Chapter 551 Transactions and Top Secret Documents

It is already very rare to be able to enter here.

Now even Ye Zhen says there is no way, that means there is really no way.

Ye Zhen was still looking around at the surrounding situation.

This Noah's Ark, when it was on the deck.

It feels like it's just an ancient ship.

But after breaking the door on the deck, we came to the first floor.

Ye Zhen only now confirmed that this was a product left over from an ultra-ancient civilization.

It's just that the internal gate has been around for tens of thousands of years.

But it’s still not something we can open at will now.

Ye Zhen gently knocked on the gate in front of him that could not be broken by force.

But there is still no harvest, not even some words found.

Because as a saint, she does not have the ability to possess a mind blade.

Their faith is very strong.

What can be confirmed now is that this place is indeed a remnant of a super-ancient civilization.

But how could Noah's Ark be like this?

Now Ye Zhen and the others saw this Noah's Ark.

The ability of the Mind Blade can only be obtained by those who are extremely devout to the Lord.

"Okay, let's go out now." The saint needs to report everything she finds here back to the Holy See.

"There's no way this is something from more than 10,000 years ago."

Not to mention something like metal.

Jacob asked curiously: "What was found below?"

In order to avoid missing anything, Ye Zhen and the other three searched the entire metal hall again.

Both of them are focused on cultivation and strengthening their faith in the Holy See.

As for Ye Zhen’s program, I have never watched any of it.

It's almost hidden beneath the ground.

Apparently now their faith has begun to waver.

This ultra-ancient civilization does not exist in the Bible.

Since the last contact with Ye Zhen.

After coming out of Noah's Ark.

Just from the outer outline, you can barely make out a ship-shaped thing.

Saint Celia actually never had anything pious to say about the Holy See.

Tom, a geologist, asked, “What’s below decks?”

But Saint Celia is completely different. She needs to be exposed to secular society.

The saint was completely obsessed with Ye Zhen and watched all of Ye Zhen's previous programs.

But now all signs show that the ship in front of us is the legendary Noah's Ark.

Hussein still had a look of shock on his face, "Below is a very sci-fi metal hall."

For some things in the outside world, they Paladins don't care much.

Both Jacob and Hussein were very devout Christians.

The saint also explained: "Super ancient civilization does exist."

Just like Hussein and Jacob.

I have only seen Ye Zhen's identity information from the Vatican's archives.

Why can Noah's Ark still be preserved?
According to Ye Zhen's estimation, it should be because of the outer layer of petrified Gopher wood plus asphalt.

Jacob lowered the rope ladder and let Ye Zhen and the others climb directly back to the deck.

Hussein didn't understand, and his muscular brain expressed profound incomprehension.

After a thousand years, it would be good if it can still maintain its original shape.

A sound that was neither gold nor iron came from above.

Paul outside was still yelling, "I want to go back to the Holy See and report it to the court of justice to judge you."

Although they are not as good as those dedicated ascetics, they can also be said to live a pure and stoic life.

Jacob and Hussein looked at each other.

If it belongs to modern humans, let alone tens of thousands of years ago.

"We didn't open it." The saint shook her head, "We have tried many methods."

"You have also seen that the blue metal cannot be broken open by force."

"Some cutting tools today can't do any damage to this metal."

Tom nodded, "It means this is most likely a creation of a super ancient civilization."

Jerry, a human historian on the side, also said: "Anyone who is not stupid almost knows it now."

"We humans are not the only intelligent civilization on Blue Star at all."

The existence of super ancient civilizations is now almost universally acknowledged.

But for most people, it is still very difficult to accept such a reality all of a sudden.

Because of the so-called authority and science we usually come into contact with.

It has been told to us subtly since we were children.

We humans are unique and unique.

It is the only intelligent life form on the Blue Star.

To what extent can humans be arrogant?

It’s not just that humans are the only place on Blue Star that has developed civilization.

They also believe that there is only one planet in the universe, Blue Star, that has civilization.

"But whether this is Noah's Ark or not, we can't confirm yet." Human historian Jerry came to a conclusion, "But what can be confirmed is that, as Professor Tom said, it is undoubtedly the product of a super-ancient civilization."

Paul on the side shouted enthusiastically: "This is Noah's Ark, a doomsday ark built in accordance with God's will!"

"Do you people know what the Bible is?"

Hussein went over and knocked Paul unconscious.

