Chapter 534 Underground civilization?

Dinosaurs, this seems to be a creature that only exists in science fiction novels.

If they really existed, where would they be?

Some viewers think so.

"This cannot exist. How can such a creature exist in the world?"

"It would be terrible if it existed!"

"Just imagine, if dinosaurs really existed, they would have been developing since 6500 million years ago."

"How advanced would their technology be today?"

The entire history of mankind begins with the forest apes in the trees.

It only takes millions of years, and real development only takes ten thousand years.

Others have developed over tens of millions of years.

They are absolutely invaders.

During the excavation process, Robert discovered that there were many strange passages underground.

But in the end this matter came to nothing.

That's where several strange underground passages were discovered at the Los Angeles Station.

They just wanted to dig tunnels and build various defensive buildings.

At that time, the Chinese were infinitely exploited and oppressed.

Can you imagine the world after 6500 million humans?
Not to mention the world 6500 million years from now, we cannot even imagine the world 6 years from now.

This is something that has never been discovered before.

In 1846, the very famous Mexican-American War took place in Los Angeles.

More than twenty years later.

That will definitely cause a stir in society. Why haven’t I seen any similar reports?
This is very strange, right?

It's just that the United States called this lizard man at the time.

It starts with an ancient treasure map.

A similar record was published in the New York Times on January 1934, 1.

against the Mexican army.

It was an era of railroad construction in American history.

This period is actually a period of blood and tears for us Chinese people.

Legend has it that some people entered these unknown passages and never came back.

Soon they will face a tidal wave of Mexican troops.

But at that time, they were very short of manpower, and even defense was very difficult.

Everyone knows that these white people in the United States are not indigenous to the American continent at all.

They have lived here for generations.

At that time, countless Chinese workers were tricked and abducted into the United States.

This is simply getting more and more terrifying the more I think about it!

"Do you think that if such a creature existed in the real world?

Don't talk about the enslavement of black people in the United States. In fact, the treatment of Chinese workers at that time was even worse than that of black people on plantations at that time.

It relies on these existing underground passages.

But there was not much time left for Brigadier General Robert.

It can be said that the railway at that time was forged with our Chinese blood, flesh and tears.

But does anyone still remember it now? Will the United States still be mentioned?
When the Chinese at that time were practicing the Los Angeles Railway, they made a different discovery.

At that time, Brigadier General Robert was ecstatic, feeling that this was a tunnel dug in advance by God.

In fact, before this, the indigenous people on the American continent.

Brigadier General Robert led his soldiers to perfectly resist the Mexican army.

This is the second time an underpass in Los Angeles has been documented.

This is the first time someone has discovered a mysterious tunnel in Los Angeles.

In the original place of Los Angeles, there was a tribe called the Hopi.

Afterwards, Brigadier General Robert began to thank God, thinking that he was God's favorite.

Because at that time, countless Chinese died of fatigue every day, and no one cared about the missing people.

Then I will tell you about some of the sightings that happened in the United States in the last century.

The then Brigadier General Robert led his soldiers to defend the city here in Los Angeles.

It's just that the Americans later invaded their homeland and scalped them.

A reward was offered for five dollars a piece.

But in the end some Hopi people survived.

Inside, there is a Hopi man.

In order to be able to pass on the things of our own civilization.

He wrote a book called "The Hopi Book".

It records what happened to the Hopi people.

In the eyes of American scholars, this is the myth of their Hopi people.

But in the eyes of the Hopi people, they think this is not a myth.

But what really happened in history.

According to the records in this book.

Like the Mayan civilization in South America, they say five extinctions have occurred on the Blue Star.

This is consistent with our current scientific research. "Ye Zhen wrote these five mass extinctions on the whiteboard.

The first was the so-called Ordovician mass extinction: it occurred about 4.45 million years ago.

Due to the cooling climate and falling sea levels of Blue Star at that time, about 85% of species became extinct.

The second mass extinction was the Devonian mass extinction, which occurred about 3.75 to 3.6 million years ago when terrestrial plants bloomed and released compounds that depleted oxygen in shallow waters.

The third was the Permian mass extinction: it occurred about 2.52 million years ago and was the largest species extinction event in the history of Blue Star. About 95% of species disappeared. The fourth was the Triassic mass extinction, which occurred about 2 million years ago and resulted in the disappearance of many large land animals, including most of the archosaurs.

