Chapter 378 A new realm

I only spent half an hour communicating with Ye Zhen.

Dr. Jin found that Ye Zhen’s knowledge storage was terrifying.

No matter what she and Ye Zhen talk about, Ye Zhen can always express his unique point of view.

And some of the views made Dr. King’s eyes light up.

Dr. Jin even talked about the latest academic papers in scientific research.

She thought Ye Zhen must have never seen it.

But he didn't expect that Ye Zhen would talk to him like a treasure.

He also drew inferences from one example and talked about several papers that he had never read.

Some researchers on the side were dumbfounded.

"There are people who can surpass Dr. King in knowledge."

"This person named Ye Zhen is too scary."

"This Ye Zhen seems to be younger than Dr. King!"

Professionals, as soon as you open your mouth, others will know whether you have any idea or not.

Ye Zhen's performance indeed exceeded all of their expectations.

In the end, Dr. Jin was completely convinced by Ye Zhen.

"I kind of know why those old academicians are trying every possible means to invite you to join the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Dr. Jin can confirm that Ye Zhen is a natural researcher!

"Aren't you a host?" Dr. Jin asked: "Why are you more familiar with these international papers than me?"

These scientific researchers usually spend a lot of time reading literature and papers.

In their eyes, Ye Zhen is just a layman.

But Ye Zhen's knowledge reserve is far greater than theirs, which is not scientific at all.

"I had a great time chatting with you today." Dr. Jin stretched out his hand again, wanting to shake Ye Zhen's hand.

Ye Zhen actually had a very happy chat with Dr. Jin.

However, Ye Zhen reminded: "Dr. Jin, pay attention to your body."

"If you don't like it, I can give you a prescription here."

"You go back and give it a try. It will improve your complexion and body."

Ye Zhen quickly wrote the prescription on the paper.

This is specially used for those who like to stay up late.

Dr. Jin glanced at Ye Zhen, "Let me say thank you first, Mr. Ye."

After Ye Zhen left the laboratory.

Dr. Jin folded Ye Zhen's prescription carefully and put it in the pocket of his white robe.

"Okay, everyone." Dr. King clapped his hands, "Let's start over."

Ye Zhen returned to his new home from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Now that Ye Zhen has lived in a big villa, the environment is different.

Ye Zhen returned to the villa and saw Tu Shan lying on the sofa in the living room watching TV series.

Food is already set on the table.

If the two of them lived alone, the villa would seem a bit empty.

"Ye Zhen, are you back?" Tu Shan asked, "Why are you so late today?"

"I'll go and heat up some food for you."

"Or if you want to take a bath, I'll put the bath water in for you."

Ye Zhen sat down and said, "You haven't eaten yet, let's eat together."

Tushan quickly heated up the food and brought it out.

The two quickly settled the food for the table.

Ye Zhen feels that Tushan's cooking skills are getting better day by day.

After having a full meal, Tushan asked: "Is there a fruit stall near here?"

Tu Shan still misses that bite of watermelon.

Ye Zhen is actually not very familiar with the surrounding environment.

"Let me take you out for a walk." Ye Zhen took Tu Shan out.

In a very expensive so-called boutique fruit shop.

Ye Zhen saw watermelons, the kind that would definitely hurt the working people at this price.

But for Ye Zhen, money is just a number.

Soon Ye Zhen bought a beautifully packaged watermelon and returned to her villa.

Tu Shan split the watermelon with his hand knife, "This watermelon is more delicious and sweeter than the previous one!"

"The most important thing is that this is a seedless watermelon!"

Seedless OK!

Ye Zhen also tried a piece, and it turned out to be true in terms of moisture, sweetness and flavor.

It's all different from what I've had before.

Soon the watermelon was solved by two people.

Ye Zhen entered the stage of getting used to it and started practicing.

It's just that Ye Zhen now relies on the mark to naturally increase his mental power.

Mental power can no longer be improved through initiative.

So now Ye Zhen puts all his mental energy into "Introduction to Immortal Magic".

This is now the fifth and final article.

Ye Zhen understood the content alone.

After a long time, this last chapter was also the most difficult one.

With Ye Zhen's current state of health maintenance master, he still feels a little obscure.

But after turning on [Nine Apertures Exquisite], the speed of this realization increased significantly.

Now I have understood one tenth of it.

At this speed, Ye Zhen feels that he will be able to fully understand the "Introduction to Immortal Magic" soon.

"What's the road ahead?" Ye Zhen has reached the realm of health care master.

I have been thinking about what kind of realm is above this?

