Chapter 365 Ancient Forbidden Civilization

Although Ye Zhen's show has been broadcast for several days.

But in the past few days, Ye Zhen's popularity has not diminished.

Everyone is curious about when Ye Zhen's next show will start.

Because Ye Zhen's program is relatively famous in Asia now.

When have Asian audiences seen such a program?

Usually it’s not some singing and dancing, or some bloody TV series.

They are all a little tired of aesthetics now.

So the appearance of Ye Zhen's show was like a breath of fresh air.

Not only did it open their eyes, but they also learned more about the world.

Everyone on the Internet is speculating about what Ye Zhen will say in the next episode.

"Ah! I would have died without Teacher Ye Zhen's "Into Popular Science"."

"Teacher Ye, I have been resting for several days, it's time to do the show!"

"I have found out where Teacher Ye lives. Brothers, I'm going to stop Teacher Ye."

Ye Zhen is now on fire, and some information about his residence has been exposed.

In particular, there are some horrific illegitimate meals.

Although Ye Zhen is not a young star or anything like that.

But I can't help but some fans are very crazy.

The Yangcheng TV station has also considered it and has long wanted to change Ye Zhen's place of residence.

But every time I want to give Ye Zhen a new place that can match Ye Zhen's identity.

However, Ye Zhen has repeatedly reached new heights, and the house that was originally prepared is no longer suitable for Ye Zhen.

This happens almost every time, when I want Ye Zhen to live in a new place.

Ye Zhen's program once again set a new record on the TV station.

Director Huang was simply cruel and tried to make Ye Zhen happy.

Go directly to a large single-family villa, which is a treatment he would not have even as a station director.

But Ye is really worth it.

This is just a villa.

If Ye Zhen goes out, he can buy it in minutes.

Now that Ye Zhen has moved to a new place, it can be regarded as protecting Ye Zhen's information.

CCTV and the others also saw Ye Zhen's strength and potential.

When Ye Zhen found them before, he said that he wanted to broadcast it on an international channel.

Although CCTV has always had international channels.

However, the ratings are pitifully low, and it can be said that it is a place that only makes up for the numbers.

The CCTV staff didn't understand why Ye Zhen did this at first.

Because this international channel can be said to be very useless.

But Ye Zhen is indeed Ye Zhen, he can do things that ordinary people cannot do.

The CCTV staff were also shocked. Ye Zhen's program actually reached the top fifteen ratings in Asia for the first time.

This is a very ideal result.

The desire to break out of Asia is no longer a dream.

To this end, CCTV has also made heavy investments and increased capital investment.

The trailer for the next program will soon be filmed.

Everyone soon saw the preview of the latest program on TV.

I only saw it in an ancient city-state.

Many ancient murals were revealed.

And in the murals and some stone slabs, there are some very ancient texts.

This is a text that no one has ever seen before.

There is also a broken stone tablet.

The stone tablet is full of unknown words.

Only an old voice was heard in the background.

The four ancient civilizations are known as the four oldest civilizations.

China, ancient India, ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon.

But this civilization is said to be the oldest human civilization.

This is an ancient civilization that has never been recorded in history.

It is also known as a taboo civilization.

Because the existence of this civilization has completely subverted our current human history.

Is this civilization a legend, or did it actually exist?

Humanity's oldest civilization.

After the trailer was played, everyone started to get excited.

"Has Teacher Ye's program finally started again?"

"But isn't this the oldest civilization called ancient Egypt?"

"Why have I never seen this civilization before?"

"This text looks so strange."

After the trailer was released, many people on the Internet immediately began to analyze it.

Everyone is wondering, does such an ancient civilization still exist on this blue star?

How come they've never heard of it before?

Some archaeologists and historians saw this warning.

He immediately seemed to be going crazy.

"How dare he mention this civilization."

"This is a taboo civilization. It is recognized that it cannot be said publicly."

"Didn't Ye Zhen's teacher teach him?"

"This is the default rule in the industry."

Just like some industries have some default rules.

Although it is not written in black and white.

But everyone has the acquiescence in their hearts.

Because that's what everyone has always done.

Some historians think Ye is really crazy.

Even if you want traffic but can’t make a show, you don’t have to do this, right?

"Does the state not care about it?"

"Do you really want him to get involved with that ancient forbidden civilization?"

Immediately after the trailer is played.

Many experts and professors in the archaeological and historical circles have begun to jointly boycott Ye Zhen.

Want to stop Ye Zhen from talking about the next episode.

This matter became such a big deal that even ordinary people knew about it.

But some scientists don't understand.

"This is just an ancient civilization, there's nothing we can't say about it."

"That's right. Are there all aliens here?"

"But this ancient civilization is indeed very strange. I have never heard of it before."

"There are so many things you don't know, and every line is like a mountain."

The School of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was originally looking forward to Ye Zhen's arrival.

Because they think that as long as the Chinese Academy of Sciences takes action, it will definitely not miss.

But unexpectedly, Ye Zhen refused. You must know that entering the Chinese Academy of Sciences is what many people dream of.

Now that such a good opportunity was placed in front of Ye Zhen, he didn't even know how to cherish it.

