Chapter 380 No. in Asia

After ordinary people in foreign countries saw Ye Zhen's program.

What can be confirmed is that the high-level human beings do have a lot of things to hide from their ordinary people.

"We can go protest and let this government tell the truth."

"God, are you fake?"

"I suspect that this God may also be Chinese, hahaha."

Many people in the Western world want to watch and have fun.

However, media and speech in the Western world are still very strictly controlled.

But I can’t stand the fact that the Internet is so developed now, especially after the emergence of short videos.

This is like a gap. The traditional American media’s method of monopolizing words no longer works.

This Ye Zhen show is viral in the Western world.

The more the U.S. government doesn’t want people to know and spread it, the more it arouses everyone’s rebellious psychology.

In the afternoon, Ye Zhen returned to Yangcheng TV station.

Now Ye Zhen's status in Yangcheng TV station can be said to be very transcendent.

In ancient times, that was a person with great achievements!

It's a pity that this is modern society.

Ye Zhen went to work in the afternoon, and no one said anything else.

Now Ye Zhen has more free time, just like a working emperor.

How can anyone go to work after having lunch at home?

Driving the car provided by Yangcheng TV Station, Ye Zhen drove to Yangcheng TV Station.

Ye Zhen also learned a driver's license during the vacation after finishing the college entrance examination.

But I just got a driver's license, and I haven't driven a car since.

This was Ye Zhen's first time driving after getting his driver's license.

The guard saw a strange vehicle coming to their Yangcheng TV station.

The first thing you need to do is record and register.

Because there are not many parking spaces in this TV station.

"Sir, please register." The guard looked at Ye Zhen in the driver's seat.

"Ah? It's Teacher Ye!" The guard didn't expect that the driver was actually Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "Yes, this is my first time driving to work."

The guard immediately put Ye Zhen in.

Because in the entire Yangcheng TV station, they dared to stop the station director's car.

But he will never stop Ye Zhen's car.

Ye Zhen took the elevator from the garage back to his office.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I happened to bump into Producer Chen.

"Hey, big star, I'm willing to come to work." Producer Chen greeted Ye Zhen familiarly.

After Ye Zhen got out of the elevator, the other people greeted Ye Zhen when they saw him.

"Director Ye! I have admired you for a long time. Can you let me study in your program group?"

"Teacher Ye, your program yesterday was so exciting, it seemed like it opened up a new world for me."

"Ye Shen! You are my god! I know this world is not that simple!"

They feel very lucky to be able to work in the same TV station as Ye Zhen.

After Director Huang knew that Ye Zhen was back, he immediately called everyone for a meeting.

Now Ye Zhen is the center of the entire Yangcheng TV station. This is no exaggeration at all.

It can be said that it revolves around Ye Zhen.

After going to the conference room.

Everyone's eyes were turned to Ye Zhen, who was now the center of the audience.

Director Huang smiled and asked, "Director Ye, are you here?"

Ye Zhen can clearly feel the changes in the people around him.

But Ye Zhen is still the same Ye Zhen, he still hasn't changed.

"Let's have a meeting, Director Huang." Ye Zhen nodded and said.

If another person were to talk to Director Huang like this, his position would definitely be lost.

But Ye Zhen had no such scruples at all.

Ye Zhen knew that these workers hated meetings the most, as they were unsatisfactory and a waste of time.

Director Huang also understood it.

Soon the director of the data department told the ratings one by one.

I saw that the head of the data department was extremely excited.

Such an excited expression was only seen last time when Ye Zhen's show ranked first in the national ratings.

I just saw it on the face of the head of the data department.

I saw the director of the data department blushing with excitement, "Director Ye's program "Into Science Popularization"!"

"Winning the first place in ratings in Asia!"

No. 1 in ratings in Asia! This is another new record.

Not only is it a record for their Yangcheng TV station, it is also a record for the whole country.

For the first time, a program can break out of China and reach the top ratings in Asia!

This is a qualitative leap, and now Ye Zhen is quite famous all over the world.

But now everyone is still shocked after hearing the result.

"Is it actually the number one in Asia in terms of ratings?"

"This is too strong!"

"As expected of Teacher Ye, I know it!"

"This future may not mean that we cannot be number one in the world!"

Everyone has seen too many impossibilities in Ye Zhen.

From the very beginning, it ranked first in ratings on the TV station, and now it ranks first in ratings in Asia.

They watched Ye Zhen's rise all the way, and Ye Zhen's rise was too fast.

In this conference room, the sound of applause has been ringing for more than a minute.

These are all congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.

Producer Chen was also very excited. What a brilliant achievement this is!

"I never thought that one day I would be able to supervise a program with the highest ratings in Asia!" Producer Chen was already crying with excitement.

