Chapter 362 Master Ye, please save my Taoist sect

All three of them look forward to Ye Zhen making a choice.

But Ye Zhen was about to have an accident without any surprise.

"Sorry." Ye Zhen smiled and said, "You have found the wrong person."

"I'm just an ordinary host. How can I be so virtuous?"

"Fellow Taoist Ye, you are being humble." Zhang He said seriously, "We sincerely invite you, Taoist Ye Zhen."

"Wherever you came from, go back there."

Ye Zhen obviously refused to agree to either party.

The monk smiled and said: "Our Buddhist sect welcomes the arrival of donor Ye at any time."

"The poor monk took his leave first."

This monk was not a sloppy person, so he left the meeting room directly.

It seemed like he was just here to complete a mission.

As for whether Ye Zhen agreed or not, it had nothing to do with him.

But Taoist Zhang He didn't give up at all.

A scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences said, "Our academicians at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are very optimistic about your scientific research talent."

"There are many academicians who want to accept you as their disciple."

"Do you know what a rare opportunity this is?"

Ye Zhen shook his head and said, "Thank you very much for their love."

"If you need it, we can cooperate."

After the people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences heard what Ye Zhen said, they just left one sentence, "You will regret it, Ye Zhen."

You must know that academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences personally recruit apprentices.

This is a very rare thing. Even across the country, there is no one in a year.

If they weren't really talented, these big guys wouldn't even take a second look.

"This is an opportunity that many students and researchers dream of."

"You actually refused. You are really ignorant." The visitor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences just left.

Originally, Ye Zhen had just rejected those internet celebrity companies.

The scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave Ye Zhen a high look.

Because this huge temptation of money is not something ordinary people can refuse.

Especially in today's network environment.

Today’s primary school students, you ask them what they want to do when they grow up.

Most of the answers are to become an internet celebrity.

But not long ago, everyone's childhood dream was to be a scientist.

Inventing all kinds of things to help and change the world.

But Ye Zhen refused, rejecting the opportunity that everyone dreamed of.

Zhang He was the only one left in the entire conference room.

Producer Chen and Director Huang watched as people in the conference room walked out one after another.

"Did Mr. Ye handle this matter so quickly?" Director Huang looked at the guests who came out one after another.

No one has a happy face.

"This Ye Zhen really doesn't know how to appreciate others."

"If you say no to tens of millions of endorsement fees, just say no."

"He deserves to be poor for the rest of his life!"

"That's right, I don't cherish the opportunity to become a big internet celebrity."

"Stay here and be the host of a small TV station."

Director Huang's expression changed drastically. He knew why Ye Zhen could handle it so quickly.

Ye Zhen rejected everyone and offended them.

Director Huang felt like he had lost his soul and could hardly breathe.

" dare he."

"Those are people who cannot be offended."

After all, some of them are the sponsors of TV stations.

The reason why Director Huang was so cautious before was because he was afraid of offending these people.

Okay, now Ye Zhen goes in alone and offends everyone.

Fortunately, Director Huang does not have any heart disease, otherwise it would have been triggered long ago.

In the conference room, only Zhang He and Ye Zhen were left.

"I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist Ye." Zhang He received the mission from his master before going down the mountain.

"Disciple, you have to remember."

"No matter what method you use, you must invite Ye Zhen to our Taoist sect."

"He is the one who can save our Taoist sect."

After Zhang He came down from the mountain, he kept his master's words in mind.

And Zhang He's master is none other than Zhang Tianshi, who has the highest cultivation level in the sect and has built the foundation in half a step.

Zhang He actually wanted to do it hard?

Zhang He learned from his master that Ye Zhen might be the person with the highest spiritual roots they had ever encountered.

Only Ye Zhen can save their current Taoism.

In Zhang He's view, Ye Zhen is just an ordinary person.

No matter how talented you are, you are still someone who has never experienced cultivation.

And Zhang He himself is a monk, although he has only just entered the Qi training stage.

But to ordinary people, he is already a semi-immortal.

Ye Zhen looked at Zhang He in front of him and actually wanted to take action.

But just a glare from Ye Zhen, Ye Zhen's mental power has already burst out.

Zhang He felt that Ye Zhen in front of him was like an insurmountable mountain.

That kind of pressure made him feel like he wouldn't be able to breathe in the next second.

"How is that possible?" Zhang He's strength ranks among the top three among the younger generation.

But under Ye Zhen's look, he had no power to fight back.

Even when facing his master Zhang Jinhai, Zhang He had never felt such pressure.

"Foundation building!" Zhang He could confirm that Ye Zhen was definitely capable of building a foundation.

In fact, Zhang He didn't know what the strength of the foundation-building realm was.

As for what was above the foundation, he didn't even dare to think about it.

In this Dharma-ending age, building a foundation is already as difficult as climbing to the sky.

You must know Zhang He’s master.

The current Taoist Celestial Master Zhang Jinhai has only half-stepped the foundation.

Just that seemingly insignificant step has stuck Zhang Jinhai for most of his life.

Now Zhang He finally knew why his master invited Ye Zhen up the mountain.

"Is he the person in the prophecy?"

As a disciple of the Taoist sect, Zhang He knew the contents of prophecy books such as "Tuibei Tu" and "Shaobing Song".

