Chapter 538 Witnesses
After hearing this, normal people would feel that Christopher was drunk.

I still took drugs and drove.

Now everyone knows that the United States is a place where drugs are rampant.

So it’s not surprising that some people take drugs and have hallucinations.

“At that time, people from the police station pulled Christopher over and asked him many times.

Ask him what he saw.

Police suspect he hit someone.

But Christopher didn't look like he'd taken drugs at all.

His mind was very clear, and he said it was a lizard man covered in green.

It is very tall, has only three fingers, and walks upright.

There will also be strange sounds coming from the mouth.

He has a very strong body and is said to have a pair of red evil eyes. "

If a normal person heard this, they would think that Christopher was playing a prank.

Because how could such a creature exist in the world?
But the officer eventually followed Christopher to where his car was parked.

“In the end the police officers responded to Christopher’s repeated requests.

Officers were dispatched to investigate the strange incident.

Christopher insisted that he had encountered a lizard man.

This may be the first recorded sighting of a lizardman.

Officers arrived at Christopher's car.

Some evidence was found.

Sure enough, as Christopher said, there were indeed claw scratches on his car.

Judging from the marks on it, they are the marks of three claws.

It matches the three fingers Christopher mentioned.

Secondly, there were indeed traces of something pressing on the windows and roof of the car.

There was also a circular hole in the window glass.

It was like being penetrated by something sharp.

Furthermore, it is near the forest in the nearby swamp.

Found some fallen bushes.

Apparently some kind of huge creature had appeared in it.

The most important evidence is that the local police discovered mysterious footprints nearby.

The footprints were of a creature that had never been seen before.

The footprints also showed that this was a bipedal creature.

But they found a local biologist.

No organism has been found that meets the above conditions.

Especially the feature of two groups walking.

Finally, the police officers had to believe Christopher and thought he had encountered a lizard man.

This footprint was also preserved in a plaster cast by the local police.

It's a full forty centimeters long and has three toes. "

Hearing this, everyone has a feeling that science fiction has become reality.

The audience immediately thought of the dinosaur man Ye Zhen mentioned before.

"Isn't this the dinosaur man deduced by scientists?"

"They are exactly the same! There is almost no difference."

"Isn't this a coincidence? Is this lizard man a dinosaur man?"

"Could it be that the original meteorite didn't completely destroy the dinosaurs?"

In fact, it’s not just the audience who thinks this way.

Some paleontologists think so too.

They listened to Ye Zhen's program with bright eyes.

"If some dinosaurs had escaped underground and continued to evolve, the underground lizard people would no longer be a legend."

"Or in 1.65 million years, dinosaurs have already evolved intelligence."

"Meteorites at that time were a disaster they couldn't avoid, just like our great flood."

"So they hid underground and survived?"

It has to be said that these paleontologists have very big imaginations.

Ye Zhen continued to talk about the first lizard man sighting that happened that year.

“At that time, the police issued a wanted warrant and drew a portrait of the Lizard Man suspect.

The story made it into the local news papers the next day.

The local media exploded!

Everyone is very concerned about the lizard man incident.

It made people panic for a while.

However, the businessman sensed a business opportunity and directly bought many lizardman peripherals and clothes for sale.

In addition, local chambers of commerce and wealthy people are also offering bounties for lizardmen.

Claiming that as long as the lizard man is captured alive, he can get a reward of one million US dollars.

Even if he dies, he might get $100,000.

This was a million dollars in 1988, which made many people flock to it.

Many people have become lizard hunters.

They all want to capture this lizard man.

In addition to the bonus, if the lizard man is actually captured.

That would be equivalent to becoming famous, discovering such an unknown creature.

Some biologists are also very excited.

On the twentieth day after that.

A local soldier named O'Neill claimed to have encountered the lizard man.

He also shot and hit the lizard man, injuring the lizard man.

He also said that he had collected the blood and scales of lizardmen.

This incident gave the locals a shot in the arm.

Everyone went even more crazy to find the lizard people.

Because they all knew that the lizard man was seriously injured.

O'Neal, who collected blood and scales, finally declared it to the outside world.

Everything he said was false.

I have not encountered a lizard man, and the blood and scales are all fake.

At this time, the local police also came out to refute the rumors.

To say that there are no lizardmen at all is all nonsense.