The mysterious Triassic extinction devastated the ancestors of dinosaurs and provided an opportunity for the subsequent rise of dinosaurs.

This is what science calls an ecological niche.

If it weren't for the Triassic mass extinction, the dinosaurs wouldn't have had a chance to rise.

It's like a version update.

The last one was the so-called Cretaceous mass extinction: it occurred about 6600 million years ago. Because this extinction event completely wiped out the dominant dinosaurs and their kind on the earth, it provided an opportunity for the emergence of mammals and humans.

And once is known to everyone, the dinosaurs perished because of this.

In Hopi history.

There are also records of five mass extinctions.

The first time was because human civilization became evil, and the Hopi god Shutuo made Blue Star enter the Ice Age and end human civilization.

The second time was when human civilization refused to change despite repeated admonitions, and the god Shutuo was unable to allow the volcano to erupt, destroying human civilization.

The third time, human civilization was already very developed, and then it was destroyed by the great flood launched by Shutuo Nan.

The fourth time human civilization was destroyed by a huge meteorite, human civilization restarted again.

The fifth time, an unprecedented earthquake was launched, destroying mankind.

This is Hopi recorded history.

If this is the case, it seems to be no different from some civilization myths in other parts of the world.

As always mentioned the great flood, several epochs of human civilization.

But what are the differences in the records of the Hopi people?

Why can they record every disaster?

Because their ancestors survived each time, we only know this now.

Why they Hopi survive.

According to their ancestors, every time a great disaster occurs.

A group of Ant-Man's friends who live beneath the earth come to the aid of their Hopi ancestors.

Let their Hopi ancestors hide underground until the catastrophe is over.

Let their ancestors return to the ground.

That's why the Hopi tribe can survive until now.

This is what makes their myths and legends different from the rest of the world.

And these Ant-men, every time they encounter extinction.

They will take them to live underground and teach them some knowledge.

Taught the Hopi ancestors how to farm, how to make wells, and how to build houses.

There is also a lot of knowledge about astronomy.

In the Hopi language, they call these ant-men their ant friends.

The pronunciation of ant in the Hopi people is 'Anu', and the pronunciation of friend is 'Naki'.

So the ant friends add up and they call them 'Anunnaki'. "

After hearing this, everyone's minds were buzzing.

Anunnaki? Isn’t he the god of Sumerian civilization?

Why does it appear on the American continent?
And who are these Ant-men? Could it be said that it was cultivated by ants?

Seeing this, some Chinese in the United States were dumbfounded.

Because of the history of blood and tears mentioned by Ye Zhen, some Chinese people grew up in the United States.

I have never heard of it at all, and it has never been taught in American history books.

Instead, there is a close-up of the history of black plantations.

Being black in America is an extreme form of political correctness.

But above black people, there is also a kind of political correctness that overrides black people.

Tom didn't know that Chinese workers in the United States had suffered such inhuman treatment.

But some other viewers were very curious.

"Could it be that there really are other intelligent beings living underground?"

"My dear, the ancestor of this Hopi tribe is also the chosen one. He has survived so many times."

"Anunnaki? This name can't be a coincidence, right?"

In fact, some people in the United States have conducted in-depth research on the civilization of the Hopi people.

The most famous of these are the nine prophecies of the Hopi people.

Among these nine prophecies, the arrival of white people was very accurately predicted.

Several predictions in it have come true.

For example, it mentioned that white-skinned people would invade their homes, iron snakes would cross the continent, the arrival of spinning wheels, etc.

Isn't all this the process of the Americans invading them and then building railways on this land?
Several of these predictions were very accurate.

So some people noticed the Hopi prophecies.

The next few predictions are that the ocean will turn black. Some people say this is talking about Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge.

Also, the moon turns red and the sun does not rise again after it sets.

Human civilization will be destroyed again.

None of these things have happened yet.

However, compared with the Mayan prophecies, the Hopi prophecies are not very famous.

If Ye Zhen hadn't said it now, there's a high probability that no one would know about it in their lifetime.

In this world, such a nation actually existed.

Professor Zhou is the master of studying ancient books.

After watching Ye Zhen's program, he knew that this myth and legend was not just a simple myth and legend.

"So the ancestors of the Hopi people encountered an underground civilization?"

(End of this chapter)

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