How can it be achieved?

"The spirit and body have already been perfected. Is there anything else that can be improved?"

Ye Zhen doesn't understand.

However, this Qi refining is still a necessary thing for Ye Zhen every day.

With each breath, time passes slowly like quicksand.

After Ye Zhen opened his eyes, an hour had passed in one breath.

In fact, now Ye Zhen is completely able to stay up late, smoke and drink.

Because now Ye Zhen's body can perfectly bear the damage to the body. Now if Ye Zhen wants to, he can stay up for ten days and ten nights and work overtime continuously!

This is the Holy Body of Innate Great Works!

But Ye Zhen didn't have to do this.

Because Ye Zhen has developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

There is no need to change it.

Now Ye Zhen has 1500 million popularity points.

If all skill points are exchanged, five skill points can be exchanged.

Ye Zhen feels that after fully understanding the "Introduction to Immortal Law", it needs to be upgraded.

There is also mental training, which also requires skill points.

The same is true for Qi.

Various skills and the opening of the secondary spiritual realm all require popularity points.

The popularity value of 1500 million seems to be a lot.

But it’s not forbidden to spend it at all.

"And this "True Thunder Immortal Technique"." Ye Zhen looked at the immortal technique he had obtained.

But now Ye Zhen doesn't know the key to it.

All of this requires popularity.

After Ye Zhen's show ended.

Various heated discussions have already begun on the Internet.

And this time it’s not just domestic, but also foreign.

"It turns out there is such a thing as Sumerian civilization. If it weren't for Teacher Ye, I really wouldn't know about it."

"If Enki is Fuxi, who is Enlil?"

"I've never heard that Fuxi has any brothers?"

"Doesn't this just mean that in ancient times, the same thing happened all over the world?"

"It was just recorded by people in different places at the same time."

Now everyone is very aware of the existence of this super ancient civilization.

Some people have already proposed revising this history book.

But this is still a short breath.

But they found real evidence of a super-ancient civilization.

Everyone has heard Ye Zhen’s science popularization and analysis on the show.

And Ye Zhen also gave many examples of real events and cases.

But everyone feels that this is still a little bit different.

A key piece of evidence and breaking point is missing.

"I don't know what Teacher Ye's next program will be."

"You all don't understand that this Sumerian civilization is actually fake! It's all fake! This world is also fake!"

"Are humans really created by some advanced civilization?"

"I feel like we humans are just a different kind of artificial intelligence."

Someone online talked about the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence.

It is likened to the relationship between God and man.

Now our human artificial intelligence has been growing explosively.

A few years ago, you told others about artificial intelligence, that is, AI can do this.

No one believes you, especially in AI painting and the like, which has already eliminated many mid- to low-end painters.

But this is not the artificial intelligence that everyone imagines.

The so-called real artificial intelligence is the kind of strong artificial intelligence.

AI that can pass the Turing test.

Such artificial intelligence is already the same as human beings, and even has its own thinking and soul.

If so, isn't this a new life?

Mechanical life created by humans.

Aren’t humans the gods of artificial intelligence?

Humans can modify and control artificial intelligence at will.

In the eyes of artificial intelligence, humans are omnipotent.

As long as the cord is unplugged, the artificial intelligence will freeze.

And humans use artificial intelligence as a tool.

Humans will be afraid that artificial intelligence will be too powerful, so they will impose some shackles.

This is why some gods are afraid of humans.

Because humans are also afraid of what they create.

Do you think there is a chance that nature can assemble a computer by itself and program it to produce artificial intelligence?

This is impossible.

But why do you think nature can create living beings like humans?

This is a paradox.

So now everyone on the Internet believes that humans were created.

But some historians and archaeologists are ecstatic.

Because they no longer need to cover up the Sumerian civilization.

On the contrary, the Western world needs to vigorously conceal this fact.

However, as Ye Zhen’s video was translated and uploaded to YouTube.

More and more people are watching Ye Zhen’s program!

Because Ye Zhen’s show is so popular now, someone uploaded Ye Zhen’s show immediately after the show ended.

And using AI translation and subtitle generation, this work can be completed in one go.

Historians have begun to study the Sumerian civilization.

This is another new thesis topic direction!

Various evidences proving that Sumerian civilization originated from China.

Now scholars in the Western world are furious.

Of course they don't want to see this result.

"Damn Ye Zhen!"

“It’s because of him that we are like this.”

"Is there any way to dig this person out?"

"We can give him American status and a big bonus."

(End of this chapter)

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