Chapter 377 Special Breathing Method

Just after the show ended, Ye Zhen came down from the stage.

Producer Chen and the other two people were already there to greet them.

There are some staff members in the rest.

They all gathered around, because now it's not only popular in China.

It is also quite popular throughout Asia.

Ye Zhen is now extremely popular!

"Teacher Ye, please sign your name for me!"

"I want it too! Teacher Ye! My son likes you very much."

Because now Ye Zhen's signature can be sold for five figures.

And it is priceless.

So for some staff, this is a very good extra income.

But Ye Zhen will only sign once for each person.

Someone wanted to ask Ye Zhen for his autograph many times, but Ye Zhen refused.

But if this is your first time, Ye Zhen will still be very happy.

Now Ye Zhen is more popular than some big stars.

At this moment, a man in a suit walked over.

"Mr. Ye, right?" This man in a suit walked up to Ye Zhen.

"I am, what's the matter?" Ye Zhen looked at the person in front of him.

Ye Zhen could confirm that this was the first time he had seen this person.

"I came here from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to invite Mr. Ye."

"There is something I need your help with." The man in the suit looked very sincere.

"We have already said hello to Director Huang."

The Chinese Academy of Sciences had invited Ye Zhen before and wanted Ye Zhen to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But Ye Zhen refused, but he didn't say anything.

If there is an opportunity in the future, the two parties can still cooperate.

But Ye Zhen didn't expect this opportunity to come so quickly.

"Okay." Ye Zhen said nothing and left directly with the man in the suit.

Chen Guofu is a well-informed person, "Why did the Chinese Academy of Sciences come here to invite Teacher Ye?"

Producer Chen said: "Who knows?"

Ye Zhen quickly followed the man in the suit to the underground garage.

Follow him into the car.

The car went directly to the place where the Chinese Academy of Sciences is located.

"Mr. Ye, there is the content of this commission in the back seat."

"You'll know after you see it." The man in the suit said directly to Ye Zhen from the driver's seat.

Ye Zhen sat in the back row and picked up the document.

Just flipping through it casually, Ye Zhen had already read the contents.

Ye Zhen already roughly understood why the Chinese Academy of Sciences invited him.

Soon the car arrived.

At the door, someone was already standing waiting for Ye Zhen.

After Ye Zhen got out of the car, a female researcher wearing a white robe walked up.

She had light dark circles on her face and wore a pair of round-framed glasses.

"Teacher Ye, I have long admired your name." The female researcher looked to be in her early thirties.

However, the complexion on his face looked a little dull due to staying up late for a long time.

The exhaustion on his face could not be concealed.

Ye Zhen shook hands with the white-robed female researcher, "Hello, you must be Dr. Jin."

Dr. Jin, who was wearing a white robe, nodded and said, "On the way here, Teacher Ye, you have already read the document given to you."

"I believe you understand part of it."

"Let's talk as we walk."

In fact, Ye Zhen has already read all the contents there.

What is the actual situation?

Let’s talk about the recent research on oxygen 18 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

These are the orders above, and some are new research projects started after watching Ye Zhen's show.

No matter what it is, the research on oxygen 18 can be said to be the most popular right now.

They didn't understand at first why oxygen 18 had such an effect on living organisms.

In the end, they found out after various experiments.

This Oxygen 18 does have special effects just like what Ye Zhen said in the show.

In the parlance of the novel, this is aura.

However, in the opinion of scientists, this is just the result of various chemical and biological reactions in the body.

Now they have a problem.

"Mr. Ye, we have now started to mix jade with dew."

"Form some solid food to feed the mice."

"And various formulas and proportions have been improved."

"Although it has some effects, it has little effect."

Ye Zhen listened to Dr. Jin’s explanation.

In their research on oxygen 18, they have already tried countless methods.

Most of them find inspiration in Ye Zhen's show.

After Ye Zhen heard that they actually did this, what he thought of was the alchemy of the ancients.

"Isn't this the alchemy technique of the ancients?" Ye Zhen said the key to this.

Dr. Jin smiled and said: "Mr. Ye, you are joking, ours is a very rigorous science."

Ye Zhen asked back: "Isn't it just mixing some minerals together and refining them into food?"

"The ancients had much more experience in this area than you."

"But they didn't develop the elixir after all."

Dr. King asked: "So what path should we take?"

Ye Zhen thought of what they wrote in the document.

"Aren't you guys studying the guidance maps unearthed from the Mawangdui Tomb recently?"

Dr. Jin and Ye Zhen had already walked to the laboratory at this time.

"Yes." Dr. Jin nodded, "But the effect is not very ideal."

Ye Zhen looked at the transparent boxes containing mice in the laboratory.

Suddenly Ye Zhen asked: "Do you play games? Dr. Jin?"

Dr. Jin shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in this thing. It's better to do more experiments."

This Dr. King looks like he is in his thirties. But in fact, he is only 29 years old this year.

She was also a talented girl back then and had graduated with a doctorate at the age of 18.