Now it seems that the future saint recorded in this ancient book may be Ye Zhen. Zhang He couldn't move, and the huge pressure made him breathless.

It only took a short while, but Zhang He seemed to be fished out of the water.

The whole person was exhausted.

But what Zhang He doesn't know is that the current Ye Zhen is not a foundation builder at all.

This is because of the Dharma-ending Age after the millennium.

The original path was no longer feasible, so Ye Zhen opened a new path.

This is the health care master.

Now it was just a look that made Zhang He lose the ability to fight.

Ye Zhen removed his external mental power and biological magnetic field.

This is a method that Ye Zhen figured out by himself.

This is what Ye Zhen learned from Xiang Liu.

Because this abnormal magnetic field can make living things feel inexplicably manic and scared.

Plus some biological pheromones emitted from the body.

It can make people feel that they are encountering something called coercion.

Ye Zhen said softly: "Your strength is considered adequate in this era of Dharma-ending times."

"It's just that this road is no longer feasible."

"The only thing you can do is to open your eyes."

Ye Zhen finally gave the crane a hint.

Zhang He listened carefully to Ye Zhen's words.

"Celestial Eye?" As a disciple of the Taoist sect, Zhang He certainly knew what the Heavenly Eye was.

Legend has it that if Taoists want to open the Heavenly Eye, they need to exercise their Niwan Palace. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is just mental power.

"Are you going to train our Niwan Palace?" Zhang He also had a good understanding and immediately understood what Ye Zhen wanted them to do.

Ye Zhen nodded, "You cultivators must also know that this is the end of the Dharma era."

"The old one no longer works."

"There must be some people in your sect who are stuck in half-step foundation building."

When Zhang He heard this, he felt that Ye Zhen knew everything like a god.

Not many people knew about the realm of his master Zhang Jinhai.

Even in the Taoist sect, except for his closest disciple.

Not many people know it anymore.

In their eyes, Zhang Jinhai is a fairy-like figure.

But only Zhang He and a few others knew that Zhang Jinhai had been stuck in half-step foundation building for a long time.

"This is because he only trained his Qi and not his Niwan Palace."

"If he wants to break through, he needs to open his eyes."

Ye Zhen's words made Zhang He's trip worthwhile.

"I've been taught a lesson." Zhang He stood up and bowed.

This undoubtedly allowed them to see a new path.

Before, they only knew how to practice Qi.

Because some of the predecessors were also like this, so they were also Qi Refiners.

The training in Niwan Palace has never been the focus.

Therefore, in Taoism, there is indeed a saying of opening the heavenly eye.

But at that time, it was already opened by some people who had reached an extremely advanced level of cultivation.

Or there are some people who are born with yin and yang eyes and have this talent.

In fact, this is their pineal gland, which is naturally not as oxidized as ordinary people.

So they can open their eyes more easily.

"But the poor Taoist still wants to invite Zhenren Ye to come to our Taoist gate." Zhang He knelt on the ground directly.

As the ancients said, a man has gold beneath his knees.

"Please Ye Zhenren, save my Taoist sect." Zhang He directly kowtowed to Ye Zhen.

And his forehead hit the floor hard, making a loud sound.

This is Zhang He's apology to Ye Zhen.

Because just now Zhang Hehe overestimated his capabilities and wanted to get rough with Ye Zhen.

Now that Zhang He thinks about what he did, he feels that he is really dying.

This can also be regarded as the general thoughts of some people with special abilities, qigong masters and some people with super powers.

They think that they are different from ordinary people and are more powerful than ordinary people.

Now Zhang He can be regarded as a Taoist priest and has come down the mountain.

Zhang He has never read this type of novel less.

What kind of Taoist priest is invincible in the world after coming down from the mountain?

All the beauties came to throw themselves into my arms.

But why was the script Zhang He encountered completely different?

As soon as I got off the mountain, I encountered a monster like Ye Zhen.

He is far more powerful than his master.

"Does your Taoist sect have any classics on training Niwan Palace?" Ye Zhen asked a question.

Now Ye Zhen has reached the realm of health maintenance master.

It is not that easy for Ye Zhen to take a step closer.

Especially now, Ye Zhen's previous mental training methods are no longer enough.

Now Ye Zhen's spiritual sea is like a big pool.

The mental exercise method is like adding water to a large pool little by little with a spoon.

How long does it take for a large pool to fill?

I can’t say it’s useless, I can only say it’s better than nothing.

In fact, Ye Zhen can also use his popularity points to exchange for skill points to improve this "Basic Mental Strength Training Method".

But Ye Zhen's current popularity level is not enough for him.

And according to Ye Zhen's calculation, this requires at least 2 to 3 skill points.

to be able to meet your own needs.

This is a popularity value of almost 1000 million.

But how much popularity does Ye Zhen still have now?

20 million!

So if he could save some popularity points, Ye Zhen would be very happy.

Zhang He didn't know why Ye Zhen asked this question.

"Our Taoist sect has hidden cultivation classics over the years."

"And there are some lost and unique copies, we have them there."

"And I heard my uncle say that we seem to still have the lost "Gui Zang Yi"."

"Gui Zang Yi"? Ye Zhen is curious, isn't this already lost?

This "Book of Changes" originally had three versions.

But what has been handed down now is only the "Book of Changes" with sixty-four hexagrams written by King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, which is also the "Book of Changes".

(End of this chapter)

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