Chapter 400 Kidnapping

After the phone call ends.

The program has come to an end.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Zhen faced the camera.

"Happy time is always short."

"Welcome everyone to watch today's "Into Popular Science". See you in the next episode." Ye Zhen waved to the camera.

This is the end of this episode.

There are still many viewers who are worried about why they were not the ones chosen for the phone call.

"Ah? This is the end, why not continue talking."

"But we know the content of the next program in advance."

"The pyramids of Egypt? Can we broadcast two episodes in a row!"

As soon as the show ended, some people couldn't wait to record Ye Zhen's show and upload it to the Internet.

Almost the show on Ye Zhen's side has just ended.

There are already Ye Zhen programs outside.

These people all use love to generate electricity.

As for the translated version, now that we have AI, the translation work is also very easy.

It's just a little later.

The show had just ended and Ye Zhen came down from the stage.

Ye Zhen saw Kong Sisi present.

Kong Sisi had also been here to watch Ye Zhen's show before.

So Ye Zhen was not surprised at all when he saw Kong Sisi again this time.

It's just that some staff members gathered around him.

"Teacher Ye, I have a copy of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" here. Can you sign it for me?"

"Teacher Ye, my children want to learn from you, do you think that's okay?"

"Is King Zhou Mu a scumbag? Why didn't he visit the Queen Mother of the West in the end?"

Everyone seemed to have a hundred thousand reasons, surrounding Ye Zhen.

If it were anyone else, Ye Zhen would already have the highest ratings in Asia.

There are also people with super popularity in China.

If it were anyone else, he might have already figured out where his tail was.

Basically, they don't care about ordinary people.

Especially Ye Zhen is still a super powerful extraordinary person.

But Ye Zhen was still patiently answering everyone's questions one by one as before.

After a while, the staff dispersed.

Producer Chen and Chen Guofu came over.

"Have you already thought about the content of the next program?" Chen Guofu was most concerned about the content of the program.

"This Egyptian pyramid is extraordinary."

As long as you are on Blue Star, everyone has more or less heard of the name of this pyramid.

As the director of National Geographic, Chen Guofu is well-informed.

But for hundreds of years, the Egyptian pyramids have been a world-class unsolved mystery.

Even with the development of our science, we still do not have a deep understanding of the Egyptian pyramids.

Producer Chen looked at Chen Guofu from the side and said, "Director Chen, my big star, please just be at ease."

"The products produced by Ye Zhen must be of high quality."

At this time Kong Sisi came over.

Producer Chen and Director Chen are, of course, great people.

Recently, some messages have been circulating on Yangcheng TV station.

It is said that Ye Zhen and Kong Sisi are together recently, and it is rumored that both of them are engaged.

The origin of this statement cannot be ascertained.

However, these gossips will exist wherever there are people.

When Producer Chen saw Kong Sisi coming over, he coughed slightly, "Director Chen and I have a meeting to attend, so we'll leave first."

Chen Guofu looked awake at the side, "Yes, yes, yes, look at my head, I almost forgot."

Ye Zhen is usually the first to leave.

Now Producer Chen and Director Chen are faster than Ye Zhen.

At this moment, I don’t know when, but Ye Zhen and Kong Sisi were left in the huge studio.

"Are you free later?" Kong Sisi felt a little unnatural on her face.

Ye Zhen looked at the time and said, "Yes, what do you want to do."

Kong Sisi was like a resentful woman, "When are you going to marry me?"

Kong Sisi was actually not shy at all now, and asked Ye Zhen directly and openly.

"Aren't you helping my father avenge you just to marry me?" That's what Kong Sisi thought at the beginning.

Otherwise, why would Ye Zhen work so hard to help?

Ye Zhen's face was still expressionless, "Miss Kong, you may have made a mistake."

"I agreed at first to pretend to be your boyfriend."

Kong Sisi has long considered herself to be from Ye Zhen.

"What's wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough?"

"I can change what you don't like about me." Kong Sisi was already anxious, clenching her fists with both hands.

Tears were already welling up in my eyes.

"Or is there a vixen hiding in your house?" Kong Sisi suddenly thought of a possibility.

Because her father Kong Hua said that there were other women in Ye Zhen's family.

Vixen? This Tushan can be considered a vixen, right?

Ye Zhen suddenly had such a thought flashing through his mind.

Just when Confucius was about to continue questioning Ye Zhen.

Another person walked out from a short distance away.

It was Liu Yan whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

Ye Zhen moved to a new house, and everyone knew about it recently.

Because this house was prepared by Yangcheng TV Station.

There was a lot of publicity for this, just to let others know.

Our Yangcheng TV station treats Ye very well.

"Yo yo yo, what a pair of crazy men and resentful women." Liu Yan had a look of amusement on her face.

"What a pity, Miss Sisi, you and our baby are from two different worlds."

Liu Yan walked towards the two of them on high heels as she spoke.

Kong Sisi knew that Liu Yan, a flirt, had always wanted to seduce Ye Zhen.

However, according to Kong Sisi’s understanding, Liu Yan failed even once.

Liu Yan's beautiful eyes glanced at Ye Zhen, and her legs could no longer be clamped tightly.

"What do you mean?" Kong Sisi stood in front of Ye Zhen, not wanting Liu Yan to get close to Ye Zhen.

