Chapter 385 The inheritance of saints

Kong Hua was also very patient.

It was also on the private plane to Ludong that Kong Hua told Ye Zhen what had happened before.

Now no one even knows that Kong Hua is actually a member of the Kong family.

After all, although there are not many people with the surname Kong, there are definitely a lot of them nationwide.

At that time, Kong Hua left the Kong family alone.

The Kong family is so huge that one more person is not too much, and one less person is not too much.

And Kong Hua’s father and mother are both gone.

If Kong Hua continues to stay in the Kong family, then this evil claw will inevitably fall on his head.

So he started wandering outside when he was less than ten years old.

To be able to survive to this day, Kong Hua got through it by gritting his teeth.

This makes him very cautious and flexible, and he can do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

If this were not the case, there would be no way he would be alive today.

I'm already going out for revenge tomorrow.

Only tonight did Kong Hua reveal his revenge plan in full.

Kong Hua and Ye Zhen said: "We should have a little drink now."

"But it's time to get down to business tomorrow. Drinking is a waste of time."

Ye Zhen glanced at Kong Hua strangely, "Don't you know that I don't drink?"

Kong Hua patted his head and said, "Look at my memory. Now that I'm old, my memory is getting worse."


Early the next morning, Ye Zhen had already gotten up early and washed up.

Ye Zhen still remembers what Kong Hua said to him yesterday.

"Ye Zhen." Kong Sisi's voice sounded outside the door, "Are you up?"

Ye Zhen opened the door and could see that Kong Sisi was wearing very gorgeous clothes today.

It looks like a very expensive set of clothes.

Against the backdrop of this dress, Kong Sisi was even more beautiful and charming than usual.

"My dad is looking for you." Kong Sisi whispered.

In fact, Kong Sisi's mother originally suggested that Kong Sisi and Ye Zhen sleep in the same room yesterday.

However, Kong Hua refused because Ye Zhen had something very important to do.

It's easy for a man and a woman alone to make a fire in the room and go off.

Kong Hua smiled and said, "After this matter is done, you can do whatever you want."

Kong Sisi's face was already blushing, and she hit her father's shoulder with a small pink fist, "Dad! What are you talking about!"

Ye Zhen followed Kong Sisi to the living room.

In addition to Kong Hua and his wife, Ye Zhen also saw two people.

One is a white-haired old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit and a hooked nose.

He was full of energy, his eyes suddenly shone, and the joints on his hands were also very thick.

The other one is a man wearing sportswear with a oily hair.

The only thing that people care about is the eyes of this oily man.

One of them is covered with layers of thin opaque white film, just like wearing colored contact lenses.

Kong Hua saw Ye Zhen, holding a newspaper in his hand, "Hahaha, Master Ye, are you awake?"

"Let me introduce it to you." Kong Hua stood up and put away the newspaper in his hand.

The newspaper is a local newspaper in East Shandong, and the news in the newspaper is.

Today is the 100th birthday of the mother of Yan Shenggong, the contemporary head of the Kong family.

People from all walks of life came to congratulate Yan Shenggong's mother on her birthday today.

"This is Qigong master Wang Sen." Kong Hua introduced the old man with a hooked nose sideways.

The old man just said calmly, "Boss Kong, actually it's enough for you to invite me alone."

"My qigong is omnipotent and can cure all diseases."

Kong Hua smiled and said: "Hahaha, of course I trust Master Wang's ability."

There was also the oily man with one eye. Kong Hua also introduced the identity of this man.

"This is a person with special abilities, Zhang Baojun." Kong Hua said with a smile, "He is a very powerful person with special abilities."

Ye Zhen looked at the two helpers invited by Kong Hua.

Kong Hua walked to Ye Zhen and spoke to Ye Zhen quietly, talking in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Good son-in-law, you also know that this is my lifelong wish."

"I don't want anything to go wrong. These two are here to help you."

"And you are also my good son-in-law. I don't want to see you fighting alone." Kong Hua's words can be said to be watertight.

As a businessman, Kong Hua's speech is indeed an art, and people can't find anything wrong with him.

Ye Zhen said calmly: "It doesn't matter."

Kong Hua's mood immediately changed when he saw that Ye Zhen had no objection.

Kong Hua would kill first and then show off, if it were someone else who was very unruly.

Seeing what Kong Hua did, he might be furious and leave on the spot.

How could Kong Hua put all his hopes on Ye Zhen?

As a businessman, of course you know that you can’t put all your eggs in the same basket.

"Okay, let's set off." Kong Hua ordered his men to drive.

"Let's go break into the Kong family." Kong Hua was already getting excited.

Today is a happy day for the Kong family.

Because this is the 100th birthday party for Yan Shenggong’s mother.

People from all walks of life in the local area will come to congratulate.

Moreover, the Confucius Mansion will also arrange a large banquet, and you can have a bite as long as you come over.

But this is only on the surface.

There are also celebrities and dignitaries from all over the world who have been invited to Confucius Mansion.

So far, the Kong family is still the best family in the world.

Kong Mansion is very lively today.

The scale and splendor of Confucius's mansion was second only to the emperor's palace.

Some people even say that the Confucius Mansion is more exquisite and luxurious than some royal palaces.

After all, even in those war-torn years, the Confucius Mansion was still very well preserved.

You can see very lively scenes along the way.

