Chapter 418 Forgery? Modern concrete?

Ye Zhen continued: "Many people now believe that this pyramid is a product of modern times, but in fact this is not impossible.

Some experts and scholars deliberately guide content in this area.

Because this is what is scientific.

The people of ancient Egypt simply had no way to build such a majestic building.

The simplest, just like what Ye Zhen said.

According to common sense, there are simply not enough manpower and time to build this pyramid for you.

Materials are a problem, mining is a problem.

Transportation is another issue.

So what is the best explanation for people today?

This is a modern forgery.

Only in this way can we explain why this pyramid is like this.

Because no matter what you say, this pyramid is here.

After so many years, it is still standing here.

In fact, there is actually a very large market for modern construction here.

Because this can undermine some so-called national self-confidence.

The so-called Western forged civilization.

In fact, it is just a last resort.

Because this pyramid is really inexplicable.

This was simply not something the civilization at that time could do.

That's why they came up with such a statement.

In fact, this is a very simple thing.

What if the Pyramid of Khufu is a fake?

Well, there are still so many pyramids in ancient Egypt.

Were all these forged in the last century?

And in addition to the pyramids of Egypt, there are also pyramids of other civilizations.

Could it be said that this is also a forgery?

This is obviously impossible.

Because if you want to forge it, why not forge this pyramid in your own home?

You must know that even the Khufu Pyramid is entirely made of concrete.

This is equivalent to as much concrete as the Maginot Line.

The Maginot Line during the World War was famous in the world.

But even this life-threatening thing, with the help of modern power.

It takes more than ten years to build. Is this a modern building?

So this Maginot Line of Defense is already like this.

With so many pyramids, how could the entire West make a concerted effort to forge them?

There is no such motivation, nor such time and energy.

There is no way to unite so many Western countries to counterfeit goods together.

After all, this fraud is not just about fabricating a pyramid.

But a whole set of things.

And Egypt is not a Western country either.

Therefore, this modern theory of fraud is nothing but self-deception.

It's just a fig leaf for modern science.

In fact, there are many such things, and some things that cannot be explained scientifically happened.

Just go back and say it was a coincidence or something.

This Pyramid of Khufu cannot be explained by coincidence.

The speculations that Ye Zhen just mentioned were all put forward by some scientists in history.

But they are just assumptions and there is no evidence.

There is no supporting documentation.

Their assumptions were not widely accepted.

Because it is so full of loopholes, there is no way to fully explain the existence of this pyramid.

This pyramid is something that everyone can see and touch, but they don't know what it is.

In addition to this, there is another saying called watering method.

Using some local soil in Egypt, the huge stones of the pyramid were poured directly.

Similar to modern concrete.

It's just ancient concrete.

If that's the case, then there's something else to discuss.

Because the huge stone from the Pyramid of Khufu has been tested long ago.

It was found that there were indeed some human hair or biological fossils inside.

In fact, such things can be found even in some of our current natural stones.

However, there are two materials scientists who follow their own assumptions.

Use some local Egyptian materials.

The huge stone was built directly.

It caused a sensation at the time, and it was directly believed that the construction method of the Egyptian pyramids had been cracked.

But this is a huge stone built by material scientists.

It is completely different from the boulders on the Pyramid of Khufu.

No matter in terms of hardness or size, they are incomparable.

how to say?

If the huge stone of Khufu's Pyramid is really made artificially.

Then the technology of the ancient Egyptians can directly surpass modern times.

Because even modern reinforced concrete cannot stand in a normal state for thousands of years and still remain intact.

And it is generally accepted that there is no way artificial concrete can be preserved for such a long time.

Current technology cannot do this.

If the ancient Egyptians really had such technology and abilities, they would obviously surpass us in modern times.

Even more outrageous is the granite in the pyramid.

The granite inside, the smoothness and polished details.

It is difficult to accomplish even in modern times.

It is even more difficult to imagine how the ancient Egyptians did it at that time.

And those who talk about concrete pouring.

It has always been said that the huge rocks outside were cast by ancient Egyptians using ancient concrete. But how to explain the marble coffin in the king's room?

This is a very hard marble, and so much marble can be polished to such a flatness.

