Chapter 407 World War III and the Future

In this way, the two began to deduce the future of the Tang Dynasty back to back.

But when Yuan Tiangang deduced it two hundred years later, he stopped.

Because for Tang Taizong, it was enough.

But Yuan Tiangang turned around and saw that Li Chunfeng was actually in trance.

It has been extrapolated to more than two thousand years later.

Yuan Tiangang knew this was bad, so he pushed Li Chunfeng on the back.

A word was left.

There are thousands of things to say, it is better to push back and go to rest.

This is a reminder to Li Chunfeng to stop. This is the origin of "Tui Bei Tu".

But after the birth of "Tui Bei Tu".

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty explicitly prohibited the circulation of this book, and it was a banned book even in the imperial palace.

The same was true in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. This "Tui Bei Tu" could not be circulated at all.

Because it is related to the future of a dynasty.

Of course, such information cannot be mastered by others.

Therefore, throughout the dynasties, this "Tui Bei Tu" has not been known to the public.

So much so that some people say that "Tui Bei Tu" is fake.

It was fabricated by someone in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

Some people say that it was forged by Qingxi San people during the Republic of China.

Say anything.

And many people think that this is just a forgery and a fake.

There is no prophetic ability at all.

So far, there are two versions of "Tui Bei Tu" on the surface.

The earliest one is just a copy from the Ming Dynasty, and the earlier ones are no longer available.

So this is what makes people suspicious.

And it has been circulated for so long. Has the content in it been modified?

Or is this different from the original version performed by Li Chunfeng and others?

This has also led to many people not believing in this "Tui Bei Tu" at all.

But these 749 rounds are different.

They have the original transcript of the Tang Dynasty, and may even be their original place of origin!

As for how Bureau 749 was found, Ye Zhen has no idea.

"This "Tui Bei Diagram" has a total of 60 hexagrams." Ye Zhen knew the content of this "Tui Bei Diagram" very well.

"It is said to record events that occurred over more than 2000 years."

However, these 60 hexagrams record how many years apart an event occurred.

This is not an accurate statement.

There may be hundreds of years between the two hexagrams, or there may be only a few decades between the two hexagrams.

Ning Xiu nodded, "Our boss just wants you to interpret which hexagram we have reached."

"According to your current authority, you should be able to see this initial version of "Tui Bei Tu"."

Normally, only three people in the world know the content of this pushback picture.

Apart from the two authors Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, there is only one author, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Not long after the prediction in "Tui Bei Tu" was completed.

Yuan Tiangang calculated his death date, and sure enough, Yuan Tiangang passed away on that day.

Then there is Tang Taizong.

Among these three people, Li Chunfeng is the youngest.

Li Chunfeng died more than 20 years after the death of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, everyone believes that this "Tui Bei Tu" was leaked by Li Chunfeng.

But why did Li Chunfeng do this? This is unknown.

Ye Zhen looked at the original version of "Tui Bei Tu".

It is indeed different from some versions currently circulating.

This "Tui Bei Tu" actually has three parts.

The first part is a picture, the second part is a prophecy, and the third part is a chant.

If it is the current version, there will be a fourth annotation.

However, this original version of "Tui Bei Tu" only has these three parts.

Ye Zhen said softly: "The 43rd elephant."

"Bingwu Xunxia leaves the Shangding."

"The prophecy says:

The king is not the king, the minister is not the minister

Difficulty at the beginning, and stability at the end

Song said:

The black rabbit walked into the Qinglong Cave, and his desires were endless.

Only on the outer root tree, descendants will be born within thirty years. "

Ning Xiu and the four of them listened attentively to Ye Zhen's words.

And Bin Zhou was recording the process.

After all, this video needs to be transmitted to the headquarters.

"Why is this the 43rd image?" Song Xuan didn't understand.

Ye Zhen answered Song Xuan's question, "Because last year was the year of the black rabbit, and this year happens to be the year of the green dragon."

The black rabbit walked into the Qinglong Cave, didn't it happen to be this year?

Ning Xiu was shocked, "Is the 43rd elephant this year?"

Lao Chen who was standing by asked, "But isn't this a 60-year cycle?"

"It could be the last Jiazi year."

Ye Zhen nodded, "Yes, this may indeed be 60 years ago."

"But that's just part of it."

"We can look at the prophecy part above."

"The king is not the king, and the minister is not the minister. It is difficult and dangerous at the beginning, but it is overcame in the end."

"The king is no longer a king, and his subjects are no longer subjects."

"There will be a crisis in the beginning, and eventually things will settle down."

“The following ode is a complement to this.”

"You can't say that you can't finish it all."

"It means you can't talk about this."

Can't say it?

This made the four people present confused.

"Why can't you say it?" Song Xuan said she didn't understand, "Isn't this a prophecy?"

No wonder some people question the content.

Doesn’t saying this mean the same thing as not saying it?

People ask you, what will the future be like?

But you were playing riddles on the side, unable to say what you couldn't say.

Ye Zhen explained: "Among the 60 hexagrams, only the 43rd one is like this."

"This hexagram cannot be said. None of the other hexagrams have this problem."

This is very strange.

Are these 43 images so special?

Then the four of them thought of it.

The year 2024 has just passed through the new calendar, and there are different fresh international news in the previous half month.

