Chapter 533 Dinosaurs are trained to perfection
“We humans have a lot to reckon with now, including our history from ape-men to the present.

It's just millions of years.

In fact, the historical development of our humanity is only about 10,000 years.

And does everyone know how long dinosaurs survived on Blue Star?
A full 1.65 million years.

If it weren't for that meteorite, the age of dinosaurs would have continued.

If this were the case, there would have been no ecological niche for mammals on Blue Star at that time.

There would be no human beings like us now.

In the words of a fantasy novel.

At that time, dinosaurs were the darlings of the world.

He is the strongest version of the character in the game.

The bodies of dinosaurians were also thermostatic, just like today's birds.

They have huge heads and brains, and the overall color is dark green.

In terms of IQ.

Dinosaurists deduce based on the fossils of Troodon.

Isn’t this the practice of cultivation in the novel?
As everyone knows in novels, the general setting is that in the end, people cultivate into human form.

So is there such a possibility in science?

Troodon may have evolved into a true dinosaur man.

It is a kind of dinosaur called Troodon, during these millions of years.

The ancestors of birds, the dinosaurs, had already mastered the ability to walk on two legs.

Not only that, Troodon's hands also began to evolve.

In fact, this hypothesis has been proposed by biologists in the last century.

It is extraordinary in intelligence, smarter than any animal we know.

This is where Dinosaur Man comes from.

"As we now call it, the ape turned into a man.

Among the dinosaur fossils, dinosaurologists discovered a dinosaur named Troodon.

So in theory, it is possible for dinosaurs to exist. "

Although it is not as big as the brain capacity of our modern people.

That dinosaur can also become a dinosaur man.

It is also viviparous and possesses a placenta.

After practicing for a certain period of time, you can transform into a human being.

This was the reasoning of paleontologists and some dinosaurologists at the time.

In this way, other living beings can also cultivate and become humans.

Because in this way it is possible to give birth to offspring with big brains.

Dinosaurists discovered a detail.

Everyone has seen a rooster standing and walking.

After such a long time, is there such a possibility?

The brain capacity is slowly increasing, and is several times larger than the brain capacity of dinosaurs at the same time.

Scientifically speaking, humans are nothing more than so-called monkeys.

Fossils of this dinosaur existed between 6500 million and 7500 million years ago.

But it is larger than our human ancestors, which are mammals.

Like us humans, we walk upright.

The evidence Ye Zhen cited is from the last century.

It's like an animal becoming a spirit.

That is, dinosaur people. "This is the first time everyone has heard Ye Zhen's statement.

What happens after a monkey becomes a sperm? Aren’t they just humans?

According to current science, dinosaurs should have evolved into intelligent life forms long ago.

If Troodon is allowed to continue practicing.

It becomes something that can be said to be grabbed.

If you have ever raised birds, you will know about birds such as parrots, mynas, and crows.

If the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaur era had not arrived.

Just like the beasts in our novels.

But this is only possible.

Because that huge meteorite had already destroyed that era.

Just like the great flood of the past, all traces were destroyed.

This is the first time the audience has heard this statement.

"To put it this way, it is better to say that it is evolution than that of apes practicing cultivation."

"We are also trained from apes? Apes become spirits? This is quite interesting."

"Can everything in the world be cultivated into humanoid creatures?"

"Isn't this an orc?"

Generally speaking, the public has watched "Jurassic Park" and the movie about dinosaurs.

But no one has any in-depth understanding of dinosaurs.

I only saw dinosaur fossils in some museums.

You will be amazed that this huge animal actually lives on the same land as us humans.

Some biologists heard what Ye Zhen said.

"Theoretically, it is indeed possible that dinosaurians existed."

"But there is no time for them to continue to develop."

"But this is just an inference. How could there be such a thing as a dinosaur in the world?"

"I don't think that's possible."

For some people in the occult field at home and abroad.

It is true that animals can be cultivated into spirits all over the world.

The Taoist people are currently preparing for the Zhoutian Dajiao.

Only some people are watching Ye Zhen’s show.

"This dinosaur is soft, isn't it just an animal that has been cultivated into a spirit?"

"Didn't you hear what Master Ye said? In fact, in a sense, we are also trained by apes."

"But now after the founding of the People's Republic of China, no animals are allowed to cultivate into spirits."

In this regard, their Taoism can be said to be very knowledgeable.

Because there are many similar records in their classics.

What kind of fox turned into a human and came to repay the favor. In fact, other countries also have sympathy for animals cultivating adults.

Like a conch girl or something.

It's just that dinosaurs have become adults. This is the first time they have heard of this.

"What if dinosaurs could also become adults through cultivation?"

"They developed earlier than us humans."

"They may be an interstellar civilization now."

