Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 376 The dividing line between China and ancient China

Chapter 376 The dividing line between China and ancient China

After Ye Zhen finished speaking.

In fact, it's almost time.

Now everyone already knows what comes next.

That's right, it's a rare connection.

There are even guides on the Internet now.

How can I successfully connect with Ye Zhen?

Someone has analyzed that the probability of a successful phone connection with Ye Zhen is directly lower than that of the Mark Six Lottery.

However, there are still people who want to connect with Ye Zhen, and even just chatting is enough.

But this is undoubtedly a very difficult thing.

They thought that if they could connect with Ye Zhen, they would have great luck.

It's almost like all your wishes come true.

Because someone had asked Ye Zhen before how to extend his life.

Then everyone saw various slices and videos.

In the end, there was even more rumors, saying that the person who was connected could extend his life for decades because of this.

There are all kinds of outrageous claims.

Although Yangcheng TV station and some officials have refuted the rumors.

But these audiences still believe these things.

In addition, Ye Zhen usually does not appear on social media and programs at all.

It's different from some celebrities who want to significantly increase their exposure.

It is Ye Zhen's low-key and mysterious feeling.

Let Ye Zhen become more popular.

Ye Zhen smiled in front of the screen as always.

"The next step is our connection session."

"As long as you call the hotline at the bottom of the screen, you will have the opportunity to ask me questions."

In fact, Ye Zhen hasn't said anything yet.

Everyone has already called the Yangcheng TV station in advance.

After several call system crashes.

This Yangcheng TV station has asked someone from the Communications Bureau to come here to watch.

Want to upgrade or something.

But their communications bureau responded with one sentence.

"You thought it was just your communication system that collapsed?"

Because the communications department discovered that the source of this information congestion was Ye Zhen.

It was precisely because Ye Zhen turned on the phone connection at this moment.

That's why a large number of phone signals poured into Yangcheng at this moment.

And now it’s not just nationwide.

Even some foreign viewers knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So what if it’s an international long distance call?

It's just a little bit of money.

Some skilled viewers have already written the script.

"I can't even grab this spot without using a script."

"I have mobilized my whole family to call Teacher Ye."

"You must let me connect!"

They were all eager for a chance to ask Ye Zhen questions.

There are also people like bloggers and marketing accounts.

There are also Internet celebrities, and their companies also want to seize this opportunity.

Who is the most popular right now? That must be Ye Zhen.

Being able to get traffic from Ye Zhen is the most perfect.

They want to invite Ye Zhen to do variety shows and participate in various programs.

But Ye Zhen refused, there was nothing they could do if they wanted to gain traffic.

So this phone connection is the only channel and opportunity.

"Hurry up, you guys mobilize the whole company."

"We must make the connection successful no matter what."

"If you can't even connect on such a small phone call, just resign yourself."

It can be said that these Internet celebrity companies do everything they can.

A staff member came over and reported to Producer Chen and the two of them, "Producer Chen, Director Chen, our phone connection is not open yet."

"People from all over the country have started calling and rushing to our place."

Although Chen Guofu has seen how crazy these people are.

However, the enthusiasm of these audiences still exceeded Chen Guofu's expectations.

Producer Chen said to Chen Guofu from the side: "Director Chen, do you know how much the outside world is offering for this phone connection?"

Producer Chen said with a relaxed look: "Someone offered me up to 300 million just to be able to talk to Ye Zhen on the TV show and ask questions."

"Three million?" Although Chen Guofu is from CCTV National Geographic.

It can be considered that I have seen strong winds and waves.

But this still shocked him. This was just an opportunity to ask questions online.

Someone actually offered three million? It's just crazy.

But Chen Guofu was very curious, "Then did you agree?"

Because these programs are either talent shows, variety shows, or reality shows.

In fact, all of them have scripts, and even prices are clearly marked.

The price has been marked secretly.

But this is only part of it, just like a certain voice.

How many w can you get a mentor's turn, how much money can you get into the next round during the audition, etc.

Maybe in the beginning this show was really, really unscripted.

But in the following quarters, things have completely changed.

The entire process from auditions to final TV appearances is profitable.

Producer Chen shook his head and smiled: "Do you think this is some kind of talent show?"

"This is just a popular science program."

"Even if I want to make this amount of money, I am powerless."

"Why?" After Chen Guofu asked, he reacted instantly.

"Because there are too many people on the line, you can't guarantee who can call in directly?"

Producer Chen nodded and looked at Ye Zhen in the field, "Yes, so all this can only rely on luck."

But there are indeed lucky ones.

Soon Ye Zhen connected with the other party.

"Hello? Hello." Ye Zhen asked in a kind voice, "I am Ye Zhen."

"Member, can you hear me?"

Only a steady voice was heard on the other end of the phone.

"Is it Teacher Ye Zhen?" The other party seemed to be in disbelief.

"Yes, it's me." Ye Zhen replied.

There was obviously a feeling of disbelief in the other party's tone.

"Is it really my turn?"

"I am so lucky." The audience was extremely excited.

The audience who were still making calls looked disappointed.

"Why it's not me."

"He must be so lucky."

"It would be great if you could draw me."

I could only hear the very nervous look of the lucky spectator.

