awakening, the third eye, we call the pineal gland.”

"In the Taoist family, this is equivalent to opening the eyes of the sky, which requires a certain amount of spiritual roots."

"In the country, this is clairvoyance, which requires a certain amount of wisdom."

Lin Dong patted Xiao Yan's shoulder and said, "Come on, I feel that the moment is coming soon."

While in the car, Ning Xiu and Ye Zhen communicated.

"This is the first time I've seen the boss care so much about someone."

"Are you talking about me?" Ye Zhen asked.

Ning Xiu nodded, "You don't know how busy the boss is. There aren't many people who can spare some time for us to meet."

"Usually they are the heads of the 749 bureaus in other regions."

"And the boss directly asked you to use the communication broadcast system in his office."

"It means he values ​​you very much."

"But you rejected the boss's invitation in the end." Ning Xiu didn't understand Ye Zhen's choice.

"Like our Yangcheng 749 Bureau, they have never seen the boss."

"I only met the boss a few times when I was training."

If word got out, Lin Dong from Bureau 749 in East Guangdong took the initiative to invite a young man to join but was rejected.

Everyone in Game 749 will be shocked.

"What's the big deal?" Ye Zhen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with what he did.

"We have signed a cooperation contract before."

"People should keep their promises and act according to the contract."

Mainly because Ye Zhen's focus is on the show host.

Otherwise, how could Ye Zhen earn more popularity points?

If you completely join the 749 game, you will have no choice but to do it yourself.

There is no way to earn popularity points.

How could Ye Zhen do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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