Chapter 388 Saint Personality

And this Haoran's righteousness is still very pure.

Kong Linghui has already set his sights on Kong Hua.

"This friend, wait a moment after the sacrifice is over."

"If you are free, I hope you can come to our Kong residence to have a gathering." Yan Shenggong directly sent an invitation to Kong Hua.

This invitation is not simple, it is the invitation of contemporary Yan Shenggong.

The surrounding extraordinary people stared at Kong Hua, and now he was impressed.

Because before Kong Hua, the strongest one was just the Maoshan sect's spell man.

He just lit up a painting.

And what about Kong Hua? It directly lit up five paintings. What kind of concept is this?

No wonder the Yan Sheng Guild took the initiative to invite.

Because in this Dharma-ending age, extraordinary people are very rare.

"His strength is enough to establish a sect."

"I heard that each of these paintings is very complicated, and there is a huge gap between each painting."

"Huh? If you put it this way, how strong is this person?"

Kong Linghui knew that this was not actually how strong Kong Hua was.

But because this is the characteristic of Haoran's righteousness, which is particularly suitable for the inheritance of this saint.

If it weren't for Haoran's righteousness, he would just rely on this extraordinary power.

Maybe a real immortal would come over and be able to write down all these Confucian characters.

Kong Hua looked at the kind-faced Duke Yansheng, and only he knew that underneath this sanctimony.

What a sinister face.

"Thank you in advance, Mr. Yansheng." Kong Hua showed a happy smile on the surface, which was a smile from the heart.

Because this blood curse has succeeded.

How could he not be happy when his great revenge was avenged?

And this revenge was accomplished by himself.

Kong Hua retreated.

However, after Kong Hua lit up Wuhua, the people behind him already felt that they could not surpass him.

Now they also know why no one can start this saint's inheritance for so many years.

The people on the side started discussing.

"Can anyone really start this saint's inheritance?"

"Even that person only lit up five paintings."

"I kind of know why not many people come here."

According to everyone's thinking, this is the inheritance of a saint.

If you obtain this saint's inheritance, you will reach heaven in one step.

But there are not as many extraordinary people coming here to try as everyone thinks.

In fact, it is because the sacrifices in the Confucius Mansion are started every year.

Almost every year, extraordinary people come here.

Before they came, they all hoped that they were the chosen one and could obtain the inheritance of the saint.

But once you have been here, you will understand that this saint's inheritance is not something that everyone can easily obtain.

Anyone who has been here knows that it requires extraordinary strength to obtain the inheritance of this saint.

Even Kong Hua only lit up five paintings.

It is far from the sixteen paintings that completely illuminate this Confucian character.

"It seems that no one can open it this time."

"Do you think this saint's inheritance is just cabbage?"

"If it were that simple, it wouldn't be so long without someone turning it on."

These extraordinary people who had tried it gathered together in twos and threes.

This is a circle that belongs to the extraordinary.

Because except for the official 749 rounds, the rest of the extraordinary ones are scattered.

They all awakened to become extraordinary beings by accident.

There are also some so-called famous and decent people in history.

Kong Linghui looked at these extraordinary beings, each using their own power to nourish the saint's inheritance.

"A bunch of idiots, do you think anyone can start this saint's inheritance?" But Kong Linghui would not say this directly.

"Mr. Ye, don't you go up and give it a try?" Kong Hua glanced at Ye Zhen.

It was precisely because Ye Zhen gave him a trace of Qi that he could come in here.

Only then could he complete this revenge by himself, if it weren't for Ye Zhen.

He may never be able to fulfill this wish.

In fact, what Kong Hua thought before was to rely on Ye Zhen's ability.

He directly captured Kong Linghui alive. After all, Kong Hua knew Ye Zhen's strength very well.

The two previous masters from Japan.

No matter how dull Kong Hua is, he still understands that it was Ye Zhen who did it.

Now that he can deal with these two masters, Ye Zhen's strength has reached an incredible level.

Only a powerful extraordinary person like Ye Zhen can come into contact with Kong Linghui in the Kong Mansion.

And asked Kong Linghui to invite Ye Zhen to be a guest of the Kong family.

In this way, Ye Zhen would have the opportunity to get close to Kong Linghui.

The blood curse can be successfully cast on Kong Linghui's body.

