Chapter 539 Dinosaurs are also dragons

It seems that many things are turned into entertainment in this way.

It seems that as long as the water is mixed.

After everyone mentioned this again, they felt desensitized.

Just like the Japanese nuclear sewage incident.

They have been talking about emissions.

Until Japan did not treat it directly, and directly discharged the nuclear sewage directly.

Now that everyone has heard it, they no longer feel anything.

The same goes for the Lizard Man's operation.

The official mentioned it himself and made it entertaining.

Let everyone be familiar with the existence of lizard people and turn it into a symbolic thing.

Because human beings have only developed for ten thousand years at best.

Because he had experienced the lizard man incident back then.

"What do you do to eat?"

Compared to them, they have tens of millions of years of development history.

In fact, there is no need for Ye Zhen to say it, as long as you have watched the show.

The lieutenant general roared: "Just what?"

"It's just that." The soldier hesitated.

So solving Ye Zhen is still a very difficult problem.

Now when everyone mentions lizard people, they just think there is something wrong with your brain.

This matter was actually handled very well back then.

"Ye Zhen." Of course the lieutenant general knew this place in China.

Someone in military uniform in Area 51 in the United States.

"No matter what the cost, you must kill this man named Ye Zhen!"

"This person named Ye Zhen really deserves to die."

The lieutenant general was indifferent after hearing this, "Send more men over immediately."

"Reporting to Lieutenant General, the first batch of people who went to hunt Ye Zhen have passed."

Does it feel like we humans are in dire straits?" Ye Zhen smiled.

Humanity seems to be under attack from both sides!

There is a strange moon in the sky watching us.

He also blocked the mouths of people outside.

“Why do they seem not to care about humans.

"I had them pretend to be people on national television."

But it is not the same as in other parts of the world, where the American troops can come and go at will.

"Why hasn't he been killed yet?"

Ye Zhen mentioned the underground world.

The lieutenant general had a soul contract with those lizardmen.

“Everyone has never thought about whether it would happen again.

Everyone will have such a feeling.

Not only did he capture the lizard man and bring him back to the laboratory.

That's why he sat in his current position.

Back then, because of the lizard people's escape, the military dealt with a large number of people.

"They have lost touch now."

Until now, everyone has almost forgotten about it.

How could such a thing as a lizard-man exist?
However, as long as you have watched Ye Zhen's program, you will not think that the lizard people are fictitious.

The underground world can be so exciting.

Why is the Lieutenant General so excited?

The men in military uniforms shouted there and swept everything on the table to the ground.

Now Ye Zhen actually wants to bring up the old things again.

There are evil lizard people in the underground world who are coveting us.

"We used to have exchanges and studies, but now we have no news at all."

We humans are too weak.

Just the slightest crisis can completely destroy human civilization.

Not to mention those natural disasters, even humans themselves.

Almost self-destructive. "

After hearing this, some people remembered what Ye Zhen mentioned a long time ago.

Over the former Soviet Union, an inexplicable meteorite is about to fall into the storage location of Soviet nuclear fuel.

But before the meteorite fell, it was penetrated by something inexplicable.

Everyone had previously suspected that there was some unknown civilization protecting human beings?
Now it seems that this super ancient civilization still lives in the underground world?
But if that's the case, why don't they come to the ground?
Instead, he hides in the dark underground world.

Or is the underground world of Blue Star more prosperous and exciting than the biosphere we live in now?

Many viewers also recalled some content from previous programs.

Domestic audiences thought of it.

"Lizard people? Dinosaur people?"

"Aren't Fuxi and Nuwa the ones with the head of a human and the body of a snake?"

"Are you saying that Fuxi and Nuwa are also lizard people? No way!"

"It's not impossible!"

For some foreign viewers, the name of the foreign dragon is Doragon.

It's a lizard-like monster.

But after it spread to our country, it turned into a dragon.

But why are dinosaurs dragons? Lizards like Doragon are also called dragons?
Some foreign biologists have thought of an outrageous possibility.

"Are dinosaurs also dragons?"

"They Chinese claim to be the descendants of the dragon? Isn't that true?"

"Could it be that the Lizardmen are the legendary dragons?"

Among the trio who were tired of winning, Professor Zhou thought of an outrageous possibility.

"In ancient Chinese literature, the word "Zhao" means "Yi".

"Could it be said that the "Book of Changes" was handed down by them?"

"There is also the existence of Fuxi, who has the head of a human and the body of a snake."

Similar thoughts came to Professor Zhou's mind.

