Chapter 387 Light up the strokes

After hearing Kong Linghui's explanation, they couldn't wait.

"Let me go first." A muscular man with his upper body naked walked forward.

The muscles all over his body are strong and strong, and he is no ordinary person at first glance.

And there was a vague sound of wind and thunder in this man's breathing.

This is a person who has practiced martial arts to a certain level.

This is what everyone usually calls hard qigong.

This is also considered a type of Qigong.

This hard Qigong usually requires constant polishing and training of one's muscles and bones.

It is a very boring process and quite painful.

It needs to be practiced from childhood to adulthood, and special potions need to be taken.

Only in this way can it be possible to develop such muscles and bones.

The master of hard qigong took a deep breath.

The whole body began to inflate like a balloon, and the entire body became larger visible to the naked eye.

The whole person has also grown a lot taller. He was originally a strong man of about 1.8 meters.

Now using hard qigong, it is actually two meters high.

Blood vessels could be seen bursting out on the skin, and the whole body seemed to be congested.

"This person's hard qigong has been practiced to an extremely advanced level."

"You're almost ready to enter the realm of King Kong."

"His current state is already invulnerable."

"His power is terrifying."

The hard qigong man slapped the saint's inheritance with his palm.

If it were ordinary steel and concrete, it would be under this blow.

They will all crumble into pieces.

But this stone with the word "Confucianism" stood firm and motionless.

I only saw the writing on the word, but none of it lit up.

Just a little bit of light.

To put it bluntly, this is a process of drawing Confucian characters.

But this hard Qigong man couldn't even write the first pen.

"How is that possible!" The man found that his full blow could not even reveal a single stroke.

"Get out of the way, you big bastard."

"How is it possible to see the approval of the saint's inheritance?" A man walked to the stone with Confucian characters.

He was mumbling something and his hands were scribbling in the air.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a talisman.

But in this world, there are too many sects of this type of talisman.

No one knows what kind of talisman this man used.

Ye Zhen was the only one present who understood it.

"This is from the Maoshan school." Ye Zhen said softly.

I saw that the wind was starting to rise all around. It was obviously the work of the spell man.

"I ask the Mingtian Jade Emperor to let the Lingxiao Palace shine brightly."

"Please be urgent, urgent, urgent. Please be kind to the golden sky, the clouds, and the blue sky."

"The Queen Mother is coming quickly, please lend me the golden shears."

"I landed and cut the hemp rope, and the hemp rope was cut into pieces without mercy."

"If there are wizards and evil cults who come to perform magic, you will be struck by thunder from the sky."

The sky, which was originally clear and clear, turned violently windy.

And it became darker, and a dark cloud began to gather in the sky of the inner courtyard.

"This man can actually affect the weather!"

"It's incredible, what kind of ability is this!"

"To call upon the wind and rain is nothing more than that."

The spell man was concentrating on preparations at this time.

Hearing his loud shout, a bolt of thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

It fell directly on the Confucian stone.

A wisp of green smoke rose, but the Confucian stone was still intact.

But the strokes of the Chinese character Confucianism also lit up completely.

"Isn't this just enough to light up a painting?"

The character Confucianism has a total of sixteen strokes.

This spell man only lit up the first painting.

The spell man was originally full of confidence, but he saw that this was just a painting.

His face turned ashen immediately, and this blow alone had completely consumed his energy.

And this consumes the Heavenly Thunder Curse passed down from his lineage!

This is the Heavenly Thunder Curse that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it is the treasure of their sect.

Once it's used, it's gone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to summon this thunder and lightning just relying on his power.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this spell man is already similar to a semi-immortal.

After all, you can attract thunder and lightning out of thin air. This is the method of the immortal family.

"It turns out that in the legend, immortals can control the wind and rain, and they can control thunder and lightning. It's not a myth."

"But have you seen it? Even so, it's just a painting of the word "Confucianism"."

"It seems that this saint has been passed down for so many years, and it makes sense that no one has succeeded."

Kong Linghui also looked at this spell man with admiration.

Because it is quite difficult to make this Confucian stone illuminate a complete painting.

Especially after this millennium, basically no one can do it.

In fact, it's not like the Kong family hasn't thought of some other ways.

Because there are many modern weapons that are more powerful than this thunder and lightning.

Now everyone is watching, looking at the thunder and lightning as if it is very powerful.

But the thunder and lightning in nature are countless times more powerful than the summoned thunder and lightning.

Everyone has heard of people being struck by lightning during thunderstorms.

But even so, some people can still survive after encountering lightning.

Not to mention the thunder and lightning caused by just this one.

The Kong family initially tried to bombard the saint's inheritance with missiles, but the stone was still unscathed.

There wasn't any light on it either.

Therefore, they confirmed that this saint's inheritance can only be nourished by using extraordinary power. It only responds to extraordinary power.

The next people who tried to go up were unable to surpass the man with the spell.

They used their own methods, but none of them succeeded in making the Confucian character light up.