This was Kong Hua's original plan, and it can be said that all the mechanisms were exhausted.

Take everything into account.

Because Yan Shenggong looked down upon ordinary extraordinary people.

Just like the Maoshan sect's spell man, the same is true.

There is no way he can get into Yanshenggong's eyes.

It wasn't until Kong Hua appeared that Duke Yan Sheng took the initiative to talk to Kong Hua and invite him.

He also took the initiative to shake hands with Kong Hua, so that Kong Hua could have the opportunity to release the blood curse.

At this time, the Shizhe mark in Ye Zhen's spiritual sea was constantly trembling.

There was a buzzing sound, this was since Ye Zhen saw the inheritance of this saint.

The reaction caused by the mark of Shi Zhe.

This caused Ye Zhen's spiritual sea to begin to ripple.

Ye Zhen had to expend energy to suppress the shock of Shi Zhe's mark.

Ye Zhen just said calmly: "I just want to see what this saint inheritance is about."

Now it's Ye Zhen's turn.

Everyone watched Ye Zhen step forward.

"This man is so young, do you guys know him?"

"I feel like he looks a little familiar."

"Is he some big star?"

The closer Ye Zhen got to the Confucian stone, the more he felt the mark of Shizhe in his mind vibrating violently.

Ye Zhen felt that his head was buzzing, as if he had a concussion.

If it weren't for Ye Zhen's spiritual sea being so strong, he would have reached perfection.

Ye Zhen's spirit may be shaken to the point of being knocked out of his wits by Shi Zhe's mark.

Ye Zhen looks no different from ordinary people on the outside.

But Ye Zhen is using his greatest strength to suppress the Shizhe Mark at this time.

Finally, Ye Zhen's hand touched the Confucian stone.

Originally, the Confucian stone was just like an ordinary stone.

But the moment Ye Zhen touched it.

A ray of light filled with the aura of a book rose directly into the sky.

The word "Confucianism" was filled in in an instant. The speed was so fast that it felt like it was written down in an instant.

A ray of light directly broke through the sky.

The people around him narrowed their eyes due to the dazzling light.

Duke Yan Sheng himself was dumbfounded.

He has never seen such a phenomenon since he was a child.

"What's going on?" Kong Linghui felt that something was wrong.

Kong Hua also didn't expect that Ye Zhen would cause such a big commotion.

Ye Zhen's hand touched the inheritance of the saint. The shaking Shizhe mark in his mind has calmed down.

And the mark of Shizhe in Ye Zhen's mind resonated with the inheritance of this saint.

Ye Zhen entered a white space.

This is a spiritual space, where Ye Zhen saw the shadow left by Confucius.

"I don't know how long it has been, but no one has started this saint's inheritance." The shadow of Confucius looked at Ye Zhen who came here.

Ye Zhen looked at the shadow of Confucius in front of him.

"Hello, I am Confucius." Confucius said phantomly.

Originally, the shadow of Confucius thought that the people in front of him would be very surprised.

After all, he is a saint in Chinese history and the founder of Confucianism.

But Ye Zhen was still extremely calm, "You are not Confucius."

Ye Zhen saw through it at a glance.

If the Confucius in front of us is really the shadow left by the sage Confucius in history.

Then he must have retained the memory of Saint Kong during his lifetime.

Then you will definitely recognize yourself.

But after the phantom of Confucius in front of him saw himself, he didn't react at all.

It means that the shadow in front of him is not Confucius at all.

"You should be a program similar to artificial intelligence." Ye Zhen revealed the identity of this phantom in one sentence.

"Bold, don't kneel down when you see the saint!" Shadow Confucius seemed to be irritated by Ye Zhen.

Suddenly the whole white world turned into words and pressed towards Ye Zhen.

In this space, this phantom of Confucius is the controller here.

Originally, this sage inheritance was left by Confucius to test his disciples.

As long as you successfully pass all the tests here, you can obtain the status of saint.

But since Na Zisi, he has placed this saint's inheritance in his own home.

Don't let outsiders get in touch.

"Go to hell." Shadow Confucius did not expect that Ye Zhen actually knew his true identity.

Indeed, as Ye Zhen said, he is just a program.

A program that looks like Confucius is actually just an artificial intelligence program.

