Chapter 382 The shock of Shizhe’s mark

But this is just a test for Ye Zhen to see what the limits of his newly upgraded skill [Currently Thousand Lines] are.

After reading all the fan mail.

Ye Zhen felt a real sense of satisfaction.

Because in this era, not many people will take the time to write you a handwritten letter.

Although here, some people are printed.

But now the letters come from all over the world.

And the volume of letters is also terrifying.

And there are letters written in various languages, not just Chinese.

But Ye Zhen can now be said to be proficient in all the existing languages ​​in the world.

For Ye Zhen, this is just a matter of taking some time to study.

In the real world, there are people who know 14 languages. This is due to talent.

When some people are studying, the subject of English alone makes life worse than death.

Generally speaking, students of this type have very good scores in science subjects, especially mathematics.

But Ye Zhen discovered a problem. The nameless person who often sent letters before had actually stopped sending letters.

"Why is this unnamed envelope gone?" Ye Zhen had an ominous premonition.

I have received so many letters without anonymous letters before.

Now that it is missing, Ye Zhen feels that this is some kind of omen.

"Did too many secrets leak out? Or did someone discover it?" Ye Zhen was already worried about the nameless person.

Even if it's just a prank or something, this fan is considered a true fan.

Ye Zhen had already sent letters since he started doing the show.

After finishing all the letters.

Ye Zhen put these envelopes in a special room.

This is the room specially reserved for Ye Zhen by Yangcheng TV station.

It is specially used to store letters from fans.

Now only Ye Zhenhui has so many letters.

On the way back to his office, Ye Zhen met a familiar figure.

This person was Kong Sisi. After Kong Sisi saw Ye Zhen, he immediately walked to Ye Zhen.

"Ye Zhen, I'm looking for you everywhere!"

"There's no one in your office."

"I thought you disappeared again." Kong Sisi had encountered the inexplicable disappearance of Ye Zhen before.

Ye Zhen just found an open space in the TV station to test his abilities.

Ye Zhen didn't tell anyone, so it's no wonder that Kong Sisi couldn't find Ye Zhen.

In the eyes of the people at Yangcheng TV station, Ye Zhen has always been like a dragon.

"What's the matter?" Ye Zhen asked with a smile.

Kong Sisi was a little embarrassed and said: "Ye Zhen, can I ask you for a favor?"

Kong Sisi seemed to have something to hide.

"Say it." Ye Zhen spoke calmly and looked at Kong Sisi's uneasy look with calm eyes.

"I hope you can help my father." After Kong Sisi said these words, she seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

"I know this is very inappropriate." Kong Sisi also knew that this request of hers was very shameless.

Kong Sisi held Ye Zhen's hand tightly, pleading with her face.

Because Ye Zhen had clearly rejected his father's request many times before.

Kong Sisi also knew that her father's lifelong wish was to go back and take revenge.

Today's business can reach this point just to earn a living.

For those two thousand years old family, the Kong family.

Kong Sisi didn't have any impression of it because she hadn't grown up there since she was a child.

But his father was different. He came from that thousand-year-old family.

Only he knows the various tastes.

But Kong Sisi didn't understand why her father still couldn't let go after so many years.

Until now, Kong Hua would drink wine late at night from time to time to drown his sorrows.

At this moment, the mark of Shizhe in Ye Zhen's mind actually vibrated to an almost imperceptible extent.

If it weren't for Ye Zhen's mental power, he would have reached perfection and have reached the realm of a health keeper.

Ye Zhen might not be able to detect this slightest vibration at all.

Ever since Ye Zhen obtained these Shizhe Marks, they have remained in his spiritual sea.

He has always been quiet, just constantly nourishing his spiritual power.

Ye Zhen's mental strength can make the current progress, which is indispensable to the Shizhe Mark.

"Okay." Ye Zhen agreed to Kong Sisi's request.

In fact, Kong Sisi didn't even want to take the initiative to ask for Ye Zhen from the beginning.

But yesterday, Kong Sisi's own father knelt in front of him in person.

Looking at his old father, he actually knelt in front of him.

"Daughter." Kong Hua knelt on his knees and looked at his daughter with a frustrated expression.

"Dad, please."

"Go and talk to your boyfriend Ye Zhen."

"Let him help me, my future father-in-law."

"I support your matter with both hands."

"Dad has never begged you in my life, just this time, okay?"

Kong Sisi saw that her father would kneel down and beg her so humbly.

"Dad! What are you doing!" Kong Sisi quickly helped her father up.

"Get up quickly, there's something we can't talk about."

Only then did Kong Sisi realize that the upright father in the family was starting to turn gray at the temples.

Ever since Kong Sisi was born, it can be said that she has been treated like the apple of her eye at home.

Hold it in your mouth for fear of melting, hold it in your hand for fear of falling.

Now Kong Sisi saw that her old father actually went to this extent to ask Ye Zhen to help.

Kong Sisi also understood that revenge against the Kong family was her father's lifelong obsession.

As a daughter, how could Kong Sisi have the heart to refuse?

This was the first time that Kong Sisi felt that her father was old.

Kong Sisi had no choice but to agree quickly, "I promise you, I promise you to ask Ye Zhen for help!"

"How about you get up first?" Kong Sisi quickly pulled her father.

Kong Hua shed tears and asked, "Is it true?"

"Really." Kong Sisi swore, "Isn't it okay if I swear?"

"Then remember to ask tomorrow." Only then did Kong Hua stand up from the ground.