"Jacob, just stay here with Paul." Saint Celia gave the order. "Mr. Ye, thank you very much this time." Turning around, Saint Celia and Ye Zhen thanked them.

"If it weren't for you, we might have failed this time."

It was also the first time that Ye Zhen came into contact with something from super-ancient civilization.

These things are more strange than Ye Zhen imagined.

Just the construction materials for the first floor of Noah's Ark are beyond what humans can understand now.

Returned to the local hotel.

After such a long period of hard work, it can be said that everyone is physically and mentally exhausted.

Ready for the flight tomorrow morning.

It's just that the Holy Virgin and Hussein were flying on a private jet belonging to the Holy See.

The exterior of the plane has a large church logo printed on it.

And Ye Zhen wants to return to China, which is not going well with them.

It was three o'clock in the morning that day.

Ye Zhen stayed alone in the hotel to rest.

The preview text for the next episode is being written.

Just as Ye Zhen was writing furiously, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Ye Zhen was confused, what was this saint doing knocking on the door so late?
Don't you want to invite yourself to have a late-night snack?
The saint wearing a white hotel nightgown walked directly to Ye Zhen.

There was a strange light in the saint's eyes, "I have not forgotten the promise between us."

After saying that, the saint was about to untie the tight straps of her bathrobe.

Ye Zhen stopped quickly, "You can exchange some secrets with me."

"As a deal, I can let you go."

In Ye Zhen's eyes, some top-secret information is far more interesting to Ye Zhen than the body of a person of the opposite sex.

Thinking that he could get some information that others didn't know, Ye Zhen felt very excited.

The saint looked at Ye Zhen with strange eyes, "Are you sure?"

"I am a high-ranking saint in the Holy See."

Celia certainly understands how attractive she is to the opposite sex.

It's just that Celia seems to have already anticipated Ye Zhen's answer.

Celia still untied her bathrobe.

It's just that Celia is wearing a cute set of Hello Kitty pajamas under her bathrobe.

Celia took out a top-secret document and gave it to Ye Zhen, "Here is the moving thing you want."

Ye Zhen looked at this kraft paper document.

"You ask me to betray the Holy See, that's impossible."

"But I can reveal some other top-secret information to you." Celia sat on Ye Zhen's bed.

"Give it back to me after you've finished reading it."

Ye Zhen looked at the document in front of him eagerly.

Early the next morning.

The patron saint of Hussein returned to the Holy See on the Holy See’s exclusive plane.

Ye Zhen also returned to China by plane.

While taking the plane, Ye Zhen had already begun to think about super ancient civilizations.

"It seems that these super ancient civilizations are not as simple as I thought."

Ye Zhen mentioned some super-ancient civilization sites in his previous interface.

What is revealed should only be the surface.

Just like Noah's Ark, it's a problem for humans to get in now.

Ye Zhen estimated that the gate on the first floor would not be able to be broken open even with bombs.

Not to mention whether the bomb can be broken.

If it is forcibly broken open like this, how much of the contents inside can be retained?

This is something beyond the level of cultural relics.

Even if you can explode it, will the people in the Holy See allow you to do this?

The other is the Sphinx, which Ye Zhen suspects is beneath the surface of the stone.

Will there be another situation?
Ye Zhen, who was on the plane, deleted the trailer that he had already written.

A brand new trailer was written, and the program content was also changed.

Because Ye Zhen knew many secrets from the document that Celia gave him yesterday.

Because some of the secrets in Bureau 749 are no longer enough to satisfy Ye Zhen.

Some top-secret foreign documents were what Ye Zhen wanted.

CCTV's preview department has now cooperated with Ye Zhen many times.

Now he is completely accustomed to Ye Zhen's style.

The trailer was soon produced.

Much faster than before.

This time the trailer has just been released and it has already attracted everyone's attention.

Because there are no other fancy things in the trailer this time.

What is in the trailer?
The title says Area 51.

As long as everyone is not a fool, everyone knows what this is talking about.

In the trailer, you can see various special effects and filmed scenes.

What exactly happened in Roswell back then?
What truth is the U.S. military trying to cover up?
Do the Grays really exist?
How did the United States reach a deal with the Grays?

All the truth will be in the next issue of "Into Popular Science".

The trailer has just been released, and everyone can't wait for the show to air.

"My dear, is this Area 51?"

“I can’t wait to taste what’s in store for the next episode!”

"Isn't this Area 51 fictional? Does it really exist?"

(End of this chapter)

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