Among those who tried later, the most powerful ones were only half-painted.

Zhang Baojun, who was born without vision in one eye, walked towards this saint's inheritance.

He and Kong Linghui nodded to express their friendship.

Then I saw Zhang Baojun slapping his hand directly on the stone.

The stone with the word "Confucianism" began to slowly light up, and one-third of the strokes were displayed.

"This one-eyed dragon can actually make this Confucian character light up one-third of a painting."

"This is already unprecedented among today's extraordinary beings."

"I didn't expect there to be such a master."

Zhang Baojun obviously failed, which was expected by everyone.

In fact, Wang Sen has been criticizing others during this process.

"I can't do this hard qigong, I just have dead muscles."

"This Talisman Man is okay, but it's still a little short of the mark."

"This one-eyed man is nothing more than that. I thought he was so powerful?"

"As soon as I use my qigong, I can firmly win this saint's inheritance!"

During this process, Master Wang Sen talked eloquently.

He fooled others into thinking he was some kind of peerless master.

Now that we have reached Master Wang Sen, we can see that Master Wang Sen is not too close to the Confucian stone.

He just started to exercise his skills from a distance and shouted loudly, "Ha!"

But this Confucian stone only shines slightly.

Everyone saw this scene and started laughing.

"That's it? I just made the stone light up."

"I thought he was so powerful!"

"It's so funny, hahaha."

Master Wang Sen walked aside in embarrassment. This was so embarrassing.

It's okay to deceive ordinary people outside.

But in this inner courtyard, extraordinary people from all walks of life gathered.

His level was immediately exposed.

But this Wang Sen is still a transcendent, just the weakest one.

Now it's Kong Hua's turn.

Kong Hua took a deep breath, it was his turn.

"This cannot be a failure." Kong Hua walked up to his former enemy.

Kong Linghui is now over seventy years old.

But in Kong Hua's eyes, he could still recognize this person even if he turned into ashes.

I only saw the girl in ancient costume who had just received him walk up to Kong Linghui, Lord Yan, and said, "Master, this is the person who showed his righteousness just now."

Kong Linghui looked at Kong Hua in front of him curiously, and he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Have we met somewhere?" Yan Shenggong looked at Kong Hua in front of him.

Since Kong Hua escaped from the Kong family, he never appeared in front of Yan Shenggong again.

But Kong Hua is five points similar to his father, plus he is already old now.

Duke Yansheng had never seen Kong Hua's father look old.

"Good Lord Yansheng." Kong Hua stretched out his hand and wanted to shake hands with Kong Linghui.

Kong Linghui originally wanted to refuse, because what was his identity?

But he still remembered what the woman in ancient costume said to him just now.

This person can be won over.

"My name is Kong Hua." Kong Hua held Kong Linghui's hand vigorously, and a silent blood curse directly attached to Kong Linghui's body.

It was so quiet that Kong Linghui himself didn't notice it.

He has been cursed by the bloodline of the Jiuju sect!

Kong Hua let go of his hand, "I succeeded, I succeeded!"

Kong Hua was so excited that his hands began to tremble.

The blood curse has been released successfully. From now on, the blood of the Kong family will never be able to cultivate the awe-inspiring righteousness.

The Kong family will always face the curse of knowledge!

Kong Linghui saw that Kong Hua was so excited, "What's wrong with you?"

The corner of Kong Hua's mouth rose and he said: "I am too excited to meet Yan Shenggong."

"You are the most outstanding person in our Kong family."

Kong Linghui didn't have any doubts, "Now you can try to awaken this saint's inheritance."

Kong Hua knew that he was actually just an ordinary person.

There is no extraordinary power at all, but there is still a trace of Ye Zhenqi left in his body.

It’s here, right? Just give it a try.

I only saw Kong Hua put his hand on the stone with Confucian characters.

Release a trace of Ye Zhen's energy into the stone.

I saw that the stone actually lit up, and the characters Confucianism began to slowly appear.

One painting, two paintings, five paintings in total!

The scholar stopped almost a third of the way through.

Everyone present was stunned.

"Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of him before?"

"There are actually five paintings. Who is this?"

"It's so fierce. I didn't expect there to be masters!"

Everyone was shocked by Kong Hua's performance.

Zhang Baojun and Wang Sen looked at Kong Hua with complicated expressions.

This Kong Hua is actually a peerless expert? Then didn't the two of them become clowns?

"Boss Kong, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." The one-eyed man looked at Kong Hua.

The same goes for Master Wang Sen, "Boss Kong, you are not interesting enough. With your strength, why do you need us?"

Both of them believe that Kong Hua is the kind of master who hides everything!

Kong Linghui was also frightened by Kong Hua's performance.

"This is definitely Haoran's righteousness!"

"Other than Haoran Zhengqi, no one else can achieve this!" Yan Shenggong Kong Linghui can confirm that Kong Hua must have Haoran Zhengqi!

(End of this chapter)

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