Chapter 390 Strange Beast, King Peacock

With Ye Zhen himself as the center, it was like a huge power grid.

It directly enveloped everyone present.

The huge current electrocuted all the extraordinary beings.

None of the extraordinary people thought that Ye Zhen actually had such power.

You can smell something like barbecue on site.

This is the smell of the human body after it has been burned by electricity.

In just a moment, Ye Zhen had already eliminated all the extraordinary people present.

Kong Linghui was also foaming at the mouth and his whole body was twitching.

This is the first time Ye Zhen has used the power of thunder and lightning in this way.

"A large-scale attack consumes too much Qi." Ye Zhen burst out with thunder in an instant.

The scene was immediately cleared, and the extraordinary beings present were not only dead but also seriously injured.

"I said don't force me to do it." Ye Zhen is now more and more able to control this electromagnetic force.

After becoming a Confucian saint, Ye Zhen felt as if his spiritual power had been washed away.

There is a feeling of sublimation.

You must know that Ye Zhen's spiritual power was already perfect before, but now he has the status of a Confucian saint.

This directly made Ye Zhen's mental strength more concentrated.

Look at the people lying on the ground.

Ye Zhen felt that this trip was worthwhile. This saint's status made Ye Zhen a Confucian saint.

It can even be said that all scholars in China are now.

They are all headed by Ye Zhen in name. Ye Zhen is a Confucian saint!

Just when Ye Zhen wanted to leave.

An old voice sounded in Ye Zhen's ears.

"How dare you hurt my son."

"Shuzi! You are so brave." An old woman came out of the long corridor and walked into the inner courtyard.

This old woman is already senile and has a stooped figure.

He needs a cane to move around, and he walks hobbled, as if he is going to fall down any second.

"My son." The old woman looked at Duke Yan who was foaming at the mouth on the ground, tears already flowing out of her cloudy eyes.

The son is the mother's favorite.

This old woman is the old mother of Yan Shenggong, and she just celebrated her 100th birthday today.

"How dare you hurt my son." The old woman poked the ground hard.

Suddenly, some luxurious feathers sprouted from the old woman's body.

These feathers are colorful and extremely gorgeous.

Ye Zhen saw that Yan Shenggong's mother was also an extraordinary person.

In fact, this generation Yan Sheng Gong is the same as the previous generation Yan Sheng Gong.

That is Kong Linghui and his father.

Being able to sit in the position of Duke Yan is all due to the old woman in front of him.

Because she is actually the most powerful extraordinary person in the Kong family.

Back then, Kong Linghui's father was able to successfully become the previous generation Yan Shenggong, but she single-handedly suppressed the entire Kong family.

Kong Linghui dared to do those things so boldly back then.

He directly framed Kong Hua's father and became the Duke of Yan.

They all relied on his mother, Kong Mei.

Yes, her mother's surname was also Kong, and she didn't change her surname after marrying Kong Linghui's father.

But she was originally from the Kong family.

The old woman Kong Mei's body was covered with colorful feathers, and each feather looked like it had an eye at the end.

Soon after, Kong Mei turned into a half-human, half-animal being.

Ye Zhen could tell at a glance that this old woman had the blood of an alien beast.

And it is the bloodline of the alien beast Kongniao.

There is also a green beast like a toad, which is called a fungus dog. There are kingfishers and birds with holes - "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

This peacock is actually a peacock.

Each feather has an eye at the end.

Strange beast, the Peacock King Ming.

The old woman possesses the bloodline of King Peacock Ming.

This is also recorded in the "Book of Mountains and Seas", but it is only mentioned briefly.

But don't think that the strange beasts mentioned in this paragraph are just ordinary people.

The strange beasts that can be recorded in the "Book of Mountains and Seas" are not simple.

Kong Mei, who inspired the bloodline of the strange beast Peacock King Ming, stared at Ye Zhen.

This is her true strength. She is able to live to be 100 years old because of her bloodline as a strange beast.

"I want you to die!" A white light rushed out of the old woman's mouth, like a laser.

This is the ability of the strange beast Peacock King Ming! Five colors of divine light!

Anyone who is illuminated by the divine light will be purified and washed.

It's just that the old woman Kong Mei's strength can only use one color now.

But it is this color that has made the old woman almost invincible in the past hundred years.

Anyone who is hit by this divine light will be transformed into an idiot and become unconscious.

Directly becoming a vegetable can be said to be very effective.

Just ignore any defense.

Just imagine, there is a kind of light that will turn you into a vegetative state as long as you are exposed to it.

This has no backhand power at all.

The old woman was very confident in her own strength, and her move made countless extraordinary people hate her.

But when this divine light shone on Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen acted like a fine person, just like when exposed to ordinary light.

Kong Mei looked at Ye Zhen and found that nothing happened.

"How is it possible! How can you resist my divine light!"

This was the first time the old woman had seen someone unscathed after being struck by this divine light.