It does make people feel that this year 2024 is extraordinary.

Because there are rumors circulating on the Internet that this year is the Year of Li Fire.

is the year most likely to prosper.

However, some people say that this fire may be the fire that burns out mankind.

Whatever you say.

"Only on the root tree outside, descendants will be born in thirty years." Ye Zhen continued to explain the second sentence. "The root cause is outside. Only after 30 years will there be a result."

What happened this year, will it affect 30 years from now?

There will be a result after thirty years?

What is this?

The four of them did not understand what was said here at all.

Any prediction must be very abstract and difficult to understand.

So some people say that this prophecy is just something specious.

It's very vague, and then you can interpret it casually.

For the average person, that might be the case.

Ye Zhen said softly: "This Li Chunfeng can see the future."

"There is no question that he was a psychic, possessing what we now call remote viewing."

"Or it's the ability to see the future."

"But when he saw this year, which is the 43 hexagram."

"It's like someone deliberately covered up something."

"That's why it's impossible to say."

"Perhaps more than a thousand years ago, Li Chunfeng at that time saw us now."

Ye Zhen smiled and said.

"But I feel like this may be about the only big country in the world."

"Isn't it going to start a new round of election in 2024?"

"The king of maga returns strong."

During the last US general election, Maga King lost this position by a slim margin.

So in the past four years, the maga king has not recognized his position.

Thinks he is still the king.

“Isn’t the current situation in the United States that the king is not the king, and the ministers are not the ministers?”

King Maga can be said to be the king of the United States, but he was squeezed out.

But many people still think that King Maga is still the king of the United States.

After saying this, Ning Xiu and the others immediately understood the content.

"There was also the storming of the Capitol Building."

"The past two years have been filled with all kinds of scandals."

"But they were all defeated in the end." Ye Zhen continued to explain.

If you pay attention to the United States, you can find that in the past two years.

The United States has various problems, including fundamental problems with 3G1A and the current issue of squid.

Now add the upcoming US elections.

Although the United States has been in ruins, it is still the world's largest country and the world's most powerful country.

This status is unquestionable.

Even though our country has developed to this day, there are still many people who are eager to go to the Lighthouse Country.

Even if they go there to wash dishes, they feel it is better than at home.

So if these 43 signs really refer to this year.

Then it must mean that something big is going to happen in the United States.

And this thing is caused by external factors, these external factors.

Ye Zhen guessed that it might be a Jewish problem, and it would start from now on.

It will be thirty years before the results are revealed.

Ning Xiu and the others never knew that they could still interpret it this way?

"Let's look back and see what the hexagrams behind it record."

Ye Zhen looked behind him.

"Future World War III."

"The 43th elephant is not far from the 45rd elephant."

"It records the beginning of World War III."

"The forty-fifth elephant Wushenkan is under Gen and is above Mongolia."

The prophecy said:

There is a Gethsi, and it ends at the east.

Muhuojinshui, wash this shame.

Song said:

Yan Yunhong opens the world together, while the Golden Crow hides in the white ocean.

From now on, he dared not rule the roost, and his military strength was completely sold out.

How to interpret this 45th image?

The image is of two people holding spears and pointing them at a sun.

There are guests coming from the west and stopping at the east.

Wood, fire, metal, and water actually refer to the four directions, which can wash away the previous shame. "

Hearing this, Song Xuan thought, isn't this Golden Crow an alien spaceship?

Could it be said that World War III is a war with aliens?

Ning Xiu remembered what happened in 99.

Are we going to repeat what happened in 99?

In fact, mankind did not win what happened in 99, it could be said to be a tragic victory.

The 45 elephants talking about washing away the shame may be talking about what happened in 99.

"The great fortune of fire opens up the world, and the golden crow hides in the white ocean.

This Yan means the Year of Lihuo and also means the Fire of War.

This Lihuo Year is not a year, but a period of time.

The next 30 years will all belong to the Year of Li Fire.

This Golden Crow is hidden in the ocean. It is really possible that aliens are fighting against our Blue Star.

It shows that this UFO flew out of the sea. "

In fact, now, there are many UFOs in the world.

They all come and go in the ocean.

This ocean has always been a place that humans have never touched.

Humanity knows more about space than the ocean.

"These thirty years later also happen to be in the Year of Lihuo.

According to the previous 43 phenomena, it is possible that this year will lead to a world war 30 years later.

Therefore, it is very likely that a global world war will occur in the near future.

World War III, the war to defend humanity. "Ye Zhen speculated based on the content in the "Tui Bei Tu".

Based on what happened in 99.

It may happen again thirty years from now.

And the opportunity is what happened this year.

"From now on, I dare not take the lead, and my military strength has been completely sold out." Song Xuan continued to ask: "How to explain this?"

Ye Zhen answered: "From now on, I don't dare to call myself the most powerful.

Military strength was greatly reduced, and luck ended several times.

It means that the United States has begun to end. "

Historically speaking, the United States has existed from its founding to the present.

It has been more than two hundred years, almost three hundred years.

It's almost a dynasty.

There has never been an eternal dynasty, so it took more than two hundred years.

This is the average age of a dynasty.

Is the United States going to be extinct in 30 years? This is really possible.

(End of this chapter)

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