Chapter 408 Doomsday War

Ning Xiu looked serious now.

In fact, this "Push Back Picture" still has a certain status in the 749 game.

Because of what was described in the previous hexagram.

They can all be found in "Tui Bei Diagram", and the accuracy rate is 100% and there has never been a single error.

This is why Game 749 needs to treat "Push Back Picture" so seriously.

It's just that not many people can understand the subsequent content.

Now that I have found Ye Zhen, I just want to show Ye Zhen.

Which hexagram is this year in?

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhen not only confirmed that this year would be the 43rd one.

He also analyzed the hexagrams not far behind.

"World War III? The decline of the United States? Is there still a war between humans and aliens?" Ning Xiu felt that this matter must be known to the people above.

At this time Binzhou noticed a problem.

The 43 elephants are talking about the present, and the 45 elephants are talking about the Third World War in the near future.

Why are these 44 hexagrams omitted?

Could it be said that these 44 hexagrams are not important?

Bin Zhou raised his hands like a primary school student.

Ye Zhen glanced at Bin Zhou strangely, "Do you have any questions?"

"This is not a classroom. There is no need to raise your hands like a primary school student."

Song Xuan smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, you are so funny."

Binzhou scratched his head, "I didn't know how to ask, so I subconsciously raised my hand."

This is a habit that our Chinese students have developed during their school years.

Even after working, the body still subconsciously remembers past events.

"Tell me." Ye Zhen was curious about what problems Bin Zhou would have.

"Consultant Ye, can you tell us about the 44th elephant?" Bin Zhou asked: "Aren't these 44th elephant the closest future to us?"

Song Xuan tilted her head and said, "Yeah, I almost forgot."

"Between 43 and 45, there is a 44 elephant."

At this time Ning Xiu spoke.

"Forty-fourth Elephant Ding Weikan Xia Li Shang Wei Ji"

The prophecy said:

The sun, the moon and the beautiful sky, the group of Yin and deterrence.

Braun came to court, with double feathers and four legs.

Song said:

Nowadays, there are saints in China, although they are not heroes, they are still successful.

The four barbarians re-translated it as the Son of Heaven, but the Spring of the Nine Kingdoms came to an end. "

Ye Zhen met Ning Xiu because of these 44 phenomena.

Ye Zhen explained: “To put it simply, it was before the Third World War.

We in China have a saint, and the world will usher in a period of great prosperity.

Under the leadership of this saint, the world entered peace.

Then came World War III. "

"The calm before the storm?" Lao Chen suddenly said.

It’s so hard to guess! Who is this saint?

In fact, it is enough to get here. Things further away are beyond our reach now.

Just talking about 30 years, no one knows if anyone will live beyond 30 years.

Because life is unpredictable, no one knows what will happen in the future.

But Ye Zhen, just like Li Chunfeng, felt a little unfinished.

"Actually, the Fourth World War is also recorded in "Tui Bei Tu".

This is the 56th picture.

Fifty-sixth, Xiangji Weikun goes down the hill and goes up.

The prophecy said:

Those who fly are not birds, and those who lurk are not fish.

The battle is not about soldiers, it is a game created by nature.

Song said:

The sea is covered with clouds and smoke for thousands of miles, reaching up to the clouds and springs below.

The golden mother and the wooden master are playing tricks on each other, and the wars have not yet led to disasters. "

World War 4?

But this is already ten hexagrams after the third time.

It shows that this was peace for quite a long time.

But this may also be the last war of mankind, that is, the doomsday war.

Because the hexagrams disappear at 60, some people think that human history may stop here.

“What flies in the air is not a bird, and what dives in the water is not a fish.

The war is not about soldiers, but something similar to the game of creation.

What scene does this illustrate?

In fact, Li Chunfeng may have seen UFOs flying over the sea and submarines under the sea.

For the ancients, fish and birds were the limits of their cognition at that time.

There's a war going on, but the ones fighting are not soldiers?

This may mean that the fourth world war in the future may not be a war between humans.

It might be something between machines, but it's more likely to be something happening in the virtual universe.

Because of the games mentioned here and good fortune.

Just imagine if humans really develop in the future.

After experiencing the Third World War, human science and technology developed rapidly.

Because the Cold War and the two world wars told us that.

Human technology is often forced out at times like this.

It can be said that these two world wars gave birth to many different technologies.

Therefore, this third world war may give rise to more advanced technology.

And it is possible to obtain their technology in the hands of aliens.

In this way we may enter the virtual universe.

This is the current concept of the metaverse.

We can upload our consciousness and directly achieve our ultimate goal now.

Mechanical ascension to eternal life.

So the war Li Chunfeng saw might be a war in the virtual universe.

For Li Chunfeng, such a thing is indeed a blessing.

This game shows that it was like a game to people at that time. "

This is when Li Chunfeng used his imagination to record the future he saw from a distance.

After Ning Xiu and the four of them heard this, they all had different reactions.

"For us, this is too far away." Song Xuan suddenly smiled relaxedly, "Just live every day to the fullest!" Indeed, this is too far away for everyone.

"That's it for today." Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu said, "Captain Ning, you should have no problem."

Ye Zhen has already explained it in great detail.

"Thank you for your hard work, Consultant Ye." Ning Xiu smiled and said, "Why don't we stay and have dinner together later."

