Chapter 419 The unknown pyramid

"How was the Pyramid of Khufu built?" Ye Zhen first gave up.

He didn't continue talking.

Everyone is scratching their heads in anxiety now.

It felt like something was crawling in my heart.

This feeling is indeed very uncomfortable.

The audience has already begun to have the urge to smash the TV!

"Why didn't Teacher Ye say this? I'm so worried."

"Do you want to wait until the end to reveal the answer?"

"Ahhhhh! Tell me the answer quickly."

But Ye Zhen no longer wants to reveal the answer now.

Some Western audiences are not as good as domestic audiences.

He immediately started swearing.

"This person named Ye Zhen doesn't know the answer at all?"

"That's right. Otherwise, why didn't he say it?"

"If he can really reveal the mystery of this pyramid."

"In the history of mankind, he will definitely have a mark."

These are foreign scholars and professors.

"Fake, what is Ye Zhen doing? He doesn't even express his opinion."

"I feel like this person is just a clown, just attracting everyone's attention."

"Can this outsider have any real insights?"

Apparently they had quite a few complaints about Ye Zhen.

But Ye Zhen has always been a person who goes his own way.

Don't care at all what others think.

Ye Zhen turned around and began to introduce the pyramid.

“Everyone talks about this pyramid every day, but do you really understand this pyramid?

The content in this pyramid is more magical than everyone imagined.

It is even more incomprehensible than the construction method of the pyramid. "

The construction method of the pyramids has always been an unsolved mystery.

But the purpose of this pyramid is what really fascinates people.

Now after going through Ye Zhen’s popular science.

Everyone knows that this pyramid is not the tomb of the Pharaoh.

So what exactly is this used for?

In fact, the theory of this mausoleum has always been controversial.

Because there are indeed no funerary objects, murals, or texts.

It is completely different from the real pharaoh’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings.

In fact, those scientists also wanted to know how Ye Zhen solved this unsolved mystery.

"This Teacher Ye is really good at whetting your appetite."

"But this will definitely be revealed in the end, just take your time."

"I think it's possible that Ye Zhen really doesn't know this time."

"But is there anything else you can introduce about the pyramid?"

Marie crossed her arms over her chest.

"Our museum will be closed to the public for one day today."

“Get everyone from the museum to the conference room.”

"We organize everyone to watch this show together."

Marie didn't know why he suddenly made such a proposal.

His staff were also stunned.

"Ah? Curator Marie, are you sure?"

"Do we need to stop opening to the public for one day?" the staff confirmed again and again.

Marie wanted to watch Ye Zhen's show.

But it took a lot of effort.

I finally watched Ye Zhen’s program, thanks to CCTV.

Because CCTV not only connects the European side.

Basically, all countries in Eurasia can watch CCTV’s international channel.

It's free, you don't have to pay to watch it.

Marie looked at Ye Zhen's confident look.

He didn't think Ye Zhen could solve the mystery of the pyramid.

Instead, Marie confirmed that Ye Zhen had no way of knowing the true purpose of the pyramid.

Because even he has studied the pyramids for so many years.

There are still many unknowns about this pyramid to Marie.

Is Ye Zhen a young man or a foreigner?

How is it possible to know the true secrets of the pyramids?

But the employees below heard Marie's notice.

They are very happy.

"This is like a day off."

"Director Marie asked us to watch that show. What is it?"

"I don't know, I just need to rest."

The staff at the Egyptian Museum.

It was also under the influence of my ears and eyes that I had a deep understanding of the ancient Egyptian civilization.

They were all sitting around in the conference room.

Mariel sat in the first place and directly projected Ye Zhen's program.

"Everyone, take a look at this show and feel free to speak out if you have any ideas." Marie looked at the staff in the museum.

The camera returns to Ye Zhen.

Ye Zhen began to introduce the pyramid.

"According to everyone's stereotype, does the pyramid have four sides?

In fact, to be honest, this pyramid has eight sides.

Is it different from what everyone knows? "

A picture appeared behind Ye Zhen.

In everyone's impression, every face of this pyramid is flat.

Apart from the bottom surface, there are only four identical surfaces.

But in fact, each of these faces is composed of two faces.

As you can see in the photo, this plane is actually a combination of two surfaces at a slight angle. So it is correct to say that this pyramid actually has eight sides.

