Chapter 369 Lifespan is greatly reduced

“Are there many people saying that this can’t be fake?

The above records are all false and fabricated. "

Ye Zhen's words indeed hit what many people were thinking.

Because after the excavation, many of the original historians and archaeologists were like this.

If admitted to be true.

It shows that this super ancient civilization exists, which is completely contrary to current science.

And the history of 24 years shows that human beings are not the first generation of civilization.

If this is the case, the Sumerian civilization can indeed be said to be the earliest and oldest civilization of mankind.

“But this Sumerian king list is divided into upper and lower parts.

Why do I have to single out these eight kings to talk about?

Because these eight kings are indeed very strange and have reigned for a very long time.

But after these eight kings, something happened.

This incident affected the entire world.

And after this incident, the lifespan of the kings on the Sumerian king list began to decline sharply.

The ones that followed were only in office for a few hundred years at most.

The longest one is the first after the eight kings.

His name was Jushur, and he reigned for 1200 years.

Every king after him slowly began to have his lifespan diminished.

What big event happened? "

Ye Zhen's eyes and tone were particularly low, "Big flood."

Just three simple words made all the viewers watching the show feel their hair standing on end.

Some viewers' heads were buzzing.

"Great flood, actually a great flood?"

"I thought something happened to Jedi Tiantong, which caused the life span of the people behind to be shortened."

"But why do I feel that this huge flood is so reasonable?"

"I thought it was an alien invasion!"

When everyone heard about the big flood, they were very surprised, but it was reasonable.

However, some historians and archaeologists do not admit this flood.

"A global flood? What a joke."

"This sounds like a myth. How could there be such a flood?"

"I just said it's fake! It's fake!"

Although there are records of world floods around the world.

And there are various myths and legends.

However, there is no evidence in history and archeology.

This was preceded by a great flood that swept through global civilization.

Seeing this, Isis and Tom, who were far away in the United States, took a deep breath.

"The Great Flood? The Great Flood in the Bible?" Tom thought of the great flood that happened in the Bible.

God destroyed the world and launched a great flood.

Before this, human lifespan was also very long, far from the short lifespan it is now.

But after the great flood, human life span dropped rapidly.

Isn’t this what is recorded in the Sumerian King List?

Isis also didn’t expect, “Is it actually a big flood?”

Now both of them are also fans of Ye Zhen.

Ever since they watched Ye Zhen's show, the two of them couldn't help themselves.

Now they are not the only ones watching Ye Zhen's show.

Within the scope of the university, other people began to pay attention to Ye Zhen.

Some scholars and experts in the United States heard what Ye Zhen said.

"A great flood? This is indeed something recorded all over the world."

"In ancient times, all kinds of transportation were extremely inconvenient."

"It is also difficult for civilizations to communicate with each other, but that's the case. There are records of great floods all over the world."

"But so far, we don't have any conclusive evidence to prove it."

After Professor Yan Xin heard the word "Great Flood", he felt as if he had touched something key.

"The great flood, the great flood that washed away the world."

"After the flood, everyone's lifespan decreased."

But even if it is reduced, the Sumerian kings after these eight ancient kings are still very long-lived.

Each is hundreds, even thousands, of years old.

You must know that the longest dynasty in our country was only eight hundred years.

They have been kings for thousands of years.

Although the lifespan is only tens of thousands of years compared to the previous eight ancient kings, there is a huge gap.

But these hundreds of years of life are still not something humans can have.

Professor Zhou has always supported the great flood theory.

"There are similar records among different civilizations and cultures in the world."

"It shows that this great flood really happened."

Old Wu said: "Does our country's Dayu control floods?"

"This is what makes our country different from other civilizations."

All over the world, when encountering a major flood, it is a matter of resignation.

Go straight to flee and hide.

The only thing in the world that is different is our country.

Si Xiaoping said: "It is directly fighting against the sky and changing one's fate against the sky."

This is where our country’s ideology is completely different from that of foreign countries.

What Ning Xiu was thinking about was the spiritual energy that began to weaken after the Jedi Heavenly Power.

"So is it true that our human lifespan has begun to decrease?"

What Song Xuan thought of was, "This seawater can dissolve a large amount of oxygen."

"Could it be that the flood absorbed all the oxygen?"

I have to say that Song Xuan's imagination is very good.

In fact, she is not the only one who thinks this way.

The ocean can indeed dissolve a large amount of oxygen.

Otherwise, how can fish breathe in water?

Because there is oxygen in the ocean too!

And what is the composition of water? Dihydrogen monoxide!

It is not impossible to electrolyze seawater to produce oxygen.

