Chapter 375: Just a branch of ancient Huaxia

Anyone who is a normal viewer will know this.

This Sumerian civilization is really very similar to Chinese civilization.

Inventing the earliest wheel, isn't this the same as Huang Di inventing the compass?

There are also various customs and descriptions that point the origin of China to the Sumerian civilization.

The black-headed people and Sumerian civilization were destroyed by Akkad.

Why was the Sumerian civilization so advanced that it was destroyed?

Because this Sumerian civilization seems to have inherited part of the super-ancient civilization.

But there is no truly complete technology tree.

As time goes by, they will not become more and more advanced, but will become more and more backward.

"Isn't this heroic king's pursuit of eternal life very similar to our ancient Chinese emperors?

But next I want to talk about this story about the King of Heroes.

It may give you a different perspective.

In the beginning, this hero king was a very cruel ruling king.

In the city of Uruk, it can be said that evil is done.

Why can he do this? Because he is a descendant of a god, there is no way to do this divine right to kingship.

This hero king can possess the entire city of Uruk and the first night rights of all girls.

This is the power of the king.

So the people prayed to the gods and asked them to take care of this heroic king.

Then the god created Enkidu, a being with horns.

According to legend, Enkidu is like a half-orc, and is good at using metal weapons.

Although the power is very powerful, there is no such thing as "humanity".

The god then sent the goddess Sahat to the forest.

To teach Enkidu what human nature is, and after seven days and seven nights of indescribable things.

Enkidu takes on his own humanity and becomes more human-like from then on.

But here's the strange thing.

Enkidu was originally described as an uncivilized savage.

The King of Heroes is originally very civilized.

Why can such a backward Enkidu influence and teach the King of Heroes?

This is not reasonable at all.

A backward half-orc teaching the King of Heroes to be more civilized?

Isn't it weird?

What if we put aside this symbolic meaning and look at it from another angle?

Everyone thought he had horns, claimed to be a black-headed man, and had mastered metal weapons.

A being with infinite strength and superior combat prowess.

What did everyone think of? "

A name came to everyone's mind.


Is this Enkidu Chi You?

"That's right, isn't this very similar to the Chi You I mentioned before?

And this goddess sent by the gods is actually very familiar to us.

What if I don’t say she’s a goddess, but a witch? What did everyone think of?

A witch doctor with biological black technology.

After seven days and seven nights of transformation, the witch doctor transformed Enkidu, Chi You, into an artificial intelligence.

What is this so-called "human nature"?

For the ancients at that time, this "human nature" was actually a very vivid description.

This is actually artificial intelligence!

Think about it, everyone, is true artificial intelligence actually just possessing "human nature"?

In this way, everything described in this story can be correct.

This goddess was sent by the gods to master such life technology.

There is only one Ninhur.

If Ninghur is Nuwa, Shen Ji is a witch.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Great Wilderness Western Classic" records: There are ten gods named Nuwa Zhichang.

Isn’t it all connected? "

So are the Chinese civilization and the Sumerian civilization actually have the same origin?

"But everyone has a wrong idea." Ye Zhen stretched out a finger.

"Do you think this Sumerian civilization is very similar to our Chinese civilization?

I feel that this Chinese civilization came from Sumer.

This is like saying that your grandson is like your grandpa.

Our Chinese civilization is the source of Sumerian civilization.

What is recorded on this clay tablet is only part of the "Book of Mountains and Seas".

Why is it so different from what we are talking about now?

Because this is just a matter of translation.

In our country, this name may be Xiao Ming, but in foreign countries, it may be Jerry.

The two names may seem completely unrelated, but in fact they refer to the same person.

This Sumerian civilization has no origin and is believed to have fallen from the sky.

They claim to be black-headed people from the east.

In addition to our Chinese civilization in the East? What other civilization is there?

And this black-headed man is clearly us Chinese.

Their civilization is nothing more than an inheritance from ours.

So they seem to have had a very highly developed civilization from the beginning.

It has a very mature writing system as well as farming and calendar.

Because it all comes from us.

Sumerian civilization is just a branch of ours.

It's just that they didn't learn everything, they just took part of it.

After the artificial intelligence Chi You was defeated, he fled directly to the west.

It brought civilization to Sumer, which is why they are as developed as they are today.

Everyone thought the artificial intelligence Chi You was dead.

