Chapter 384: Awesome and righteous

Therefore, Kong Hua's various methods were unable to cause any harm to the huge Kong family.

Sometimes Kong Hua even feels that he may not be able to succeed in this life.

He didn't want his daughter to bear such hatred.

Even his wife doesn't know about this.

Except for Ye Zhen, he didn't tell anyone else.

Until Kong Hua looked through his father's suicide note and saw this righteous statement.

And in the previous era, Kong Hua came into contact with this extraordinary power.

Those qigong masters and people with special powers.

Kong Hua felt that this was an opportunity and the only opportunity.

"Mr. Ye, now you understand why I want revenge no matter what." Kong Hua wiped away his tears, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye."

Ye Zhen has never experienced anything like this, and will never say such stupid things to make people put down their hatred.

Ye Zhen's concept is very simple, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

A drop of kindness should be repaid by a spring.

You respect me one point, and I respect you one foot.

Here I have to mention something Confucius said.

Repay evil with kindness.

Now everyone has distorted and distorted the original meaning of these four words.

Encourage everyone to repay the resentment of others with good deeds.

Many people say, ah, this is a saint.

Not only let go of hatred, but also treat your enemies kindly.

This is not a saint, this is a fool!

Confucius was not a fool, but a man of great wisdom.

This is just an interpretation taken out of context by future generations.

Because Ye Zhen himself asked Confucius how to explain these four words.

"How about repaying evil with kindness?" Confucius said: "How to repay kindness? Repay evil with straightness, repay kindness with kindness." From "The Analects of Confucius·Xianwen".

"How about repaying evil deeds with good deeds?" Confucius said: "How to repay good deeds? Repay evil deeds with justice and selflessness, and repay good deeds with good deeds."

These are Confucius's original words, and they are not about repaying evil with kindness.

That's not a saint, that's a holy mother bitch!

Where did this statement come from? After the influence of Western culture.

Because Jehovah said it in the Bible.

"If the enemy hits you on the left cheek, then you have to let your enemy hit you on the right cheek as well."

This is a holy mother bitch, not a saint.

So don't talk about repaying evil with kindness, this is wrong.

Only repay kindness with kindness and repay evil with kindness, this is what Confucius said.

Confucius never recognized the idea of ​​repaying evil with kindness.

But after people today took it out of context and distorted it, it became Confucius's approach.

Just like what everyone often writes in their compositions.

Zhou Shuren, a great Chinese thinker, once said: XXXXX.

But Lu Xun never said it at all, it was just fabricated by future generations.

So Ye Zhen will not persuade Kong Hua to let go of his hatred or anything.

"As long as you know this," Kong Hua said to Ye Zhen, "I don't want them and their daughter to know these things."

Ye Zhen nodded, Kong Hua was the one who bore all the hatred.

Kong Sisi came over at this time and said, "What were you two talking about? You were chatting so happily."

"I just heard the flight attendant say that you guys were so excited talking that they even banged the table."

"My future son-in-law and I hit it off right away." Kong Hua smiled, "You think so, what a good son-in-law!"

"As long as this is successful, I will betroth my daughter to you."

"I will give you all my belongings as a dowry, old man!"

Kong Hua is not just talking in vain.

Over the past few years, he has become tired and has been scheming with others in the business world.

If this revenge is successful, he just wants to find a place with beautiful scenery.

Go fishing from time to time and enjoy life.

He is too tired in this life.

Kong Sisi heard what her father said, "Dad! What are you talking about?"

"I'm ignoring you!" Kong Sisi blushed and left here.

Kong Sisi returned to her mother's side.

Kong Sisi's mother watched Kong Sisi come back with a shy look on her face.

"Sisi? What's going on? Is that boy Ye Zhen bullying you?" Although Kong Sisi's mother is old, she still has her charm.

It can be seen that she was a great beauty when she was young.

Kong Sisi's mother looked at her daughter dotingly.

Kong Sisi buried her head in her mother's arms.

"How old she is, she still looks like a little girl." Kong Sisi's mother stroked her daughter's hair.

"In the past, you should have gotten married long ago."

Kong Sisi didn't expect that her mother would actually say the same thing, "Mom! Why are you like this!"

"It's not like your daughter can't get married!"

Soon the private plane had arrived in Ludong.

This land of Qilu has been very famous since ancient times.

But it is also in this place that women are not allowed to eat at the table.

Except for civil servants and teachers, all establishment work is idle.

If there is any place in China where people are most eager to be an official, then this must be one of them.

Ye Zhen and his group got off the private plane.

It has to be said that Kong Hua is able to achieve his current business success because he was forced to do so.

