Chapter 379: Fire between the East and the West

The day after the show aired.

In both the Eastern and Western worlds, Ye Zhen's show is completely popular.

It is now on various websites and front pages in China.

These are all Ye Zhen’s reports and videos.

Everything about Ye Zhen is being reported.

Even Ye Zhen has been on CCTV's news broadcast.

"The Origin of Chinese Civilization, the Magical Ancient China"

Many people can see Ye Zhen in the morning news.

After all, yesterday's show was too exciting.

And now there is still a national fate. Now Ye Zhen's popularity has reached a point where no one can match him.

"Did you watch Teacher Ye's program yesterday?"

"Of course I have. How could I not?"

"Our civilization is actually so awesome."

"If Teacher Ye hadn't said it, we wouldn't have known about the Sumerian civilization!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect that Enki and Ninghur are Fuxi and Nuwa."

"Maybe it's the difference between foreign names and Chinese names."

Before this, everyone regarded all this as a fairy tale.

But now Ye Zhen proves it to everyone step by step.

These myths and legends have been handed down, and there are also things that we cannot imagine.

They all really existed.

Now the newspapers are full of promotions about Ye Zhen's program.

After all, this is an opportunity to greatly increase national self-confidence!

Those archaeologists and historians who wanted to report Ye Zhen before.

The attitude has undergone a 180-degree change.

Because Ye Zhen proved that the Sumerian civilization was just the inheritance of ancient China.

"Now it seems that the historical year is wrong."

"This Yellow Emperor is not a person from more than four thousand years ago at all."

"That's right, our Hongshan ruins and the like are more than four thousand years old."

"Still no trace of the Yellow Emperor."

"Don't talk about the Yellow Emperor, we haven't even found Dayu yet."

This is the result of the confusion of space-time coordinates.

However, there are other people who feel that part of what Ye Zhen said in this program is subject to discussion.

"If we talk about the gods of Sumer, they are actually the civilization of China."

"If they are the same people."

"So these gods all come from the sky, so where is the sky?"

"Is it outer space? Are they all aliens?"

Now Ye Zhen is also very popular in the alien circle.

Because there has always been a market for the theory of alien civilization creation.

This is a saying that emerged in modern times.

An alternative to evolution and creationism.

We did not evolve from the natural environment, but were created by another advanced civilization.

And in the scientific community, this statement has received a lot of recognition.

Especially some of them have long known some secret information that ordinary people don't know.

"It turns out that thing from before was actually a product of the previous civilization."

"I'm just talking about how American technology is advancing so fast!"

"Maybe they landed on the moon because they found the ruins of a super ancient civilization!"

This time it is a real scientific and technological research.

In fact, this incident was not fabricated, but happened in the real world.

After all, it is written in the American movie "Transformers".

In fact, the current technology and civilization in the United States are all reverse-engineered from Transformers.

This might be like Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

It may be that the US government is subtly instilling this knowledge into everyone.

These official news and newspapers still have some professional ethics.

It's already very restrained.

Like writing "Ancient Chinese Civilization, the Origin of Human Civilization" on the newspaper.

There is also "The Story About Ye Zhen, a Post-90s Generation".

"Are Super-Ancient Civilizations Real?" 》.

But on the Internet, this is no longer necessary.

It's like a bunch of demons dancing around.

Various exaggerated titles, no matter how to attract attention.

"Shock! Ye Zhen is actually a lizard man! 》

"The Lizardmen are the legendary dragons!" 》

"China is the origin of civilization in the world! 》

"The Bible is just our grandchild!" 》

All kinds of outrageous remarks and headlines.

But this is the effect of traffic. Such a title does attract many people to click on it.

And with the appearance of Ye Zhen in this episode.

It seems that the blockade of Sumerian civilization has been lifted.

At first, no one could find any records of the Sumerian civilization on the Internet.

But now everyone can find some information on the Internet.

What does this mean?

In addition to this, Enki and Ninhur in the Sumerian civilization are the center of discussion.

Because this is equivalent to the incarnation of Fuxi and Nuwa.

"According to the cuneiform script deciphered by Teacher Ye, Enki ate the fruit of wisdom."

"From this point of view, if Enki is Fuxi, it is very reasonable to understand the gossip."

"Also in the Sumerian civilization, they also used snakes to represent life and medical treatment."

"If this Ninghur is Nuwa, her authority and function are the same, creating people and healing."

Just like Quetzalcoatl in the Mayan civilization, there are also feathered people.

In fact, the origins are all from China.

The same is true for the Sumerian civilization. Various traces can be found here in China.

They just learned it and integrated it with the local customs.

However, some people still care very much. Everyone knows that Fuxi and Nuwa are both husband and wife and brother and sister.

But who is this Enlil?

“Didn’t Teacher Ye say before that this Sumerian clay tablet might be a lost part of the Classic of Mountains and Seas?”

"This Enlil may be the part that was deliberately deleted."

Everyone is thinking, who is Enlil?

But they didn't expect it, so they could only wait for Ye Zhen to reveal the answer to the mystery.

Some scientists began to hypothesize whether what Ye Zhen said might be true.

"Is our love for gold engraved in our genes?" "There seems to have been similar research before, explaining why we humans love gold so much."

“This is something that transcends nationalities and timelines.”

"And there's also the fear of snakes."

This fear of snakes, according to current biologists, is because our ancestors were bitten by snakes in the wild.

So to this day we still have a natural fear of snakes.

This is actually a side explanation, this snake is in our human consciousness.

Maybe it represents a supreme fear.

