Chapter 364 Catastrophe

The Buddhist sect where Fa Yuan was located also took a fancy to Ye Zhen.

Fa Yuan also followed his master Yuan Shen and came to find Ye Zhen.

However, unlike Taoist qigong masters, what they practice in Buddhism is the physical body.

Fa Yuan is the leader among Buddhist bodies today.

It is different from the Qi Refiner.

With the development of modern science, disciplines such as life sciences and nutrition have developed.

Now we have a clearer understanding of the human body.

Just like today's sports, in fact, the competition is just science.

Who can exercise and learn in a more scientific way.

Who can go further.

Therefore, Fayuan's Buddhism has not become desolate with the advent of the Age of Ending Dharma.

Instead, we reaped some of the dividends of the times.

Now Fa Yuan's body seems to have expanded in a circle.

The strong muscles clearly show off the strength.

Ye Zhen did not expect that both the Taoist sect and the Buddhist sect wanted to use strong methods to make him surrender.

Fa Yuan looked like he was sure of winning, and reached out his hand to grab Ye Zhen's shoulders.

"Ye Donor."

"There is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is only one shore when we turn back."

This was the first time that Ye Zhen saw someone actually trying to use brute force to make him surrender.

According to Ye Zhen's estimation, the monk's physical strength.

It should be on par with The Walking Dead.

In the world of ordinary people, it can be considered as rampant.

Just like in qigong, there is also a saying of hard qigong.

We usually see other people busking on the roadside.

There's a big stone on the chest, a red tassel on the throat, and so on.

There are also impact spins using the belly and stopping high-speed rotation.

In fact, these are all categories of hard qigong.

This hard qigong is similar to martial arts.

Like the golden bell cover, iron cloth shirt, golden bell thirteen Taibao and so on.

In fact, they are essentially the same.

There are also people with special abilities who have iron skin and are invulnerable.

These things all exist in the real world and are not uncommon for everyone.

Ye Zhen gently held Fa Yuan's generous hand.

Fa Yuan was confused, "Donor Ye? What do you want to do?"

"You don't want to compete with the poor monk, right?"

Fa Yuan smiled, he was cultivating the Vajra Body.

After cultivating to a high and deep level, the diamond is indestructible and impervious to all evil.

"Just give you a little lesson." Fa Yuan wanted to give Ye Zhen some color.

After all, some people can't see the coffin without shedding tears.

But Fa Yuan suddenly felt something was wrong.

Because Ye Zhen's hands were like iron pliers, tightly grasping his own hand.

It was the first time that Fa Yuan felt such strange power.

"How is that possible?" Fa Yuan thought he had seen a ghost.

Then the veins on Fa Yuan's forehead swelled and all the muscles in his body tightened at the same time.

But Ye Zhen's hand holding Fa Yuan's hand remained motionless.

Ye Zhen yawned, "Now that it's here, let's make peace with it."

Fa Yuan still didn't understand why Ye Zhen suddenly uttered ancient words.

The next second, Fa Yuan was pressed to the ground by Ye Zhen with one hand.

Fayuan's face came into close contact with the ground.

Fa Yuan didn't even have time to react before he fell to the ground.

"This is impossible." Fa Yuan was thinking, "Is he really a human being?"

Even his master, Master Yuanshen, does not have such terrifying power.

There was no skill involved, it was pure strength that suppressed him.

"What did you just say?" Ye Zhen pressed Fa Yuan's head with one hand.

For the first time, Fa Yuan felt that death was so close to him.

Even the running lights of life have appeared in his mind.

But Ye Zhen let go.

Fa Yuan felt that the terrifying pressure and power receded like a tide.

But Fa Yuan was already lying on the ground motionless.

Fa Yuan's back was already soaked.

Did he just want to force Ye Zhen to surrender?

Is he crazy?

Fa Yuan was like a frightened bird at this time.

"Get up." Ye Zhen stood up, "Stop pretending to be dead."

"If you lie down any longer, I will let you lie on the ground forever."

"I didn't expect Lord Ye's power to be so extraordinary." Fa Yuan immediately stood up like a carp at this time.

"Hahaha." Fa Yuan touched his bald head, "Donor Ye, we don't know each other if we don't fight."

"Please forgive me if I offended you just now." Fa Yuan apologized to Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen didn't appreciate it at all.

"Is your Buddhism going to be over too?" After Ye Zhen said these words.

Fa Yuan was extremely shocked. How did he know?

Is he really the incarnation of the future Buddha?

Although Fa Yuan tried his best to hide his expression.

But Ye Zhen, who was observant, caught it immediately.

"Is it no longer possible to pass it on?" Ye Zhen said again immediately.

Just like this organization.

In this Dharma-ending era, it is already in danger.

It has already existed in name only, and many things can no longer be passed down.

The most critical power of being tired of winning can no longer be cultivated.

But the Taoist sect is better, because they still have at least half a step of foundation building.

Some disciples can still feel the energy and can get started.

The situation of Buddhism is a little better, because they cultivate the physical body.

The strength of Fa Yuan is much higher than that of Zhang He.

Fayuan pondered for a while, put his hands together and said, "Amitabha."

"I beg Donor Ye to help our Buddhist sect."

What is the situation in Buddhism?

Why are they all going to cultivate their physical bodies now?

For this reason, a branch of Buddhism is the Shaolin Temple as we know it.

Now it has begun to be commercialized. "Actually, you have to cultivate your physical body, right." Ye Zhen actually immediately pointed out the embarrassing situation in their Buddhist sect.