But how could artificial intelligence die so easily?

It only takes one carrier to resurrect.

This is mechanical ascension, and your soul consciousness can be turned into data.

Preservation and transmission, this is the "human nature" in the hands of Shenji.

To put it bluntly, this is just a bunch of information and data. Finally, Chi You taught the hero king and brought them true civilization.

This is the truth. "

After hearing this, everyone felt that the whole world was suddenly different.

"This is too outrageous! Is this really the case?"

"No wonder they are so similar. It turns out that the Sumerian civilization is also a branch of ours."

"I asked why Enki looks so much like Ninghur. It turns out they are our Fuxi and Nuwa."

"It turns out they copied ours. I was scared to death."

At this point, some historians and archaeologists were dumbfounded.

Because Chinese civilization was very popular in the West before.

There is still a market to this day.

It is because of this that they boycotted the Sumerian civilization.

But now after Ye Zhen said this.

"So we are the ancestors of the Sumerian civilization?"

"This time I really turned against Tiangang."

"This is our Ye God, do you have such a Ye God!"

"I will fight with anyone who slanders Ye Shen from now on!"

Western scholars who wanted to watch the show at first were also stunned.

"Oh my God! This is impossible!"

"How could the Sumerian civilization be a branch of China!"

"It's unbelievable. In this way, we are just grandchildren!"

What the Sumerian civilization inherited was actually the era of myths and legends, that is, the civilization of ancient China.

And the Bible in the Western world is just copied from the Sumerian civilization.

So strictly speaking, they are just our grandchildren.

But some in the West are very happy.

"Huh? So we are descendants of the ancient Eastern civilization?"

"Does this mean we are also descendants of the dragon?"

"It's so funny. It turns out we are the clowns."

Isis and Tom both knew what to say now.

"It's not unreasonable that this Chinese civilization can be passed down to this day." This made Isis even more sure that Ye Zhen was the one who could help her.

As a banana man, Tom had no interest in his own blood.

In other words, he himself dislikes his own identity very much.

After all, here in the United States, yellow people have the lowest status and cannot blend into other people's circles at all.

But now Tom had a different idea.

"Is it true that my bloodline is so ancient?"

Professor Yan Xin laughed, "Hahaha, I knew it."

"Under the broken sky, is it the king's land? This turns out to be not nonsense."

Only Ye Zhen can interpret these contents from here.

And it can be connected.

Professor Zhou felt that he had witnessed history, "Sumerian civilization just inherited a branch of our ancient China."

Old Wu said: "This ancient China refers to the era of myths and legends, that is, the super ancient civilization."

Si Xiaoping knew that Ye Zhen had already proven it in previous programs.

The history of China is not just what we see.

"So the source of everything is from us?"

But Ning Xiu’s idea was, “Myths all over the world describe the same thing.”

“It turned out to be just a different perspective and cultural portrayal.”

Song Xuan thought, "There is a war between the gods of Sumer."

"Having penetrated the atmosphere and repairing it is the same as repairing the sky?"

This really ties everything together.

And this war may be one of those divine wars.

The description of the Great Flood also fits perfectly.

Xiao Yan and the others saw Ye Zhen finally showing his fox tail.

"Hahaha, now those Western scholars and professors are dumbfounded."

"They thought Ye Zhen wanted to prove that Chinese civilization originated from Sumer."

"Now it seems that the Sumerian civilization originated from China."

Nalan Cuihua also knows how important this is to a civilization.

Now Ye Zhen's program is broadcast internationally.

The intensity of this propaganda is spread all over the world.

"As expected, Consultant Ye has a lot of stuff." Nalan Cuihua knew about Bureau 656's efforts in recent years.

At this time Yang He finally spoke, "Consultant Ye is indeed a talent that both bureaus have taken a liking to."

All of this actually points to.

Chinese civilization and Sumerian civilization actually have the same origin.

“It’s just that our Chinese civilization did not originate from Sumer.

But this Sumerian civilization inherited part of us.

The era when Huang Di and his companions lived can be called ancient China.

How could this Yellow Emperor be a person from more than 4,000 years ago?

All this is just that they in the Western world want to disrupt the time and space coordinates.

As long as the time and place are different, the true history will be unknown.

Therefore, people think that Chinese civilization originated from Sumerian civilization. "

(End of this chapter)

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