It was simply impossible to do it with the tools available at the time. "

Since these methods cannot be proven, what kind of black technology was used to create this pyramid?

The audience also discovered a problem.

"Didn't you say there are other pyramids?"

"Why are some later pyramids more susceptible to weathering?"

"Obviously this is against common sense."

If these pyramids are all fake.

So how to explain why there are different degrees of weathering?

Obviously this is unreasonable.

Even the theory of ancient concrete cannot be explained.

It's obviously from a later era, so logically it should be more advanced.

But it seems even more crude, which is something that cannot be explained.

Why is this so?

Some domestic archaeologists did not think of it either.

"Have foreigners actually researched it to this extent?"

"But these are all things that cannot explain how the pyramids were made."

"How could this pyramid be made in modern times?"

"Because hasn't this pyramid already been recorded in our "Shan Hai Jing"? It's Kunlun Qiu."

Our ancient books have already recorded the location of the pyramids.

How could it be made in modern times?

Western scholars don't have the time to do such things.

They don't even have time to fake the holidays in their own homes.

How can you help others to forge it?

Some Western scholars and researchers.

"Does this Ye Zhen actually have such in-depth research on the pyramids?"

"We all dismiss the modern theory of concrete and the theory of ancient pouring."

"Obviously these statements are completely wrong."

It's just that no one has a better explanation.

Now they are also looking forward to Ye Zhen's new understanding and discovery.

Ye Zhen gave them too many surprises before.

Scientists can't even imagine it.

How on earth was this pyramid built?

"I now suspect that it is also a technology left over from super ancient civilizations."

"The boulders outside are a problem, but the granite inside is also something that cannot be ignored."

"As long as you enter the pyramid, you can find the granite inside."

"This granite is even more magical."

"If that's the case, I'm curious as to what this pyramid is used for."

Professor Yan Xin immediately began to wonder: "Is it possible that this was built by a giant?"

Built by giants?

The researchers all looked at each other in confusion.

If you are a giant, this is indeed possible.

Because Ye Zhen’s previous program has proved that there were giants in this world.

If this were not the case, it would be difficult for them to imagine how the pyramid was built.

"Professor Yan Xin does have an idea."

"If it is a giant, it is indeed possible. For a giant of more than ten meters or more than twenty meters, this pyramid is not very high."

Professor Yan Xin is not just guessing.

He was watching Ye Zhen's previous programs, and Ye Zhen's previous programs.

The existence of giants has been mentioned many times, whether it is in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Or is it the Takeuchi document in the so-called other timeline, or the Sumerian civilization.

They all had giants, and the kings of Sumer were all giants.

Even the Bible records the existence of giants.

Why couldn't it have been built by giants back then?

In fact, there is really nothing wrong with Professor Yan Xin’s idea.

But the problem is that in that era of ancient Egypt, the giants had already become extinct.

There are no giants anymore.

If there is a giant, it will definitely be recorded.

Thinking of some of the gods in ancient Egypt, they also had animal heads and human bodies.

Professor Zhou from Yan Sheng Li lamented: "This pyramid doesn't look like something from that era at all."

Old Wu looked at the other members of Yan Shengli, and they all gave Old Wu a kind smile.

If it were before, this smile would indeed have been kind.

But now, this smile has another meaning.

Ning Xiu knew that Ye Zhen was the kind of person who could create miracles.

Song Xuan asked: "Captain Ning, do you think Consultant Ye can really solve the unsolved mysteries of the pyramid today?"

"I believe Consultant Ye can do it. After all, he is Consultant Ye." Ning Xiu also had inexplicable confidence in Ye Zhen.

This level of trust in Ye Zhen is comparable to that of Producer Chen.

Marie finally saw Ye Zhen's program at this time.

Marie has already paid attention to Ye Zhen.

He can be said to be the most authoritative expert on pyramid research in the world.

"So far, what this person said is not wrong at all."

"It's barely a passing grade." Marie looked at what Ye Zhen said in the program about the contents of the pyramid.

It is not an easy thing to get Marie's approval.

Because Marie has already conducted very in-depth research on the Pyramid of Khufu in secret.

I know a lot of things that even the locals don’t know.

After all, he is one of the few men in the world who can freely enter and exit the Egyptian pyramids.

(End of this chapter)

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