However, these researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have never heard of this ancient civilization.

"This text looks so strange."

"A civilization that has never been seen before."

"I'm already looking forward to it a little bit."

Professor Yan Xin was very drunk that day, which was rare.

Now I see that Ye Zhen actually wants to talk about such an ancient civilization that has caused public outrage.

"What is going on with this ancient civilization?" Professor Yan Xin didn't understand. "Why do so many people resist it?"

But the answer won’t be known until the day it airs.

Now the victory-weary army is already a bit defeated.

Because they want to regain the power of victory.

Most of the old members of Yanshengli have gone to Southeast Asia.

Professor Zhou also saw the latest trailer of Ye Zhen’s show.

"Old Wu, what do you think?" Professor Zhou's eyes were reserved, "This is a topic that cannot be touched."

As a retired archaeologist, Lao Wu certainly knew the civilization in Ye Zhen's notice.

What kind of civilization is it?

"This civilization is not even recorded in textbooks."

"This official record cannot be found in official history and information."

"This is something that everyone understands."

"Now Mr. Ye actually put it on the table and said it."

Si Xiaoping didn't know what kind of riddle Professor Zhou and Lao Wu were playing.

"Is there really a civilization in this world that is older than the four ancient civilizations?"

In the 749 game in Yangcheng, Ning Xiu came back from the last time he went to the headquarters with Ye Zhen.

Song Xuan, Bin Zhou and Lao Chen discovered that Ning Xiu was working harder and harder.

It's not that Ning Xiu didn't work hard before.

But now Ning Xiu has become a workaholic, as if possessed by a demon.

In fact, it was Ye Zhen's level that stimulated Ning Xiu.

Ye Zhen is now a first-level investigator, which is a very rare status.

It shows that Ye Zhen has participated in and dealt with first-level abnormal events.

And have the ability to lead and handle first-level abnormal events.

And Ning Xiu herself is just a third-level investigator.

Why did the Nian Beast need the support of the General Administration before it appeared?

Because this is no longer a situation that Ning Xiu and the others can handle.

What Ning Xiu was thinking was that he had to become a second-level investigator within this year.

This way, Ye Zhen won't be pulled too far away.

"Team Ning, there's a new trailer for Consultant Ye's show." Song Xuan came over to remind Ning Xiu.

Usually Ning Xiu is the first to know.

Now Ning Xiu relies on Song Xuan to come and inform her.

"Ah?" Ning Xiu was also too obsessed with work.

So everyone has forgotten about the new trailer of Ye Zhen’s show.

Only then did Ning Xiu take out her phone and look at Ye Zhen's new trailer.

After reading it, Ning Xiu's eyes widened.

"Consultant Ye, what do you want to do?" Ning Xiu found that Ye Zhen was becoming more and more bold and wanton.

However, the fact that this trailer can be broadcast shows that it has been affirmed by the above.

Ning Xiu felt that the world was really starting to change.

It's getting more and more turbulent.

"Did the higher-ups actually let this go?" Ning Xiu looked at the stone tablet in the trailer.

Song Xuan was curious why Ning Xiu had such a huge reaction.

"Captain Ning, which civilization is this?" Song Xuan was like most ordinary people.

Watching the trailer also made me confused.

I have no idea which is the oldest civilization of mankind mentioned in this trailer.

Many people even looked for it on the Internet, but there was no trace of this ancient civilization.

Everyone was curious. This civilization seemed to pop up suddenly.

How could such a thing happen?

Domestic audiences are eagerly looking forward to it.

The same goes for foreign fan audiences.

"Has Ye's program been updated again?"

"No, it's just a preview."

"A preview is better than no warning. Let me see what it is."

"My God, what kind of civilization is this?"

After some anthropologists in Japan saw Ye Zhen's notice.

They were all shocked immediately.

"How dare this person, doesn't he know that this civilization is impossible to say?!"

"This Easterner is really too bold!"

"Who on earth dares to disregard the rules so blatantly?"

Apparently the same is true abroad.

After some people in the industry saw Ye Zhen's show trailer, they felt that Ye Zhen was crazy.

The Chinese officials were also crazy and actually allowed Ye Zhen to do this.

In their eyes, what did Ye Zhen do?

They are a group of magicians, and Ye Zhen is now revealing all their magic secrets.

Reveal all secrets to the public without reservation.

Think about it, is it possible for something like this to happen in the magic world?

What would be the consequences if the magician did this?

But in the Western world, some experts, scholars and professors are very happy to see such a scene.

"Hahaha, this Easterner is really stupid."

"They made an agreement with us at the beginning not to talk about this taboo ancient civilization."

"Now it's them who broke the agreement, and we can't blame them."

Now the Western world also knows about Ye Zhen's program.

They all want to see a good show.

Unknowingly, Ye Zhen's fame actually began to spread around the world.

Some Western scholars want to know.

Who is the brave person who dares to publicly mention this sealed and forbidden civilization?

Then they discovered some of Ye Zhen's past programs and videos.

Ye Zhen's show shocked the entire Western world.

Is there such a genius in the world?

(End of this chapter)

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