Think of Nuwa and Fuxi, both of whom have the head of a human and the body of a snake.

And there are many murals and statues about Nuwa and Fuxi in our country.

They are Fuxi and Nuwa having sex together.

Both are figures with human heads and snake bodies, and their tails are intertwined with each other.

And you can see that they are holding two things in their hands.

These are rules and regulations, which represent order.

It is a symbol of technology.

Why did the ancients leave such a picture?

Just an artistic creation?

Professor Zhou from Yanshengli went directly to visit Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen used to go to Professor Zhou, but now it's the other way around.

Ye Zhen said after taking a look.

"This is a very vivid inheritance of the super-ancient civilization, our ancient China, by the ancients."

"From the perspective of ancient people, this may be just an ordinary picture."

"But actually, why do Fuxi and Nuwa have human heads and snake bodies?"

"Why do their snake tails join together?"

"Because it contains a very important message for modern biology."

"The intersection of the snake's tail symbolizes the double helix of DNA."

After Professor Zhou heard this, he suddenly felt as if he had an epiphany.

Professor Zhou said: "So this painting of Fuxi and Nuwa actually symbolizes that the ancients actually knew the existence of DNA a long time ago?"

How important is the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by humans to human civilization.

This is self-evident and this is a Nobel level discovery.

This was just last century.

And our ancients already knew this thousands of years ago?

Ye Zhen shook his head and said: "If we, the ancient people, had not known long ago, how could they have observed the helical structure of DNA with the tools they had at that time."

"How did they know? Of course they inherited the super-ancient knowledge of ancient China."

"It's like I'm telling you now that the essence of life is DNA, but you can't understand it."

"I don't understand the double helix structure, so the ancients drew it according to their own understanding."

"Now we have the mating diagram of Fuxi and Nuwa that we see now."

Can you say that this double helix pattern has not appeared in many places?

However, Nuwa and Fuxi have the authority to control life and create human beings.

Is this still a coincidence?

"Coupled with the rules and regulations on their hands, this represents measurement and quantification."

"Actually, it's just the embodiment of science and technology." Ye Zhen said.

In this way, the Fuxi and Nuwa intercourse diagram that Professor Zhou brought over.

On the surface it is just an artistic creation of the ancients.

But in fact, what it contains is the knowledge of the super-ancient civilization of ancient China.

This has been transformed into something that the ancients can understand and has been passed down.

If our technology had not developed to this point.

If DNA cannot be discovered, the meaning of this picture may never be understood.

Professor Zhou found that Ye Zhen could not see clearly more and more clearly.

There is more and more fog on my body.

However, Professor Zhou discovered that Ye Zhen actually lived in such a luxurious villa.

But compared with Ye Zhen's current status and significance, this mansion is not worth mentioning.

Ye Zhen is indeed worth it.

Professor Zhou also understands how popular Ye Zhen is now, but Ye Zhen is still the same as before.

As long as he speaks, Ye Zhen will take time to help him no matter how busy he is.

"Professor Zhou, do you have any questions?" Ye Zhen looked at Professor Zhou in front of him.

By this time Tushan had already made tea and served it.

But Professor Zhou now knows what he wants to know.

Professor Zhou glanced at Tushan and was also amazed by Tushan's beauty.

This is the first time Professor Zhou feels that the word "beautiful as a fairy" can be used on a woman.

However, Professor Zhou is already old, and he just feels amazing.

On the contrary, Ye Zhen was so talented that Professor Zhou felt that Ye Zhen was a genius that was rare to see in a thousand years.

Afterwards, Professor Zhou and Ye Zhen exchanged many things.

"Mr. Ye, according to your previous proposal for our victory-weary force, all our members in the victory-weary force have now gone to Southeast Asia."

"Southeast Asia?" Ye Zhen didn't feel surprised at all, and had even expected it.

After all, the power of winning is still thriving in the land of Southeast Asia.

"And some of them have regained the power of aversion to victory." Professor Zhou took a sip of the tea made by Tu Shan, "But the power of aversion to victory they have regained is a bit strange."

This shows that the method Ye Zhen mentioned before is indeed useful.

However, this power of being tired of winning has a sinister feeling.

This is the second purpose of Professor Zhou's visit this time.

"Maybe times have changed. After all, it's already the end of the Dharma era."

"If you want to gain this power of victory, you will inevitably need some changes." Ye Zhen said.

But Professor Zhou was worried, "I hope I'm overthinking it."

Professor Zhou stayed with Tushan and left after lunch.

Even Professor Zhou praised her at the dinner table: "Miss Tushan's cooking skills are comparable to those of star chefs outside."

This was the first time Tu Shan heard someone praise his cooking skills, "Really! Professor Zhou!"

Professor Zhou looked at the delicious and delicious food on the table and said, "Of course."

Ye Zhen said silently from the side: "Professor Zhou, don't be too spoiled by this guy, her tail will rise to the sky in a moment."

Tushan turned his head and wanted to bite Ye Zhen's arm, "What did you say!"

foreign countries, especially in the Western world.

Now Ye Zhen has also become famous, and everyone already knows about Ye Zhen.

I know that in the mysterious eastern country on the other side of the ocean, there is such a mysterious person.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that this Bible was plagiarized by someone else."

"This is embarrassing, but the United States has always had no history to speak of."

"This man named Ye is so awesome. Is he some kind of anthropologist?"

"I feel like he came back from that era. Maybe he is an immortal!"

“Oh my God, I feel like he’s the main character in the movie ‘The Man from Blue Star.’”

(End of this chapter)

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