Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 397 The key, the true identity of Queen Mother of the West

Chapter 397 The key, the true identity of Queen Mother of the West

Nowadays, the Queen Mother of the West among the people is considered to be the Queen Mother and the Holy Mother of Yaochi.

But in this development process.

In fact, the image of the Queen Mother of the West has undergone a 180-degree change.

"There has been controversy over "The Biography of Emperor Mu".

In academia, they all have different views.

From the starting point, to the route along the way, to the time when the book was written.

There are all kinds of differences.

So much so that scholars from many dynasties believed that "The Biography of Emperor Mu" was the same as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

They are all fictitious, similar to fantasy novels.

Why doesn't everyone think "The Biography of Emperor Mu" is true?

Because during this process, King Mu of Zhou met the Queen Mother of the West.

This legendary mythical figure, and they believed that King Mu of Zhou went to Kunlun Mountain.

But in fact, what King Zhou Mu went to was actually the Kunlun Hills, not the so-called Kunlun Mountains. "

It is recorded in "The Biography of Emperor Mu" that King Mu of Zhou started from Zongzhou.

Even Zongzhou has been quarreling for hundreds of years.

Some people say that Zongzhou actually refers to Luoyang, and King Mu of Zhou set out from Luoyang.

Some scholars believe that Zongzhou actually refers to Haojing.

So far there is no conclusion.

"In fact, the main thing everyone thinks is that King Zhou Mu's deeds are too miraculous.

Because King Mu of Zhou relied solely on these eight horses, each of them could travel thirty thousand miles.

This is simply superior to today's aircraft.

In everyone's opinion, this is impossible.

But who is driving the carriage? Cepheid.

What if this Cepheid is a person with super powers? "

Everyone thought this was impossible before.

But now we know that this extraordinary person actually existed in history.

This Cepheus's ability may be to control these eight horses to run long distances.

And it is very possible that the eight horses controlled by Cepheid are not horses at all.

It's something like a machine.

It is a legacy of super ancient civilization, so King Mu of Zhou can travel around the world.

Go to Kunlun Hill.

Coincidentally, this Zaofu was the ancestor of Qin Shihuang.

From then on, their Qin family was good at raising horses, and they had always raised horses for the Zhou royal family.

Why would the future Qin Shihuang be so persistent in searching for the elixir of life?

It may also have something to do with the ancestor Cepheus.

"So where did King Mu of Zhou go?"

"What exactly is this so-called Kunlun Hill?"

"Because previous scholars have always believed that King Zhou Mu never left the country at all."

"And they always thought that the place where King Zhou Mu went was the Kunlun Mountains, so they looked for it in the northwest of our country."

"Why has this route and the end point been controversial?"

"Because they were wrong from the beginning."

This is why Ye Zhen wanted to popularize the difference between Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Mountain.

"These scholars have always misunderstood the concepts of Kunlun Qiu and Kunlun Mountains.

So they have been searching in the northwest mountains.

And they think that Kunlun Mountain is this series of mountains. After all, this is the representative of the sacred mountain.

Some people even say that Mount Everest is the legendary Kunlun Mountain.

But if we put aside these things, they are actually not very important things.

Returning to the key point in "The Biography of Emperor Mu".

Why is King Mu this week considered untrue by everyone?

Because he met the Queen Mother of the West during his travels.

The Queen Mother of the West is the key, and the Kunlun Hill where the Queen Mother of the West is located is also the key.

As long as you understand this key point, you can understand the whole story. "

After Ye Zhen's analysis, everyone began to slowly understand the key.

“First of all, everyone needs to be clear that I have told everyone before.

This image of Queen Mother of the West is no longer the same as the original one.

Later generations believed that the Queen Mother of the West was already the first female fairy.

She is the Queen Mother, a fairy.

This led everyone to believe that King Zhou Mu’s journey was false.

In fact, what was the image of Queen Mother of the West like in the beginning? "

In everyone's impression, the image of Queen Mother of the West is the same as in movies and TV series.

My mother is courteous to the world, very gentle and elegant, and she is graceful and noble.

“We need to return to the original image of the Queen Mother of the West.

It is the Queen Mother of the West recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Let’s take a look at what the Queen Mother of the West is like as recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" records: The Queen Mother of the West looks like a human, has a leopard tail, tiger teeth, and is good at roaring. She has shaggy hair and a hoopoe.

That's it translated.

The Queen Mother of the West looks like a human, with a tail like a leopard and teeth like a tiger. She is good at roaring, has disheveled hair, and wears jewelry on her head. She is in charge of disasters in the sky and the five punishments for killing.

There is also a record in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas - Hai Nei Bei Jing": The Queen Mother of the West has a hoopoe on her ladder, and there are three blue birds in the south, feeding the Queen Mother of the West.

The Queen Mother of the West is leaning on the table, wearing jewelry on her head. To the south of her are three blue birds, which are responsible for feeding the Queen Mother of the West.

Furthermore, this is what I mentioned just now.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" records: South of the West Sea, on the shore of quicksand, behind the Red River and before the Black River, there is a large mountain called Kunlun Hill.

There is a god, with a human face and a tiger body, with text and a tail, all white, in the middle.

Below it is surrounded by abyss of weak water, and outside it is a mountain of flaming fire, from which things are thrown.

There is a person with a hoopoe, a tiger's teeth, a leopard's tail, and a cave, named the Queen Mother of the West.

This has already been translated, so I won’t say more here.

These are the original records of the Queen Mother of the West. "Ye Zhen extracted these initial records recording the image of Queen Mother of the West.

The audience also noticed something was wrong.

"Why is the Queen Mother of the West so different from her current image?"

"I feel like the original image of the Queen Mother of the West is more like an orc? A ferocious orc?" "Could it be that the Queen Mother of the West is also Furui! I love it! I love it!"

