Chapter 383 Kong Hua’s Past

After agreeing to Kong Sisi, Ye Zhen will set off to Ludong in two days.

Speaking of which, this was Ye Zhen's first time going to Ludong.

It is famous because it is the hometown of Confucius.

If Ye Zhen had a little interest in traveling to Ludong before, he would not be interested in traveling to Shandong.

Now Ye Zhen has seen Confucius in person.

So I'm not very interested in this anymore.

After getting off work, Ye Zhen drove back to his big villa.

Ye Zhen talked to Tu Shan about this.

"I'm going to Ludong on a business trip in two days."

"That day you won't have to cook for me."

After hearing this, Tushan asked: "Are you going out to play without me?"

"How dare you! You secretly went out to play by yourself!"

"I don't care, you have to take me with you!" Tu Shan immediately rolled on the ground.

Ye Zhen said calmly: "I went out to do serious things."

"What are you going to do with me?"

Tu Shan thought for a moment and said: "I don't care, I don't care!"

"You have to take me with you."

Ye Zhen was helping others to seek revenge, so how could he bring this guy with him?

"Think about it, isn't the place where we live now very beautiful?" Ye Zhen began to persuade.

Tu Shan looked at the large living room and said, "Right? What's wrong?"

"If you follow me, there will be no one in this house." Ye Zhen continued.

Tu Shan thought for a moment, "That's the truth."

"Then should you stay at home and protect this family?"

"What if someone steals something while we are away?"

“What if someone takes over our house?”

Tu Shan felt that what Ye Zhen said made sense, but why did it feel wrong?

Then Ye Zhen read a lot of news on the Internet and showed it to Tu Shan.

They were all large villas that had been unoccupied for a long time, and then they were occupied and secretly moved in.

Or some ordinary homes, even if they are traveling, they still need their friends to help them look after their homes.

After Tushan saw it, he was also frightened for a while.

"Then I have to stay here and not let any bad guys enter my house!" Tushan is also a ninja after all, and his strength is enough to deal with ordinary people.

This matter was decided so happily.

Ye Zhen also said: "I will bring some specialties back to you."

Tushan's eyes lit up when he heard that there was food.

After all, it turns out that there is no real food in Japan.

It's all just marketing.

After two days, it was the day of departure.

Kong Hua sent someone to drive over early to pick up Ye Zhen.

"Mr. Ye, I'm here to pick you up." A driver driving a Rolls-Royce came to Ye Zhen's villa.

Ye Zhen and Tu Shan explained the matter, left a little money for Tu Shan and left.

"Keep the house well, got it?" Ye Zhen and Tu Shan raised their hands to say goodbye.

"Promise to complete the mission!" Tu Shan watched Ye Zhen leave.

Ye Zhen closed his eyes and meditated along the way, and then the car arrived at a private airport.

"Mr. Ye, we're here." The driver got out of the car and opened the door for Ye Zhen.

Kong Hua's family of three had already been waiting for Ye Zhen here.

And behind Kong Hua is a private jet.

"Welcome, Mr. Ye." Kong Hua finally felt relieved after seeing Ye Zhen arriving.

"Come on, let's get on the plane." Kong Hua had already bought this private plane.

One can imagine how deep Kong Hua's family background is.

Kong Sisi can be said to be an out-and-out rich second generation, a little rich woman!

This was Ye Zhen's first time taking a private plane.

But what Ye Zhen thinks is that if he masters gravity, he can fly, right?

Ye Zhen had experienced the posture of an immortal before.

Flying is as instinctive to him as drinking water.

After boarding the private plane, Kong Hua invited Ye Zhen to sit with him.

"Mr. Ye, thank you for agreeing to help me." Kong Hua bowed to Ye Zhen, "I, Kong Hua, can't thank you enough!"

This is Kong Hua's sincere gratitude, in order to take revenge on the Kong family.

Kong Hua has worked hard for so long.

In order to achieve his goal, Kong Hua will do anything at any cost.

"This involves some secrets of the Kong family."

"But now that Mr. Ye is one of my own, I can tell everything."

Kong Hua began to recall what happened back then.

"The Kong family is the number one family in China, in the eyes of outsiders."

"This is the only aristocratic family in our country now."

"But underneath this glamorous family, there are still some feudal remnants."

When he said this, Kong Hua gritted his teeth.

"Mr. Ye, you also know that there are actually strange people and strangers in this world."

"It's just those people with special abilities and qigong masters."

"The Kong family can be passed down to this day, not just because of the name."

Kong Hua can be said to be the real Kong family and the real descendant of Confucius.

But it has been multiplying for so many years now.

The bloodline of Confucius has already spread out. I don’t know how many bloodlines there are.

But the only inherited title is Duke Yansheng.

Only the eldest descendants of the Kong family can inherit.

Duke Yansheng was a great nobleman in every dynasty.

It can be inherited forever.

This is the greatest feudal privilege.

No matter how the emperor changes or the dynasty changes, the Kong family is extremely special.

Every generation is Yanshenggong.

This is a family that will never die and will always have so-called privileges.

This is the most terrifying place.