When he stood up, Kong Hua slapped his waist and said, "I really can't do it if I don't accept it."

"As expected of daddy's good daughter." Kong Hua hugged Kong Sisi, "I have loved you since I was a child." Kong Sisi said, "I don't guarantee that Ye Zhen will agree."

Upon hearing this, Kong Hua immediately became frustrated again.

"Okay, okay." As a filial daughter, how could Kong Sisi bear to see her father like this.

"I'll try my best! I'll try my best!" Kong Sisi seemed to be coaxing a child.

No wonder people say that the older people get, the more they become like children.

Hence the current scene.

Kong Sisi didn't expect Ye Zhen to agree.

But after agreeing to his father, he mustered up the courage to come and ask Ye Zhen.

"Ah?" What did you say? Kong Sisi felt as if she was hallucinating.

Ye Zhen said angrily: "I said yes."

Kong Sisi never expected that Ye Zhen would actually agree?

And it's so refreshing.

Didn’t he refuse to agree even to death before? ?

Kong Sisi knew before that her father came over again and again to invite Ye Zhen for help.

But they all returned in vain and went directly to find Ye Zhen's residence.

What his father said came to Kong Sisi's mind.

"I am very optimistic about this son-in-law, if there are no problems."

"You should get engaged as soon as possible. Your father has nothing now but money."

Does he really like me?

Kong Sisi lowered her head, then shyly raised her eyes to peek at Ye Zhen.

Kong Sisi’s father Kong Hua said it before.

If Ye Zhen helps him take revenge on the Kong family.

Will marry Kong Sisi to Ye Zhen, and have a very generous dowry.

In the future, his business empire will also belong to Ye Zhen and the two of them.

"When?" Ye Zhen agreed, naturally wanting to know when this would pass.

Kong Sisi didn't expect Ye Zhen to agree so readily.

"I'm going to ask my father." Kong Sisi immediately walked not far away and made a phone call.

But with Ye Zhen's current hearing, Ye Zhen can still hear clearly.

And Ye Zhen can now hear sounds beyond the human range of Hertz.

Just like some animals, their hearing range is far beyond that of humans.

When some natural disasters occur, there are often some infrasound and ultrasonic sounds.

These sounds often make animals restless.

So we can see that before the earthquake occurs, some small animals start running around.

That's because they can hear sounds that we can't.

Kong Hua was discussing a very important contract at this time.

If the cooperation is successful, it will be a business of at least tens of billions.

Originally, everyone was on silent cell phone at this time.

And now there are not many contracts that require Kong Hua to negotiate in person.

Kong Hua's temperament is completely different in the business world, and this is his battlefield.

“Our contracts are already the most favorable in the industry.”

"We are sincere in cooperating with you."

At this moment, Kong Hua felt the phone in his arms vibrating.

A big businessman like him has several mobile phones.

One phone for family members and another for business.

This is the call his daughter made to herself.

Kong Hua knew that his daughter would not call him without something going on.

His daughter is not the type to cling to him.

The first possibility is that his daughter has been kidnapped.

This was brought by the robbers.

The second is if there is something important.

important things? Kong Hua thought of the scene he performed yesterday when he knelt down.

It has to be said that as a businessman, Kong Hua is completely shameless.

Only those who are conscienceless and shameless enough can become a businessman and make money.

This is exactly the reason why there is no business without treachery.

Kong Hua said to the partner in front of him: "Sorry, I'm going to take a call."

Kong Hua's female secretary and subordinates were dumbfounded.

Now is the critical moment when this contract becomes intense.

How could you answer the phone at this time?

The other party was also dumbfounded. How dare he? Is it possible to cooperate on this project?

Kong Hua heard Kong Sisi's voice.

"Dad, Ye Zhen asked you when you will go to Kong's house." Kong Sisi came up and asked directly.

Kong Hua was stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

Kong Sisi continued: "Someone asked us the time, when will we go to Kong's house!!"

"Don't you want others to help you? How can others help you if you don't spare any time!"

Kong Hua reacted immediately, "The future son-in-law agreed?"

Kong Hua didn't expect Ye Zhen to agree to help so quickly!

"Hahaha!" Kong Hua held the phone and laughed: "I knew it, I knew it!"

Even the people in the conference room heard the sound.

Kong Hua's secretary came out and asked, "Boss, what happened?"

The partners inside saw that Kong Hua disrespected them so much.

"It's okay not to discuss this contract!" The partners immediately left the meeting room.

Kong Hua’s men don’t want to give up this tens of billions of cooperation.

"Mr. Ma, wait a minute, let's stop talking!" His subordinates quickly followed him to the elevator.

But at this time, Kong Hua felt that nothing mattered anymore.

What matters is revenge on the Kong family.

Kong Hua thought that in two days it would be Mrs. Kong’s eightieth birthday.

"This is the best opportunity." Kong Hua narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Daughter, tell your good son-in-law that we will leave in two days." Kong Hua told Kong Sisi about this time.

Kong Sisi subconsciously replied: "Is it that fast?"

"Okay, I understand." Kong Sisi returned to Ye Zhen after finishing the conversation.

"My dad said we will leave in two days." Kong Sisi asked Ye Zhen, "Do you have time?"

Now Ye Zhen can be said to be very free. This episode of the program has just ended.

"I'm free." Ye Zhen answered truthfully, he also wanted to know.

Why are these Shizhe Marks trembling?

(End of this chapter)

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