This can be seen very clearly from the sky.

This is indeed a piece of cold knowledge for everyone.

Originally, everyone thought that this pyramid was already something everyone was familiar with.

But I never thought of Ye Zhen’s first point in popular science.

It’s something that everyone has never heard of.

The audience was also confused.

"Ah? Does this pyramid actually have eight sides?"

"I've been to the pyramid to see it live, but I didn't see it."

"Is the construction technology more difficult?"

Some architects have something to say.

"It's more difficult to build at such an angle than on a flat surface."

"This technology is even more incredible."

"Eight sides? It's actually eight sides!"

Some domestic historians and archaeologists were also shocked.

"This pyramid actually has eight sides?"

"Is there some mystery here?"

"Why hasn't it been mentioned before?"

In fact, this is just a small detail.

However, there is no mention of this in some official records.

Scientists have already begun to imagine.

"The construction difficulty has gone up several levels."

"Such eight sides directly make the pyramid even more outrageous."

In Marie's conference room.

Mariel closed his eyes slightly, as if he was dozing off.

In this conference room, the staff of the Egyptian Museum also began to be surprised.

"I have worked here for so many years and I didn't even know that this pyramid has eight sides."

"Why? Why does this pyramid have eight sides, not four?"

Even the staff at the Egyptian Museum rarely know this detail.

At the scene, only Curator Marie knew that the pyramid actually has eight sides.

In fact, hundreds of years ago, no one had discovered this detail.

Because before this, people could only see it from the ground.

If you look at it from the ground, there is no way to detect this clue.

Only after humans invented flying machines.

Only then did I capture the full view of the Pyramid of Khufu from the air.

It was the first time I learned that this pyramid originally had eight sides.

Professor Yan Xin felt, “This must have been done intentionally.”

"Otherwise it wouldn't be such a big deal."

Because of this angle and construction method.

Without a heavenly perspective, it would not be possible to make it look like this.

But this is even stranger.

How could ancient Egypt have the ability to fly into the sky?

The first time humans took to the sky was when the hot air balloon was invented.

Other than that, there is no other way.

Tens of thousands of households in our country once wanted to try flying into the sky.

Various rockets are tied under the chair so that they can fly into the sky.

But in the end it failed.

But that’s human courage.

Professor Zhou found that some of the other members were whispering, not knowing what they were talking about.

But this is not what Professor Zhou cares about.

"This pyramid is really amazing. How on earth was it done?"

"Mr. Ye's knowledge is really profound." Although Old Wu has been amazed countless times.

But now I still have awe of Ye Zhen.

Si Xiaoping's originally ignited heart was suddenly extinguished by Ye Zhen.

"Mr. Ye does know a lot. This pyramid has eight sides. Even I don't know."

Because Si Xiaoping originally wanted to know from Ye Zhen how the pyramid was built.

But Ye Zhen actually changed the subject and went directly to analyze and explain the pyramid.

Ning Xiu wanted to know how Ye Zhen's brain grew.

"Why is he able to know some details that ordinary people cannot know?"

Song Xuan also discovered Ye Zhen's characteristics.

You can discover things that everyone ignores and cannot discover from ordinary and mundane things.

"Do you find it puzzling why I mentioned that the Pyramid of Khufu has eight sides?

You will know why I want to mention this later. "Ye Zhen seemed to be a guide.

Knead everything out, tear up all the information and show it to everyone.

“According to records, this pyramid has actually been excavated long ago.

The entrance to this pyramid was blown open.

The current entrance was still opened by the excavation thief back then.

Why is he stealing here?

Because he was also misled into thinking that this was really the tomb of a pharaoh.

But when he entered, he found that it was empty.

The only passage led directly to the king's chamber.

But there was nothing in this room, no burial objects.

There were no mummies, not even a single piece of gold.

This made the person who robbed it extremely angry.

After finally opening the Pyramid of Khufu, I didn't expect that it was empty inside.

How can this be accepted? "

After hearing this, everyone knew.

Was the Pyramid of Khufu empty from the beginning?

How could this be?

According to some current scholars, the Pyramid of Khufu was hollowed out by tomb robbers.

That's why it's empty inside.

(End of this chapter)

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