Chapter 361 Choose one of three

Ning Xiu sent Ye Zhen outside.

At this time, Ye Zhen's cell phone rang crazily.

Ye Zhen found that his phone was being called.

If you look carefully, it's Director Huang and Producer Chen who are calling.

Ye Zhen also wondered why these two people called him so many times.

Just when Ye Zhen was holding the mobile phone, Producer Chen got another call.

Ye Zhen answered the phone when it rang.

Producer Chen breathed a sigh of relief on the other end, "Thank God, you finally got through."

"Ye Zhen, where have you been!"

"Now in our Yangcheng TV station, he is the Prime Minister of the Six Nations."

Ye Zhen sat in the passenger seat of Ning Xiu's car, "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious first."

"If you have anything to do, please tell me slowly."

Producer Chen finally told Ye Zhen everything.

"Now there are people from Taoism and Buddhism, as well as major universities across the country, Qingbei University."

"And people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are here to find you."

Ye Zhen understood what was going on when he heard this.

"Is that so?" Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu said to the side: "Captain Ning, please send me back to Yangcheng TV Station."

Ning Xiu said strangely: "Aren't you on vacation?"

Ye Zhen turned off the phone, "There are some things that need to be dealt with."

Ning Xiu didn't ask any more questions because when he signed the contract at the beginning.

He had already made terms with Ye Zhen.

Things in Bureau 749 cannot delay Ye Zhen's normal work.

Ning Xiu quickly sent Ye Zhen back to Yangcheng TV station.

But Ye Zhen saw that the parking space at Yangcheng TV station was filled with many vehicles that he had never seen before.

Originally, there were not many parking spaces in the Yangcheng TV station.

Now it was even more crowded, and there was no room for Ning Xiu's car.

Ye Zhen got off Ning Xiu's car, "Thank you, Captain Ning."

Ning Xiu glanced at Ye Zhen. She had known Ye Zhen for less than a year.

Ye Zhen has been a contract worker from the beginning, and now he has become a talent that the boss of the 749 Bureau in East Guangdong has to personally invite.

And now his status in the 749th game is higher than his own.

She was only a third-level investigator, and Ye Zhen was already a first-level investigator.

But as long as you understand Ye Zhen’s experience.

He single-handedly defeated the Nian beast and put the legendary beast Xiang Liu into a deep sleep.

Both of these are first-level abnormal events.

Ye Zhen can solve it by himself. The status of this level of investigator is worthy of the name.

You must know that Ye Zhen is only 24 years old now and has just graduated from college.

Ning Xiu looked at Ye Zhen's leaving figure.

In fact, Ning Xiu's resume is also very perfect. She joined the 749 Bureau not long after graduation.

At a young age, he can serve as the captain of a branch and lead a branch.

For all of China, Ning Xiu is very outstanding.

Because Lao Chen from the Yangcheng Bureau 749 has been nothing more than a fourth-level investigator for so many years.

Ye Zhen just got off the car and walked from the underground garage to the elevator.

Producer Chen called again, "Ye Zhen, where are you?"

"Are you there yet?"

Producer Chen is very anxious now.

Because this group of people is not someone who can be easily dealt with.

Director Huang was currently smiling in the conference room.

"Everyone, please be patient. Teacher Ye will be here soon." Director Huang was sweating profusely.

"Why hasn't Ye Zhen come yet?"

"That's right. He's obviously just a host. Why is he so big?"

"I have seen many A-list celebrities, but there is none like him."

The Taoist people were there drinking tea very leisurely.

The Buddhists are holding their prayer beads and chanting something in their mouths.

It’s just a hodgepodge now.

Here, there are many Internet celebrity incubation companies, as well as mcn companies and so on.

They took a fancy to Ye Zhen's huge flow.

Now, if anyone has the largest traffic in China's Internet, it must be Ye Zhen.

Because every time Ye Zhen's program is broadcast, it must be on the hot search.

It is not the kind of hot search that is bought and operated, this is the most terrifying.

From the perspective of those internet celebrity organizations, Ye Zhen is a huge gold mine.

They did not hesitate to offer some sky-high contracts to sign Ye Zhen.

"I'm already downstairs." Ye Zhen held up his cell phone and said, "I'll be there soon."

Producer Chen breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

Producer Chen, who was on the phone outside the conference room, now dared not return to the conference room.

Director Huang came out of the conference room at this time.

"How's it going? Have you contacted Ye Zhen?" Director Huang was very anxious now. "If this continues, I won't be able to stand it anymore."

"They insist on seeing Ye Zhen. None of them can be offended by our small TV station."

At this moment, Ye Zhen appeared in the corridor.

Producer Chen and Director Huang seemed to have seen a savior.

"Teacher Ye, you are finally here." Director Huang felt like crying but had no tears.

Because this time it can be said that there are both risks and opportunities.

If they grasp it well, it will be of great benefit to their Yangcheng TV station.

But if they don't handle it well, their small local TV station will be in trouble.

But there is no such big force that can compete with the capital and power represented by these people.

Ye Zhen patted Producer Chen and Director Huang on the shoulders, "Leave it to me."

Ye Zhen walked into the conference room alone.

At this time, Producer Chen took out the soft box of Huazi from his arms and said, "Director Huang, would you like one?"

Director Huang took over Producer Chen's Hua Zi.