After all, this is something that many people never dare to think about in their lifetime.

Now because of Ye Zhen, the dream has come true.

Everyone now looks at Ye Zhen as if he were a god.

After all, only God can do this! This is beyond everyone's imagination. This matter quickly spread from the Yangcheng TV station.

"Did you know? Teacher Ye's program has topped the ratings in Asia!"

"Isn't it? The ratings are number one in Asia!"

"This is too strong. How did you do it?"

"This seems to be our first time in the country!"

Some people have said before that Ye Zhen's program is just a little more popular in China.

It's nothing internationally.

If you can break out of the country, that would be really great.

Now Ye Zhen's program is directly ranked first in the ratings in Asia, and it is simply dominating the entire television industry.

This is an unprecedented first result!

And all this is because of Ye Zhen.

This incident began to shock the entire Chinese television industry.

"This is Ye Zhen, and it actually ranks first in Asia's ratings."

"What kind of monster is this leaf?"

"I'm completely convinced."

Because it has the highest ratings in the country, although there are not many in the country, it is still a popular show that takes turns with different hits every year.

After all, this has the highest ratings in the country, so there must be a program that can do it.

Back then, Ye Zhen became the number one viewer in the country.

Some top program producers just looked at Ye Zhen as if they were looking at a junior.

Because some of them have already won the first place in the national ratings.

And among them, some of them have topped the national ratings many times.

Therefore, in their opinion, Ye Zhen's performance has just reached the top level in the country.

But it’s completely different now!

Ye Zhen directly rushed to the top of the ratings in Asia! This achievement has never been achieved before.

There is no one in the country!

"Impossible, how can this newcomer rank first in ratings in Asia!"

"This must be some kind of trick, it must be data fraud!"

"I have worked hard for so many years, but I still haven't broken out of China. Why can this kid do it?"

So some people said that Ye Zhen's grades were pretty good in China.

But breaking out of China is the real skill.

Now Ye Zhen has done it.

The entire Chinese TV industry was shocked. Ye Zhen can be said to be the number one person in Chinese TV programs.

This achievement is unprecedented.

Before, Ye Zhen was just the number one among the younger generation.

Indeed, in the world of young hosts, Ye Zhen is the number one in the show.

But there are still many established producers and programs that can compete with Ye Zhen.

They just felt that they had one more opponent.

This has become commonplace.

But I didn't expect that in less than a month, Ye Zhen would have ranked first in the ratings in Asia!

Only then did they realize that they could no longer see Ye Zhen's back.

Ye Zhen left them far away.

They frantically started calling the Yangcheng TV station.

"Is it Director Huang? We want to send a group of people to your place to learn."

"Director Huang, our XX TV station wants to cooperate with you on a program."

"Director Huang..."

Now the entire Yangcheng TV station has become a hot favorite.

Everyone wants to get a piece of the Yangcheng TV station.

This local TV station actually has such huge power?

If it is said that CCTV spent a lot of money to build it, people may think it is very powerful, but it is also reasonable.

But this is a local TV station! This thing is like a miracle.

After the meeting, Ye Zhen returned to his office.

The familiar yet unfamiliar voice of the system came to my mind.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of ranking first in ratings in Asia! 】

[Ding, host please keep up the good work! 】

[Ding, new mission, ranking first in ratings in Asia and Europe! 】

Just after completing this task, the second task came.

Ye Zhen looked at this new task, "Now each task is more difficult than the last."

However, although Ye Zhen said it was difficult, a plan had already emerged in his mind.

Just like before, Ye Zhen contacted CCTV to have his program broadcast on international television stations.

And using the country of Japan as a springboard for the program, it became popular in Southeast Asia.

After all, Japan is the most populous country in the world with a population of 100 million.

This time, Ye Zhen's program became the number one in Asia, which was considered to be in Ye Zhen's calculation.

And Ye Zhen knows that in the end, he must be aiming for the top spot in the global ratings.

This goal seemed so far away before.

But now Ye Zhen sees some hope.

And now Ye Zhen has already begun to make plans, and now Ye Zhen's fans are all over the Eastern and Western world.

Everyone began to know that there was such a person as himself.

Except after this new mission.

The most important thing is the reward.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 2000 million popularity points]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for opening three spiritual realms]

After hearing this voice, Ye Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, this 2000 million popularity value.

Including the previous popularity value of 1500 million, Ye Zhen now has a popularity value of 3500 million.

"This is enough."

If you exchange it for skill points, 300 million popularity points can be exchanged for one point, which can now be exchanged for 11 skill points.

It can't be said to be more than enough, but it is definitely enough for Ye Zhen to use at this stage.

But Ye Zhen is curious about what these three spiritual realms are?

(End of this chapter)

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