Chapter 386 The Inner Courtyard of the Confucius Mansion

Kong Hua brought the three of them to Kong Mansion.

Kong Mansion is very lively today.

Various large and small activities can be seen.

When Kong Hua was a child, he often watched the worship in the Kong family.

But what he hates most is the annual worship ceremony in the Confucius Mansion.

Because of this red tape, he felt very uncomfortable.

After all, it is unrealistic for you to expect children to like these things.

In fact, the inheritance of this saint is actually started every year when Confucius is worshiped.

But this year happened to be the good day for Yan Shenggong’s mother to celebrate her 100th birthday.

This Yan Shenggong wanted to make a big show for his mother.

The day when this saint's inheritance was started was directly set on the day of my mother's birthday banquet.

The contemporary Duke Yansheng is now the head of the Kong family, Kong Linghui.

At this time, he was standing high and looking at some strange people in the backyard with his mother.

These are today’s supernormal people, qigong masters, superpowers, supernatural beings and the like.

They are all extraordinary.

We gather here today also to obtain the inheritance of the saints.

Kong Linghui is wearing the clothes of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and beside him is his mother who is already over a hundred years old.

Kong Linghui held his mother's hand and said, "Mother, look at these people."

"I'm all here to congratulate you on your birthday."

Yan Shenggong's mother was already a hundred years old and her eyesight was dim. "Good son, just be considerate."

At this time, extraordinary people from all walks of life have gathered in the backyard of Kong Mansion.

This Confucius Mansion is like a royal palace.

What is displayed and made public outside is actually only a small part.

And inside, there are hundreds of acres that are unknown.

At this time, Kong Hua brought Ye Zhen and the three of them to the backyard of Kong Mansion.

At the gate of the backyard, someone stopped Ye Zhen and the four of them.

"I'm sorry, sir." A receptionist woman in ancient costume smiled sweetly and said, "The place in the back is not open."

I only saw Master Wang Sen, a man with an aquiline nose. He snorted coldly.

A cup was conjured out of thin air.

This cup is empty, there is nothing inside.

But the next moment, after Master Wang covered it with his hand, the cup was filled with water.

The woman in ancient costume smiled and said, "Master, please come in."

It was time for Zhang Baojun to perform, and he directly took out a playing card.

There is a small king on it, and Zhang Baojun is seen holding the playing cards in his hands and rubbing them.

In the next second, this little king turned into a three of clubs!

This is a special effect only found in God of Gamblers.

The woman in ancient costume glanced at Zhang Baojun and said, "Master, please come in too."

Ye Zhen and Kong Hua were left alone.

Because only those with truly extraordinary power can enter the inner courtyard.

Kong Hua was just an ordinary person, and he was not qualified to enter.

But who is Ye Zhen?

Ye Zhen, who came here, found that the mark of Shizhe in his mind was shaking more and more obviously.

This is already clearly perceptible.

Ye Zhen also knew that he was not in the wrong place.

Kong Hua's original plan was to let Ye Zhen and the three of them go into the inner courtyard.

To carry out his plan, he was just an ordinary person.

There is no qualification to enter at all.

But who is Ye Zhen? Ye Zhen is a person with the mark of Shi Zhe!

Ye Zhen mobilized a trace of the power of Shi Zhe's mark and mixed it directly with his own Qi.

Now that Ye Zhen has reached the state of a health keeper, he can let go.

Ye Zhen temporarily put his Qi into Kong Hua's body, allowing him to temporarily have a trace of Qi.

And it is Qi mixed with the marks of Shi Zhe.

Kong Hua temporarily became a transcendent.

Kong Hua used the method Ye Zhen taught him to release the trace of Qi with the mark of Shi Zhe.

The reception woman in ancient costume was obviously from the Kong family.

She looked closely at the anger on Kong Hua's hands and said, "This is Haoran's righteousness! Are you from the Kong family?"

Able to achieve this reception position and welcome heroes from all walks of life.

Obviously it can't be done by just anyone.

Because this requires extremely strong eyesight.

Otherwise, it is impossible to tell whether others are truly extraordinary.

After all, there are still people who fish in troubled waters.

Kong Hua looked at the trace of energy he had released. He didn't know what awe-inspiring righteousness was.

This is just what Ye Zhen gave him.

It's been a long time since a woman in ancient costume saw such pure Haoran's righteousness.

"Who are you from the Kong family?" The woman in ancient costume now had a different expression and became very respectful.

Kong Hua said loudly: "Kong Hua, I came back from overseas."

When the woman in ancient costume heard it, she understood instantly.

The Kong family has spread all over the world, so it's not surprising that people from overseas come back from time to time.

"Okay, sir." The woman in ancient costume personally invited Kong Hua to enter the inner courtyard.

In fact, this is not uncommon.

Because there are now Confucius Institutes in the world.

Some Chinese overseas also learn Confucian culture.

Among these people, it is inevitable that there will be some real geniuses.

Some of them can cultivate awe-inspiring righteousness!

Over the years, I have discovered that many overseas people possess great righteousness.

But this is the first time I have seen someone as pure as Kong Hua.

The woman in ancient costume looked at Ye Zhen.

