Chapter 555 Survivors on the UFO

“At that time, this incident even alarmed the Pentagon in the United States.

I had to come forward and give the public an explanation.

The person in charge of the Air Force base at the time was directly sent to the then Roseville Air Force Base to take over the matter.

One can imagine how seriously the United States takes this matter.

The final result was that the so-called flying saucer wreckage was sent away by a B-29 transport plane.

Then the Air Force chief held a press conference.

He claimed that the so-called crashed flying saucer was a military weather balloon that exploded and crashed into the pasture.

The Roswell base “communique” was the product of bad judgment.

He denied that the falling objects were flying saucers or alien debris.

Decades later, relevant insiders broke the news about what happened that year.

It's not just a few people.

The second party involved at that time was Major Marcil.

At that time, Major Marcil saw the fragments handed over by Mike.

But I have many years of experience in crashing airplanes and recovering weather balloons.

It is a special military weather balloon used by the military.

He changed his story and said it was just a test of a military weather balloon. "

What we can know is that until now, it is the 21st century.

Many local residents also said they saw U.S. military personnel dragging away something similar to a flying saucer.

But since then, everyone has visited Area 51, without exception.

Disclosure was refused on the grounds of national security confidentiality.

In the future, in the 21st century, someone once had such propaganda.

Strict confidentiality measures were imposed by the boss.

But even people like King Maga visited the Area 51 base after taking office.

Because Major Maciel is at the air base.

If it had only come here, things might have been about the same.

But paper can't keep fire, and things will always leak out one day.

But after reading the archives at that time, everyone was disappointed.

Because the United States had an information confidentiality law back then.

“At that time, the matter just fell into place.

Some information needs to be disclosed to the public after a certain number of years.

Originally, Major Marcil could be said to be one of the first discoverers.

The secret files of the Roswell incident have still not been exposed.

However, there were many witnesses to the Roswell incident that year.

This is actually true.

But a few years later, this matter is still talked about by everyone.

Because what is written in the file?

But after coming out, Maga King said.

At that time, an American said this before he was elected.

Just like what happened with the lizard people back then.

But later Major Marcel stopped talking about this matter.

I won't tell you the truth, but it's very interesting.

But after he was elected, he did not keep his promise.

Many people said they saw unidentified flying objects in the sky during those days.

At the time, Roswell was really just a new weather balloon.

Just know that this is not a plane crash, missile fragments, or balloon fragments.

Some wreckage and the so-called Grays above.

It's nothing more than a rubber dummy used for testing.

That included the Roswell incident at that time.

If he is fooled, he will reveal everything in Area 51.

If he is elected, he will reveal the truth about the Roswell incident to everyone.

It seems that the truth about the Roswell incident that has puzzled everyone for decades has been revealed.

But in the end it was discovered that it was all fabricated.

The Roswell archives from decades ago had been destroyed.

What everyone sees now is just the forged files at that time.

But in the time that followed, people kept breaking the news.

The flying saucers and aliens from the Roswell incident were transported to a place called Area 51. "

Everyone felt right after hearing this.

It does look very much like something the government would do.

"Such actions can be said to be very common."

"It does seem like something the U.S. government would do." "If there is really nothing, why not just announce it."

"Why are you so secretive!"

Everyone remembers that in the past few years, the US Air Force sent out three videos.

In the radar detection in the video, you can see that there are some suspended light spots inside.

That was a picture captured under the surveillance of the most advanced modern US military radar.

If you pay attention to the news, you can clearly see the video released by the United States.

At that time, no one at home or abroad could explain what was displayed on the radar.

Because it is simply impossible to explain with our current human technology.

"It's secretive, there must be some ulterior secret!"

"Could it be that the United States' manned moon landing technology was really obtained here?"

“Maybe that’s why America’s technology is developing so rapidly?”

"Isn't this the same plot as in Transformers?"

This aspect is more or less reflected in many American movies.

What about Close Encounters of the Third Kind and about the Grays?

After the Roswell incident, many movies and themes of this type began to burst out.

What Professor Yan Xin wants to know is, "Are those little grays still alive?"

"Is it related to the three-eyed female corpse on the moon?"

A graduate student under Professor Yan Xin thought, "Could these little grays be the residents of the hollow moon?"

"Or is it that the United States' moon landing was requested by the Grays?"

"Are they just after the three-eyed female corpse on the moon?"

I have to say that this researcher is really using his imagination.

But if you say this, will other countries also have aliens in their hands?

Among the three people who are tired of winning, Si Xiaoping feels, "The truth of this matter has always been in the fog."

"But the few videos released by the US Air Force in the past few years have to make people believe in the existence of flying saucers."

Professor Zhou believes, "If this matter is true, it will definitely involve many people and many people will be exposed."

Lao Wu didn't know anything about science, but he had a very intuitive question.

"Now that our country is so developed, we still cannot land a man on the moon."

"The Soviet Union will not be able to do it in the future, but the United States did it fifty years ago."

"Doesn't this mean that the United States was at least a hundred years ahead of us at that time?"

This is obviously very unreasonable.

Song Xuan in Bureau 749 did not underestimate similar books when she was a child.

"It wouldn't be surprising if aliens really existed."

"In this case, the world is so wonderful."

Song Xuan thought of this.

There are aliens, people on the moon with a super-ancient civilization, and dinosaurs underground.

Are there still fish-men living in the ocean?

Ning Xiu knew something about this.

Because the United States did reveal some things that could be made public at that time.

This was the conclusion drawn at the time in Bureau 749.

When it comes to flying saucers and alien corpses, it is most likely true.

Because why?

When this matter was exposed in the United States, there were many photos of this.

There are pictures of the so-called weather balloons they had on display.

These photos are all in black and white, and we can see Major Marcil in the pictures at that time.

The key lies in these photos.

Because in one of the photos, Major Macil's boss was captured holding a memo.

The photo happened to capture part of the memo.

Originally this was not a critical thing.

However, with the development of technology in recent years, some blurry photos from that year can now be captured.

Restored using modern technology.

It took people in Bureau 749 two years to translate the memo that was accidentally photographed.

The above content is an emergency order issued by Washington to Roseville Air Force Base.

It mentioned the crashed flying saucer and the three Gray bodies found on the flying saucer.

Let them transport these flying saucer wreckage and gray men to Area 51 as soon as possible.

So why can Ning Xiu be sure that this is true?

It was because of the information that was accidentally exposed in this photo.

Let the people in Bureau 749 know that there were not only flying saucers at that time.

There are survivors on the flying saucer!
(End of this chapter)

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