Chapter 392 Movie-like trailer

After walking around outside, Ye Zhen still felt better in his own place.

However, Ye Zhen did not gain anything this time.

This sainthood is Ye Zhen's biggest gain from this trip.

However, Ye Zhen still needs to slowly explore the specific more magical abilities.

After returning to his home, Ye Zhen slept beautifully all day and night.

It’s great when no one bothers you.

But there are already countless people on the Internet urging Ye Zhen to update the show.

"Why doesn't Mr. Ye have any new programs yet?"

"I've been waiting for it for a long time. I can already memorize all the previous shows."

“Watching Mr. Ye’s program is really informative.”

"What will this latest episode of the program contain?"

This is not just the case domestically.

The same is true for foreign audiences now, and they are also urging Ye Zhen to update.

"Ye! What's your update video?"

"You don't know, but this is actually a Chinese TV program. It was just moved by others."

"I first want to know, are these four ancient civilizations really that powerful?"

They all push for updates every day on the official account of Yangcheng TV Station and Jiulang Weibo.

There are almost tens of thousands of comments every day.

The Yangcheng TV station was also made popular by Ye Zhen.

Now it has tens of millions of followers.

There is now a new trend in society.

Everyone is more thirsty for knowledge in this area.

There are many videos and programs in this area emerging one after another.

The whole society actually set off a wave of super ancient civilization.

Just like the Roswell incident in the last century.

It started a craze for aliens.

Ye Zhen brought all this up.

Now you go and interview some kids about what they will do when they grow up.

Their desire is no longer to become Internet celebrities.

Some of them want to be scientists or something like that when they grow up.

Because Ye Zhen has buried a seed called the future in their hearts.

Who are we, where do we come from, and where are we in the future?

Soon the preview of Ye Zhen's latest program was completed.

Now Ye Zhen's trailers are carefully produced by CCTV.

A lot of money is spent on the preview of each issue.

And it's carefully crafted.

Producer Chen is different now, because of Ye Zhen.

He is now the number one producer in Asia.

This is an unprecedented achievement.

However, this honor came very suddenly. Producer Chen did not expect that one day he would become the number one producer in Asia.

All this is because of Ye Zhen.

Producer Chen knew that if it weren't for Ye Zhen's words, he would never have reached such a height in his life.

Soon the trailer for Ye Zhen's latest issue appeared.

You can already see it on the latest TV channels.

All I saw was a preview filmed by CCTV.

In the sky full of wind and sand.

Countless people can be seen traveling long distances.

Just by looking at the clothes, you can tell that they are from ancient times.

And among these ancients, there was an extremely noble person.

It was like flying along the way, going directly to a very far place.

On the other side, you can see a beautiful woman.

The two men were obviously not in the same place.

Thousands of miles apart.

In the end, this beautiful woman fell in love with the other person.

And there is actually a place like Tianchi next to this woman.

After the woman saw the other party leaving.

it says on the subtitle.

This stunningly beautiful woman actually holds the secret to immortality.

However, because her sweetheart did not come back, she did not take the elixir of life.

This process is like a short movie.

It makes everyone seem to have witnessed a very poignant love story.

This is a new way for CCTV to shoot trailers.

Shooting a trailer is like shooting a short movie.

However, as soon as this trailer was aired, it aroused enthusiastic responses from everyone.

"Although I don't understand who is written in this trailer, I understand that it is a love story."

"So this is a love story from ancient times?"

"What exactly does Master Ye Zhen want to do?"

"Can anyone analyze what this preview means?"

Soon after the preview of Ye Zhen's show was broadcast.

There are already analysts on the Internet very quickly.

After all, Ye Zhen's show is what everyone is paying most attention to right now.

This program hasn’t been aired yet, so you can quench your thirst by watching the trailer.

And this time the trailer was shot like a mini-movie.

It was very enjoyable to watch.

"I suspect this is the story of Dayi and Chang'e."

"Didn't you see that these two were not together in the end?"

"And that woman actually has the elixir of life. She is obviously Chang'e."

"And this Chang'e also has a beautiful face."

When this statement first came out, it was unanimously recognized by everyone.

Some people saw this poignant love story.

They think that these two people are on opposite sides of the sky. Doesn't it mean that one of Dayi and Chang'e is on the blue star and the other on the moon?

These two places are indeed very far away.

Secondly, some people noticed that this beautiful woman had mastered the elixir of life.

This is a very crucial clue.

The blogger who analyzed the video into Chang'e and Dayi.

It became popular all of a sudden.

Because I got the traffic from Ye Zhen’s show.

He was the first to interpret it this way, but many people followed suit.

Everyone thought this was talking about Dayi and Chang'e.