But even the current achievements are nothing more than small shrimps in front of the huge Kong family.

Only Kong Hua knows what kind of behemoth the Kong family is.

It can be said that the Kong family relies entirely on the blessing of their ancestors.

No effort required at all. Do you think this is fair? This is the greatest injustice in the world.

Why can the eldest son of Confucius' descendant directly become a noble?

No need to work hard? Just because their blood is noble?

Therefore, after the founding of our country, the name Yan Shenggong was no longer available.

During the Qing Dynasty, Duke Yansheng was the leader of the officials.

This is indeed very ridiculous.

After getting off the private plane, someone drove over to pick up Ye Zhen and the others.

Kong Hua also owns real estate here in Ludong.

"Mr. Ye, let's take a rest for the night."

"We will go directly to Kong's house tomorrow." Although Kong Hua can't wait now.

When he set foot on this place, Kong Hua couldn't hold back anymore.

All these decades of hatred, all of it.

He really wanted to take revenge on the Kong family now, but he had been waiting for decades.

This day is not far behind.

The more times this happens, the more calm you need.

"Husband, is this your hometown?" This is the first time Kong Sisi's mother has come to Ludong.

Because she knows a little about her husband.

But Kong Hua kept silent about what happened that year.

Even if she is Kong Hua's wife, she just knows that her husband wants to take revenge on the Kong family.

And he will fight for this for his whole life.

During this process, Kong Hua actually found many girlfriends.

However, these people all persuaded Kong Hua to give up revenge without exception.

Compared with the Kong family, he is just an ant.

She was the only one who fully supported Kong Hua's revenge.

So in the end the two of them got married and had Kong Sisi.

Before this, Kong Hua banned his family members from going to Ludong.

Soon Ye Zhen came to their property in Ludong.

"I may have to give in to my future son-in-law for a few days." Kong Hua said to Ye Zhen apologetically.

This is the most upscale community in the area, if this is all about surrender.

Ye Zhen didn't know where people lived.

"Is this the world of rich people?" Ye Zhen smiled.

Soon Ye Zhen moved into Kong Hua's home in Ludong.

This can be regarded as Kong Hua’s nationwide investment.

Let’s talk about which industry has been the most profitable in recent years.

And if it is a sure profit without loss, it must be real estate.

So in the past few years, Kong Hua has owned properties across the country.

The news that Kong Hua came to Ludong spread quickly.

Because Kong Hua is not only a famous businessman in eastern Guangdong.

This is true across the country.

Because Eastern Guangdong is the largest economic province in my country.

None of the businessmen who are famous in eastern Guangdong are ordinary people.

Let’s just talk about Li Huanggua and Ma QQ. They came from Eastern Guangdong Province.

Someone had already come over to invite Kong Hua to dinner that night.

And a banquet is going to be held to welcome Kong Hua.

"Boss Kong, why didn't you tell me when you came to our place from eastern Guangdong?"

"Are you looking down on me?"

"You must give me face here, and I will arrange your schedule."

"Mr. Kong! You came to our place for the first time, and you came to the right place."

"When I went to eastern Guangdong before, you entertained me with delicious food and drinks."

"I'll let you have fun this time too."

Among these people, some had done business with Kong Hua.

We are still collaborating now.

There are also those who are willing to make friends with Kong Hua.

After all, in this circle, having one more friend means one more path.

There are countless people waiting to curry favor with a businessman of Kong Hua's stature.

There are also some people who want to cooperate with Kong Hua and expand their business to eastern Guangdong.

They always thought that Kong Hua was from eastern Guangdong Province.

But they didn't know that Kong Hua was actually from Ludong and a member of the Kong family.

Kong Hua refused all these banquets.

If it had been before, Kong Hua would never have done this. After all, it was very offending.

But this time when he came here, Kong Hua had only one idea, and that was revenge.

He has no thoughts except revenge.

Everything is no longer important.

Kong Hua specially invited Ye Zhen to eat the most famous local Kongfu banquet.

I have to say that this is a bit ironic here.

After eating and drinking, Ye Zhen and his group returned to the community.

This high-end community is not far from Na Kong's house.

This was one of the reasons why Kong Hua bought it in the first place.

In order to take revenge, he prepared a lot of things.

After nightfall, Kong Hua came to Ye Zhen's room.

"Future son-in-law, let me tell you my revenge plan now." Kong Hua did not reveal his plan until this moment.

"If the foundation of their foundation is destroyed, Haoran Zhengqi will be abolished!"

After all, Kong Hua wants to make sure nothing goes wrong, after all, this is only one chance!

(End of this chapter)

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