Producer Chen held the lighter with one hand and lit the cigarette in Director Huang's mouth with the other hand.

Huang Tai took a long breath and slowly exhaled the smoke.

At this time, Producer Chen lit a cigarette for himself.

"Is there nothing wrong with Teacher Ye?" Director Huang was still very worried about Ye Zhen, "Didn't you say he was good at socializing?" Producer Chen had a cigarette in his mouth, "Don't worry, since Ye Zhen will go in alone. , which shows that he is confident."

Originally, the conference room was as noisy as a vegetable market.

But after seeing Ye Zhen walking in outside the conference room door.

The entire conference room fell silent.

Ye Zhen looked around the conference room.

At this time, someone was the first to rush to Ye Zhen. This was a man in a suit.

The man adjusted his clothes and said, "Hello, Mr. Ye, I am the agent of the largest mcn agency in the country."

"We now have Internet celebrities with hundreds or tens of millions of fans."

“We have even big internet celebrities with over 100 million fans here.”

"If you join our company, we can give you a contract of 200 million per year, Mr. Ye."

A 200 million-year contract?

It’s not like some of the people present have never done business.

But the most popular thing in recent years is the Internet economy.

Especially those Internet celebrity anchors who bring goods.

The money they earn in a year is more than the profits earned by the entire company of some smaller bosses in a year.

It can be said that it has a very terrifying ability to attract money.

At this time, another woman dressed very seductively came up.

"Teacher Ye, this is my business card."

“We are the largest internet celebrity company in the country.”

"As long as Teacher Ye joins our big family."

"I can guarantee that you, Teacher Ye, will become the most popular Internet celebrity on the Internet."

In addition to this, there are also invitations from other companies.

Want Ye Zhen to be their spokesperson and so on.

There are also some entertainment companies who want Ye Zhen to become their artist.

Because Ye Zhen's appearance is better than some so-called boy bands and some young talents nowadays.

Many people are fans of Ye Zhen.

It's no wonder that some entertainment companies came to dig Ye Zhen.

In their investigation, Ye Zhen was just a college student who had just graduated from university.

Now in our country, college students can be said to be the most numerous.

There is a saying that you may not be able to hire a migrant worker with three thousand a month.

But for three thousand a month you can hire a college student.

In their view, Ye Zhen is just a clear and stupid college student.

Where have I seen such temptations of indulgence and extravagance?

And they can easily get hundreds of millions of contracts and tens of millions of endorsement fees.

Many people have never seen so much money in their lives.

Any college student who has just graduated would not be able to suppress himself.

Unfortunately, they were facing Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen's eyes were like polished jade, shining with a heart-stopping light.

"Okay, I already know all your suggestions." Ye Zhen looked calm.

"In the future, we will have opportunities to cooperate."

This actually means that Ye Zhen rejected all invitations and cooperation.

The man in the suit couldn't help it anymore, "No, do you know what this means?"

"A salary of 200 million a year?"

Another Internet celebrity girl also said: "That's right, do you know what the largest Internet celebrity company on the Internet is?"

Ye Zhen just said lightly, "Are you angry with me now?"

Just one sentence silenced the two of them.

Now who dares to say that Biye is really popular?

Now Ye Zhen's traffic is simply exploding.

Those are the only things Ye Zhen cares about most.

These are some advertising companies and internet celebrity companies.

Ye Zhen didn't take it seriously at all, it was unnecessary.

"Okay, you can go." Ye Zhen immediately started catching up with the guests.

"Do you know who we are?"

"If it weren't for our advertising, you TV stations would have been with the Northwest Wind a long time ago."

"Okay, if you dare to drive me away, you just wait until it goes bankrupt."

The man in the suit and the internet celebrity girl didn't expect it either.

Ye Zhen could actually resist such a huge temptation.

That's over 100 million dollars a year.

Ye Zhen could actually remain unmoved.

He couldn't figure out why Ye Zhen refused their invitation.

That’s what the guy in the suit and the internet celebrity girl are thinking about.

"How dare you not join us?"

“If you monetize traffic with us, it’s okay to be complicit.”

"But now you are occupying such a huge amount of traffic by yourself, and you are not cooperating with us."

They have already thought about it and will mobilize their own internet celebrities and self-media when they return.

Go to the Internet and go to Kuroye Makoto.

They are too familiar with spreading rumors and hiring trolls.

At this time, the Taoist priest stood up and said, "I met fellow Taoist Zhang He at the lower Taoist gate."

"Our Master Zhang would like to invite Fellow Daoist Ye to go up the mountain."

Zhang He explained his intention to Ye Zhen very sincerely.

Ye Zhen knew that the person on the phone with him that time should be Zhang Tianshi from that sect.

Seeing this crane, Ye Zhen turned on his spiritual vision and saw the flow of air in the crane's body.

In this Dharma-ending era, this crane can be said to be quite talented.

"Amitabha." The monk said, "My Buddha is compassionate, and our Buddhist sect also wants to invite Donor Ye to come to our Buddhist sect."

At this time, scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also had something to say.

"Comrade Ye Zhen, it's better to come to our Chinese Academy of Sciences."

"The gods and ghosts they have are just feudal superstitions."

"In this 21st century, we still have to believe in science."

All three of them looked at Ye Zhen at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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