Chapter 366 Above the Four Ancient Civilizations

In their eyes, some of Ye Zhen's previous programs gave them different inspirations.

At first they thought Ye Zhen was just a clown.

But after seeing some of Ye Zhen’s previous program videos.

They realize they are the clowns.

“This is a jack-of-all-trades akin to Leonardo da Vinci.”

"He is a rare all-rounder in the world. I don't know how long I haven't seen such a person."

"Now I think his latest show is more interesting."

Now Ye Zhen's show is attracting much attention.

In the Eastern and Western worlds, everyone is looking forward to Ye Zhen's program.

Chen Guofu knew about this, although he didn't know much about this ancient civilization.

After all, this is not his area of ​​expertise.

But since the preview of Ye Zhen's show came out.

The world outside is turbulent.

"Producer Chen." Chen Guofu found Producer Chen early, "There is no problem with this program."

"According to my understanding, people at home and abroad are now paying attention to Teacher Ye Zhen's program."

Producer Chen smiled and said: "Isn't this great? Let our program go straight out of Asia."

Chen Guofu certainly knows that the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish.

However, risks and opportunities coexist.

"But this is very abnormal." Chen Guofu knew that some people in the Western world were uneasy and well-intentioned.

Now Ye Zhen has been targeted by them.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of." Producer Chen is now familiar with Chen Guofu, "Director Chen, just be at ease."

"Even if the sky falls, Teacher Ye will hold on."

Of course Chen Guofu knew Ye Zhen's strength.

It started as a small local TV station and now ranks first in domestic ratings.

And at such a young age, it can be said that his future is limitless.

But Chen Guofu was afraid, and Ye Zhen died.

Chen Guofu has worked at CCTV for more than 20 years.

I don’t know how many people I have met, and I have seen many so-called geniuses.

In the end, because of pride and arrogance, I couldn't keep my true intentions after becoming popular.

Unable to resist the temptation, he even embarked on the path of breaking the law and committing crimes.

Ye Zhen is now being watched by domestic and foreign eyes.

This is no easy task.

At this moment, Ye Zhen arrived.

Because he moved to a new residence, Ye Zhen's commute to get off work is now farther than before.

However, Director Huang was very considerate and assigned Ye Zhen a car.

Director Huang had already thought of this.

It was impossible for Ye Zhen to squeeze into the subway and bus every day.

"Teacher Ye."

"Teacher Ye, are you here?"

"Teacher Ye! Good evening!"

Producer Chen saw Ye Zhen coming to the studio and said, "Big star, now he is soaring."

"They all live in villas and drive cars."

"It's a wonderful life."

"When are you going to help me?"

Producer Chen started as usual, the smile on his face makes you want to punch him twice.

But with Ye Zhen's current strength, if he really gave Producer Chen two punches.

I really don’t dare to think about that.

"Teacher Ye, is there no problem with this show?" Chen Guofu knew that even his leader was paying attention to this show.

Because this preview alone caused such a huge sensation at home and abroad.

This has never happened before.

But what Chen Guofu and the others didn't know was.

When some Western scholars and some high-level government officials saw Ye Zhen's program about the Fuso Sacred Tree and Jianmu.

They silently put Ye Zhen's name on a special list.

When Ye Zhen saw Chen Guofu, it was like seeing the original producer Chen.

Both of them were so nervous, but now Producer Chen's heart has been tempered.

Nothing surprised him anymore.

As for Ye Zhen? Producer Chen is the type of person who has 100% trust and unconditional trust.

On the show, Ye Zhen is the king here.

"Let's take a walk." Ye Zhen said this.

Chen Guofu was dumbfounded, "What does this mean?"

But Ye Zhen had already walked to the stage at this time, because the show was about to start.

The lights were shining on Ye Zhen as always, and Ye Zhen was the focus of the audience at this time.

The steward on the sidelines held out five fingers.

"Count down to five."

"five four three two one!"


The cameraman focused on Ye Zhen's location.

Ye Zhen looked at the camera with a relaxed expression, and he was already familiar with the road now.

"Good evening everyone, I am Ye Zhen, your host."

"Welcome everyone to watch tonight's "Into Popular Science"."

After Ye Zhen appeared on the TV screen.

The fans in front of the screen shouted.

"Teacher Ye, I love you!"

"Finally a new show to watch."

“I’ve already devoured Teacher Ye’s previous videos.”

"I want to see what kind of medicine is sold in Teacher Ye's gourd."

Xiao Ming no longer needs to be reminded by others.

Xiao Ming's parents no longer take care of Xiao Ming like before.

Because now Xiao Ming has developed the habit of completing his homework early.

Before, when Xiao Ming was watching TV, Xiao Ming's parents would still go and see if Xiao Ming had finished it with me.

Now Xiao Ming is completely allowed to go. Even if no one checks, Xiao Ming will finish it on time.

