Chapter 396 King Mu of Zhou and Queen Mother of the West

I saw the ruins of Kunlun that Ye Zhen said.

The audience also understands that Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins are two different places.

"How far-sighted were the ancients to get these things wrong?"

"I can't tell the difference between Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins."

"If it weren't for Ye Shen, we might have been kept in the dark forever."

"Isn't there another place called Kunlun?"

Historians and archaeologists have gained a new understanding of these three places.

"No wonder the ancients were confused."

"I'm a little confused now."

"Kunlun Mountain may have been fabricated by ancient people and us modern people based on Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins."

"Is this just meaningless? Think of Kunlun Qiu as Kunlun Mountain."

"But I remember that in history, there was a kind of person named Kunlun slave?"

"You mean a dark-skinned slave?"

Some historians believe that Kunlun slaves were black people.

However, most archaeologists believe that only people of extremely high status could own this Kunlun slave.

And these Kunlun slaves are obviously people of color and may not be black.

Instead, it was possible that they were brown people, similar to the people on the Indian and Egyptian sides today.

Their skin color is wheat-colored.

After geographers saw Ye Zhen's translation of Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins.

"Kunlun Qiu obviously refers to a place, obviously refers to a certain hill."

"And the Kunlun Ruins refers to an area, not like a mountain."

"So Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins are really not the same place."

"Otherwise, why do others have different descriptions and records of two places in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?"

After Ye Zhen's popular science, everyone finally knew how complicated Kunlun was.

Professor Yan Xin wanted to know, "Is this Queen Mother of the West a psychic?"

In myths and legends, the image of the Queen Mother of the West is constantly changing.

Now we see movies like "Journey to the West" and some movies and TV series

The Queen Mother of the West is the head of the female immortals, but she is an immortal with an air of immortality.

But the most original record is the record in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

This Queen Mother of the West is not a fairy, but a very cruel image.

However, Professor Yan Xin believes that this Queen Mother of the West is definitely a psychic.

In Weishengli, Professor Zhou said softly: "Now we know about Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins."

"This Kunlun Mountain is the product of re-deconstruction and misunderstanding by the ancients and our descendants."

"We searched for the legendary Kunlun Mountain according to the records of Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins, but of course we came back in vain."

Old Wu also knew how important it was for Ye Zhen to clarify this concept.

What Si Xiaoping is now curious about is, "So where exactly is Kunlun?"

Ye Zhen talked about Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Ruins.

So where is this real Kunlun?

Ning Xiu touched her small and delicate chin, "Could it be that Kunlun really belongs to Yuanshi Tianzun and Xugong?"

Song Xuan laughed at the side and said: "Captain Ning, didn't you just say that I was stupid for watching TV series?"

"Isn't it the same for you?"

Overseas audiences were confused.

Because some of them had a very difficult time climbing over the wall to come to China.

I finally watched Ye Zhen’s show.

But they don’t understand! It feels like listening to a book from heaven.

However, some countries and regions have CCTV’s international channels.

So they can watch Ye Zhen's program directly.

After some ghost guys went to learn Chinese, they found that they still couldn't understand Ye Zhen's program.

"Do you still have to wait for the translation?"

"Why are you chewing this raw meat?"

"I have a translation AI installed in my computer, and I can understand everything."

Nowadays, AI has developed very rapidly, and it can be translated in real time.

In fact, there is no threshold anymore, it is just a matter of slower speed and accuracy.

Isis and Tom, they watched Ye Zhen's show.

"Who is this Queen Mother of the West?" Tom grew up overseas and didn't know much about Chinese culture.

Isis was the only one who saw the description of Queen Mother of the West.

The whole person felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Isis felt herself trembling all over, "How is this possible?"

"This is impossible."

Tom looked at Isis as if in a trance.

"What happened to Isis?" Tom pretended to be a warm man and cared about Isis.

Isis forced a smile and said, "It's okay, I just felt a little uncomfortable suddenly."

Back to Ye Zhen, everyone is curious about the remaining Kunlun.

In other words, where is the true identity of Kunlun?

Only Ye Zhen smiled mysteriously, "Are you very curious about where the real Kunlun is?"

Everyone held their breath and stared at Ye Zhen on the screen.

Ye Zhen spread his hands, "Actually, I don't know now."

"But this Kunlun has another name, called Tianzhu."


What’s the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind.

Space elevator, this is the legendary pillar of heaven.

The audience's eyes twinkled.

"Could it be that in the legend, Kunlun is a space elevator, so it is a Tianzhu?"

"So the Kunlun that the ancients saw was actually a space elevator!"

"Teacher Ye Zhen said before that there is more than one space elevator."

But now Ye Zhen doesn't know where the real Kunlun is.

Just to give you an idea.

Historians and archaeologists saw that Ye Zhen finally had something unknown to him.

"It turns out he doesn't know everything."

"Finally I see something that Ye Zhen doesn't understand." "If I find where the real Kunlun is, wouldn't it mean that I am more powerful than Ye Zhen?"

Some archaeologists and historians are starting to take action.

Because when they saw Ye Zhen emerge from the sky, he directly crushed them.

It directly opened up a new theory and aroused many new ideas.

Everyone felt like they were being suffocated by Ye Zhen.