But others think this is simply not true. "This can't be the story of Chang'e and Dayi."

"How could this Yi have so many followers? His appearance makes him look like a noble."

"Also, didn't Chang'e finally take the elixir of life?"

"The beautiful woman in the trailer didn't eat at the end!"

But you want them to tell you what is written in the trailer.

They don't know either.

So on the other side, a video denying the claims of Yi and Chang'e also came out.

At the same time, I also received a lot of traffic.

Ye Zhen's show hasn't even started yet, but it's already so lively.

Foreign audiences are also very excited now.

After seeing Ye Zhen's preview, they were even more curious about what Ye Zhen would say next.

"I can't wait for other people to upload and move it, I'm going to start learning Chinese."

"You just started learning? I'm already learning!"

"I'm going to sign up for classes right now!"

Some crazy fans want to see Ye Zhen's show as soon as possible.

They all went to learn Chinese because they fell in love with Ye Zhen.

At the same time, I also fell in love with Chinese culture.

As a result, some Chinese classes in foreign countries suddenly became popular.

Every class is almost full.

Some people even sign up for Chinese language courses in primary schools.

One can imagine how crazy they are.

There are also some people in foreign countries who want to analyze Ye Zhen’s video.

However, they have a natural disadvantage and do not understand and understand Chinese civilization.

Before Ye Zhen’s show was aired.

This trailer alone has become a hot search topic more than once.

Ye Zhen is indeed the most popular person in China right now.

Some historians are also looking for similar stories in ancient books.

"What kind of story is Ye Zhen telling?"

"Why can't I find it in the ancient books?"

"This elixir of life? Isn't this woman Chang'e?"

They subconsciously thought this woman was Chang'e.

But in the end they also realized that this didn't seem right.

Some other scientists also saw the preview of Ye Zhen's latest issue.

"Do you think there really was an elixir of immortality in ancient times?"

"Actually, don't we also want the elixir of life now?"

"But it is indeed possible for that super ancient civilization to develop the elixir of life."

Some current bioengineering is aimed at extending human life as much as possible.

Eternal life has always been a pursuit of mankind.

Professor Zhou and the others also saw the latest trailer of "Weary Victory".

"What kind of work will Mr. Ye do for us?" Professor Zhou said after reading Ye Zhen's new trailer.

His intuition told him that Ye Zhen was going to give them something big.

Old Wu is now completely convinced by Ye Zhen, without official support behind Ye Zhen.

He absolutely didn't believe it.

But recently, some people from Yanshengli have returned from Southeast Asia.

But there is something strange about them.

Si Xiaoping looked at some of their members who had returned from Southeast Asia.

They actually all became a little younger.

And there is an inexplicable evil nature about him.

Professor Yan Xin is currently researching psychic energy, and the progress is quite good.

There are already some results.

And Professor Yan Xin believes that one day, he will be able to regain his previous power.

Become a psyker, even a great psyker.

"Mr. Ye, are you going to talk about the elixir of life this time?"

Professor Yan Xin believes that the people in this prediction cannot be Yi and Chang'e.

Because in this trailer, there is no most obvious symbol about these two people.

sun and moon.

If you mention Yi and Chang'e, you will inevitably mention the sun and the moon.

The two of them are like a yin and a yang.

One is related to the sun and the other to the moon.

But in the trailer, it was not mentioned at all.

Therefore, Professor Yan Xin believes that this is definitely not Dayi and Chang'e.

In game 749, Ning Xiu also saw Ye Zhen’s latest trailer for the first time.

Song Xuan immediately shared with Ning Xiu, "This woman is too miserable."

"The two of them didn't end up together."

"Captain Ning, do you think these two people are Dayi and Chang'e?"

"I read online analysis and found that these two people are Dayi and Chang'e."

Ning Xiu shook her head, "These two are obviously not a couple."

"Dayi and Chang'e have been married for a long time. This is obviously not Dayi and Chang'e."

Song Xuan simply said oh.

Tom and Isis are now loyal fans of Ye Zhen.

It almost never fails.

When Isis looked at Ye Zhenna's prediction.

Looking at that beautiful woman, I actually felt a familiar feeling.

Tom thought on the sidelines: "What is this latest program about?"

"Isis, do you know?"

Tom just asked casually.

Because so many bloggers on the Internet are analyzing it, but no one has analyzed it.

Tom didn't think Isis knew anything.

But Isis said: "I feel like the woman in this trailer looks like someone from our place?"

Tom laughed and said: "Are you kidding me, aren't you an Egyptian, Isis?"

"This is obviously our Chinese story."

Isis shook her head and smiled: "Maybe I'm crazy."

Soon the day came for the show to air.

Everyone can't wait.

(End of this chapter)

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