Chapter 391 The Chaos in the Confucius Mansion

After Ye Zhen and the others left Ludong on a private plane.

It can be said that the entire Ludong caused an uproar.

Big news has happened.

For unknown reasons, this old lady passed away mysteriously.

And on the day of his 100th birthday.

However, at the age of 100, it can be regarded as the end of life.

What is even more bizarre is that contemporary Yan Shenggong actually suffered a stroke and became paralyzed at the same time.

People in the Kong family announced to the outside world that Duke Yan Sheng died suddenly because of his mother.

He suffered a stroke due to excessive sadness, and then became paralyzed and unable to speak.

Much to the dismay of some of the others.

"Did the Kong family do something that is harmful to nature!?"

"To encounter such a thing on such a happy day."

"Poor this Duke Yan, he is really filial."

This is a publicity statement.

This is to give an explanation to reporters and others outside.

Although it looks very miserable, it is still within the normal range.

But only some other people know.

What exactly happened in Kong Mansion.

This old lady Kong did not suddenly become unwell and pass away.

Because they all know that Mrs. Kong is a very powerful transcendent.

It was precisely because of her, Kong Mei, that there was a Duke Yansheng of the previous generation and a Duke Yansheng of this generation.

Under normal circumstances, this old lady Kong can live longer.

There is no problem up to the upper limit of human lifespan.

Because the physical quality of this extraordinary person is different from ordinary people.

Being able to live longer is a matter of course.

So until she was 100 years old, Mrs. Kong was still strong.

Otherwise, you cannot use one-color divine light twice in a row.

"Isn't Mrs. Kong a powerful transcendent?"

"How could he pass away suddenly? There must be something fishy here."

"But in our Ludong Province, Mrs. Kong from the Kong Mansion is already among the top three in strength."

"Who can kill her?"

"Could it be the other two?"

Some of them have begun to speculate on who did this.

Some people also want to find out about their Confucius family.

Want to know what happened that day.

Some extraordinary people went to participate in the lineage of saints that day.

They were asked by many people what happened that day.

"We don't know what happened."

"It just seemed like I saw someone receiving the inheritance of a saint."

"Someone has obtained the inheritance of a saint? How is this possible?"

"There has been no Confucian saint for more than a thousand years."

Extraordinary people who participated in the initiation of the saint's inheritance that day.

Now he became one of the few people in the inner courtyard who survived that day.

But many of them have already left.

"Finally we saw that the head of the Kong family left a young man behind."

"A young man?"

"It's that young man who directly made the saint's inheritance shine so brightly."

"Are you lying? I also participated in the initiation of this saint's inheritance."

"Isn't this saint's inheritance meant to light up the Confucian character?"

Some of their extraordinary beings gathered together to communicate and discuss.

But on the surface, everything is calm in the Kong family.

In fact, the Kong family is not monolithic.

Someone has long been eyeing Yan Shenggong's position.

Not to mention the position of the head of the Kong family, a thousand-year-old family.

Even the position of village chief in a small village is a place where everyone fights for the top spot.

When Duke Yan Sheng was paralyzed, the Kong family immediately went to find the murderer or something.

Instead, internal fighting began.

Some of them have begun to be romantic and want the position of Yan Shenggong.

Now it is time to elect the acting patriarch.

In fact, this generation of patriarch is the current talkative person of the Kong family.

Because Yanshenggong Kong Linghui was already paralyzed on the bed.

It's just that he is still Duke Yan in name only.

But how could this paralyzed man lead a thousand-year-old family?

In fact, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Kong Linghui's mother, Kong Mei, passed away.

Otherwise, why would they be so excited and so bold?

He actually wanted to snatch Yan Shenggong's position.

Therefore, the Confucius Mansion has needed to enter into internal fighting for a long time.

As for who killed Kong Mei, he also killed all their guests and dead soldiers.

They are not worried at all.

Because in their eyes, these guest officials and dead soldiers are just dogs of their Kong family.

He is not a human being at all. If he dies, he will die.

The Kong family is just raising another batch.

As for the old lady Kong Mei, many of them wished she would die earlier.

But this evil man lived a very long life, and lived to be a hundred years old.

With Kong Mei here, some of their other branches will never be able to get ahead in their lives.

Now that Kong Mei is dead, some of them are applauding.

And Kong Linghui, in their eyes, is nothing more than a straw bag.

It has no practical effect at all.

So now the Kong family doesn't care about the murderer at all.

I only care about the competition for this position.

In the Kong family clan hall.

People from different branches gather here.

Because such a big thing happened to the Kong family.

But they heard some rumors, and many people rushed back to Kong Mansion.

"I heard that the old immortal is finally dead."

"That's right, the old immortal who was weighing on us is finally dead."

"That bitch Kong Mei is already dead, hahahaha."

"I think it's best for me to take the position of clan leader."

"Just you? Who are you to be able to become Duke Yan?"

... After returning to Eastern Guangdong Province, Ye Zhen and the others parted ways directly at the airport.

Wang Sen and Zhang Baojun are among the few people who know the inside story.

They never imagined that Ye Zhen could actually run out of Kong's house intact.

And the Kong family was slaughtered.

At first, Wang Sen and the others thought Ye Zhen was bragging.

But it is true that Ye Zhen came back safely.