Just now, Ye Zhen was with these three people, and the woman in ancient costume looked at Ye Zhen.

"This gentleman." The woman in ancient costume asked Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen showed a trace of his energy, and the woman in ancient costume nodded after seeing it.

"Come in, Master."

Obviously Ye Zhen and the four of them are extraordinary people.

After passing a garden and a long corridor.

This is the real inner courtyard, which has already been bustling with activity.

You can see all kinds of extraordinary beings gathering here. This was the first time Ye Zhen saw so many extraordinary beings.

"When will this saint's inheritance be started?"

"That's right, I can't wait any longer."

"I am here for the inheritance of this saint. It seems that I am the next saint!"

Some people were attending this gathering of extraordinary beings for the first time.

After they became extraordinary beings themselves, they became very unruly.

Because they think they are superior to others.

After all, in the age of the end of the Dharma, being able to become an extraordinary person is a very remarkable thing.

In fact, it is very difficult for the current extraordinary beings to awaken.

Compared with previous eras, it can be said that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

However, the number of extraordinary people still has not decreased significantly.

Because the current population base is so large, there are now more than eight billion people in the world!

What is this concept?

This was unimaginable in the eyes of the ancients.

More than a hundred years ago, in 1900, the world's population was only 17 billion.

This number is almost comparable to that of our country in China.

That's why the number of extraordinary people has not dropped sharply in recent years.

Because the population base of this human being is so large, it is like a miracle caused by great efforts.

Kong Linghui appeared at this time, and the entire venue fell silent as soon as he appeared.

"Is this the contemporary Duke Yan?"

"Is he the current head of the Kong family?"

"It does look very impressive."

Kong Linghui first exchanged greetings with all the extraordinary people.

This red tape is essential, after all, he is the contemporary head of the Kong family.

In terms of etiquette, it must be something that no one can find fault with.

"Now I announce that this saint's inheritance has officially begun."

"Any capable person with lofty ideals can try to start this saint's inheritance." Kong Linghui announced very generously.

But only he knows.

These outsiders simply do not have the qualifications or ability to start this saint's inheritance.

"These idiots." Kong Linghui, as the contemporary head of the family.

But I know some things that ordinary people don't know.

Why did the Kong family contribute so generously to this saint's inheritance?

Let everyone try it together.

Because this saint's inheritance has a special ability to absorb other people's energy.

This energy can be any form of energy.

It's okay as long as you're angry.

This is equivalent to using the power of these other extraordinary beings to nourish this saint's inheritance.

Why are the people of every generation who can cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness very useful.

Because they not only have the opportunity to start the saint's inheritance.

They can also use their awe-inspiring righteousness to nourish this saint's inheritance.

But later on, no one in their family had cultivated Haoran's righteousness for a long time.

And under the coercion of the remaining forces, this saint's inheritance was opened up.

In fact, this is just a conspiracy of their Kong family.

"Hmph, just go ahead and try it." Kong Linghui looked at all of them with a smile on his face.

Kong Hua saw Kong Linghui, and he was his enemy.

It is the target of his revenge.

How can this great righteousness be cut off in the Kong family?

In fact, this is an impossible thing.

In fact, anyone can understand Haoran’s righteousness.

It is not the unique ability of the Kong family.

But one way Kong Hua thought of was to curse the blood of the Kong family.

A curse that gives them eternal life and knowledge!

This is the method Kong Hua obtained from the Jiuju sect.

Curse the blood of a family, and curse them and their descendants forever!

It turned out that Kong Hua planned to come over with Taro Jono from the Jiuju faction to attend the gathering at Kong's house.

Here let Taro Jono put the curse on Yan Shengong.

Because this curse needs to be placed privately on the head of the family to have any effect.

Only then can it spread to the entire family.

Because the head of the family is the most important person in the family, and he is also the person who gathers the luck of the entire family.

If you have watched "Fights Break the Sphere", you will know it.

As long as one person in the family becomes Dou Emperor, then this person is close to him.

All can achieve different levels of improvement.

The same is true for the curse in Kong Hua's hand.

This is indeed a place where this curse is prevalent, and the Jiuju sect is even better at this.

But the people from Jiuju's group are all dead.

But the curse method Kong Hua obtained is still effective.

Now that Kong Hua has entered the inner courtyard, he can complete his revenge by himself.

Before, I wanted one of the three of them, Ye Zhen, to implement it.

But now there is no need at all.

Kong Hua felt his whole body trembling, "There is only one last step left."

What exactly is this saint’s inheritance?

To outsiders, this is just an ordinary stone.

It's just that there is a natural writing on this stone.

Just like it was born naturally, this character is the character Confucianism.

This stone is the inheritance of the saint.

Many people have already gone up and tried it themselves.

Kong Linghui stood in front of the saint's inheritance and said: "You just need to walk in front of this stone."

"Unleash the power you have."

"If it matches, the stone will react accordingly."

"The effect is like this." Kong Linghui put his hand on the stone.

I only saw a faint light emanating from the stone.

The word "Confucianism" actually started to shine, starting to light up next to the single person!

But the one next to the single person stopped before it even lit up.

"It is said that if you have the power to make this Confucian character light up completely."

"You can become the next saint." Kong Linghui said to all the extraordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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