Chapter 537 To avoid angels?

Most people have heard of this Greek myth.

The protagonist Theseus is even more famous.

Because there is a paradox called the Ship of Theseus.

It means there is a ship, if one of the parts on it is replaced.

So is this ship still the same ship?
You might say, of course it is, it’s just a replacement part.

For example, if a screw on the boat is changed, you put a new screw on it.

This ship looks like the original ship named Theseus, right?

But what if one part breaks every day and slowly all the parts on the ship are replaced?

Is this ship still the ship originally named Theseus?

So you are completely different from the person you were seven years ago, so you will have a different feeling towards the person in front of you.

Some scientists explained that it may be due to the replacement of the cell cycle.

Why is there a saying about the seven-year itch in love?

Ye Zhen seemed to have seen through what everyone was thinking.

This underground city can accommodate 20,000 people living at the same time.

Traces of human habitation can be found.

It feels like there is an audience.

In fact, biologically, our cells and various hairs are renewing and falling off.

If you put your brain in a robot, is it a robot or a human?

This is like something mentioned in some science fiction novels.

This is a question within the realm of philosophy.

There were storerooms, wine cellars, kitchens, churches, tombs, schools, and even a place to keep animals.

It's not the same person at all.

This is the Derinkuyu Underground Labyrinth in Turkey.

Is this a robot or a human?

The ship of Theseus is not the original ship.

If the machine really soars in the future.

If this repaired ship is no longer the original ship, when did the calculation begin?

Some geologists think so too.

Everyone is still thinking about these underground world legends from around the world.

Humans already lived there more than 5,000 years ago.

“It would be nice if there was an underground world that could be brought out into the open.”

But it has been confirmed that there are already eighteen floors, each floor is a full 3000 square meters.

What if the whole body has been changed? Only one brain remains.

If the parts replaced by Theseus are used, another ship can be assembled.

And in these excavated rooms.

"You may think that the examples I just gave are not convincing.

"There is no way to explain anything forcefully."

There is a cycle of approximately seven years, and cells throughout the body are rotated and renewed.

"That's right, I still feel a little worse."

"How could there be a place like this?"

What has been discovered so far is only part of Derinkuyu Underground City.

This is a huge dungeon.

What exactly does it mean to be a native human being?
Your arm has been replaced with a robotic arm. Is this still a human being?

The latest that can be verified is more than 5,000 years ago.

"These are all legends and undisclosed information."

Who is the Ship of Theseus?

So in that sense, who I was seven years ago and who I am now.

"Let's do some research and see if there really is a legendary underground labyrinth."

This newly put together Ship of Theseus and the Ship of Theseus that have been repaired countless times.

Then I will give you an example to show you.

In this place, in the eighth to ninth centuries.

A group of Christian believers once lived here.

They also dug some other caves on top of the original cave.

You can find murals of various religions inside, as well as various biblical stories and secret scriptures.

It was not until the eighteenth century that this place was discovered.

But what they discovered underground was an even more outrageous mystery.

Who on earth cultivated such a huge dungeon.

This underground city is just like what the Hopi people call it.

When encountering any danger on the ground, he hid directly underground.

It is said that Derinkuyu Underground City can avoid the damage of nuclear bombs.

Even if a nuclear bomb explodes here, people living underground will still be safe. "

Behind Ye Zhen is a cross-section of Derinkuyu.

You can see that this is like a cave dug by ants.

"Is there really such a dungeon?"

"My dear, it really does exist."

"How on earth do you live underground? It has everything!"

"Why live underground?"

This is the first time that geologists know that such a place exists in the world.

"This is a living dungeon."

"With so many floors, what a great ventilation system."

"How did people dig it out at that time? This is not scientific at all."

Pope Francis was watching the show and heard about Turkey.

Why is he so concerned?
Because their next move will be in Turkey.

In the Bible, this is where Noah’s Ark landed!
In addition, Saint Celia also saw it.

