Popular science says oxygen is poisonous, and the whole internet scolds me for being sick

Chapter 399 The Emperor’s Daughter and the Responsibility of Guardianship

Chapter 399 The Emperor’s Daughter and the Responsibility of Guardianship

Pyramids of ancient Egypt.

Known as one of the eight wonders of the world.

So far, even with the development of our technology.

Still don't know much about this pyramid.

At that time, King Mu of Zhou was able to travel from China to Egypt.

What kind of perseverance is this?

And it is written in "The Biography of Emperor Mu" that King Mu went to give gifts to the Queen Mother of the West this week.

The gift is silk.

Some scholars say that the Queen Mother of the West is just a tribal leader in some places.

If this Queen Mother of the West is just a simple tribal leader.

King Mu of Zhou is the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, does he need to be so humble?

But what if it’s the legendary Queen Mother of the West?

Is it the Queen Mother of the West recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"?

This is completely different.

Moreover, King Mu of Zhou lived to be 105 years old, making him the longest reigning king in the Zhou Dynasty.

Can you say that this has nothing to do with the Queen Mother of the West? ?

In the legend, the Queen Mother of the West mastered the existence of the elixir of life.

Some viewers will imagine such a story.

This week King Mu is the same as the emperors of all dynasties in China.

They all want to pursue immortality.

He followed the complete version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" which had not yet been lost.

It was learned that the Queen Mother of the West had mastered the elixir of life.

Because King Mu of Zhou saw the original version of the story of Dayi and Chang'e.

This is also one of the few records that explicitly mentions the elixir of life.

So King Mu of Zhou was apparently going on a trip.

In fact, he went to the Queen Mother of the West in person to ask for an elixir of life.

Later Qin Shihuang did the same thing.

Go overseas to search for fairy mountains and magical medicine.

It's like a reincarnation.

In the end, he really got help from Zaofu, the ancestor of Qin Shihuang.

I went to ancient Egypt and found the Queen Mother of the West.

This "Book of Mountains and Seas" also records places and all things.

The Queen Mother of the West lives in Yaochi and has everything.

Fits this description of everything.

And it is recorded in the "Book of Mountains and Seas" that the Queen Mother of the West would roar.

But this may just be the song of the Queen Mother of the West.

For this reason, King Mu of Zhou and the Queen Mother of the West stayed alone for three days and three nights.

He only drank and sang, all to please the Queen Mother of the West.

In order to get the elixir of life from the Queen Mother of the West.

I have to say that King Mu is indeed a master of love this week.

The Queen Mother of the West was captured in three days.

This Queen Mother of the West may be the legendary love brain.

In the end, King Mu acted like a scumbag this week, and his goal had been achieved.

Just find an excuse to leave here.

It is clearly recorded in the "Biography of Emperor Mu".

Baiyun Ballad, this is a song sung by the Queen Mother of the West at that time.

White clouds are in the sky, and mountains and hills are rising from the sky. The road is long, between mountains and rivers. The general is alive and can still come back.

Mu Tianzi ballad

I will return to the Eastern Land and govern all the Xia. All people are equal, I will take care of you. In three years, he will be wild again.

Song of the Queen Mother of the West

Go to the western land and live in the wild. Tigers and leopards are in groups, and black magpies are everywhere. No matter how lucky you are, I am the emperor's daughter.

The emperor's great destiny cannot be ignored. The kindness of the people of the world will flow through the rivers and flowers will fall. Play the sheng and drums, and the center will soar. The son of the people has only the hope of heaven.

The translation is

The Queen Mother of the West sang: "White clouds are in the sky, the road is long, mountains and rivers separate you and me, will you come again in your lifetime?"

King Mu replied: "I want to return to the East, govern the country well, and make all people prosperous. After achieving my goal, I will come back to see you."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother of the West replied in a low voice: "I am the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, living in the Western Land, and I am ordered to protect this place. I cannot move far away. I can only live with tigers and leopards all day long, with black magpies as my companions.

You care about your people, but now you are leaving me. I can only send you back with singing and dancing, giving you my best wishes, but my heart has also flown away with you. "

Here Queen Mother of the West says she is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven?

The Queen Mother of the West actually wanted to leave here with King Zhou Mu.

But it is impossible, because the Queen Mother of the West is here to protect her under orders.

The question is what does Queen Mother of the West protect?

The daughter of the Emperor of Heaven? This is very intriguing.

But in the end we know that King Mu of Zhou did not return to Egypt to find the Queen Mother of the West.

In everyone's opinion, King Mu this week is a scumbag.

After flirting with others, he deceived others into getting the elixir of life and left.

However, some people said that King Zhou Mu had an urgent state issue and needed to rush back to deal with it.

After processing, why didn't anyone go back?

It is possible that Cepheus died and there were no eight horses driven by Cepheus.

With his own ability, King Mu of Zhou could no longer go to Egypt.

So this week King Mu wanted to go back, but he couldn't.

But what the truth is, we no longer know.

"Now everyone understands this love story." Ye Zhen smiled and faced the camera.

