Chapter 552 National Anticipation
After foreign audiences saw Ye Zhen's trailer.

They turned into hungry wolves and roared wildly.

"Who said before that Ye Zhen didn't dare to touch the secrets of the United States!"

"It's not that I'm curious about how he, a Chinese, got these secrets."

“Does anyone really think that America’s confidential documents are important?”

"You can see it in people's toilets and garages."

There have been leaks of top-secret U.S. documents before.

Let everyone realize that the entire world is actually run by a huge grassroots team.

What you thought was specialization and something very advanced.

In fact, it is nothing more than that.

There's nothing fancy about it, it's just that everyone has a little filter in it.

Audiences who are not familiar with these names are very confused.

It's just that because of the power of faith, these Templars are more exaggerated than the dead soldiers.

In addition, audiences at home and abroad are very much looking forward to the next episode.

"I didn't expect Ye Zhen to be so popular." Only now did Hussein know what "hot all over the world" written in the file meant.

"Sir, please see if this is Na Ye Zhen." Hussein had just learned to use a smartphone in the past few days.

"Have you received the order from the United States?"

Why are some people already excited when they see the trailer?

But she didn't expect that Ye Zhen had just finished reading the top secret files yesterday, and the next episode would be about this content.

Of course, Celia watched the preview of Ye Zhen’s show.

While in the temple, Hussein and the Templars were not allowed to use smartphones.

Hussein asked Selia beside him while holding his mobile phone.

Why Hussein when they know they can go out.

They were not surprised at all that Ye Zhen would talk about Area 51 in the next episode.

Haruko Abe is the current head of the Onmyo dormitory.

Some viewers don’t know much about Area 51.

Celia looked at the content on Hussein’s phone and said, “Yes, that’s him.”

"Do you want our full cooperation?" Abe Haruko knew Ye Zhen's strength.

Japan's official Yin Yangliao is also paying attention to Ye Zhen's every move.

Why does Celia have information on top-secret U.S. files?
This has to be said about Celia's methods.

So Hussein and the Templars almost lived in isolation from the world.

It's similar to how some ancient families cultivate dead warriors.

Not only because you can go out with the saint, but you can also see the outside world.

"And what's this Roswell incident?"

"A secret in Area 51?"

What happened at Area 51?

The people in Yin Yang Lao had already targeted Ye Zhen.

They will be so excited.

"Forget it, you'll find out when the show airs."

Only every week, you can use the phone in the Holy See to contact your relatives.

"Let us fully cooperate with them to hunt Ye Zhen." An Onmyoji looked at the leader in front of him and said.

"What kind of place is this? Why does everyone seem so excited?"

In Japan, except for their scientific researchers, they will watch Ye Zhen’s program.

After Hussein came into contact with Ye Zhen, he slowly began to pay attention to Ye Zhen.

"Isn't it? You don't even know what Area 51 is?"

Because the origin of everything about modern aliens comes from Area 51.

Some other countries are also very curious.

But until now, there has been no official response from US officials.

In fact, this tradition has been handed down from the Christian faith.

In the country of Japan, the Onmyoji in the Onmyojao looked at Ye Zhen's prediction.

Because Ye Zhen just mentioned the lizard people in the United States on the show not long ago.

Able to escape safely from the resurrected Yamata no Orochi.

And let Yamata no Orochi sleep again.

Although Abe Haruko guessed that Ye Zhen borrowed the ability of the nine-tailed fox.

But borrowed power is also power.

"What do people from the Jiuju faction say?" Abe Haruko asked.

"They will also do their best to cooperate with people from the United States."

"I want to use our place as a springboard."

Abe Haruko knew that the people of Jiuju's group had suffered heavy losses.

We no longer dare to send people to China at will.

The people in their Yin Yang Lao also turned a blind eye.

But now that the United States is backing them, it's completely different.

"Let's try our best to cooperate."

"If you can kill this Ye Zhen, of course it would be the best." Abe Haruko squinted her eyes.

In the United States, the secret military base Area 51.

"What the hell?" the lieutenant general roared, "Why is this man named Ye Zhen not dead yet?"

"Didn't I ask you to hunt this Chinese?"

"Are you all just losers!"

"Report Lieutenant General, we have contacted the Japanese side."

"Ask them to fully cooperate with us," one soldier reported.

"Trash, they're all trash, get out!" The lieutenant general drove the rest of the people out.

After seeing Ye Zhen's program preview, the lieutenant general became even more annoyed.

"Okay, now the general has actually got it on our heads, right?" The lieutenant general was curious about what Ye Zhen knew.

