Chapter 370 Medical Treatment and Astronomy Beyond the Era

The audience also knows what this means.

The same was true for those historians back then.

First they excavated this Sumerian site in Mesopotamia.

But some things inside subverted their imagination.

those historians and archaeologists raged.

"Putting this myth and legend together with real history."

"It's like the Western world now treats the Bible as real history."

"I don't recognize this Sumerian king list."

Why they boycotted the Sumerian civilization and they didn’t want to mention it.

Because this involves an issue about the origin of human civilization.

In the later Sumerian civilization, they discovered something that was difficult to explain.

Scientists look at it from an objective perspective.

"This Sumerian King's Table looks as if it is real."

"After all, this is the historical record of their civilization."

"It's just that we don't recognize it."

"Like the previous "Classic of Mountains and Seas", isn't it also not recognized? But Ye Shen proved to the world that "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is not illusory."

Professor Yan Xin was also very curious, "Why were the records in the Sumerian King List so exaggerated at the beginning?"

"The records that are closer to modern times are more authentic, and the records are the same when excavated in several places."

But now their civilization seems to have dissipated.

Everyone has never heard of the name Sumerian civilization.

This once very glorious civilization had eight ancient kings who reigned for 24 years.

Professor Zhou remembered when he came into contact with this matter.

"It is because of the true records in the latter part that some scholars and experts believe that the Sumerian King List is authentic."

Lao Wu also knew that there was a lot of quarrel about this matter at that time, "because some people believed that the Sumerian King List was a true record."

"The things they record above are all true, not myths or anything like that."

"But another conservative historian and archaeologist thinks so."

"This Sumerian King's Table is a complete fake."

Si Xiaoping asked, "What's the end? Why was the Sumerian civilization hidden?"

Old Wu sighed and said: "Finally, it was discovered that the cultural relics excavated by the Sumerian civilization are older than ancient Egypt."

"In addition to this Sumerian king list, there are many cultural relics and records unearthed."

"In ancient Egypt, the title of the oldest civilization of mankind was given to the Sumerian civilization."

Ning Xiu and Song Xuan were eating snacks while watching Ye Zhen's show.

"This Sumerian civilization, even if we put aside its 24-year history."

"The rest of the time is real."

Song Xuan was surprised: "Has no one discovered it before?"

Ning Xiu shook his head, "Just like the Shang Dynasty and Oracle, they have always existed."

"We used to think it was from mythology."

"But it was only after the oracle bone inscriptions were discovered in the last century that the existence of the Shang Dynasty civilization was confirmed."

After discovering that the Shang Dynasty really existed.

There is also the legendary ancient Shu Kingdom, which has now been excavated with the Sanxingdui Civilization Site.

After Ye Zhen’s analysis, everyone knows that the ancient Shu Kingdom also existed.

What we want to trace now is the so-called Xia Dynasty.

No one knows whether the Xia Dynasty existed or not, and Dayu was not a real person.

This is debatable, although many people say that the Erlitou site belongs to the Xia Dynasty.

But this is just wishful thinking on the part of everyone.

Isis and Tom discovered that the Sumerian King's Table actually recorded real history.

"I thought this was just a myth and legend." Of course Isis understood the records of this ancient civilization.

Because she is Egyptian herself, but she just came to the United States to study.

As a Chinese who grew up in the United States, Tom said, "If this Sumerian civilization is really that powerful."

"Doesn't it mean that this civilization is the origin of all human civilizations?"

Just like there are now various theories about the origin of human civilization.

There are theories that various places originated independently, and there are also theories that use molecular biology to prove that humans originated in Africa.

There are also religious claims that God created human beings and so on.

Each of the different claims and schools of thought has its supporters.

Xiao Yan does not think this Sumerian king list is fake.

"Even our "Book of Mountains and Seas" was found to be true after Consultant Ye cracked it."

"This Sumerian civilization may be a prehistoric civilization."

Nalan Cuihua on the side said: "I don't even understand why the boss wants us to watch this show."

"Hasn't this matter of the Sumerian King List been studied a long time ago?"

Yang He remained silent, just watching the video seriously.

Foreign experts and scholars were the ones who excavated the ruins of the Sumerian civilization in the first place.

"Before, we all believed that the origin of Sumerian civilization was the origin of human civilization."

"Because the things excavated in this Sumerian ruins are too amazing."

"Now we can't believe that the Sumerian civilization almost seven thousand years ago was so advanced."

"This is the basis for civilization to come to the West."

Ye Zhen smiled, "Except for this Sumerian king list.

This Sumerian civilization has unearthed many surprising things.

Because before this Sumerian civilization, no one has found any traces of civilization.

It's like this civilization appeared suddenly.

According to the current development history and science of our mankind.

We started to develop slowly.

But this Sumerian civilization was different, as if it really fell from the sky.

Before the Sumerian civilization, there was nothing.

This is where it gets weird.

This Sumerian civilization seems to have no need to develop.