Now everyone also understands the two people in this trailer.

They are King Mu of Zhou and Queen Mother of the West.

It’s outrageous enough that King Mu and Queen Mother Xi are in love this week.

This Queen Mother of the West is actually the female pharaoh of Egypt! And this Kunlun Qiu is a pyramid.

It is far more amazing than the love between King Mu of Zhou and Queen Mother of the West.

Now there is more than one person who wants to pry open Ye Zhen's head to see what is inside.

"Okay, now let's move on to the next step." Ye Zhen pointed below him.

It’s time to connect again.

Everyone has already been gearing up.

"Come on! It must be me who is connected!"

"I'm willing to trade my roommate's ten years of life for a successful connection!"

There are many people on the Internet who say that they are not as good as others when using scripts to connect.

This is really outrageous, and some people say there must be a shady secret behind it. Otherwise, why can't we connect to them?

Not just the audience, but also the people in Yangcheng TV Station.

They are all dialing the hotline for "Into Popular Science".

Because physically speaking, it is directly feasible for their internal people to make internal calls!

But even if they were insiders, they still couldn't get through the hotline smoothly.

Because every time from this moment.

The entire communication system in Yangcheng was almost paralyzed during this short period of time.

I can't make calls, and I can't even connect to the Internet.

Not long after, the call was finally connected.

Ye Zhen heard the other party's voice.

"Is it Teacher Ye?"

Ye Zhen smiled and replied, "It's me. Audience, do you have any questions?"

This viewer has obviously been watching Ye Zhen's show.

He was not as excited as the previous people, but calmly asked his question.

"Teacher Ye, you are only halfway through your popular science."

"Can you tell me more about the Kunlun Mountains, which are also the pyramids?"

The audience watching the show pricked up their ears.

In fact, this is what most people think.

Since the pyramids were mentioned in the "Shan Hai Jing" of our ancestors.

There must be more descriptions.

The pyramids are now a world-class unsolved mystery.

Ye Zhen nodded, "This is exactly what I want to talk about in the next episode."

"Since you asked, I'll keep it under wraps."

"This episode is just a foreshadowing."

bedding? Is this entire episode a foreshadowing?

The audience was already getting excited.

"So the next issue is about the pyramids!"

"I'm already looking forward to it!"

"Can you just fast forward to the next week?"

Some viewers have grown up watching "Unsolved Mysteries of the World" since they were children.

Among them are the Mayan Crystal Skull, the Bermuda Triangle, the Mystery of the Savages in Shennongjia, etc.

Here, the pyramid must be mentioned.

The rest have had different scientific explanations in recent years.

But this pyramid is still a pearl in this unsolved mystery.

Historians and archaeologists are also very curious.

How on earth would Ye Zhen learn about this pyramid?

You must know that this mystery of the pyramid has attracted countless scientists and scholars at home and abroad.

After hundreds of years of hard work, no one has truly solved the mystery of the pyramids.

But in Ye Zhen, they saw the possibility.

Ye Zhen asked the audience, "This is the content of the next episode. Do you have any questions?"

The audience on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, "Let me think about it."

Ye Zhen waited patiently: "No rush, you can think about it slowly."

About five minutes passed.

The audience finally spoke up.

"Teacher Ye, can you accept me as your disciple?"

"Or can I be your student?"

The audience asked the question in a very sincere tone.

The audience looked at Ye Zhen on the screen with great envy.

"Huh? How dare he make such a request!"

"I also want to be Teacher Ye Zhen's apprentice!"

"It's impossible to agree!"

In fact, before him, there were countless people who wanted to join Ye Zhen's disciples.

Among them are people from traditional Chinese medicine associations in other provinces.

Because the Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Association has made rapid progress in recent times.

Seeing that this technology and level are far better than before.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Associations in other provinces learned that all this was because of Ye Zhen!

Who doesn’t know Ye Zhen now?

Therefore, some old Chinese medicine practitioners also want to become Ye Zhen’s disciples.

There are also some other industries.

There is a single female college student who has just become a host and wants Ye Zhen to teach her one-on-one.

There are also female doctors who have just become doctors and want Ye Zhen to become a mentor in their laboratory.

There are also some colleges and universities that want to hire Ye Zhen as vice president to teach.

Some Kanyu Feng Shui masters also want to learn some real skills from Ye Zhen.

More are some practitioners.

They want to be taught by Ye Zhen.

And they spontaneously called Ye Zhen their master.

They all learned based on the Qi training methods taught in Ye Zhen’s videos.

Many of the talented people have a clear sense of Qi.

And can move Qi to walk within one's body.

Countless people dream of becoming Ye Zhen's disciples or students.

But Ye Zhen never agreed.

Obviously the person connected to this phone also has such a hope.

"Sorry." Ye Zhen declined directly.

On the other end of the phone, the man was obviously a little disappointed.

"But we can be friends." Ye Zhen replied with a smile.

Suddenly the voice of the person on the other end of the phone became excited, "Really! Teacher Ye!"

"Of course." Ye Zhen nodded.

This makes countless people envious!

(End of this chapter)

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