"So King Mu of Zhou fell in love with Queen Mother of the West?"

Obviously this is a completely different image from the Queen Mother of the West that everyone usually knows.

Historians and archaeologists are among those who know this.

"The image of the Queen Mother of the West was indeed exactly what Mr. Ye said at first."

"It is true that he is in charge of criminal law and appears as a ferocious figure."

"The Queen Mother of the West in our minds now, the Queen Mother and Empress are rather created by later generations."

Scientists feel like this is some kind of orc.

"So the Queen Mother of the West looked like a tiger at first?"

"Otherwise, the Book of Mountains and Seas says that she looks like a human being, so she is not a human being."

"Is she a god, a god who looks like a human?"

Only Professor Yan Xin understood, "Isn't this a psychic?"

"A psyker with the ability to shapeshift."

People with special powers, qigong masters, superpowers, supernatural beings and so on.

In fact, there are some people with strange bloodlines and abilities.

Just like Tushan, he has the blood of the nine-tailed fox.

Don’t we Chinese also claim to be descendants of the dragon? We may actually have dragon blood in our blood.

Maybe one day we can also become a dragon.

Professor Yan Xin can confirm that the Queen Mother of the West is a psychic with the ability to transform.

In the eyes of Professor Zhou who is tired of winning.

"This week, King Mu met such a Queen Mother of the West. No wonder he felt that he had met a god."

Old Wu nodded and said: "Everyone thinks that the Queen Mother of the West is the Queen Mother who was created later by Taoism."

"Actually, the original image of the Queen Mother of the West is completely different from what everyone imagined."

Si Xiaoping lamented: "Why is it that subsequent scholars' research has always been controversial."

"Because they had the wrong concept at the beginning, it is inevitable that something completely different will happen."

Song Xuan, on the other hand, had other feelings.

"The Queen Mother of the West looks like a half-orc, and King Mu is still in love with her this week."

"It is indeed true love."

Ning Xiu said, "Didn't the Queen Mother of the West finally make an agreement with King Mu of Zhou?"

"King Zhou Mu said that he would come back in three years after quelling the rebellion in the country."

"But after King Zhou Mu returned to the country, he never went to see the Queen Mother of the West again."

Song Xuan's eyes widened, "Isn't this a scumbag! Could it be that King Zhou Mu just wanted to deceive Queen Mother of the West about the elixir of life!"

In "The Biography of Emperor Mu", King Mu of Zhou met the Queen Mother of the West.

The two were alone together for three days and three nights, during which they kept singing and drinking.

The two fell in love like this.

In the end, King Mu of Zhou had to leave and return to the country to deal with the war.

He also made a three-year agreement with the Queen Mother of the West, saying that he would come to see the Queen Mother of the West in three years.

But three years later and three years later, King Mu seemed to have forgotten this matter.

I never went to see the Queen Mother of the West again.

This is the end of the story of "The Biography of Emperor Mu".

The people in the 749 General Administration are thinking.

Xiao Yan touched his chin and said, "So does such an existence really exist in the real world? Queen Mother of the West?"

Nalan Cuihua repeated what Ye Zhen wrote on the whiteboard.

"There is a person with a hoopoe, tiger's teeth, a leopard's tail, and a cave. Her name is the Queen Mother of the West."

"There is a god, with a human face and a tiger body, with writings and a tail, all white, and it's all in it."

"The Queen Mother of the West looks like a human being. She has a leopard's tail and tiger's teeth and is good at howling. She has shaggy hair and a hoopoe. She is the most powerful person in the world and has five disabilities."

With such an image, what kind of person is this Queen Mother of the West?

Could it be said that King Zhou Mu was in love with animals?

But that's what some other people in the 749 General Administration thought.

In this world, there are actually many gods who are half-human and half-animal.

Just like Fuxi and Nuwa in China, they have the head of a human and the body of a snake.

The legendary Shen Nong also had a bull’s head.

In the American library, a person wore an earphone and watched Ye Zhen’s live broadcast of Tom and Isis.

"Why doesn't this Queen Mother of the West look like a human being at all?"

But countless images flashed through Isis's eyes.

Because there are so many such half-human, half-animal gods in Egypt.

Tom looked at Isis as if she had thought of something and thought of a god.

"Impossible." Isis shook her head and said to herself.

Tom asked from the side: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Isis shook her head and did not continue.

Tom stopped asking further questions.

"Are you curious, where in the real world can there be such an iconic person as the Queen Mother of the West?

Isn’t this something only found in myths and legends?

Let’s take another look at the description of the Queen Mother of the West, the Hoopoe.

This hoopoe is actually a kind of bird. The "Shan Hai Jing" mentioned many times that the image of the Queen Mother of the West is a hoopoe.

This is one of the characteristics of the Queen Mother of the West.

Another characteristic is that it looks like a tiger, but also looks like a human. "

Everyone can't imagine what kind of image this is.

Until a picture appeared in the projection behind Ye Zhen.

Hoopoe refers to this person's headdress, which looks like a hoopoe bird.

Why is the Queen Mother of the West said to look like a tiger?

Because this is not actually talking about tigers or leopards.

But the sphinx of the female pharaoh of ancient Egypt!

The image of this female pharaoh is an imitation of the Sphinx!

At that time, King Mu of Zhou really went abroad, and to ancient Egypt.

"The Queen Mother of the West whom King Zhou Mu met was actually the female pharaoh of ancient Egypt." After Ye Zhen made this shocking conclusion.

The entire studio was quiet, except for the sound of machines working.

People watching the show were also dumbfounded.

Is this Queen Mother of the West a female pharaoh from ancient Egypt?

(End of this chapter)

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