"Perhaps it is also possible that it has perished long ago."

Professor Yan Xin, who came back from Xizang, learned nothing during this trip.

I can only go back to the laboratory to do experiments.

As a researcher in life sciences.

Professor Yan Xin fully agreed with Ye Zhen's statement.

"Since all things have animism, apes can cultivate and become humans."

"Then other dinosaurs can also cultivate into human form."

"The form of dinosaur people is not just made up."

"It's based on the shape of Troodon."

The remaining researchers asked Professor Yan Xin, "Professor, do you really think dinosaurs existed?"

Professor Yan Xin replied, "Why is it impossible?"

The threesome who are tired of winning have already prepared everything.

The day after tomorrow we set off to the Sahara Desert.

Professor Zhou's family was originally opposed to this matter.

Because Professor Zhou originally escaped from death, it can be said that he saved his life.

Now I am going to a dangerous place like the Sahara Desert.

Professor Zhou's wife and daughter were very worried.

But Professor Zhou finally convinced his wife and daughter.

If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later.

Live again and want to do something you want to do.

Professor Zhou was not blocked at this time.

Si Xiaoping listened to Ye Zhen's very strange remarks.

"Animals become spirits through cultivation? Isn't this the scientific theory of evolution?" Si Xiaoping felt like he was smiling bitterly.

As long as they are Chinese, almost everyone has some understanding of this concept.

After hearing this statement, Lao Wu felt very strange, "Indeed, isn't this theory of evolution the same as animal cultivation?"

"We were originally some wild apes, and then after a long period of practice, we transformed into human form."

After hearing this, Professor Zhou also smiled and said, "If you explain it this way, it is very Chinese."

Si Xiaoping finally said, "What if people continue to practice?"

In Bureau 749, Song Xuan returned from performing her mission and monitored Ye Zhen's program with Ning Xiu.

"Cultivation into human form?" Song Xuan was thinking seriously, "Maybe it's not a coincidence that we become what we are now?"

"Because according to scientific reasoning, the final evolution of dinosaurs was also in human form."

"Man is the spirit of all things, and he may not be talking about us."

"It's the form of 'human being'."

"According to what Consultant Ye said, we might be considered 'ape people' or 'gorilla people'."

If you are an alien lover, the first thing they think of is the Gray Man.

It was also in human form, but a little shorter than humans.

"Dinosaurs?" Ning Xiu was thinking of another almost similar beast.

However, it has not appeared in mainland China, but there are many sighting reports in foreign countries.

The Pope in the Vatican unknowingly became a loyal fan of Ye Zhen's show.

It seems that Ye Zhen's show has some magic power.

"Dinosaur man, this blasphemes the existence of the Bible." The Pope frowned.

If such a creature really exists, it must be recorded in the Bible.

At this time, another cardinal whispered: "Your Majesty the Pope, maybe this dinosaur man is the legendary evil snake in the Garden of Eden?"

"Snakes had limbs before, but they were deprived of them by God's punishment."

Are dinosaurs now warm-blooded animals or cold-blooded reptiles?

There are still very big differences in science.

However, mainstream science now classifies dinosaurs as reptiles.

According to mainstream science, dinosaurs are indeed reptiles.

Dinosaurs belong to the subclass Archosauriformes of the class Sauromorpha.

Lizards belong to the subclass Lepidosaurus of the class Sauromorpha.

Pope Francis just nodded his chin slightly and said, "Yes, this so-called dinosaur is the descendant of the evil snake."

"So they were destroyed by God."

The Pope felt that he was very satisfied with this explanation.

And Isis and Tom returned to the United States.

It can be said that Tom gained nothing during this trip to China.

The relationship with Isis has not become closer, but seems to be getting farther and farther away.

"That's the man named Ye Zhen!" Tom felt that it was because of Ye Zhen that Isis couldn't see such a good person in herself.

But now Isis will still ask Tom to watch Ye Zhen’s show together.

This made Tom feel extremely happy. She asked me to watch the show together, and she still had me in her heart!
Isis heard what Ye Zhen said about animals becoming spirits through cultivation.

What she was thinking about was the blood of Queen Mother of the West in her body.

Is it a similar situation? Atavism?
In some news, it is indeed mentioned that some people will return to their ancestors.

A certain gene in the body is activated.

It became like an ape, with fur all over its body and even a tail.

This type of people are called hairy kids.

Such cases of atavism are not uncommon around the world.

Some people say that he is the prototype of Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West".

Maybe he is a big man who has returned to his ancestors, so he is covered with hair all over his body.

But whether this statement is true or not is a matter of opinion.

Xuanzang in "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" is Tang Sanzang, and the prototype of Sun Wukong is indeed this person.

(End of this chapter)

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