Chapter 381 Comprehensive upgrade

The previous second spiritual realm had made Ye Zhen aware of the huge potential in this spiritual realm.

But judging from the name, it looks like a function.

A linear function of one variable is the same as a quadratic function of one variable.

These three spiritual realms and the second spiritual realm are obviously of the same origin.

"Has this spiritual realm been upgraded again?" Ye Zhen speculated that these three spiritual realms should be a very important upgrade.

But Ye Zhen looked at the three openings of the spiritual realm.

Suddenly I felt like my popularity was not enough anymore.

Now Ye Zhen has a popularity value of 3500 million, but these three spiritual realms require 1000 million to open each time!

"You actually need 1000 million popularity points to activate it?"

"The previous second spiritual realm was only once a million times!"

Ye Zhen felt that the popularity of the three spiritual realms was greatly consumed.

In Ye Zhen's view, the popularity points required to open the spiritual realm are actually equivalent to energy.

These different spiritual realms require different popularity points.

So now Ye Zhen seems to have a popularity value of 3500 million, but he can only open these three spiritual realms three times.

And Ye Zhen knew that these 1000 million popularity points only opened the threshold.

After Ye Zhen went in, if he wanted to do something or change something.

It is also necessary to consume corresponding popularity points to resist the heavenly way of that time and space.

According to Ye Zhen's estimation, "Judging from the conditions of the previous two spiritual realms."

"It takes at least 2000 million popularity points to enter these three spirits."

"1000 million to open, 1000 million to resist the consciousness of Gaia."

In this case, these 3500 million popularity points can only open the spiritual realm once or three times.

This is still a long way to go.

Ye Zhen thought for a moment.

Now he had two choices before him.

One is to exchange these popularity points into skill points.

Can be redeemed for 11 skill points.

Or to open a new third spiritual realm, which requires setting aside 2000 million popularity points.

Then Ye Zhen can only exchange the remaining popularity points for 5 skill points.

What choice should be made?

Ye Zhen thought about his current situation.

Now Ye Zhen has reached the state of health preservation, and his body and spirit are in a perfect state.

And now I have mastered "Introduction to Immortal Magic" to the last chapter.

Now this "Advanced Qi Training" is just enough, but Ye Zhen feels that if he wants to explore the next level.

This "Advanced Qi Training Art" is completely insufficient.

Not to mention the "Basic Mental Power Exercise Method", which is completely insufficient now.

In addition, Ye Zhen also has a copy of "True Thunder Immortal Technique" waiting for him.

In the end, Ye Zhen directly exchanged 11 skill points and exchanged all the popularity points into skill points.

Now there is only a pitiful 200 million popularity points left.

"Add three skill points to the "Basic Mental Power Training Method"." A new mental power training method appeared in Ye Zhen's mind.

"Advanced Mental Power Training Method", this is the upgraded mental power training method.

However, after giving it a try, Ye Zhen discovered that this "Advanced Mental Strength Training Method" is not suitable for him who is currently in the realm of health maintenance.

It's like chicken ribs, it's a pity to throw them away, and it's useless to eat them.

Just when Ye Zhen wanted to allocate one of the remaining eight skill points to the "Advanced Mental Strength Training Method".

Ye Zhen discovered that this "Advanced Mental Strength Training Method" could no longer add points.

"Is there a limit to this?" Ye Zhen finally figured out this rule.

Because Ye Zhen had already begun to guess that this skill point should not be omnipotent.

After all, this is too outrageous, but it is only worth 300 popularity points.

Now Ye Zhen finally discovered this limit.

Ye Zhen switched to this "Advanced Qi Training Art", and Ye Zhen wanted to continue to add more points.

But I found that it couldn't be improved.

"What's going on?" Ye Zhen didn't understand.

"Is the limit for this upgrade three times?"

Ye Zhen reasoned about the use of this skill point based on the current situation.

"In other words, this type of text can only be upgraded three times."

Because Ye Zhen's own thinking has been upgraded more than three times.

But now the "Advanced Mental Power Training Method" and "Advanced Qi Training Technique" cannot be upgraded.

Ye Zhen estimated that the limit for something like this technique should be three times.

Or is this the limit of these techniques?

Ye Zhen doesn't know yet.

However, Ye Zhen found that his mental and physical strength could still be increased.

Ye Zhen continuously added four skill points to his mental and physical strength, which was not yet the limit.

"It seems that there should be no limit to adding more points to the body." Ye Zhen discovered a trace of rules.

However, this increase in physical and mental strength only increases Ye Zhen's strength or foundation.

It cannot directly improve Ye Zhen's mental strength.