"Mom and Dad!" Xiao Ming shouted into the room: "Teacher Ye's show has started!"

They had gathered together some joint historians and archaeologists before.

Before, they jointly boycotted the continued broadcast of Ye Zhen's show.

And to report Ye Zhen’s program.

This matter was brought to the attention of the Radio, Film and Television Bureau, and someone came through his own connections.

I want to use the relationship with the Radio, Film and Television Bureau to remove Ye Zhen’s program from the shelves.

Originally, the expert who asked for favors was full of confidence.

"Don't worry, everyone, my second uncle works in the Radio, Film and Television Bureau and is a leader."

"I've already said hello to him."

"This Ye Zhen show will definitely not be broadcast."

"Please rest assured."

They gathered here just to see whether Ye Zhen's show would be broadcast tonight.

But Ye Zhen appeared on the screen on time.

"What's going on? Why is this Ye Zhen show still on the air?" an old historian yelled angrily.

"This kid actually dares to openly oppose the entire historical world."

"This is to destroy all of our jobs. This is to overthrow the history of our ancestors."

"He doesn't even know how difficult negotiations we went through back then for this matter."

"It's fine now. This villain named Ye Zhen has exposed everything to the world!"

These historians and archaeologists are the most conservative, old-fashioned and old-fashioned.

Now they are fighting against Ye Zhen on the screen.

There are only a few people left in Yansheng, and Professor Zhou is the talker of Yansheng.

There are no gatherings anymore.

Because not many people came at all.

Now only the three of them can gather by themselves.

Professor Zhou saw Ye Zhen often appearing on the TV, "Teacher Ye is fine."

"I feel relieved now."

Because before this, there were many people in the academic field who wanted to get Ye Zhen.

You can't imagine how dirty some people's methods are.

However, Lao Wu was not as optimistic as Professor Zhou, "Even if nothing happens now, something will happen in the future."

"To touch that forbidden civilization, and to do so openly, is a grave sin."

As usual, Professor Yan Xin summoned his researchers to watch Ye Zhen's program together.

Previously, researchers heard from Professor Yan Xin that he watched Ye Zhen’s program to find inspiration for experiments.

They all thought Professor Yan Xin was joking.

But after watching it themselves, they found that Ye Zhen's program indeed brought them new ideas.

Professor Yan Xin has prepared many beers.

This is something they must have every time they watch the show.

"Mr. Ye, let me see what surprises you have for me?" Professor Yan Xin found that Ye Zhen was like a treasure.

Every time you think Ye Zhen is dead, Ye Zhen will always bring you some surprises.

This is not an easy thing to attract attention from people at home and abroad.

In the 749 game in Yangcheng, Ning Xiu finally put down what he was doing.

Ning Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, after all, Ye Zhen still had to watch the show.

Song Xuan also prepared snacks, "Captain Ning, I thought you wouldn't watch this week."

Ning Xiu glanced at Song Xuan, "Xiao Song, where are the cucumber-flavored potato chips I want?"

Song Xuan took out cucumber-flavored potato chips from the bag.

Except for the 749 games in Yangcheng.

The eight general bureaus of China 749 all sent people to observe Ye Zhen's program.

"Has it finally begun?"

"The boss asked us to look at Ye Zhen, why exactly?"

"It's just an ordinary program. Is there anything worthy of attention?"

The camera returns to Ye Zhen.

"Everyone knows about the four ancient civilizations." Ye Zhen asked a question.

In fact, any elementary school student can answer this question.

Ye Zhen wrote the names of four ancient civilizations on the small whiteboard behind him.

China, ancient Egypt, ancient India and ancient Babylon.

"This is knowledge that all elementary school students know."

"But have you noticed why our country is the only country that doesn't use ancient characters?"

"And the other three ancient civilizations all have the word "古" in front of them."

In fact, many people don’t know this.

If you talk about the four major ancient civilizations, there are China, Egypt, India and Babylon.

Strictly speaking, this statement is wrong.

"Because ancient Egypt and current Egypt are completely two countries."

“The same goes for ancient India and India.”

"Because their civilization has been cut off, an ancient word must be added to distinguish them."

"In ancient Babylon, it was even more miserable. Even the place names are not preserved now."

"Only our country, China."

"It is the only ancient civilization that does not need to be named ancient."

"It is also the only country in the history of the world that has been passed down to this day."

There is often a saying in the West that China is actually a civilization disguised as a country.

Some foreign viewers have no such concept.

Now after what Ye Zhen said, they knew how awesome Huaxia was.

"So it turns out that China is so awesome?"

"China has been ranked number one in the world for a long time."

"Compared with China, the United States is like an upstart."

Obviously everyone knows about Dongfa World, an ancient and mysterious country.

"But this is not the point." Ye Zhen continued: "Before these four recognized ancient civilizations."

"Has there ever been an older civilization?"

(End of this chapter)

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