"Teacher Ye, I, I, I, I am very excited now."

"I'm almost speechless." Ye Zhen comforted, "Don't be anxious, take your time, calm down first."

"I don't know yet, what do you call me sir?"

Many people may think that this audience's performance is too exaggerated.

But only if you have experienced it yourself will you know that this kind of moment can indeed make people extremely excited and nervous.

The other party said: "My surname is Feng."

"Is there anything you want to ask me? Mr. Feng." Ye Zhen asked friendly.

In fact, Mr. Feng just wanted to try it randomly.

But he never expected that he would get connected by such a coincidence.

Mr. Feng pondered for a moment. In fact, he already had a question he wanted to ask.

Plus after just watching Ye Zhen’s show.

He had more questions in his mind.

"Teacher Ye, what I want to ask is, does this super ancient civilization really exist?"

“Are we humans really a civilization that will last who knows how many generations?”

This is actually what many viewers want to ask.

After Ye Zhen heard this question, he was already thinking about how to answer it.

"This super ancient civilization does exist, I can assure you."

Ye Zhen said firmly.

“It’s like the era of myths and legends I mentioned before.

Those times all really existed.

It's just limited to cognition and certain effects.

Under the influence of textbooks and historical revisions, we feel that myths and legends are false.

This is something that has never happened in history.

But as long as you look carefully, you can find that there are many unsolved mysteries in this world.

Certain people or forces are deliberately concealing this history.

Want to blur our timeline and spatial coordinates.

Remember the Ye Zhen effect I mentioned before? "

After hearing what Ye Zhen said, Mr. Feng asked, "Do you want the upper class people in this world to deceive us?"

All the audience were listening to the conversation between Ye Zhen and Mr. Feng.

“Just like the Sumerian civilization.

This civilization appeared without any warning.

Put it in our current scientific system, it is simply impossible to happen.

And for two thousand years after the Sumerian civilization.

Those civilizations have never reached the height of Sumerian civilization.

This is a step backwards for civilization.

In fact, human civilization has regressed more than once.

Every time our civilization goes backwards, it's as if someone is helping us.

Secretly support us in moving forward. "

This brings us to the regression of civilization several times in human history.

Mr. Feng is a loyal fan of Ye Zhen.

"Is it like the meteorite that landed in the Soviet Union?"

"There is a force protecting us humans secretly." Mr. Feng asked.

"Maybe." Ye Zhen pointed to the sky, "Maybe they are staring at us at this moment."

Mr. Feng seemed to understand something.

Just like the meridians of traditional Chinese medicine, the nuclear reactors 20 billion years ago, the witch doctors who have mastered the black technology of medical treatment, etc.

There are even some things that our current technology cannot do.

How to explain this?

"Thank you, Teacher Ye." Mr. Feng hung up the phone himself.

Some are new viewers.

"Does this super ancient civilization actually exist?"

"If you pay attention, you can know how many strange things have been unearthed in archeology."

"Is this world so wonderful?"

Ye Zhen heard that the other party hung up the connection.

He turned around and smiled at the camera: "Okay, that's the end of today's program."

"Welcome everyone to watch, see you next time."

Ye Zhen waved to the camera and said goodbye to the audience.

The show is over.

After watching the ending song play, the audience felt empty in their hearts.

But this time the show was enough to shock them all.

And people from both the Eastern and Western worlds were shocked by Ye Zhen.

"Does a civilization like Sumer actually exist in the world?"

"We have never heard of it before."

"Now Teacher Ye Zhen has learned everything about it."

"It turns out that the Sumerian civilization has the same origin as our civilization."

At the beginning, some archaeologists and historians in the Eastern world, especially China.

I don’t want the public to know about this Sumerian civilization.

Because this means that their Chinese civilization is plagiarized.

The Western world actually doesn’t want people to know that their template for the Great Flood actually comes from the Sumerian civilization.

In terms of science, they did not want to recognize the Sumerian civilization.

Because this Sumerian civilization seems to have no development process.

It was already sufficiently developed and advanced as soon as it appeared.

It's really like falling from the sky.

This seriously violates the current scientific template and is not scientific at all.

Therefore, this Sumerian civilization became a taboo.

No one wanted to talk about it at all.

But after Ye Zhen’s science popularization in this episode.

The situation is completely different.

Why were these Chinese experts afraid before?

Because this is taking away from the foundation of Chinese civilization.

It's completely different now.

This Sumerian civilization is just an inheritance from ancient China! They are also a branch of Huaxia.

"Now I finally know why this Sumerian civilization is a black-headed man."

"And he claims to be from the east."

"It turns out that the East refers to China."

The Western world is gnashing its teeth.

I think Ye Zhen is that kind of good-looking person, someone who yearns for the United States.

Want to use Sumerian civilization to deny the existence of China.

But he didn't expect Ye Zhen to prove that the Sumerian civilization originated from ancient China.

There was no such name as Gu Huaxia before.

But now this ancient China is already equivalent to the era of Chinese myths and legends.

It is a super-ancient civilization from the previous era.

And where is the dividing line between ancient China and the present?

Dayu of the Xia Dynasty, after Dayu, became what is now China.

(End of this chapter)

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