"What's going on? Why is it so lively today?"

"Don't you know? Today is Yan Shenggong's mother's birthday party."

"Is it the birthday party for Yan Shenggong's mother? How old is this old lady this year?"

"A hundred years old! This can be said to be a very long life."

All kinds of luxury cars and celebrities came to the Kong Mansion.

Just looking at the decoration and layout, this Kong Mansion is a very antique mansion. However, the current Confucius Mansion was built during the Qing and Ming dynasties.

It is still very well preserved to this day.

This is considered the ancestral home of the Kong family, unless there are particularly important sacrifices and activities.

Otherwise, the Kong Mansion would not let people in at will.

Therefore, those who can collect invitations today are either rich or noble.

It was a very lively feast.

But this feast is not just a birthday party for Yan Shenggong’s mother.

In fact, secretly, this is a big gathering of strange people from all walks of life!

Anyone who knows the Kong family knows it, even everyone in the Kong family knows it.

Their ancestor, Confucius, is also the sage Kong.

Achievements not only in Confucianism, but also as a person with extraordinary power.

The Six Arts of a Gentleman are not just for display.

If you think that the Confucius Mansion has only relied on Confucian culture for more than two thousand years.

That couldn't be more wrong, and this is one of them.

Just like now we only know that Confucius' achievements in Confucianism are at the level of a saint.

In fact, Confucius' achievements in extraordinary power were also saint-level!

Ye Zhen, who was sitting in the car, remembered the content of the reward that Kong Hua told him yesterday.

"The secret of the Confucius family's standing for two thousand years lies in this awe-inspiring righteousness."

"That's what you call extraordinary power."

"There will be a grand sacrifice every year in this Confucius Mansion."

"All the strange people and strangers from all over China will gather here in the Confucius Mansion."

"Because they believe that Confucius is actually the most powerful person in history."

When Ye Zhen heard this, he still looked calm.

Originally, Kong Hua thought that these things would shock Ye Zhen.

And Kong Hua was ready to see Ye Zhen's shocked look.

But I never thought that Ye Zhen already knew about it.

Ye Zhen had personally experienced the power of Confucius' force.

But why don’t people in later generations know this?

Now it can be explained. In fact, Confucius' epistemology has been known for a long time.

It's just a matter of silence.

"Why do they gather so many strange people?" Ye Zhen asked Kong Hua.

"Here we have to mention Haoran's righteousness." Kong Hua and Ye Zhen explained.

It was also because Kong Hua's father was a genius that was rare to see in a century.

The awe-inspiring righteousness has been cultivated, so the truth of this awe-inspiring righteousness is revealed.

Kong Hua learned about it from his father.

"Why does the Kong family pay so much attention to this awe-inspiring righteousness?"

"As long as those who cultivate awe-inspiring righteousness can gain great power in the Kong family."

"Because this is related to the inheritance left by the saint."

The inheritance of a saint? This was the first time Ye Zhen knew about this thing.

"Yes, it is the inheritance of the saint."

"Unfortunately, few people have been able to obtain it so far."

"But those who can start this saint's inheritance will all become saints?"

This is about the Five Sages of Confucianism.

In addition to Confucius, there are four other saints.

They are all disciples of Confucius.

Yan Hui, Zengzi, Mencius and Zisi.

Among them, Zisi is the last Confucian saint, and he has a unique identity.

He is the direct grandson of Confucius.

Since Zisi, Confucianism has never produced a sage.

This Zisi is the last saint.

"Have you ever wondered why there have been no saints since then?" Kong Hua secretly laughed.

"Because originally the legacy of saints left by Confucius was reserved for those who were capable."

"As long as you have the ability, you can inherit this inheritance."

"So the outstanding students of Confucius can inherit this holy title."

"But after Zisi, some subtle changes occurred."

"This saint's inheritance remains in the Kong family, and it has become the property of the Kong family since then."

No one said anything at the time.

Because this is originally the inheritance of the saints left by Confucius, and it is also something of the Confucius family.

And the last saint happens to be the bloodline of Confucius.

His descendants were greedy and coveted this saint's inheritance. They thought it belonged to their Kong family.

However, at the beginning, Confucius advocated teaching without distinction and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

This obviously goes against Confucius's initial thoughts.

The Kong family believes that this is something left by their ancestors.

Outsiders are not allowed to get involved.

Therefore, since Zisi, there have been no more saints.

The requirement to start the inheritance of this saint is to cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness!

But in the end, no one from the Kong family has started this saint inheritance until now.

The Kong family can no longer occupy this thing alone.

Under the pressure of everyone, I took it out and asked people from all over the world to come and try it.

Everyone is very interested in this saint's inheritance.

Because of this incident, the Kong family gained another wave of popularity and reputation among the strange people in China.

Because he was willing to give away such a precious thing, this shows the magnanimity of Yan Shenggong.

In fact, it has to be brought out and people are forced to try it.

However, the people of the Kong family also know that only Haoran's righteousness can start the saint's inheritance.

The rest of the power has no effect at all.

But when it was promoted outside, it was said that anyone could start the saint's inheritance.

Become the next saint.

Therefore, the sacrifice held in the Confucius Mansion every year is not only to commemorate Confucius.

This is also the day when this saint’s inheritance begins.

On this day, strange people from all over China will come here.

(End of this chapter)

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