This is a divine light that can ignore any defense.

The old woman still refused to give up and sent out another divine light.

But this time it was still unable to cause any harm to Ye Zhen. But Ye Zhen felt the specialness of the other party's light.

"Five-color divine light?" Ye Zhen thought of the ability of the Peacock King.

"But it's a pity that you can only activate one color of divine light."

"If it were a real five-color divine light, maybe I would be really scared."

In Ye Zhen's eyes, this white divine light is actually a kind of light with a special frequency and wavelength.

Light is actually an electromagnetic wave.

In Ye Zhen's eyes, the [Nine Apertures Exquisite] can be analyzed by opening it for a moment.

If ordinary people are exposed to electromagnetic waves of this special frequency.

Then the brain may be destroyed in an instant, directly losing memory and becoming a vegetative state.

This is the mystery of divine light.

However, this white divine light can only affect people now.

It has no effect on objects.

According to Ye Zhen's reasoning, the real five-color divine light may be five different frequencies and wavelengths of light.

Just like ultraviolet rays have a sterilizing effect.

Ordinary people cannot be exposed to ultraviolet light for a long time.

And money is just some twinkling light, if you have epilepsy.

This fast-beating light may cause epilepsy in humans.

But this is just Ye Zhen's speculation.

But Ye Zhen can be regarded as seeing the ability of this strange beast, King Peacock Ming.

After the old woman fired two rays of divine light in succession, she was already out of power.

Ye Zhen is like a real monster.

"Who are you!" The old woman returned to her normal state, "Why did you destroy my Kong family!"

The old woman holds her son.

"Are you going to destroy the Confucian inheritance and the first family in China?"

Ye Zhen ignored the old woman.

"When you want to kill others, be prepared to be killed." Ye Zhen simply said this.

"Who are you!" the old woman said angrily: "We are the thousand-year-old Kong family, what kind of bastard are you!"

"Dare to compare with our Kong family!"

"Thunder punishment, sky thunder." Ye Zhen turned all his Qi into thunder and lightning.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and Ye Zhen used his body as a lightning rod.

Guide all the electromagnetic energy free in the air.

From the perspective of ordinary people, this place was struck by a bolt of lightning from the sky.

According to the ancients, this was something that went against heaven and was punished by God.

With a bang, the inner courtyard of the Kong Mansion had been completely blown away by thunder.

The entire scene had been destroyed by Ye Zhen.

All the extraordinary people were wiped out by Ye Zhen.

There was only one ordinary person present, Kong Linghui.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, this is just a natural disaster.

After all, many places around the world are struck by lightning every year.

Some people who came to eat could see the clear sky.

But from time to time, lightning strikes.

And the last thunder made an earth-shattering sound.

It directly attracted the attention of the local weather bureau.

After Ye Zhen left the Kong Mansion, he went to find Kong Hua.

Kong Hua looked at Ye Zhen and came back as if nothing happened.

"Mr. Ye, are you okay?" Kong Hua looked at Ye Zhen's clothes without any wrinkles.

"It's okay." Ye Zhen replied softly.

Wang Sen on the side was curious, "Did the people from the Kong family let you go so easily?"

Zhang Baojun smiled and said: "I have long said that this Kongfu is a generous man, how could he embarrass Brother Ye?"

"I just killed them all." Ye Zhen said this outrageous thing in a calm tone.

"You said you killed people from the Kong family?" Wang Sen took a breath of air.

"Do you know that he is from the Kong family?"

"The best family in the world!" Wang Sen couldn't believe that Ye Zhen dared to do this.

Zhang Baojun questioned: "That is the thousand-year-old Kong family. Even if you have the strength of heaven, you dare not say that you can kill all the members of the Kong family."

"The Kong family has an ancestor with terrifying strength."

"He actually said that no one could survive under the hands of the ancestor of the Kong family."

Because Zhang Baojun knew that there was such an old monster in Kong's family.

But this is just a rumor, just like some xx ancestors in Xianxia novels.

Ye Zhen nodded and said: "I met the mother of Duke Yan at the 100th birthday party today."

"Kill him conveniently."

Zhang Baojun didn't know what to say.

Kong Hua on the side said excitedly: "Well done! They are all damned people!"

On the same day, Kong Hua immediately prepared a private jet to take them back to eastern Guangdong Province.

Leave this place of wrong.

Later, the Kong family discovered the situation in the inner courtyard.

Kong Mei, the ancestor of the Kong family, disappeared.

Along with the rest of the Kong family's guest ministers, the extraordinary ones were also missing.

The extraordinary warrior secretly raised by the Kong family also died.

For the Kong family, this was a great loss of vitality.

The only one who survived was the paralyzed Yan Shenggong Kong Linghui.

Everyone wants to know everything from Kong Linghui's mouth.

But Kong Linghui was already paralyzed and became a vegetative state.

(End of this chapter)

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