"I want to see what you can say."

The lieutenant general laughed angrily, "Just go ahead and do your show, and let me see if you are still alive to do the next one?" From the European side.

As the overlord in the previous era.

Britain was once known as the empire on which the sun never sets.

And Germany, they were almost able to rule the world back then.

The United States was just Britain's younger brother.

As an established power in the world.

They also have their own heritage.

"This person named Ye Zhen is very interesting."

"How dare you reveal what happened in Area 51?"

"He looks down on the upstart American country, hahaha."

"I really want to see how many things he has mastered."

"I don't mind, absorbing him into our place."

Countries around the world are also watching Ye Zhen’s program.

Area 51 is a secret military base belonging to the United States.

Small countries also want to know the secrets of the United States.

"This is called Ye Zhen. Chinese people are so bold."

"How dare you compete with a hegemonic country like the United States."

"But others are Chinese, so they are different from us."

Some scientists also became interested after seeing the program trailer.

"Now we're always looking for extraterrestrial civilizations."

"But no aliens have ever been found."

"In such a vast universe, it's impossible for Blue Star to have only one civilization."

"One possibility is that they actually knew it a long time ago and just didn't announce it."

Some scientists want to know if aliens exist.

There are also things like so-called spaceships.

What exactly is this kind of technology?

After Professor Yan Xin saw Ye Zhen’s preview.

"Now, even the military bases in the United States can popularize science?" Professor Yan Xin seemed to know Ye Zhen again.

In the beginning, Ye Zhen was just an ordinary host.

Now Ye Zhen actually wants to reveal this kind of thing.

"It's crazy." Professor Yan Xin could only sigh.

The victory-weary trio, they have reached the Sahara Desert.

The local environment can be said to be very harsh.

Even though they had expected that the environment would be very bad, they didn't expect it to be so bad.

"There's a signal, there's finally a signal." Si Xiaoping made an excited sound from his chapped lips.

He held his cell phone in his hand, as if he was constantly collecting signals.

"Mr. Ye has issued a new notice."

"This time it's about Area 51." Si Xiaoping explained to Professor Zhou and Lao Wu.

Professor Zhou thought for a moment, "What kind of place is Area 51?"

Old Wu also looked confused, "I haven't heard of Area 51 either."

At this time, Si Xiaoping felt the estrangement and generation gap between him and the older generation.

Si Xiaoping and the two old men explained, "Area 51 is a secret military base in the United States."

America's secret military base?
This made Professor Zhou even more puzzled, "How could Mr. Ye be related to this?"

In the memories of Lao Wu and Professor Zhou, this is completely inconsistent with Ye Zhen's image.

"I don't know about that." Si Xiaoping knew that Ye Zhen wanted to popularize Area 51.

It will definitely cover extraterrestrial civilization and other content.

"Let's find a nearby hotel to stay in." Professor Zhou obviously misjudged the difficulty of the Sahara Desert.

In game 749, Ning Xiu had a doubt after seeing the preview of Ye Zhen's show.

"Where did Advisor Ye get the information?"

"Our 749 Bureau's database does not exist at all."

After Ning Xiu watched Ye Zhen's trailer, she immediately searched for information about Area 749 in Bureau 51's Bai Ze database.

But there are only some sporadic information.

The specific content did not mention anything critical at all.

Ning Xiu didn't think that these simple contents could allow Ye Zhen to create a program.

Ye Zhen was originally very mysterious.

Of course, in their 749 rounds, they had even checked the eighteenth generation of Ye Zhen’s ancestors.

Just an ordinary college student in the city.

The base is very innocent and clean.

That's why they reused Ye Zhen so much.

Now Ning Xiu feels increasingly unable to see through Ye Zhen.

The most excited people now are the Alien Association enthusiasts at home and abroad.

Secretly, they had already worshiped Ye Zhen as a leader.

"Master Ye, are you finally going to educate people about aliens?"

"I knew there was no super-ancient civilization at all, only aliens!"

"God is an alien, Buddha is an alien, and even Fuxi and Nuwa are aliens!"

"We were also created by aliens."

"I feel that Master Ye is also an alien, the messenger who communicates with Blue Star!"

Alien enthusiasts at home and abroad have created an existence called the Alien Cult.

It is believed that everything in the universe was created by aliens, including us humans.

And Ye Zhen is the honorary leader of their alien god sect.

He is a messenger sent to Blue Star by aliens.

If in the Bible, Ye Zhen is equivalent to a prophet-like existence.

(End of this chapter)

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