Everyone thinks Ye Zhen is like a god.

But now I discovered that Ye Zhen didn't know everything.

Ye Zhen is just a person, and everyone feels that Ye Zhen is closer to him.

Some geographers are also holding back their enthusiasm.

"So where is Kunlun? Or is this not a place at all?"

"Is there a person named Kunlun?"

"Some scholars now believe that Kunlun may be in present-day Kunshan."

"Or should we say that Kunlun is the legendary Mount Buzhou."

Professor Yan Xin seemed to have discovered a new world, "Is there anything you, Mr. Ye, don't understand?"

Professor Yan Xin has been studying meridian acupuncture points recently.

Because he discovered that this was a treasure left by their ancestors.

Before, it was just that I had no connections, but after watching Ye Zhen’s program many times.

Professor Yan Xin gained a new understanding.

"Could this Kunlun refer to the Kunlun point?" This thought came to Professor Yan Xin's mind.

Because the name Kunlun is not just a place.

It could also be acupuncture points!

In practice, this is also a very critical acupoint.

Kunlun point is located behind the lateral malleolus of the foot, in the depression between the tip of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon.

Like something like Qi connecting to Kunlun.

So Professor Yan Xin wondered whether Kunlun might refer to a place in the human body.

Different people have different understandings of Kunlun.

Professor Zhou in Yanshengli has a different view.

"Could this Kunlun be something? An object."

Old Wu and Professor Zhou obviously thought of the same place, "Is it some kind of sealed object?"

Si Xiaoping frowned and said, "Are you tired of winning?"

This is not impossible.

Because even Ye Zhen didn't know that they also wanted to surpass Ye Zhen.

But in the 749th game, they had different views.

Ning Xiu's first thought was, "In Consultant Ye's description just now, different strange beasts were mentioned."

"Is it possible that this Kunlun is a strange beast?"

Song Xuan was chewing biscuits while thinking, "Is it a strange beast named Kunlun?"

"Is it the same strange beast as Nian?"

Indeed, this was Ning Xiu's idea in the 749th game.

As for what this Kunlun is, it is still unknown.

"It's a bit off topic." Kong Sisi, who was outside the court, listened to Ye Zhen's talk.

"Does this have anything to do with today's content?" Kong Sisi couldn't help but complain.

Producer Chen heard Kong Sisi's words from the side, "You still don't understand Ye Zhen."

"Nothing Ye Zhen does will be in vain."

Chen Guofu on the side actually had the same view as Kong Sisi.

Since Ye Zhen came back from Ludong, Kong Sisi thought that she and Ye Zhen could get closer and closer.

But in fact, it was the opposite. Ye Zhen seemed to be even more distant from her.

Kong Sisi felt a sense of sacredness and alienation in Ye Zhen.

This is what happened after Ye Zhen came back from Ludong.

Now Ye Zhen finally returned to King Mu of Zhou Dynasty.

"Do you think I'm going too far?

In fact, this is not far at all, if you don't know and understand this concept.

A lot of things will be messed up later.

Now we return to the story of King Mu this week.

Legend has it that this week King Mu took a carriage to see the Queen Mother of the West.

It is recorded in the ancient book "The Biography of Emperor Mu":

Driving horses such as Chiji, Pirates, Baiyi, Yuolun, Shanzi, Quhuang, Hualiu, and Luer, driven by Zaofu and guided by Boyao, we set out from Zongzhou, crossed the Zhang River, and passed through Hezong and Hezong. Yangxian Mountain, Qunyu Mountain and other places, as far west as the kingdom of the Queen Mother of the West, where they had banquets and entertainments with the Queen Mother of the West.

Who is this Cepheus? Do you still remember? "

Cepheid? Ye Zhen mentioned it before.

"This Zaofu was the hero who drove the carriage for King Mu of Zhou.

If it weren't for Cepheus, it would be impossible for King Mu of Zhou to go to the place where Queen Mother of the West is.

And this Zaofu is the surname Ying, the ancestor of the Zhao family.

He is the ancestor of Qin, in other words, he is the ancestor of Qin Shihuang!

This Cepheus is very impressive, driving these horses.

It was like traveling a thousand miles in a day, taking King Mu of Zhou for a trip.

This "Biography of Emperor Mu" records various experiences of King Mu of Zhou during his travels.

What is the most amazing record here?

It was King Mu of Zhou who met the Queen Mother of the West and drank and sang with the Queen Mother of the West. "

After everyone heard this, they finally understood the two people in this trailer.

Who is it?

"No wonder the man in this trailer looks so noble. He turns out to be Emperor Zhou."

"So that woman is the Queen Mother of the West?"

"King Mu is a fierce man this week, and he is in love with Queen Mother of the West!"

"Isn't this Queen Mother of the West the Jade Emperor's wife?"

Everyone understands why Ye wants to explain where the Kunlun Hill is.

Because this Kunlun Hill is the destination of King Zhou Mu.

But where is this Kunlun Hill? Where does the Queen Mother of the West live?

Is it really the legendary land of immortals?

Is the Queen Mother of the West a fairy or a human?

Why did you fall in love with King Zhou Mu again?

All of this, everyone looked at Ye Zhen on the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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