Ning Xiu invites Ye Zhen to go out for dinner together.

But Ye Zhen smiled and said: "Forget it, you go ahead, I'd better go home."

Song Xuan begged from the side: "Go! Consultant Ye, it's not easy to meet you!"

Bin Zhou had already completely filmed the process of Ye Zhen's interpretation.

And we are ready to transmit this content to the General Administration.

"No way." Ye Zhen thought that there was still someone waiting for him at home.

It doesn't seem very good for me to eat and drink outside alone.

Soon, Ye Zhen's analysis of the "Tui Bei Tu" was sent to Bureau 749 in East Guangdong.

Nalan Cuihua was originally bored, playing the stand-alone version of Lianliankan on her computer.

For example, their 749 Bureau uses an internal LAN.

There is no physical network link to the outside world.

Therefore, even the most sophisticated hackers cannot invade their systems through the network.

"Huh? This is from Ning Xiu and the others." Nalan Cuihua opened it and took a look.

Ye Zhen's appearance clearly appeared in the video.

But after watching this, Nalan Cuihua couldn't stop and watched the entire video.

In the Lianliankan game, Nalan Cuihua's time has run out and the game has failed.

"Incredible!" Nalan Cuihua knew the value of this "Tui Bei Tu".

Because the success rate of this most original version of the prediction is 100%, and it has never made any mistakes.

After something happened, everyone only realized it later.

It turns out that this hexagram is actually talking about that one thing.

Therefore, Bureau 749 specially found someone to interpret this "Tui Bei Diagram".

But some of the hexagrams are easy to see, like the 44th hexagram.

It's easy to decipher what's inside.

But some contents are obscure and difficult to understand.

Nalan Cuihua stood up immediately, "No, you must tell the boss about this!"

Nalan Cuihua jumped down from the chair and rushed out.

In the corridor, Nalan Cuihua bumped into Xiao Yan.

"Ouch." Xiao Yan touched the place where he was hit, "Cuihua, what are you doing? You're in such a hurry."

"It's not lunch time now, isn't it?"

Nalan Cuihua said sharply: "It's incredible, someone has interpreted the "Tui Bei Diagram" of our current hexagram!"

"World War III is going to happen."

Did Xiao Yan hear something about "Tui Bei Tu"?

Cuihua said: "I won't talk to you anymore. I'm going to report to the boss."

Soon Lin Dong, who was covered with stubble, saw Ye Zhen's analysis video of the "Pushing Back Picture".

"As expected of Consultant Ye." After watching the video, Lin Dong had a new understanding of Ye Zhen.

"Future World War III?"

"Cuihua, you did a very good job this time." Lin Dong appreciatively touched Cuihua's little head and said.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Cuihua." Cuihua pushed Lin Dong's hand away, "Also, don't touch my head! I won't grow taller!"

Cuihua directly hit Lin Dong's chin with a rocket headbutt.

Then Cuihua left Lin Dong's office angrily.

Lin Dong touched his chin and moved it left and right, making the sound of bone friction.

At this moment, Xiao Yan came in.

As the successor trained by Lin Dong, as long as there is something important.

Lin Dong will definitely call Xiao Yan over.

On the one hand, it is to cultivate Xiao Yan's ability to deal with things and increase his knowledge.

On the other hand, let Xiao Yan help with suggestions.

Lin Dong played Ye Zhen's video on the analysis of "Tui Bei Tu" to Xiao Yan.

After Xiao Yan finished reading, the shock in his pupils could not dissipate for a long time.

Because before this, Xiao Yan also tried to interpret this "Tui Bei Tu".

They are obviously both men, and they know every word individually, but when they are put together, they are completely incomprehensible.

Xiao Yan knew how difficult it was to decipher this "Tui Bei Tu".

"The fate of the United States is about to end." Lin Dong looked at Ye Zhen's video and said that the United States will usher in its end after the Third World War.

"But is this Third World War fighting aliens?" Xiao Yan asked.

"Who knows? Maybe Americans are aliens?" Lin Dong is also skeptical about things that have not yet happened in the future.

Ye Zhen's interpretation may not be 100% correct.

Because someone has already analyzed "Tui Bei Tu" before, but it is completely different from what actually happened.

However, what Ye Zhen said is reasonable and well-founded.

It feels like there is a high probability that what Ye Zhen said is possible.

What Xiao Yan was thinking about was that according to legend, the United States has always been unclear about aliens.

Even the modern alien craze was born in the United States.

The most famous ones are Area 51 and the Roseville incident.

As for what the connection is here, Xiao Yan doesn't know.

"You can send the contents here to the heads of the 749 General Administration in other regions to read."

"Go and listen to their opinions." Lin Dong gave Xiao Yan a task.

Xiao Yan nodded in agreement.

Ye Zhen finally came out of the 749 game in Yangcheng.

He did not attend their dinner party. After all, Ye Zhen really didn't like similar activities.

He drove directly back to his home.

When we returned to the big villa, it was not yet ten o'clock.

After Ye Zhen entered the door, Tu Shan rushed out again.

"Where have you been?" Tu Shan pointed at Ye Zhen's nose and cursed, "Where have you been fooling around again?"

Ye Zhen directly bowed down to Tushan's fingers, "Nothing big or small."

"It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong." Tu Shan was grabbed by Ye Zhen's fingers, "Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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