"Master Wang, please tell me whether you went to Ludong this time."

"I heard that a big thing happened in Ludong."

"I heard that Mrs. Kong, the strongest transcendent in the Kong family, is dead."

"And I heard them say that he was beaten to death by a mysterious supernatural being."

Wang Sen hurriedly took a private plane back to eastern Guangdong.

He didn't know the rest of the things until he got off the plane.

Wang Sen was stunned for a moment, "Is this old lady from the Kong family dead?"

The man asked: "Master Wang, didn't you go to Ludong? How could you not know?"

"Also, the head of the Kong family, Yan Shenggong, is said to be paralyzed and unable to move. He has even lost his ability to speak."

Ye Zhen's face appeared in Wang Sen's mind.

"Did he do it?" Wang Sen originally looked down on young people like Ye Zhen.

I feel that Kong Hua invited Ye Zhen over just to make up the numbers.

Wang Sen even thought that Ye Zhen was a charlatan.

After all, there is an endless stream of people pretending to be masters these days.

"Master Wang, do you know who did it?" The man looked at Wang Sen with bright eyes.

Wang Sen is a good person, and he will not do anything to talk behind other people's backs.

Ye Zhen said before that he would be killed from Kong's house.

Originally he thought Ye Zhen was exaggerating.

Because people originally care about face, Ye Zhen did come out of the Kong family.

But how did he get out? The Kong family showed mercy and let him out.

It is unknown whether Ye Zhen himself knelt down and begged the Kong family to let him go.

Now Wang Sen discovered that what Ye Zhen said might be true!

This young man named Ye Zhen might have been killed from the Confucius Mansion.

"What kind of killing god is this?" Wang Sen swallowed.

The same goes for Zhang Baojun.

However, he believed that what Ye Zhen said was probably true.

Because it is easy to find out.

And when Ye Zhen was inheriting the saint, he triggered the vision of the saint's inheritance.

This is enough to prove that Ye Zhen is by no means an ordinary person.

Now Zhang Baojun also knows that great changes have taken place in the Kong Mansion.

Because he knew the inside information through a friend.

"The guests of the Kong family and the extraordinary people they trained are all dead."

"Even Kong Yu, one of the top three extraordinary beings in Ludong, is dead?"

Although Zhang Baojun knew in advance that Ye Zhen was killed from the Kong Mansion.

But when he knew the exact news, he still felt a sense of fear.

What kind of devil is Ye Zhen?

Could it be said that Ye Zhen inherited the status of a saint from the inheritance of saints?

Otherwise, how could Ye Zhen be so powerful?

In Zhang Baojun's mind, Ye Zhen was placed among a group of people who were extremely dangerous and should not be provoked.

Kong Hua returned to eastern Guangdong and felt like he had been reborn.

He has always been immersed in hatred.

In order to take revenge, he had struggled for decades, until today he got his revenge.

And he did it with his own hands, directly placing the blood curse on Kong Linghui privately.

Kong Hua let out a long breath.

"Future son-in-law, thank you." Kong Hua bowed to Ye Zhen seriously.

Ye Zhen really accepted it.

"When are you going to have the wedding?" Kong Hua looked up at Ye Zhen.

"My revenge has been completed now, and I have no more wishes."

"As long as you are willing to marry my daughter, everything I have will be yours."

"That's wealth that countless people can't earn even after working hard for hundreds of lifetimes."

Kong Hua’s net worth, if all assets at home and abroad are included.

There are almost tens of billions, which is considered the top rich man in China.

Ordinary people only see so much wealth during the Qingming Festival.

But now as long as Ye Zhen agrees to marry his daughter Kong Sisi.

Just get it all.

Kong Sisi is also a great beauty.

It can be said to be a double harvest in love and career.

Kong Hua knew that no one could refuse such a temptation.

Kong Hua believes that he has met countless people in the business world.

All kinds of people, who hasn't he seen?

No one can refuse such a temptation.

Kong Hua looked at Ye Zhen confidently.

Ye Zhen just said lightly, "I appreciate your kindness."

Kong Hua frowned, "Aren't you helping me take revenge just for my family and daughter?"

"Now that you have successfully avenged me, I will keep my promise and give you everything."

"I, Kong Hua, am a man whose words are worth a thousand dollars and whose teeth are like gold messengers."

Ye Zhen just smiled slightly, "Mr. Kong, you think too much."

"I'm just helping you for Kong Sisi's sake."

"In fact, I don't take anything seriously about you."

Kong Hua couldn't help it, "Do you know what tens of billions is?"

"That's not millions!"

For the first time in his life, Kong Hua felt that he could not see through someone.

Ye Zhen left like this and returned to his home.

Kong Sisi came out and asked his father.

"Ye Zhen? Where is Ye Zhen?"

Kong Hua said silently: "He has already left."

"Daughter, do you really like this man named Ye Zhen?"

Kong Sisi asked strangely: "Dad, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Kong Hua sighed, "If you want to like him, you may be in pain for the rest of your life."

Because Ye Zhen is the only person Kong Hua can't see through.

Kong Hua thought he had seen through human nature.

But Kong Hua's previous understanding of human nature had no effect on Ye Zhen.

Money and beauty are not attractive to Ye Zhen.

Kong Sisi smiled sweetly, "It's okay, I can wait."

(End of this chapter)

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