Liu Yan covered her mouth and smiled, "Don't you know yet?"

"My baby has been hiding in the golden room at home for a long time."

"That woman is much more beautiful than you."

"It's no wonder my baby doesn't like you."

Liu Yan had met Tushan in Ye Zhen's previous employee dormitory. The person Liu Yan was talking about at this time was Tu Shan.

Kong Sisi looked in disbelief, "Is this true? Ye Zhen."

"It's in vain that I still believe in you so much!"

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Kong Sisi's tears of grievance burst out from her eyes, and she ran away without a trace.

Seeing Kong Sisi leave, Ye Zhen breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

Because Ye Zhen is not good at this scene.

At this time, Liu Yan and Ye Zhen were alone here.

This time I still have to thank Sister Liu, otherwise Ye Zhen really doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Ye Zhen passed by Liu Yan and passed her by, "Thank you, Sister Liu."

After Ye Zhen left, Liu Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The lips that were bitten were about to be bitten.

There was a pool of unknown sticky liquid around Liu Yan's shiny patent leather high heels.

"What happened to him?" Liu Yan felt that her body could no longer resist Ye Zhen's breath.

Now Ye Zhen was just a little closer to him, and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Why does Liu Yan rarely appear recently?

Because since Ye Zhen was promoted to the realm of health maintenance master, there has been a huge improvement in essence.

For Liu Yan, Ye Zhen's allure has more than doubled?

This made Liu Yan's body react from time to time when she looked at Ye Zhen from afar.

Therefore, Liu Yan no longer dared to approach Ye Zhen, fearing that her body would not be able to suppress him.

Finally today, Liu Yan plucked up the courage to see how far Ye Zhen had reached.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhen didn't touch her, just passed her by.

It already made her unable to extricate herself.

Liu Yan felt that her bottleneck was beginning to loosen.

Liu Yan, who had a blushing face, had been in the Golden Dawn Society for a long time.

But I have always been stuck as an astrologer at the lowest level.

At this time, Liu Yan felt the possibility of promotion.

In Liu Yan's eyes, Ye Zhen is like Tang Monk's flesh.

If she could have a romantic night with Ye Zhen, Liu Yan would be willing to shorten her life by ten years!

Ye Zhen took the elevator to the negative floor and went to the parking lot.

But just after arriving at the parking lot, Ye Zhen felt something strange.

Ye Zhen emits a weak detection electromagnetic field.

Covering the entire parking lot.

Ye Zhen can feel the life forms in this field.

There are rats living in the sewers.

I don’t know when a cat hid in the front of the car’s engine to keep warm.

There is also a certain senior executive and a TV station employee who are having an affair.

At the same time, Ye Zhen also detected a familiar figure.

That belongs to Kong Sisi.

But at this time, Kong Sisi fell into a coma.

And there were several other strange smells surrounding Kong Sisi.

And these breaths soon began to move quickly.

Kong Sisi was also there.

Ye Zhen immediately drove into his car.

At first glance, this scene showed that Kong Sisi was caught in the car.

It would be okay if Ye Zhen didn't meet him, but how could he not care if Ye Zhen did meet him?

Soon Ye Zhen followed the car.

It turned out that after Kong Sisi learned about the reality of Ye Zhen’s hidden beauty in the golden house.

I hid directly in my car and cried.

After all, Kong Sisi didn't want others to see her like this.

But just when Kong Sisi was lying on the steering wheel crying.

However, a few figures quietly touched the side of Kong Sisi's car.

And he tied Kong Sisi to his car.

What Ye Zhen thought of was, "Are these people kidnappers?"

Kong Sisi is the only daughter of wealthy businessman Kong Hua.

But not many people know about this.

Even the people on the TV station didn’t know who Kong Sisi’s father was.

Everyone thought that Kong Sisi just had a little money in her family.

Just like do you know what Xiao Ma and Lao Ma's daughter and son look like and what their names are?

I don’t know.

These wealthy businessmen will protect their descendants very well.

But this hundred secrets will still be sparse.

In the Jinbei van, Kong Sisi had a cloth stuffed in her mouth and tape wrapped around her mouth.

"Is your information correct?" said a person in the back row.

"Of course not, this is Ye Zhen's fiancée."

"I know through various sources."

"Kong Hua has said on many occasions that Ye Zhen is his future son-in-law."

"And Kong Hua is from the Kong family. He took Ye Zhen back to the Kong family not long ago."

"If you are not truly one of our own, how can you take it back to your ancestors?"

"I also bribed the servants working in Kong's house, and they said the same thing."

"Kong Sisi also introduced to her parents that Ye Zhen was her boyfriend in a certain club."

The people in the Jinbei van felt relieved after hearing this.

This can be proven by many kinds of evidence.

It's not just a one-sided statement.

"This way we won't arrest the wrong person."

"We have this fiancée in our hands. What do I think will happen to Ye Zhen?"

Their car went directly to a place in the suburbs.

But they didn't notice that Ye Zhen's car was following them.

Seeing that Kong Sisi was taken away inexplicably.

Ye Zhen felt that this would not be as simple as kidnapping.

Some urban areas on the edge of Yangcheng have not yet developed.

It is relatively primitive and desolate.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Ye Zhen left the car far away.

I got off the car alone.

(End of this chapter)

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