Chapter 536 The Empty Plateau

There were indeed no reports of so-called lizard-men or dinosaur-men before this.

The oldest can only be traced back to the records of the Hopi people.

Among the Hopi records.

Their ant friends live underground.

On the other hand, the lizardmen are the evil side.

Another thing is that George really discovered the underground maze under Los Angeles.

A place similar to this underground city.

In fact, it is not rare in the world.

At this moment, Ye Zhen wrote several place names on the small whiteboard.

Even if you haven’t played it, you should have heard of this name.

It immediately became the focus of attention around the world.

As for the archeology of the Sphinx, some foreign archaeologists now want to apply for archeology.

There is a secret space underground not far from the Sphinx.

Out of curiosity, he sneaked into their closed place in the middle of the night.

In fact, they are already world-famous tourist attractions.

It doesn't look like a mountain, but it is a very important super-ancient civilization site.

It is temporarily closed to tourists.

But everyone should have played Dungeon and Fighter before.

Is it to find the treasure left behind by Atlantis?

In fact, modern technology has already been used for remote sensing and various radar detections.

When Ye Zhen's program was aired previously, it really made the Pyramids and the Sphinx popular.

But even without the promotion of Ye Zhen’s show, the Sphinx and the Pyramid.

There is also the famous Dungeons and Dragons.

There are indeed some empty spaces beneath the Sphinx.

All were rejected by the official Egyptian government.

“In addition to this, there is another one which is the Xizang Plateau mentioned before.

Now after some popular science and explanation by Ye Zhen.

The Egyptian curator Marie, who was watching the show, suddenly spit out the tea in his mouth.

Because it is so popular, some people are already trying to find out.

In fact, elements of the underground world have always been around us.

The first thing Ye Zhen wrote on the whiteboard was the underground city of the Sphinx.

Curator Marie now has a large number of applications from foreign archaeologists on his desk.

It is the tomb of Osiris that Ye Zhen once mentioned.

Without exception, they all applied to archaeologically study the Sphinx.

"Do you think this dungeon is very fake, like a novel?

Didn't he send his confidants to our country's Xizang here?

Archaeologists and some explorers from the United States and Japan.

Beyond this there is another space.

Isn't this a three-story structural space hidden underground?
Curator Marie is now a little convinced by Ye Zhen, "Why did you mention the pyramid again? We are already very popular."

Ye Zhen mentioned the underground city under the Pyramid of Khufu.

Before, everyone thought that the pyramid was the main dish, the most mysterious and important.

Isn’t it said that there is a dungeon?
Solon knew about the Atlantean civilization and the underground city under the pyramids from the old priests of ancient Egypt. "

Before World War II, the mustache of the German Empire.

Now everyone knows that there is a Hall of Records in the Sphinx and a space where the Philosopher's Stone was previously stored.

Under the previously mentioned Pyramid of Khufu.

Only then did everyone realize that the Sphinx on the side might be more important.

Speaking of this, some viewers remembered it.

Coincidentally, ancient Egypt has now used the excuse of temporary repairs.

"Pfft!" Curator Marie put down the tea cup in his hand, "What on earth is Ye Zhen going to do!"

It's just that Ye Zhen is the icing on the cake for them.

If it really existed, where would it be?
I have to mention here that in 2015.

The results of research by the joint scientific expedition team of my country, the United States and the University of Canada.

A paper published in an academic journal.

They collected earthquake data in East Asia from 2007 to 2011.

Import these earthquake vibration data into the supercomputer for calculation.

It took nearly five years to analyze and organize.

Finally, an underground map of the world's largest plateau was drawn and simulated.

What is the conclusion?

The entire world's highest plateau is actually hollow! "When Ye Zhen came to this conclusion.

Everyone looked confused.

"Huh? The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is hollow?"

"This is impossible. How can this be hollow?"

"If it is hollow, how can it support such a huge mountain?"

Everyone was shocked by what Ye Zhen said.

So do some geologists.

"There were indeed similar reports back then."

"It is said that that picture overturned everyone's knowledge. I didn't expect that the world's highest plateau would be hollow."

"So the axis of the world and the inner earth world that Mustache mentioned back then are really possible?"

Some of the other scientists were hearing this for the first time.

After all, every other line is like a mountain.

It's normal that they don't know these things.

“The highest plateau in the world is actually hollow.”

