Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 393 The longest-reigning person in the longest dynasty

Chapter 393 The longest-reigning person in the longest dynasty

Ye Zhen had arrived at the TV station very early.

After Director Chen went through several baptisms.

I also gradually got used to Ye Zhen’s style of doing things.

Chen Guofu also began to become Buddhist.

He finally understood why Producer Chen was so relieved about Ye Zhen.

Because there is nothing you can do if you don’t worry!

Chen Guofu looked at Ye Zhen's appearance as always, "I won't say any words of encouragement to you."

"Now you're on a road no one has ever gone before."

"I hope you can become bigger and stronger and create greater glory!"

Producer Chen yawned at the side, "Director Chen, now you know what kind of person our big star is."

Ye Zhen said lightly, "Don't worry, I will take you further."

Producer Chen and the two of them listened to what Ye Zhen said.

Can't help but feel very real.

If someone else said this, they might just think that Ye Zhen was trying to spread the pie.

Or bragging about some goal or something.

But he is Ye Zhen! It came out of Ye Zhen's mouth so naturally.

However, Ye Zhen's current program is already number one in Asia.

Go further? Where is that going?

Ye Zhen walked to the stage as usual.

At this time, Kong Sisi ran to the scene from nowhere.

A staff member wanted to hug Kong Sisi.

"Miss, our show is being filmed and it's not convenient for you to go in."

Kong Sisi had already been to the filming site before.

As long as you are a person in a TV station, you actually want to go to the locations where others are filming.

We are all colleagues and will generally not reject you.

But it's different now. Ye Zhen's program is very special.

Many people want to come here to see Ye Zhen live.

But this studio is so big, it is already the largest shooting place in Yangcheng TV Station.

Even so, it still cannot stop everyone's enthusiasm.

Many people even do it after get off work.

He didn't even go home, he just stayed in the office.

While waiting for Ye Zhen's program to be broadcast, I went directly to the scene to watch a live broadcast.

But now it can't be done because there are too many people coming.

Everyone knows that after Ye Zhen’s show is over, you can go up and ask Ye Zhen for his autograph.

So now the program team has restricted everyone from coming in here.

Except for essential staff of the show, no one else is allowed to enter here.

But Producer Chen recognized Kong Sisi.

And Producer Chen heard some rumors that Ye Zhen and Kong Sisi were getting close.

The two may be engaged.

None of this is groundless.

Kong Sisi is not married yet, and Ye Zhen is not married either.

The two of them are both talented and beautiful, so it makes perfect sense for them to get together.

Producer Chen said to the staff, "Let her in."

Only then did Kong Sisi enter the studio.

At this time, Ye Zhen had already shown his signature smile on the stage.

"Good evening everyone, I am your host Ye Zhen."

"Welcome to tonight's "Into Popular Science"." Ye Zhen waved and said hello to everyone.

The moment I saw Ye Zhen appear on the screen.

The audience has already started to get excited.

"Everyone stand up! Teacher Ye Zhen is here."

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day?"

"Can you just start? I've already quit my job just to watch the show."

I only saw the familiar small whiteboard behind Ye Zhen.

"Today I want to tell you a story about the Zhou Dynasty."

Zhou Dynasty?

Everyone has speculated before about what kind of era it is in the trailer.

There are speculations and all.

However, most people think that it was in ancient times and belonged to the era of ancient China.

Because many people believe that it is the story of Yi and Chang'e.

But now Ye Zhen talks about the Zhou Dynasty, which obviously overturns everyone's previous guesses.

"The Zhou Dynasty is the longest dynasty in our country's history, lasting more than 800 years."

"During this week, many strange things happened."

"Of course the most famous person in the Zhou Dynasty was King Wen of Zhou."

"Because he evolved the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow."

"It is also the only "Book of Changes" that we can still see, which is the so-called "Book of Changes".

"But even the simplest sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow are difficult for us to understand now."

Speaking of King Wen of Zhou, he was a saint-like being.

Just saying that he deduced the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow is enough for everyone to know.

What kind of talented person was King Wen of Zhou?

Everyone was curious.

"Could it be that the person in the preview is King Wen of Zhou?"

"Who is King Wen of Zhou's wife? Do you know?"

"It's not Yi and Chang'e!"

Just when everyone thought the protagonist today was King Wen of Zhou.

When I thought Ye Zhen would tell gossip.

Ye Zhen smiled mysteriously, "But what everyone doesn't know is."

"In the Zhou Dynasty, there was a particularly peculiar emperor."

"He is known as China's first traveler by later generations."

"He is also the strongest traveler. Does anyone know who this person is?"

China’s number one traveler? Also the strongest traveler?

Was there another person like this in the Zhou Dynasty?

The audience does not have a deep understanding of the history of the Zhou Dynasty.

"Is one of the Zhou emperors also such a neglectful person?"

"The protagonist is not King Wen of Zhou!"

"The man in this trailer is actually the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty?"

"What is the identity of that woman?"

Everyone has started to become curious.

But some historians and archaeologists.

It was immediately clear who Ye Zhen was talking about.

"It turned out to be him! Why didn't I think of it?"

"It is said that he was the longest reigning emperor in the Zhou Dynasty."