Christopher's car was attacked by a bear. Just like this in just forty days.

The matter started with a lot of fuss and ended in nothingness.

Nothing is mentioned again. "

When Ye Zhen said this, some people felt a similar feeling.

"Why is it the same as the official statement from Los Angeles?"

"Suddenly he said there were no lizardmen, and that was the end of it."

In 1988, it was still very close to now.

At least many people have experienced that period.

Some local American residents remember this.

"I was still in school at the time, and this did happen here."

"The weird thing is that O'Neal said that he had collected blood and scales."

"This evidence has never been made public, and in the end the matter was found to be false."

"But some people think it ended too strangely."

Some people who experienced this happened came forward to speak out.

Among them, an old man in a big house in the United States heard Ye Zhen's program.

His eyes suddenly widened, he was the O'Neal back then.

O'Neill was also a soldier back then, serving in the US Air Force.

You must know that in any country, the air force is a very advanced branch.

Why did people at the time believe what O'Neill said.

Because of O'Neal's identity, there is no need for him to fake it.

But why did O'Neill retract his confession in the end? Everything he said was false.

The old O'Neal fell into deep thought. Originally, he was going to take this secret to the coffin.

O'Neal's grandson asked O'Neal, "Grandpa, the person on the show has the same name as you."

"And isn't this our town?"

"Grandpa, do lizard men really exist?"

The elderly O'Neill touched his grandson's head and said, "Want to know the truth?"

O'Neill fell into memories.

He was home on leave from the Air Force base.

On the way back, O'Neill encountered a lizard man.

The Lizardmen want to attack O'Neill's vehicle.

But O'Neal, who was a soldier, always carried weapons with him.

O'Neill shot the lizard man directly.

At that time, O'Neill was also frightened by the monster in front of him, but the training quality of soldiers was not enough.

He immediately calmed down, and finally got out of the car and collected the blood and scales of the lizard man.

Lizardmen's blood is not red, but a strange blue.

O'Neill did indeed see the lizard man back then! Injured the other party.

Blood and scales were also collected.

But in the end, why did O'Neill retract his confession and say that the Lizard Man was fake even at the expense of his own reputation?

Because O'Neill was found in a secret base of the military at that time.

When O'Neal met those people, he realized that the urban legends were true.

They were wearing black suits and black sunglasses.

"Mr. O'Neill, we are from Area 51."

"Since you are also a soldier, you should know that a soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders."

"What you have in your hand involves our military's secret research."

"Please give what you have to our military."

"By the way, you still need to deny everything you said before."

Two military personnel wearing neat black suits and sunglasses said to O'Neill.

Only then did O'Neill realize that this involved secret research by the military.

But as a big-headed soldier like him, he was obviously not qualified to know the contents of the experiment.

"Can I ask, how is this research done?" O'Neill's curiosity grew.

The two men in black suits shook their heads, "No comment."

In the end, O'Neill speculated that the lizard people escaped from a secret experiment by the military.

After escaping, he came to their place.

He was discovered by a passer-by, that is, Christopher.

After all the fuss and media hype.

Only the military personnel knew that the lizard people had escaped here.

Why do lizard men attack cars? It should be in a military experiment.

The lizard men have developed a resentment towards cars, so they have been attacking cars on sight.

O'Neill met the lizard man and wounded him.

The military belatedly captured the lizard man, allowing O'Neill to silence him.

Make him hand over the blood and scales on his hands.

The same is true for the police side, because the military has always suppressed them.

That's why in the end both the police and O'Neill publicized that the incident was false.

"Isn't this very similar to what George encountered in Los Angeles?

But it's not over yet, because two years later.

Someone else said they saw a lizard man.

After Christopher, many people actually witnessed the Lizard Man.

Many people's vehicles were also damaged.

This is ironclad evidence that cannot be erased, but only after this.

The police no longer paid much attention to this matter.

And the police themselves will quip that it was the lizard men who attacked your vehicle.

The police will even issue an announcement themselves.

Lizardmen may appear recently, so please be careful.

So far, the lizard man has become a topic of conversation for everyone after dinner.

It has become an entertainment existence.

No one believes in the existence of lizard people anymore. "

Maybe there really aren't any lizard people in the world?

Or are they deliberately using this method to cover up the existence of the lizard people?

(End of this chapter)

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