"What the hell is under here?"

"Does the underground world really exist?" Such an idea came to their minds.

Ye Zhen gave an example: "How big is the space under the world's largest plateau?"

It is more than enough to fit a hundred Himalayas into it.

Think about how big this space is? "

Not a hundred Himalayas, but the Himalayas!
You can put them all in, but what a terrifying space is this?

With this manifestation, everyone knows how empty space this is.

Professor Yan Xin patted his thigh vigorously, "Why didn't we encounter anything during our trip to Xizang?"

"With such an empty space, just digging would be an impossible project."

"If there really is such a vast underground space."

"Only the black technology of the super ancient civilization can do it."

The researcher fantasized about it, "What if Mustache and the others really found this place back then."

"Maybe our world is different now."

"This is probably why he was about to be defeated in the end and had to send people to find the legendary Shambhala."

It's exactly what everyone said.

Mustaches looked very nonsensical back then.

No one knew what Mustache was thinking.

But now Ye Zhenyi said that the research results of the joint scientific expedition teams of the three countries were the results.

It shows that there is a huge hollow under the world's highest plateau.

Ye Zhen smiled and patted the small whiteboard gently, "Such a huge hole.

How on earth is the world's largest mountain, Mount Everest, supported?

This seems to be unscientific.

If that's all, forget it, it might just be a very strange landform.

Just like caves and karst landforms in some places.

But the joint scientific expedition team discovered something else strange.

That is, under this cavity, it is filled with very strong conductivity.

These caves are as conductive as metal.

What exactly is in this has not yet been studied scientifically. "

Song Xuan and Ning Xiu in Game 749 heard Ye Zhen's words.

"Doesn't this mean that there is a huge unknown world hidden under the world's highest plateau?" Song Xuan felt that this underground world was not fictitious at all.

Ning Xiu fell silent because of the huge hole under the world's largest plateau.

Ning Xiu knew something about it, because this information was recorded in Bureau 749.

But that was also discovered in the last century.

Because here is the highest plateau in the world.

There is a holy mountain, this mountain is called Kailash.

The most peculiar thing is that this mountain is like a regular pyramid.

If this Kailash is really a pyramid.

The height is thousands of meters, ten times more majestic than the Pyramid of Khufu.

Moreover, Kailash is a world-recognized deep mountain and is known as the king of sacred mountains.

It is the legendary holy mountain of Bon religion and was built by their ancestors.

So some people say that Kailash may be man-made.

Because it looks too much like a pyramid.

At the same time, the most peculiar thing is that this is also the holy mountain of Hinduism.

Legend has it that this is where their god Shiva lives.

In ancient Indian civilization, Shiva was the god who destroyed the world.

Kailash is where Shiva lives.

It is also a sacred mountain of Buddhism and is said to be in the Buddhist worldview.

Kailash is one of the legendary pillars of heaven, supporting the four major continents.

It is the place where the Great Sun Tathagata lives and is the center of the world.

Because in the last century, the Soviet Union and our country were still in the honeymoon period.

They have helped our country a lot.

The research on Kailash back then was a joint scientific expedition with scientists from the former Soviet Union.

But this period of history has long been forgotten.

Only some sporadic information is still sealed in Bureau 749.

Ning Xiu happened to have read this information.

“Then there’s the Minotaur in Greek mythology.

This is the first tauren known to everyone.

Of course, the bull head in the bull-headed horse noodles in the underworld of our country can also be regarded as a minotaur. "Ye Zhen smiled and introduced everyone.

The audience became excited at this time.

He was shouting things like the minotaur must die, long live pure love, and other words that no one could understand.

“The Minotaur was a monster born from an abnormal sexual relationship between Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos of Crete, and a Cretan bull.

The monster was sent to the underground labyrinth by the king as soon as he was born.

Let the tauren not have contact with outsiders.

It also prevents outsiders from discovering the tauren.

After all, this is a huge scandal.

This underground maze that traps the tauren is also part of the underground world.

The king back then simply didn't have the energy to build such a huge underground labyrinth.

To build a more majestic building than the one on the ground for a monster?

This is impossible even if you think about it.

The only possibility is that this underground maze was discovered.

The king just borrowed the maze from his predecessors.

Used to trap this tauren.

But in the end the Minotaur was killed by Theseus. "

(End of this chapter)

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