Si Xiaoping looked strange and said, "Are we lizard people? Or are Fuxi and Nuwa lizard people?"

Mr. Wu felt something was wrong here, but he couldn't say anything, "No, how could the Lizard Man be related to us?" Song Xuan and Ning Xiu in Bureau 749 also had the same idea.

"Isn't this lizard man related to us?"

"A dinosaur can be considered a dragon?" Song Xuan felt that there must be something wrong here.

But this thought couldn't help but come to mind.

Ning Xiu thought of a possibility on the side.

"Are our minds being manipulated?"

Legend has it that there was a brain-control technology in the former Soviet Union.

But everyone said that this was done by the United States to slander the former Soviet Union.

In fact, the country that masters brain control technology is most likely the United States.

To put it simply, we are brainwashed by various foreign information.

We are asked to eat less meat, eggs, and milk, because eating meat as Chinese people will reduce the number of trees in the Brazilian rainforest.

There are also some various big v’s on Jiulang Weibo at a certain time.

It has been promoting that we Chinese people eat too much seafood and calling on everyone to stop eating seafood.

Because we are almost running out of marine resources.

There are also a variety of very classic ones.

In Japan, dishes need to be washed seven times and toilet water can be drank directly.

German classic sewer oil-wrapped paper and the like.

There are too many things like that after the millennium.

The atmosphere in the entire society is like this, and so are the teachers in schools.

This is the simplest form of brainwashing and control.

Don't say such a thing doesn't exist.

Even now our country has developed to this point.

There are still many people in China who are willing to sell their belongings.

Borrow money desperately from people around you online.

Then he went to the United States via wire, and then tore up his passport.

Will never come back.

You really don’t understand why these people do this?
Is the air in America really sweeter?
Ye Zhen gave everyone time to think.

"Do you still think lizard people really exist?" Ye Zhen just said a simple sentence.

“Those examples I mentioned earlier, the underground world.

And the empty plateau of the world.

Underground rice and gold discovered in the United States.

Why do they need gold?
Do you still remember the Anunnaki mentioned in Sumerian civilization?

They called themselves the Lizardmen, and it just so happened that these Anunnaki needed gold.

A lot of gold to repair the hole in their planet's atmosphere.

There's a lot of gold underneath Los Angeles.

It's just that this gold had been confiscated by the Los Angeles area that year.

The other is some primitive tribes and civilizations on the American continent.

They themselves possess large amounts of gold and various precious metals.

Obviously there is no smelting technology, and it is even very backward.

Why do they have so much gold.

It directly allowed Europe to complete the original capital accumulation that year.

All this is because their gods need gold.

It requires a lot of gold, after collecting it.

I don’t know why, but I didn’t take away the gold and kept it in the end.

The same is true for the United States in Los Angeles. They lizard people don't know why.

He fled back to the underground world and left the gold behind. "

Even so, many people still don't believe it.

What outrageous lizard people exist beneath our feet.

It is a dinosaur that escaped underground 6500 million years ago.

"If they had developed for so long, they would have conquered the entire Blue Star long ago."

"That's right! Hasn't it already become an interstellar civilization after developing for so long?"

"Why are you still hiding in the underground world?"

What other people think of is.

"Is there a possibility that they have already colonized the solar system?"

"In fact, they have already been to Mars."

"There is another possibility, that is, the lizard people are not the only developed civilization on Blue Star."

"They fought with other civilizations, and then the civilizations were destroyed."

"The so-called Anunnaki before, wasn't that what the Sumerian civilization was like?"

Everyone has their own different opinions.

People who have watched Ye Zhen's show now have completely different thinking than before.

More open and divergent, able to think of many other things.

This is also the effect Ye Zhen wants.

Professor Yan Xin is thinking.

"They don't come up to the surface, or they appear only sporadically."

"Are you afraid?" "Are you afraid of us humans?" "

"Impossible, why are you afraid of us humans?"

Professor Yan Xin and his group all looked at the moon above their heads.

There's just such a weird thing.

Could it be that the moon is not monitoring them?
But monitoring the lizard people?
This can also explain why the lizardmen hide underground.

Only in this way can we avoid the surveillance of the moon!

Professor Yan Xin thought of this possibility in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was right.

"So, what kind of existence are we humans?"

"Experimental product, or livestock?"

Here Professor Yan Xin thought of the Blue Star Prison theory again.

Imprison humans, or imprison some other creatures?

Maybe the United States just wants to escape Blue Star and go to the moon.

So the watcher warned me?

Watchers on the moon?
(End of this chapter)

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