So some people say that the oxygen content in seawater is more than that in air! However, Xiao Yan and others from the 749 Guangdong East General Bureau have a different view.

Xiao Yan admired Ye Zhen's breadth of knowledge, "Why does he seem to know everything?"

Nalan Cuihua replied: "Even in our bureau, this Consultant Ye is incredible." "

"No wonder both departments are competing for Consultant Ye."

Yang He still didn't speak, just looking at Ye Zhen on the screen with one eye.

Here, Xiao Yan had contact with Ye Zhen.

When Ye Zhen came here not long ago, it was Xiao Yan who received him.

How does Xiao Yan feel about Ye Zhen?

Beneath the calm expression is a sharp edge.

Xiao Yan could feel the momentum on Ye Zhen's body.

Even with the boss Lin Dong, Xiao Yan has never felt this.

This also confirmed to Xiao Yan that Ye Zhen was definitely an awakened person.

Those are those people with special abilities, qigong masters, superpowers, supernatural beings or psychics.

Or talk about magicians, druids and the like in the Western world.

Yang He also had contact with Ye Zhen.

At that time Yang He was the one who led the team to deal with the Nian Beast.

But even Yang He is one of the most powerful people in this game.

He almost failed at the hands of the Nian Beast, if it weren't for Ye Zhen.

Yang He probably confessed there at that time.

At that time, Ye Zhen already amazed Yang He.

Solving the first-level abnormal incident by himself is something that even Yang He can hardly do.

But then Yang He didn't have much contact with Ye Zhen.

But Yang He has been silently paying attention to Ye Zhen.

Because Yang He knew that Ye Zhen had a characteristic that would one day shock the whole world.

But Yang He didn't expect that this would happen so quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Zhen was already a first-level investigator.

When Yang He knew about this, even he, who was usually stoic, said nothing.

I couldn't help but say "F*ck!"

Before Ye Zhen, the youngest first-level investigator in the bureau was Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan is already recognized as a genius in the 749th game, a rare talent in a century.

Therefore, when Xiao Yan appeared, the eight major 749 games were all competing for Xiao Yan.

But in the end, because Xiao Yan was from eastern Guangdong, he joined them.

Lin Dong also trained Xiao Yan as his successor.

But something even more outrageous happened.

Ye Zhen is only 24 years old and is already a first-level investigator.

Why was Ye Zhen suddenly rated as a first-level investigator?

Because Ning Xiu recorded what happened to Ye Zhen on the Spoke Island in Bai Ze's system.

Ye Zhen relied on one person's power to defeat the legendary beast.

Yamata no Orochi is the legendary Xiangliu.

And it was in a foreign country without any support.

This is simply an impossible task.

When they found out about this, they were all shocked!

Even if the entire East China Bureau 749 is dispatched, it is still unknown whether the Yamata no Orochi can be solved.

But Ye Zhen did it on his own.

In the end, the overseas personnel of Bureau 749 in Japan only found out after investigation.

This thing is indeed true, it is not made up by Ye Zhen.

So why Ye Zhen was able to become a first-level investigator was not through the back door.

No wonder they have been so active in wooing Ye Zhen.

I only saw Ye Zhen continue to say.

“What happened after the great flood was also recorded in the Sumerian King List.

And the closer we get to our present time, the clearer and truer the king in this record becomes.

It corresponds one-to-one with the history we have now discovered through archaeology.

This is the most terrifying place here.

And this Sumerian king list is not one.

Instead, there are several of them, scattered in different places.

But the contents recorded on these stone tablets are all the same.

And when they recorded it, they recorded it as history.

Very serious and historical, not some myth.

And there are several civilizations that claim to be descendants of the Sumerian civilization.

He grafted his own civilization directly on the Sumerian king list.

And because of this Sumerian King List.

Some archaeological historical questions have also been resolved. "

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Is it more true the closer to modern history?

The audience cannot understand this phenomenon.

"Isn't this the same as "Historical Records"?"

""Historical Records" also starts recording from the Yellow Emperor. Are they the same?"

"By the way, this does feel very much like "Historical Records"."

The history of our country recorded in "Historical Records" also begins with the Yellow Emperor.

But did Huangdi really have such a person?

There are also different opinions in our country.

Generally speaking, everyone thinks that Huangdi did have such a person.

But whether it is the same as in myths and legends, everyone doesn’t know.

But Ye Zhen’s program proved it.

The Yellow Emperor not only existed, he was also the first person in history to become an immortal.

The same goes for the Sumerian King List.

The ones closer to the front are more outrageous and mysterious.

But the closer we get to modern times, the more real this becomes, and it directly corresponds to our current archeology.

This is why some people believe that the Sumerian King List is authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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