Chapter 395 Kunlun Hills and Kunlun Ruins

Only to see Ye Zhen start to explain, his voice was clear and full of magic.

Nowadays, there are viewers who like to watch when they are working or doing something.

Listen to Ye Zhen's program as background sound.

I feel that Ye Zhen's voice is particularly magical, and people can't help but want to listen to Ye Zhen speak.

“Nowadays, the Kunlun Mountains are considered by everyone to be that mountain range in our country.

So the Kunlun Mountains are a continuous mountain range in reality. This is what modern people say combined with what the ancients said.

This is Kunlun Mountain.

It is also recorded in ancient books.

However, the ancients also made a mistake and confused the four concepts.

Therefore, we often see that the ancients referred to Kunlun as Kunlun Mountain.

Then this Kunlun Hill, judging from the name.

We know that this is obviously not a high mountain, but a relatively low place.

Otherwise, why would the ancients call this place Kunlun Qiu?

Regarding this place, Kunlun Hill, where did it first appear? "Ye Zhen paused here.

In fact, a name "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" comes to everyone's mind.

Because of Ye Zhen's program, various books on "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" are now hot sellers.

Before Ye Zhen, the "Book of Mountains and Seas" was just a very unpopular ancient book.

Almost everyone has just heard of it.

But now after Ye Zhen spreads it, everyone has discovered that "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is a treasure.

And some current scholars and experts say that Ye Zhen opened up a new subject called "Mountain and Sea Studies".

Some foreign experts and professors also believe that the "Book of Mountains and Seas" may be something left over from super-ancient civilization.

This is a world map drawn by a super ancient civilization!

So for a while, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" became an instant hit.

Many booksellers began to run up their machines and start printing.

However, demand still exceeds supply.

Because not only everyone in China wants this sacred book, but so do foreign audiences.

All over the world, everyone wants to take a look at what "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is like.

It was the first time that foreigners knew that China actually had such magical books.

"Chinese people are really good at hiding things. They actually keep such precious things to themselves."

"Fortunately we watched Ye's show, otherwise we would never know about this thing in our lives."

"This is clearly evidence of prehistoric civilization! This is the world map of super ancient civilization."

This book is hard to find abroad.

In particular, the English translation of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" directly fetched a thousand dollars a copy.

The Chinese version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" also costs hundreds of dollars, but it is still hard to find.

One can imagine how influential Ye Zhen is.

So now when Ye Zhen mentions this, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

But why is "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" called one of my country's three great wonders?

Because it is obscure and difficult to understand, even if you are Chinese.

You may not be able to understand it even if it is translated, let alone the original text.

Therefore, it is even more difficult for foreigners. This is inherently difficult for Chinese.

This classical Chinese text is simply killing them!

"Yes, as everyone thought, the Kunlun Hill appeared in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" from the very beginning.

South of the West Sea, on the shore of quicksand, behind the Red River and before the Black River, there is a large mountain called Kunlun Hill.

There is a god, with a human face and a tiger body, with text and a tail, all white, in the middle.

Below it is surrounded by abyss of weak water, and outside it is a mountain of flaming fire, from which things are thrown.

There is a hoopoe with tiger teeth and a leopard tail. The hole is called the Queen Mother of the West.

There are all kinds of things in this mountain - "The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Classic of the Great Wilderness".

There is another place.

It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Four hundred miles to the southwest is the hill of Kunlun, which is actually the capital of the emperor, and is the headquarters of Shenlu Wusi.

Its divine form has a tiger body with nine tails, and a human face with tiger claws.

This is the god who oversees the nine divisions of heaven and the confinement time of the emperor.

There is a beast, which looks like a sheep with four horns. It is called a soil cricket, and it eats people.

"Ye Zhen recited this paragraph very smoothly.

It was as if it had been recited thousands of times.

It is already difficult for some people to read it, but Ye Zhen can recite it very fluently.

"What is the translation of Kunlun Hill in these two paragraphs?

To the south of the West Sea, beside the quicksand, behind the Red River, and in front of the Black River, there is a large mountain called Kunlun Qiu.

There is a god who has the face of a human and the body of a tiger, with white markings on his body and a white tail. He lives in the Kunlun Hills.

There is a weak abyss at the foot of the mountain, and there is a volcano beyond the abyss. As long as items are thrown into this mountain, it will burn.

There was a person who wore a headdress, had tiger-like teeth and a leopard-like tail, and lived in a cave in Kunlun Qiu, named Queen Mother of the West.

Everything in the world can be found in this mountain.

Another paragraph translated is.

Four hundred miles to the southwest there is a mountain called Kunlun Qiu. This is actually the emperor's capital in the lower realm and is managed by the god Lu Wu.

Lu Wu looks like a tiger, with nine tails, a human-like face, and tiger-like claws.

This god is also in charge of the nine realms in the sky and the seasonal solar terms in the Emperor's Garden.

There is a beast in the mountains. It is shaped like a sheep and has four horns. Its name is a mole and it can eat people.

This is the real Kunlun Hill, and it is also the Kunlun Hill where King Zhou Mu went. "

After Ye Zhen translated, the fans looked at Ye Zhen with admiration.

Some people have said before that they can interpret this "Shan Hai Jing".

But when they bought "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" home with great interest.

They discovered that it wasn't as easy as they thought.

the audience exclaimed.

"Ye Shen, the only god! How did he do it."

"Even if I own the book "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", I still feel it is like a heavenly book when I read it now."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I thought I could be like Ye Shen after buying this book, but I didn't expect that I was overthinking it."