This is completely different from the mental strength increased by exercise.

This increased energy is the collective term for mental and physical strength.

If Ye Zhen's mental power is originally an ore.

This increase in energy is equivalent to increasing Ye Zhen's total ore.

And Ye Zhen exercises his mental power by forging the ore into the metal he wants.

These are two completely different concepts.

Otherwise, Ye Zhen feels that he can directly accumulate this attribute and directly achieve a breakthrough in mental power.

You can directly leave your body! This should be what the ancients called the Yang Shen realm.

From the beginning, [Extraordinary Energy] became [Dragon Horse Spirit] after adding four points. After upgrading, Ye Zhen felt as if his physical and mental strength were endless.

For a time, Ye Zhen felt as if he would never have to sleep.

It seems like my physical strength is endless.

"Is this [Dragon Horse Spirit]? I have the energy and physical strength of a horse and a dragon now, right?"

Ye Zhen thought of it in some novels.

There are often some units with the power of a dragon.

Now Ye Zhen himself has such a feeling.

Ye Zhen now has four skill points left.

Ye Zhen began to find that his skill [Photographic Memory] was not enough.

It was a feeling that could no longer match the speed of Ye Zhen's thinking.

This photographic memory is already like a magical skill to ordinary people.

But for Ye Zhen now, it is not enough.

Ye Zhen used a skill point on [Photographic Memory]. This was the first time Ye Zhen upgraded this skill.

[Photographic memory] directly became [Ten lines in one glance].

Ye Zhen felt his eyes scanning, seeing things several times faster than before.

This skill is just like its name [One Eye and Ten Elements].

Now Ye Zhen only has three skill points left.

But after Ye Zhen tried this ability, he found that it was far from what he expected.

"Isn't this one thing that can't satisfy me anymore?"

This is already a very outrageous speed of information acquisition, but for Ye Zhen.

This still feels a little inadequate.

Ye Zhen continued to add two skill points to [One Eye and Ten Lines].

After these two upgrades, this [One Eye Ten Lines] was upgraded to [One Eye Thousand Lines].

This is very scary.

Ye Zhen felt as if he had just gained the ability of [photographic memory].

But you must know that there are many people in this category in history.

Many history books record that many ancient people had this ability.

So this is not an exaggeration.

Because there really are people with such terrifying memory abilities.

And now there are so-called world memory masters. It is not an exaggeration to say that their memory is [one eye and ten lines].

We ordinary people have all recited ancient poems when we were studying.

This is very painful for most students.

Many people choose to study science in order not to endorse.

Because for many people, this endorsement is too painful.

But some people are born with such a talent.

Their memory is different from ordinary people, and others have to memorize things ten times.

They can memorize half of it after reading it once, and they can basically memorize it after reading it twice.

Then after three times, you will be able to memorize it completely.

This is their talent. Such people are not uncommon when they are students.

Looking at the entire history of mankind, there are many more exaggerated people.

Isn’t there a disease called hyperamnesia now?

Their brains are like cameras, recording everything they see like a video.

This is hyperamnesia.

However, the ability of this eye and ten elements is already very incredible.

But now Ye Zhen's ability [Currently Qianxing] is even more outrageous.

For a thousand-word essay, Ye Zhen now only needs one second.

You can read all the content.

Even if you have a photographic memory, you still have to read these words one by one.

You need to read it line by line.

Now Ye Zhen doesn't need it at all. This speed is simply a dimensional jump.

Now Ye Zhen still has one skill point left.

Ye Zhen thought about it and kept this skill point.

After this round of improvement, Ye Zhen felt that he was different in all aspects.

And there is also the bonus of the health master realm.

"Okay, now let's figure out how to hit the number one ratings spot in Eurasia."

Ye Zhen opened [Nine Apertures Exquisite] to think about how to do this.

The Eurasian continent is geographically connected.

This European country is a very classic capitalist country.

But when Ye Zhen was thinking, someone knocked on the door and came in.

"Teacher Ye, this is a letter from your fan." Several staff members came to Ye Zhen's office carrying several boxes.

This is just a one-time fan letter.

There are already so many.

Because now Ye Zhen's fame has spread abroad.

There are also many fans of Ye Zhen in foreign countries.

It's no surprise that there are so many fan letters.

It just so happened that Ye Zhen had just upgraded to [Currently Thousand Lines], just in time to try this ability.

Ye Zhen found an open place, opened all the letters, and spread them on the ground.

Ye Zhen can read more than ten fan letters at the same time.

Although the number of fans has increased sharply, Ye Zhen still spends almost the same time reading fan letters as before.

(End of this chapter)

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