"Is he also the one who lives the longest?"

"Then I know who it is, and it's only him."

After all, scientists are as separated as mountains, and they may know King Wen of Zhou.

But for other emperors of the Zhou Dynasty, they didn't know. "Has the Emperor Zhou Chao taken the elixir of life this week?"

"I think it's possible. After all, it was more than two thousand years ago, which is a very long time ago."

"I'm curious who that woman is?"

Professor Yan Xin felt that Ye Zhen had changed, "Are you really telling a love story?"

"What can be said about this emperor's love story?"

Professor Yan Xin thought that Ye Zhen had something big coming.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhen really wanted to tell a love story?

But some researchers believe that Ye Zhen must have had his own ideas.

Yanshengli, since those members came back from Southeast Asia.

Professor Zhou started gathering everyone again.

After all, everyone was in the same organization before.

Professor Zhou looked at Lao Wu.

"Old Wu, you know who Mr. Ye is talking about, right?"

Old Wu nodded, "Of course, the answer is obvious."

Si Xiaoping also knew who Ye Zhen was talking about this time.

After all, this is some unpopular knowledge in the eyes of outsiders.

But for these people, Ye Zhen only needs to remind them.

They already know the answer to the mystery.

The camera returns to Ye Zhen.

"I believe some smart people have guessed it."

"Yes, this person is King Mu of Zhou."

"The first traveler in our country, and the longest living emperor in the Zhou Dynasty."

This is the first time for everyone to hear the name of King Mu this week.

"King Mu of Zhou's name is Ji Man."

"Speaking of this week, King Mu is considered a very legendary person."

"Because he is different from other emperors. Others have different hobbies."

"Such as refining elixirs, working as a carpenter, finding immortals to refine elixirs, etc."

"But he is different. He likes to travel."


King Mu’s hobby this week is actually traveling.

In ancient times, transportation was very inconvenient.

Just traveling out of the province can take several months in some places.

And it is very dangerous along the way, so you need to bring enough food.

Traveling can only be enjoyed by those who have money and time.

And King Mu of Zhou lived to be 105 years old.

This age is also very long-lived for us modern people.

In ancient times this was simply unthinkable.

Some people wondered if King Mu had taken the elixir of life this week.

Because during the Zhou Dynasty, the average person was only over thirty years old.

This week King Mu has lived for several lifetimes.

Why did ancient people get married and have children so early?

Because the life span of this ancient man was not long.

Why did only King Mu of Zhou live so long?

When it comes to medical care, food and accommodation, these Zhou emperors all have the same standards.

In addition, King Mu of Zhou often traveled, which was very tiring.

It should be easier to die, but he lived to be 105 years old.

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "Don't think that King Mu is just traveling in China this week."

"He traveled to a foreign country back then."

Travel abroad! ?

Although the transportation is now very convenient.

But there are still many people who have never flown on a plane or been to a foreign country.

But this week, King Mu had already traveled abroad.

The audience couldn't help but feel envious.

"My dear, you can actually go abroad to play. King Mu will really enjoy it this week."

"That's right, I've never been abroad."

"Where did he go for fun back then?"

"No, he lived to be 105 years old. Did he take the elixir of life?"

Everyone began to wonder about the legendary story of King Zhou Mu.

Scientists are curious, too.

"Have you been abroad for more than two thousand years?"

"Is this possible?"

"Haven't you ever learned about the Silk Road?"

"But that was more than two thousand years!"

"Where did he go?"

Professor Yan Xin guessed: "King Mu will not be traveling abroad this week."

"Have you met a foreigner?"

"Then the two fell in love, right? A cross-border relationship?"

Professor Zhou and the others also thought of it.

"When I look at the beautiful woman in the trailer now, she seems to have a bit of an exotic look."

Old Wu picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Professor Zhou, "I think King Mu of Zhou was very popular back then."

Si Xiaoping believed that Ye Zhen was definitely not that simple.

"Is it really just a love story?"

"It's still about that important elixir."

In the 749th round, Song Xuan had already prepared snacks.

"King Zhou Mu?" Song Xuan asked while eating biscuits: "Captain Ning, do you know this King Mu of Zhou?"

Ning Xiu thought about it in her mind, shook her head and said, "No, I can't remember."

"I know a little bit about King Wen this week."

After all, King Wen of this week is inseparable from the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow.

In various 749 general bureaus in China.

Xiao Yan and others were also watching Ye Zhen's show.

The last time Ye Zhen taught them a lesson in the 749 Bureau in East Guangdong.

Lin Dong gave Ye Zhen's video to the general bureaus in other regions.

Let them also take a look at Ye Zhen's lesson.

Sure enough, after they finished watching it, they all went to organize their members to watch Ye Zhen's show.

Because they know the value of Ye Zhen’s show.

"Could it be that today we are talking about the elixir of life?"

"I think in the end I will talk about the sixty-four hexagrams of the day after tomorrow."

"No, I feel like it's the love story of King Mu of Zhou."

"But where did King Mu travel this week?"

Everyone wants to know where King Zhou Mu went.

Ye Zhen wrote three words on the whiteboard behind him.

Kunlun Hill.

"That's right, King Mu finally went to Kunlun Qiu this week."

(End of this chapter)

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