Because the founder of Buddhism is Sakyamuni.

He attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree and became the Enlightened One, also known as the Buddha.

In fact, they are taking the path of spiritual power.

But I don’t know when they started to take pride in burning relics.

It is believed that as long as the relics are burned, the merits will be complete.

In fact, this was a crooked path, and it eventually developed into the path they are now on to cultivate the physical body.

Gone forever.

Because people nowadays are too impetuous.

They can't calm down.

At the same time, it is also because in the Age of Dharma Ending, it is difficult for people without wisdom roots to open their eyes of wisdom.

In fact, this is the pineal gland and the heavenly eye in Taoism.

Just like Taoism, so is Buddhism.

They had no way to open the pineal gland, so Buddhists found another way.

Going to cultivate the physical body is a last resort.

If it's just to keep fit, of course there's no problem.

The problem is that now, some indescribable changes have occurred in their mental aspects.

This is the most terrible thing.

This is why the realm of the health keeper requires both the physical body and the mind to reach a state of perfection.

"The great calamity is coming." Fa Yuan and Ye Zhen said, "This is a prophecy passed down by our Buddhist sect."

"Only the future Buddha can save our Buddhist sect."

In fact, Fa Yuan did not think that Ye Zhen was the future Buddha predicted in Buddhist scriptures.

But Fa Yuan now sees that Ye Zhen's physical strength is so exaggerated.

It was something he had never heard of.

"You want to say that I am the future Buddha you are looking for?" Ye Zhen didn't believe that he was some kind of future Buddha.

"The poor monk doesn't know either." Fa Yuan said truthfully, "It's just that we Buddhists feel that you, Almsgiver Ye, have the root of supreme wisdom."

"It would be a shame not to join our Buddhist sect."

Fa Yuan was very curious about how Ye Zhen cultivated his physical body to such an extent.

Of course Ye Zhen would not listen to Fa Yuan's words.

Asking him to shave his head and become a monk was a no-brainer.

"You should give up this idea." Ye Zhen smiled and said: "It is impossible for me to join your Buddhist sect."

"But if you want to cooperate with me, you can."

Because Ye Zhen also focused on some ancient books in their Buddhism.

Fa Yuan heard what Ye Zhen said, "Then, is Donor Ye willing to go back to the temple with me?"

If Fa Yuan can successfully bring Ye Zhen back, it will be a great achievement.

Ye Zhen shook his head, "There will be a chance, but now is not the time."

After saying that, Ye Zhen left.

Fa Yuan did not continue to stop Ye Zhen, and he did not have such ability.

Looking at Ye Zhen's distant figure, Fa Yuan found that his underwear was wet.

One can imagine how great the pressure was just now.

Ye Zhen returned to his staff dormitory.

According to Director Huang, Ye Zhen can move into a new house tomorrow.

This new house was deliberately bought to Ye Zhen by Yangcheng TV Station.

After returning to the rental house, Tu Shan stared at Ye Zhen.

"Aren't you having a rest today?" Tu Shan approached Ye Zhen directly, sniffing at Ye Zhen like a puppy.

"Pack your things, we will move tomorrow." Ye Zhen's words made Tushan unable to react.

"Moving? Where to move?" Tushan suddenly thought of countless possibilities in his mind.

He's moving, he's leaving me.

Ye Zhen doesn’t want me anymore, and from now on I will be a lonely and pitiful wandering fox.

Tushan immediately hugged Ye Zhen's thigh, "Oh, oh, oh, don't drive me away."

"What else are you dissatisfied with? Let me change it. Can't I change it?"

"You're overthinking it. You're just changing a place to live." Ye Zhen grabbed the collar of Tu Shan's back.

Lifted Tushan up.

For Ye Zhen now, it is as simple as catching a chicken.

"The TV station arranged a new place for me." Ye Zhen took Tu Shan away from his feet.

"Ah?" Tu Shan didn't expect that it was just a matter of moving.

"Then I have to pack my things now." Tushan immediately changed his smile, "I know you won't abandon me."

Tushan quickly started packing his things.

But for Ye Zhen, there is really nothing to deal with.

It's not like when others move, they all have big and small bags.

Ye Zhen only has a computer and a few sets of clothes at most.

Some of the rest of the stuff is originally here.

"No need to pack." Ye Zhen saw that Tu Shan was really packing his luggage, "Just go to the new residence tomorrow and buy new ones."

"No, you bought these things for me." Tushan put away some old clothes as if he were treasured.

Ye Zhen stopped persuading, "It's up to you."

Soon the next day came.

Ye Zhen has been living in a rental house in a village in the city since her internship.

Now moved to a new place.

Ye Zhen took a taxi directly there according to the new address given by Director Huang.

But Ye Zhen came to a villa area.

Tu Shan looked at the three-story villa and asked, "Is this your new home?"

Tushan's eyes lit up.

Because Ye Zhen originally lived in a single room.

There is only one living room, one bathroom and one room.

Tu Shan sleeps on the sofa all year round.

Now seeing that Ye Zhen actually moved to a big villa, Tu Shan can finally have his own room.

Ye Zhen called Director Huang to confirm.

"Director Huang, is the address you gave me correct?"

"A big villa specially prepared for me?"

"Okay, I understand." In fact, Ye Zhen really didn't mean anything.

Wherever you live, you live.

When sleeping, it's just a small place to sleep.

Unless you are Yao Ming, then your bed may be larger.

(End of this chapter)

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