Chapter 532 Tai Sui and Immortality

After Ye Zhen returned to Yangcheng, he immediately went to Ning Xiu to learn about Tai Sui.

Ning Xiu hadn't seen Ye Zhen for a long time.

At this time, Ning Xiu was the only one left in the 749th game.

The rest were off on their mission.

"Are you Tai Sui?" Ning Xiu touched her chin, "Consultant Ye, you should know more about this than me, right?"

Ning Xiu was curious as to why Ye Zhen came over to ask her about this.

In Ning Xiu's eyes, Ye Zhen knew almost everything.

How could Ye Zhen not know about this little Tai Sui?
Of course, Ye Zhen checked the database in Bureau 749.

But some of the records inside are different from what Ye Zhen encountered in White Horse Temple.

"The database in Bureau 749 shows that it is unclear whether Tai Sui is a living creature or not."

"It is also said that Tai Sui may have come from outer space."

"There are also some strange records, something called Five Elements Tai Sui."

Ye Zhen told Ning Xiu the things in the database like a treasure.

"Now that you know everything, why did you come here to ask me?" Ning Xiu didn't understand, and then she thought of a possibility.

Ye Zhen didn't come here to find an excuse to see him, right?
The more Ning Xiu thought about it, the more she felt it was possible.

Ye Zhen originally wanted to come to see Lao Chen.

Because there are some things that are not necessarily recorded in the database.

It is possible that Lao Chen knows something about Tai Sui.

"I met the strange Tai Sui at White Horse Temple." Ye Zhen told Ning Xiu what happened to Fa Yu.

In a sense, this is also an abnormal event.

Ning Xiu frowned and listened to what Ye Zhen said.

"When did you go to White Horse Temple?"

"What are you going to worship?"

"Did you go alone?"

Generally speaking, young people nowadays have a strange momentum.

Just go to the temple and pay homage.

But generally speaking, it is for marriage, wealth and education.

Ye Zhen's face was calm, "That's not the point."

"The point is that strange flesh and blood Tai Sui."

Ning Xiu thought about it: "I remember an incident related to Tai Sui happened back then."

"The record of Five Elements Tai Sui is that one thing."

"It is said to be related to becoming an immortal."

"Lao Chen was involved in it back then."

Ye Zhen heard the word becoming an immortal, but there was no mention of becoming an immortal in the database.

It just mentioned the Five Elements Tai Sui.

But what Ye Zhen encountered this time was completely different from the so-called Five Elements Tai Sui.

"Old Chen, where are you now?" Ye Zhen asked.

Ning Xiu said: "I went out to perform a secret mission. I won't be able to come back for a while."

Ye Zhen didn't care, "You ask Lao Chen to talk to me as soon as possible after he comes back."

"Also, on the Buddhist side of White Horse Temple, you guys from Bureau 749 should keep an eye on it."

Ning Xiu's face felt a little helpless, "It's not that we don't want to take care of it."

"It's just that we cannot and cannot get involved in these religious forces."

They also have their difficulties in the 749 game.

After all, it has not been more than a hundred years since their establishment of 749 games.

Taoism and Buddhism have been deeply rooted in this land for thousands of years.

It is not easy for them to shake these forces.

Ye Zhen didn't get the information he wanted. It seemed that there was something abnormal in Buddhism.

"By the way, your preview is now at the forefront." Ning Xiukou has been paying attention to Ye Zhen.

Ning Xiu would click on any hot search about Ye Zhen.

"There haven't been any unusual incidents recently, right?" Ye Zhen asked casually.

"No." Ning Xiu shook her head, "During this period, abnormal events have occurred frequently."

"It's just that we can all handle it."

Ye Zhen didn't ask much if they encountered something that couldn't be solved.

Naturally, you will find yourself.

"Okay, I'll leave first." Ye Zhen said hello and left.

Looking at Ye Zhen's leaving figure, Ning Xiu asked, "Are you free? Consultant Ye."

"What?" Ye Zhen turned around.

"I want to treat you to a movie." Ning Xiu didn't mince words, "Here are two movie tickets."

"I've already given it away, so don't waste it."

See a movie? Ye Zhen has no habit of going to the cinema to watch movies.

"Okay." Ye Zhen unexpectedly agreed.

Ning Xiu's face showed excitement!

"Wait for me and I'll change my clothes." Ning Xiu quickly changed her clothes and put on light makeup.

Now Ning Xiu looks like an urban beauty.

The two soon arrived at the cinema.

There are very few people in this movie.

In addition to Ye Zhen and the others, there was another couple.

It's just that the couple's attention was not on the movie.

Instead, they kept kissing me while the movie was playing.

Ye Zhen recalled, when was the last time he went to the cinema to watch a movie?
Was it a patriotic movie organized by the school when I was a student?
Ning Xiu was sitting next to Ye Zhen, but Ning Xiu's attention was not on the movie.

But from time to time, he looked at Ye Zhen beside him through the reflection of the movie.

Soon the movie was over.