It has all kinds of very advanced things right after it was born.

Such as advanced calendars, science and technology, medical treatment and farming techniques.

According to archaeological excavations, they were the first civilization to cultivate and develop agriculture.

It is because of the birth of agriculture that we have our current human civilization. "

How important is agriculture to humans?

It can be said that without agriculture, we would not have all the civilization we have today.

Because if there was no agriculture, we might still be primitive people who drink blood from their hair.

Live a life of hunting and picking wild fruits.

Because those primitive humans spent all their time and energy just looking for food every day.

There is no thought to care about anything else. And over time, primitive humans needed to migrate everywhere.

In this way, we primitive humans have no fixed place to live.

City-states and the like simply cannot develop.

This agriculture is like the most important initial skill point in a civilization.

After ordering this agriculture, you can settle down.

And you can have enough food, and you don’t have to go through days when you haven’t eaten your last meal.

But so far, we don’t know how agriculture was born.

This Sumerian civilization was the earliest farming civilization.

“I have to mention the medical technology of Sumerian civilization here.

Because this Sumerian civilization recorded various exaggerated medical technologies.

For example, a stone tablet records that a person seems to have cataracts.

When the eyes are looking at something, there are shadows in the eyes.

However, the Sumerian civilization recorded at that time that they could use surgery to remove the haze in this man's eyes.

This is eye surgery.

In addition to eye surgery, there is also craniotomy.

This Sumerian civilization also has records of craniotomy.

And many skulls with holes pierced were excavated from their sites.

And their records of the Great Flood are also the earliest records in the world.

In addition to this medical treatment, their calendar is also very advanced.

Their knowledge of astronomy was very advanced.

It was directly ahead of its time.

Because they already knew the existence of the solar system back then.

Know the heliocentric theory and the eight planets in the solar system.

And the order is correct.

Know that Neptune exists.

You must know that we humans are only in the last century, after sending artificial satellites.

When I passed by Neptune, I realized what Neptune looked like.

But the Sumerian civilization more than 6000 years ago already knew this.

This Neptune is on our blue star and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

They also knew that Neptune was blue.

We didn't know the color of Neptune until 1989.

So how did the Sumerians know about it at that time? "

Skull with a hole in it? And such advanced medical technology.

This reminds people of the witch doctor Ye Zhen mentioned before.

It also has advanced medical technology.

The audience couldn't understand.

"Is this such an advanced treatment?"

"Is their craniotomy also intended to communicate with the gods?"

"No, can they actually treat cataracts? This is too exaggerated."

"Do you actually have astronomical knowledge that far exceeds ours?"

"how did you do that?"

Some historians and archaeologists don't want to admit this fact.

But this fact was right in front of them.

"This Sumerian civilization has very advanced civilization and technology."

"They already had things like bronze and wheels."

"And had a very developed knowledge of astronomy and mathematics."

"This is not something that can be made up."

Because there were some things that we didn’t know at that time.

Only when our civilization has developed to a certain extent.

Only then did I realize that others already knew these things.

The scientist also gasped.

"Have you actually known the eight planets in the solar system for a long time?"

"This is thousands of years ahead of us now."

"If it was already so developed back then, why does subsequent civilization seem to have regressed?"

"How do they know the color of Neptune? This is impossible."


Professor Yan Xin thought of a possibility.

"Unless they are a super ancient civilization and have already been developed enough."

"That's why they know this stuff."

"Is the 24-year history true?"

Professor Zhou, who is tired of winning, they have now been baptized by Ye Zhen's program.

Discover that the world is not as simple as they knew.

"A relic of a super-ancient civilization?" This is what Professor Zhou thought of.

"Only in this way can we explain why they have such advanced astronomical knowledge." Old Wu said in a low voice.

Si Xiaoping asked: "Does this civilization have no origin? Where did it come from?"

This is one of the problems.

The unexplainable question is where did this Sumerian civilization come from.

Ning Xiu knew it from the information in Bureau 749.

"These Sumerian civilizations call themselves black-headed people."

"In the end, it was destroyed by the Akkadian Empire, that is, those Semites."

"They destroyed the Sumerian civilization."

Song Xuan said: "With their Sumerian civilization so developed, don't they have powerful military power?"

Ning Xiu shook her head, "I don't know about that."

"And the name of the Sumerian civilization is not their original name."

"It's like being an Indian, and it's not the original name of the native people of the American continent."

Xiao Yan and Nalan Cuihua explained: "The Sumerian civilization was named after the Semitic people who destroyed them."

"We don't know yet whether this Sumerian civilization is called Sumer."

"But this Akkadian civilization claims to be the successor of the Sumerian civilization."

"But their language and writing are completely different."

"And compared to the Sumerian civilization, the Akkadian civilization is even more backward."

Nalan Cuihua asked: "Is civilization going backwards?"

“But doesn’t current science say that we are always striving to develop and advance?”

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes at Cuihua, "Didn't you listen to Consultant Ye's class last time he came to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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