Ye Zhen felt terrible just thinking about it. This transcendent status was beyond everyone's expectation.

Because as long as you are the emperor of China, after you come to power, you will definitely win over the Kong family. And you must recognize the status of the Confucius family, because only in this way can you prove that you are orthodox.

Just imagine that a family has developed for more than two thousand years and is so transcendent.

What will this family become?

Kong Hua continued: "Every generation of young people in the Kong family needs to read the books of saints."

"This is not just ordinary reading, because some people have a real talent for reading."

"They can read something called Haoran's righteousness in the book just by relying on their own talent."

"This is what's special about the Kong family."

Haoran is upright? Ye Zhen heard that this was something that could only appear in novels.

"Does this really exist?" Ye Zhen asked curiously.

Kong Hua nodded, "As long as you can read and understand Haoran's righteousness, your status in the entire Kong family will immediately be different."

"You can get the rights second only to your direct descendants."

"So, countless generations of the Kong family have always been proud of their understanding of Haoran's righteousness."

Ye Zhen felt that this awe-inspiring righteousness should be similar to a special kind of energy.

This is just another cultivation system.

This family, which has been established in China for more than two thousand years, definitely has some skills.

This awe-inspiring righteousness is the foundation of their foundation.

"Mr. Kong, you haven't told me yet, how can I help you get revenge?" Ye Zhen actually asked this two days ago.

But Kong Hua never said anything.

Kong Hua's eyes were full of hatred at this time.

"This can cultivate great righteousness, and it is a very important seed for reading in the Confucius family."

"My father back then, he had already cultivated Haoran's righteousness at a young age."

"And he is known as a genius that is rare in the Confucius family for a century."

"The future was originally bright."

"But the eldest son of the Holy Gong Yan of the Kong family did not cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness."

"I don't know why he is jealous of my father."

"And framed my father for it."

"My father was sent to prison for this. After he came out, he was expelled and punished by his family."

"My father never did that!"

"They wrongly accused my father of raping women!"

"Obviously that beast did this! But in the Kong family, they are the gods."

"My father was heartbroken because of it."

"He was originally a genius who cultivated Haoran's righteousness, but in the end he became a madman."

"In the end I had to die to prove my innocence."

"But even if my father died, they said he committed suicide out of fear of crime."

"My mother was depressed about it, but it was because she still had me."

"My mother can't let me go, but those beasts!"

"You actually insulted my mother!" Kong Hua couldn't suppress his anger at this point.

He simply clenched his fists and punched the table on the plane vigorously.

Ye Zhen could feel Kong Hua's anger.

"My mother ended up hanging herself out of shame."

Originally, China was a very feudal society.

Kong Hua is still in the most feudal Kong family, and this atmosphere can be imagined.

"Even if it was reported to the official, they didn't dare to pay attention to it at all, and they didn't want to pay attention to it."

"Also, the Kong family is rotten from beginning to end."

"In order to cover up this matter, they confused right and wrong!"

"Slandering my mother as a slut and saying that my father committed suicide out of fear of crime."

"The Kong family can't stand any stigma!"

When Kong Hua said this, his eyes were already bloodshot.

It can be said that this ruined Kong Hua's entire family.

Is it because he is jealous of Kong Hua’s father’s talent?

Ye Zhen couldn't understand, but this was not just revenge for killing his father.

No wonder Kong Hua is so persistent and still wants revenge even now.

After Ye Zhen listened, he also understood why Kong Hua would not say it easily.

"I swear, no matter what the cost."

"Even if I am shattered to pieces, I will take revenge!" Kong Hua only had the fireworks called revenge in his eyes.

But how could this Kong family be shaken by a small person like him?

This is undoubtedly an underestimation of one's ability.

Why does Kong Hua work so hard in business? This is just necessary on his way to revenge.

Over the past few years, Kong Hua has been living in hatred.

"But this murder is illegal." Ye Zhen said to Kong Hua seriously: "I am not from the motherland, so I can't help you kill so many people."

The simplest way is to tug everyone.

This is the simplest.

This is a legal society, and Ye Zhen has done this before!

And he killed almost a hundred people.

Counting now, the number of lives that have passed through Ye Zhen's hands is almost hundreds.

Kong Hua has kept this secret in his heart for too long.

Now it is finally time to reveal this secret to outsiders.

However, in Kong Hua's eyes, Ye Zhen is not an outsider, he is half one of his own.

After all, a son-in-law is half a son.

Kong Hua smiled and said, "Thank you, Ye Zhen, I feel much better now."

I kept this aggrieved in my heart, and I have been working hard for revenge.

Kong Hua has always been driven by hatred, even after Kong Sisi was born.

He also thought about it, should he give up hatred?

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and Kong Hua slapped himself.

He slapped himself hard to wake himself up.

It would be unworthy of a gentleman not to avenge this kind of hatred.

It’s not like Kong Hua hasn’t tried other methods in the past few years.

However, the Kong family has developed for more than two thousand years, and the name of this first family in China is not for nothing.

The Kong family and their descendants have spread across all walks of life.

It is already unimaginably big.

(End of this chapter)

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