Ye Zhen and Ning Xiu walked out of the cinema.

Ning Xiu still felt that she still had more to say, "Thank you for watching a movie with me today."

"I've wanted to watch this movie for a long time."

Ye Zhen only has one feeling, that is, domestic films have become better and better in recent years.

It also gave Ye Zhen some other inspiration.

Ye Zhen discovered that he devoted himself blindly to collecting information. To a considerable extent, it is equivalent to working behind closed doors.

It seems that these artistic creations are also necessary for Ye Zhen.

"It's okay, I enjoyed watching it today too." Ye Zhen said goodbye to Ning Xiu and returned to his home.

Ye Zhen returned to the villa.

As soon as he opened the door, he was stopped by Tu Shan.

"Good on you, Ye Zhen!" Tu Shan said with his hands on his hips, "You still know how to go home?"

"Where have you been fooling around these past few days!"

"Do you know how worried I am about you!" Tu Shan directly grabbed Ye Zhen's arm and was about to bite him.

But with Ye Zhen's physical body, even if he scratched it with a knife.

It may not be able to leave a mark, let alone being bitten.

Tushan's silver teeth greeted Ye Zhen's arm directly and fiercely.

But no matter how hard Tu Shan tried, he didn't leave any impression.

Instead, Tu Shan felt that his cheeks were starting to hurt.

"Are you a robot?" Tu Shan found that he could not cause any damage to Ye Zhen's arm.

Tu Shan was a little frustrated, and then Tu Shan smelled Ye Zhen's clothes.

"Some women's perfume smells like that."

"You really went to fool around! You heartless man!"

But Ye Zhen has seen it too many times, "There shouldn't be so many scenes, okay?"

Ye Zhen grabbed Tu Shan's collar directly.

Tushan fell on all fours.

Xia Lingling on the side also rushed over.

"What do you want to do to the master!" Xia Lingling came over to defend Tu Shan.

In Xia Lingling's eyes, Tu Shan is her master.

Ye Zhen led Xia Lingling with his other hand.

The two of them were like puppies being carried, unable to resist at all.

Ye Zhen directly carried the two of them and threw them into the swimming pool.

It's a small punishment.


Soon the day came when the show would air.

The outside world has already spread that Ye Zhen is on his last legs and is already going downhill.

Although many people like Ye Zhen.

But there are also more people who want Ye Zhen to die.

Ye Zhen has created a new track, and they all look forward to the day when Ye Zhen falls from the altar.

When Ye Zhen was preparing in the studio.

Director Huang also came over, "Is there no problem with the program this time?"

Obviously, Director Huang was also affected by the comments from the outside world.

Because Director Huang was also put under pressure by people above him.

Director Huang certainly knows that Yangcheng TV Station looks very glamorous now.

In fact, it was all supported by Ye Zhen alone.

If Ye Zhen falls, it means the tree falls and the hozen falls.

Therefore, Director Huang had to become nervous.

He didn't want it to end just after he took office.

Producer Chen stood aside, "Don't worry, Director Huang."

"When has he ever let us down?"

Even though he heard what Producer Chen said, Director Huang was still worried.

The higher your status, the more you cherish your feathers and be cautious.

Director Chen's current mentality is the same as that of Producer Chen.

Because Director Chen has encountered similar situations before.

In Director Chen's opinion, this is all Ye Zhen's plan.

Soon Ye Zhen came on stage.

"Three! Two! One!" The stewards outside the venue counted down, "The show begins!"

The cameraman pointed the camera at Ye Zhen.

"Welcome everyone to watch today's "Into Popular Science"." Ye Zhen still looks familiar to everyone.

"I am your good friend Ye Zhen."

However, some attentive viewers discovered that Ye Zhen seemed to have become paler.

It seems to be a little reflective under the light.

"Is Mr. Ye Leng Baipi? I just found out today."

"Why do I have the illusion that Teacher Ye has become more handsome?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Teacher Ye has always been so handsome, okay?"

Ye Zhen wrote the word "dinosaur" on the small whiteboard.

"To tell you a little trivia, we actually eat dinosaurs all the time."

"Chickens are the descendants of dinosaurs."

Ye Zhen's cold knowledge really short-circuited everyone's brains.

"Specifically, dinosaurs can be divided into birds and non-avian dinosaurs."

"What we usually call dinosaurs are generally non-avian dinosaurs."

"This is also the dinosaur that everyone is familiar with."

"Essentially, some of the birds we have today."

"Actually, they are descendants of dinosaurs."

"Chicken is one of them, so if we eat chicken, we are actually eating the descendants of dinosaurs."

No one can associate the mighty and gigantic dinosaurs with chickens.

"If you use the words I mentioned in my previous show."

"During the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods."

"The environment at that time was full of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, which meant the oxygen concentration was much higher than what we have now."

"But because of changing times, oxygen levels started to drop."

"Dinosaurs became what chickens are like today."

How can the environment change organisms so much?
What if intelligent life existed in that era?
(End of this chapter)

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