"Ye Zhen, please accept my knee."

Only those who have bought and read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" will know how strong Ye Zhen is.

If you have never done this yourself, you will never know how difficult it is. It's like writing a novel. Why can't others update 4,000 words a day?

Let me write it myself!

But when you write it yourself, you realize how terrifying it is that others can update four thousand words a day.

Historians and archaeologists looked at the place cited by Ye Zhen.

"Kunlun Mountain and Kunlun Qiu are indeed not the same place."

"So we all misunderstood."

"Is this Kunlun Hill where the Queen Mother of the West lives?"

"When King Mu of Zhou met the Queen Mother of the West?"

The geographer looked at the contents of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" translated by Ye Zhen.

"Where is this Kunlun Hill?"

"It doesn't seem like we are in China now."

"King Mu went to Kunlun Qiu this week, so he really went abroad."

"But what's going on with Queen Mother Xi? Could it be that the woman in the trailer is Queen Mother Xi?"

After everyone saw Ye Zhen's translation, their imaginations began to expand.

Professor Yan Xin saw "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" appear again.

"The Queen Mother of the West? Isn't this the legendary immortal who lives in the fairy mountain and has mastered the elixir of life?"

The researchers also thought of the mythical Queen Mother of the West.

"But why does Queen Mother Xi seem to be different from the one we know?"

"Isn't this the Queen Mother of the West the legendary head of female immortals?"

"You must have read too many ancient novels."

In Weishengli, Professor Zhou saw the record of Kunlun Qiu.

"This is obviously a different concept from Kunlun Mountain."

"So at first there was only Kunlun Qiu, but later the ancients regarded Kunlun Qiu as Kunlun Mountain?"

Lao Wu said from the side: "Hills, hills, isn't that what we always say now."

Si Xiaoping now knows, "This Kunlun Hill and Kunlun Hill are the same place."

"So the Kunlun Ruins and the Kunlun Ruins are also the same place."

This Kunlun Hill and Kunlun Hill are the same place, just with the addition of a particle.

In fact the meaning has not changed at all.

Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Mountain are obviously two different concepts.

It's like one is called Da Ming and the other is called Xiao Ming.

There is no reason for you to say that these two people are both named Ming. Just say that they are the same person, right?

In Yangcheng's 749 games.

Song Xuan saw the description of Kunlun Qiu and asked, "Has King Mu really been here this week? This place is called Kunlun Qiu."

Ning Xiu also had some knowledge of this aspect, "Many people now believe that King Zhou Mu never left the country at all."

"It's just been rolled around in our country."

"They even think that King Mu's records this week are similar to myths and legends."

What Ning Xiu thought of was the Queen Mother of the West.

Isn’t it said that one has mastered the existence of the elixir of life?

Dayi's elixir of immortality was given to Dayi by the Queen Mother of the West.

But in the end Chang'e just ate it secretly.

I didn't expect that I would be contacted.

Thought of it before the show started.

Everyone has different guesses, and most people think this is another version of the story of Dayi and Chang'e.

Just like what Ye Zhen said before about different timelines and different versions of history.

But it seems that the person in the notice Ye Zhen mentioned was King Zhou Mu.

Rather than Yi and Chang'e.

But now it seems that there may not be any connection.

The other people from the 749 General Administration were silent.

"The Queen Mother of the West? She is actually the Queen Mother of the West."

"Isn't it said that King Mu met the Queen Mother of the West this week?"

"Is what happened to King Mu this week true?"

"Is this Queen Mother of the West an immortal? Or an extraordinary being?"

Then Ye Zhen's voice continued to ring in everyone's ears.

"Next I want to talk about the Kunlun Ruins.

So where is the Kunlun Ruins?

The same thing is also recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

In fact, the Kunlun Hills and Kunlun Ruins are both recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing".

This is obviously not the same place.

But I don’t know why it was confused by later generations.

It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Hai Nei Xi Jing".

The void of Kunlun in the sea is in the northwest, the capital under the emperor.

Kunlun is 800 miles away and 10,000 feet high. There is a sheaf of wood on it, five fathoms long and five circumferences large.

There are nine wells on the front, with jade as the threshold; there are nine doors on the front, guarded by enlightened beasts, where hundreds of gods are located.

At the Eight Corners Rock and the Red River, no one but Yi Yi could climb the hill.

Kunlunxu, recorded in the Hai Nei Xi Jing, is located in the northwest region and is the capital of the emperor in the lower realm.

Kunlun has a circumference of 800 miles and a height of 10,000 ren.

There is a kind of wood growing on the mountain, which is five fathoms high and thick enough for five people to hug it.

There are nine wells on each side of Kunlunxu, and each well has jade as its railing.

There are nine gates on each side, and each gate is guarded by a divine beast named Kaiming. This is where hundreds of gods live.

The hundred gods live in caves in eight directions, on the banks of the Chishui River.

If you were not a person like Dayi, you would not be able to climb the rocks on these hills.

There is also this record in the "Hainei Xi Jing": The quicksand leaves Zhongshan, travels westward and then southward to Kunlun. Entering the sea from the southwest.

The quicksand starts from Zhongshan Mountain, extends westward and southward to the Ruins of Kunlun, and then southwestward into the sea and Heishui Mountain.

This is the ruins of Kunlun recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Obviously we can see that the Kunlun Hills and the Kunlun Ruins are obviously two places. "

After Ye Zhen translated these two paragraphs, everyone obviously had different perceptions of these two places.

Sure enough, they are two different places.

(End of this chapter)

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