Because she started going to college at the age of 11, and she was the kind of real genius that can only be seen in movies.

It took seven years to read this blog continuously.

Graduated a year early.

He became a doctor at the age of 18 and directly entered the Chinese Academy of Sciences to do research.

It is now my tenth year in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But as Dr. King herself said, she was usually too absorbed in her work.

Many times I stayed up all night to do experiments.

He looks much older than his real age now.

However, it is precisely because of this love for scientific research that Dr. Jin has made many scientific research achievements at a young age.

"This guidance map is out of date and is not suitable for the current version." Ye Zhen and Dr. Jin explained.

Dr. Jin really doesn’t play games and can’t understand what Ye Zhen is talking about.

"Knowledge also has limitations, just like the geocentric theory hundreds of years ago."

"It was the truth back then, but it's no longer appropriate now." Ye Zhen explained.

Dr. Jin completely understood, "You mean, this guide map is only useful during the Qin and Han Dynasties."

“After that era, it no longer works.”

"That's right, because the spiritual energy of the world has been changing and decreasing." Ye Zhen replied, "It is already the end of the Dharma era."

Dr. King asked, "What about this day and age?"

"What's most appropriate."

Of course Ye Zhen knew that he was the health master he was practicing now.

This is the most appropriate thing in the Dharma-ending era.

But this requires talent.

In this Dharma-ending age, unless your talent is extremely outrageous, it is simply impossible to practice.

Ye Zhen looked at the research on oxygen 18 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and felt like a demon.

Because they want to infuse oxygen 18 from the outside directly into the living body.

This kind of oxygen 18 has no way to combine with living bodies and cannot be retained in the body.

This is tantamount to forcing the seedlings to grow and has no effect at all.

It may even make living bodies more susceptible to oxidation by oxygen, and their life span will be greatly reduced.

There is no way for them to figure out why it happened.

"You have gone astray." Ye Zhen pointed out Dr. Jin's experimental approach.

"You will never be able to use oxygen 18 like this."

Dr. Jin and Ye Zhen only communicated for a while, and they already understood that Ye Zhen had real qualities.

Why invite Ye Zhen over? Because Dr. Jin saw a similar feeling in Ye Zhen.

Focus on unknown exploration and scientific research.

Now that Dr. Jin has met Ye Zhen, he can confirm that Ye Zhen is the same type of person as himself.

Behind Dr. King were several other researchers.

They were all in the same group as Dr. King.

Although everyone is about the same age, and some of them are a little older than Dr. King.

But Dr. King can already be their mentor.

Because for most people, it is pretty good if they can graduate with a doctorate at the age of 28.

Most people need to delay their PhD studies.

After they graduated with their Ph.D.s, Dr. Jin had already been working in Li Shen of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for ten years.

This is the difference.

"Look at Dr. King, he seems very happy."

"I've never seen anyone have such fun talking to Dr. King."

"That Ye Zhen is just a show host!"

Dr. King frowned, "Are we on the wrong track?"

"Besides inputting oxygen 18 from the outside, is there any other way?"

"We have already tried exposing mice to 100% oxygen concentration."

"Although this concentration is also very critical, the most basic point is not this." Ye Zhen explained directly to Dr. Jin: "This oxygen 18 requires a special breathing method."

"Breathe it into your own body and preserve it in your body."

"That's what works."

"The various movements in the guidance map are just to guide the oxygen 18 in the oxygen to stay in the body."

“And I want to increase my physical fitness and breathing capacity through activities.”

Dr. Jin asked curiously: "Special breathing method?"

"In the words of immortality novels, this is something like exercises."

“And it has to fit in with the modern environment.”

Dr. Jin carefully recorded what Ye Zhen said.

"Special breathing methods."

Ye Zhen continued to ask: "Have you done any research on meridians?"

"Meridians?" Dr. Jin was a little surprised, "Does this have anything to do with meridians?"

Ye Zhen said helplessly: "Dr. Jin, have you read this martial arts novel?"

Dr. Jin shook her head. She really didn't have much entertainment.

So she knows nothing about this aspect.

My biggest entertainment and hobby is filling in Sudoku!

“These meridians and special breathing methods complement each other.”

"You can think of this meridian system as the second circulatory system in the human body."

"The place where this oxygen 18 is stored is in this meridian system."

Dr. King seemed to understand, "I understand."

Ye Zhen just reminded him a few words, and Dr. Jin felt that the future path was suddenly clear.

"Thank you for your suggestion, Mr. Ye." Dr. Jin felt that inviting Ye Zhen over this time was the right thing to do.

Because doing scientific research means constantly making mistakes.

Many times, after spending a lot of money, a lot of manpower and material resources are wasted.

It's very likely that nothing will come out of it.

But this is the case with scientific research, and you don’t know which direction will be promising in the future.

Which direction ends in a dead end.

Now Ye Zhen directly pointed out the direction for Dr. Jin, which saved them a lot of time and money!

(End of this chapter)

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