"Why do they live underground? It's to avoid something on the ground." Celia thought. After the great flood, this was the second place of origin of mankind.

The people in this underground city may be the descendants of Noah.

But what are they avoiding?

This Derinkuyu Underground City must have been built after the great flood.

Otherwise, when the flood comes, the entire underground city will be submerged.

So it must have been built after the great flood.

What are they trying to avoid?

These people hiding in the underground city?

It must be an attack from heaven.

There are only so-called angels.

Celia was shocked, then shook her head and put the thought away.

"Everyone has now seen that dungeons do exist in the real world.

It is very possible that there is such a huge and complicated maze underneath Los Angeles.

And there is a lot of gold hidden in it.

George and Los Angeles officials discovered this secret back then.

As for why Los Angeles officials finally announced that nothing was found.

Finally, the information here was blocked.

If the underground labyrinth of Los Angeles were the same as the Derinkuyu Underground City in Turkey.

They don't have to be afraid of being known at all.

Unless they discover something that the public cannot know.

That's what I said before, not long after this.

Someone witnessed the appearance of the lizard man. "Ye Zhen finally brought the topic back to the lizard people.

Only then did everyone remember.

That's right, weren't you talking about lizard people just now?
Now everyone finally reacted.

This is like when everyone is taking a Chinese class.

During the main lecture, no one listened.

But when gossip is told, everyone listens to it with gusto.

It seems that every Chinese teacher has this ability.

The audience listened to the examples that Ye Zhen said.

"In this way, the underground world is not the stuff of science fiction."

“There really is a world underground that we’ve never understood.”

"There is a moon in the sky and there are underground people underground. We are too dangerous!"

Some geologists and geographers are also very curious.

"Is there an underground world? What would it be like if there really was one?"

"But there is too little exploration of the underground world now."

"More difficult than space exploration."

"There are still three steps to the moon landing plan, but the underground world is still far away."

Because there seems to be nothing worth studying and exploring in the underground world.

To put it simply, there is no reward for your efforts.

Those who had explored it back then were only the former Soviet Union.

They were in a cold war with the United States at that time just for this title.

Since then, there has been no such pure scientific research.

In fact, scientific research means constantly throwing money at it, but you don’t know when it will pay off.

Professor Yan Xin felt that his trip to Xizang was a joke.

"No, I want to go to Xizang again!!!" Professor Yan Xin made up his mind.

The other researchers quickly stopped him and said, "Professor, forget it. You have to watch your own body."

The previous scene of altitude sickness on the plateau is still vivid in my mind.

Some of these researchers are already scared.

After all, it feels too uncomfortable!
But now I see what Ye Zhen said, under the world's highest plateau.

There is such a huge hole hidden, isn't this just trying to seduce them?
Why are all the holy mountains of religions Kailash?

And some people have learned that Mount Kailash is a very strange mountain.

Because the side facing the sun is covered with snow all year round.

But the other side is not exposed to the sun all year round.

The ice and snow melted, which looked very strange.

So why do some people say that Kailash is man-made.

Because of this, they suspected that Kailash was a working machine.

Exaggerated heat dissipation.

Ye Zhen continued what he said last time: "After George dug out the gold and divided it with the officials.

After Los Angeles officials banned this information.

On July 1988, 7.

The police station in a certain state in the United States received a mysterious report.

The reporter said his car was destroyed by a mysterious creature last night.

There are mysterious tooth and claw marks on the car.

Clear marks were left on the vehicle.

This was also discovered by the reporter the next day.

This is the first time the local police station has received such a case.

If it were just that, it would be nothing more than an ordinary property damage case.

But the reporter, Christopher, said something that shocked the police officers.

Because he said his vehicle was attacked by lizard men.

When he was getting off work, a lizard man jumped out of the swamp nearby.

He jumped directly onto the roof of his car and lay down on the roof.

The sharp claws left obvious scars on the roof and windows of the car. "

(End of this chapter)

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