In immortality novels, he is something like a weapon spirit.

If it were a mecha novel, he would be an existence similar to a machine soul.

However, this phantom of Confucius regards himself as the real Confucius.

Consider him a true saint.

So after Ye Zhen found out, he immediately became angry.

He directly wanted to get rid of Ye Zhen and then quickly.

At this moment, the mark of Shizhe flew out of Ye Zhen's mind.

"Hahaha, die."

"No matter who you are, in this space, I am invincible!" Xuying Confucius laughed.

Countless words turned into meteors, directly surrounding Ye Zhen.

It contains the contents of some classic Confucian books.

But the moment Shi Zhe's mark appeared.

This phantom Confucius was immediately shocked and said, "How could you have these marks of the Ten Philosophers!"

"Are you Shizhe? Impossible! They are all dead!"

The phantom of Confucius seemed to be facing a powerful enemy, and the marks of these ten philosophers were like a small sun.

All text attacks were directly eliminated.

And even the phantom Confucius began to disappear.

"No, you can't do this to me, I am Confucius!"

"I am the saint Confucius!" The phantom Confucius was directly absorbed by the mark of Shizhe.

The entire space also turned into a ball of light and entered the mark of Shizhe.

The mark of Shizhe turned into a golden stream of light and flew back to Ye Zhen's mind.

Return to the real world, after the light in the sky dissipates.

Everyone's eyesight slowly recovered.

It was like a little sun bursting out in front of everyone just now.

As a result, no one can clearly see what is happening here.

But before that, someone clearly saw that the Confucian character was completely lit up.

"What's happening here?"

"Did he inherit the saint's heritage?"

"Did I witness the birth of a saint?"

Ye Zhen was still standing in front of the Confucian stone, touching the Confucian stone with one hand.

At this time, Kong Linghui frowned, "What have you done to our Kong family's saint inheritance?"

Kong Linghui has never seen this ancestor react like this.

"Did this kid really get something good from this?"

"Or is he really inheriting the saint's heritage?"

Kong Linghui looked at Ye Zhen very jealously, no matter what it was.

These things can only belong to their Kong family!

At this time, Kong Linghui raised his hands to the other extraordinary beings and said, "Today's saint inheritance begins here."

"Thank you to the heroes from all walks of life for coming all the way."

Kong Linghui apparently issued an eviction order.

"Master Kong, who is that gentleman?"

Kong Linghui glanced at Ye Zhen, "This young knight triggered the vision passed down by the saints of my Kong family."

"We need to study it before we know what happened."

"This young hero may be a guest in our Kong family for a while."

Everyone is not a fool. It is obvious that Yan Shenggong wants to keep Ye Zhen.

But this Kong family is not something that everyone can offend at will.

Kong Hua sneered, "Is it really the same as before?"

This was the case with Kong Hua's father back then, who was slandered and killed by Kong Linghui using despicable means.

At this time, in the inner courtyard of Confucius Mansion, some guards appeared at some point.

These guards all wear uniform clothing.

These people are all members of the Kong family, people they have raised since childhood.

In ancient times, these were some of the dead men of the Kong family.

But this is modern society, and their status has become personal bodyguards.

The important thing is that they are extraordinary.

Two helpers invited by Kong Hua, Wang Sen and Zhang Baojun, saw this scene.

He had already fled.

Only Kong Hua is still here, and Ye Zhen is also his future son-in-law.

He successfully avenged his benefactor.

"Kong Hua, please leave first." Ye Zhen's voice sounded, "If you stay here, you will only hinder me."

After Kong Hua heard Ye Zhen's words, he left without any hesitation.

"it is good."

At this time, only Ye Zhen, Yan Shenggong and the guards from Kong's mansion were left in the inner courtyard.

Duke Yansheng saw that there was no one around.

"I don't know who you are."

"But if you can hand over what you have obtained from this saint's inheritance."

"If you dedicate your hands to him, I, the Kong family, can be merciful and let you go." Yan Shenggong showed his face at this time.

Ye Zhen just took a breath.

Look at the people surrounding you.

"I just got a new ability, let's try it with you." Ye Zhen actually exuded extremely pure Haoran righteousness.

This is the power that belongs to the personality of a Confucian saint!

(End of this chapter)

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