Chapter 556 Key Participants

Bureau 749 knew that the Roswell incident was true.

The United States did indeed capture a crashed flying saucer.

In addition to the flying saucer, there are three Gray Men.

This is likely to be related to the rapid advancement of aerospace technology in the United States.

You must know that during the Cold War, the former Soviet Union was far ahead of the United States.

But the United States is a cold-blooded country and doesn't care about anything.

The direct manned landing on the moon was successful, and it was successful several times in a row.

How outrageous is this?
It's like when you play a game, you directly jump across a level of the technology tree to click on skills.

It's simply unreasonable.

And reverse engineering mastery of some kind of futuristic technology.

"And the real people who handled it were the people at Roseville Air Force Base."

It is to declare that I will never commit suicide in this life.

"It's become something like an urban legend."

For our country at that time, manned landing on the moon was nothing more than a myth.

Then it was judged as suicide.

"Everyone thinks they must know a lot."

Behind Ye Zhen, a TV interview between Major Marcil and his boss appeared.

"Among them were people like Farmer Mac and Major Marcil at the time."

But when our country begins to study manned moon landing.

How did the United States do this more than fifty years ago?
This is not scientific at all!

"But everything that followed was taken away by the military."

Why does Bureau 749 have to guess like this?

Because here in the United States, the easiest thing to happen is to be shot dozens of times in the back.

"But after that, a lot of people came out who claimed to have been involved in the Roswell incident."

"It's all explained without exception, especially when they were involved in the Roswell incident."

"There is no such enthusiastic pursuit now."

"If this were the case, the Roswell incident would soon fade out of everyone's sight."

It was some kind of secret weather balloon experiment.

Major Marcil and the Air Force chief who handled the Roswell incident at the time.

They didn't say what it was.

Ning Xiu kept her eyes on Ye Zhen.

This is to prevent someone from giving the illusion of "suicide".

Let alone any other destroyed missiles or spacecraft.

"Major Maciel and his immediate superior, for example."

"But Farmer Mike has only been in contact with it, even though he was the first person to discover it."

"In fact, Major Marcil was promoted directly after a short period of time."

However, he stood up and denied the official statement released before.

"But after he retired, Marcil did stand up and speak out."

Yes, more than ten years after retirement.

So there is the above guess.

They all said it without exception.

"Goed to serve in Washington."

What I saw at the scene was definitely not a weather balloon or a crashed plane.

The analysis in Bureau 749 was that the United States might have discovered some unknown technology at that time.

Major Marcil was approached by people from the TV station for a special interview.

You can see it in this short interview.

However, due to the confidentiality agreement, Major Marcil and the others could not say anything.

Because at that time, our country was in a state of complete waste and many things were just getting started.

This is why many famous people in the United States will write a statement before their death.

We were also dumbfounded.

This argument has been completely defeated.

Obviously this is an official attempt to conceal some truth.

Audiences at home and abroad have also seen the content in this video.

"Sure enough, people from back then all stood up."

"But aren't they afraid?"

"The United States has so-called freedom of speech!"

Foreign audiences also watched the interview.

Asked a lot about Roswell.

But Major Marcil and the others have retired.

But the confidentiality period has still not passed, and many things cannot be revealed.

Because they are not only worried about their own lives, but also the lives of their family members.

"They did mention at the time that the Roswell incident was definitely not a military weather balloon."

"They said what was collected at that time was something that had never been seen before."

If there are some new materials, they are beyond the reach of their technology at that time.

In theory, only the former Soviet Union on the other side of the ocean can do this.

After all, they were the only two superpowers in the world at that time.

But if this is the case, the U.S. Department of Defense can cut its own throat. Because the enemy's aircraft can fly over them.

They haven't discovered anything yet, and there is no need to fight this cold war.

Just surrender.

It just so happened that the Cold War started in 1947.

Later, some people said that it was because they wanted to rob aliens of their science and knowledge.

The two countries just started the Cold War.

But at this time, Ye Zhen's magnetic voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Everyone has seen it, and even those involved have come forward to explain.

But these people are not the key to the Roswell incident.


Although they had directly come into contact with the very beginning of the Roswell incident.

But this is only the beginning part of the incident.

Why do you say that?
Because the study of flying saucers and the three aliens above are the top priority.

So at the end of the day, Major Marcil and Mike Farmer.

They are actually just people on the sidelines.

Didn't really get to the core content. "

After everyone thought about it, it was indeed exactly what Ye Zhen said.

In fact, what Major Marcil and Farmer Mike knew was pretty much the same.

The only one who truly knows what happened at Roswell.

It must be some high-ranking people, and only they have the authority to view such confidential documents.

What else?
"In the Roswell incident, there were two people who were arguably crucial.

In the past few decades, many people have said that they have participated in the follow-up research of the Roswell incident.

But they cannot withstand everyone’s scrutiny and questioning.

Here, two are very important.

One was a nurse working in the US military at the time.

The name is Elroy.

The other one is a doctoral student at California Institute of Technology in the United States.

He is a person who studies nuclear physics and power.

The name is Bob.

Both of them have a common experience.

He worked in the legendary Area 51.

It’s just that Bob’s story was revealed in the late 1980s.

As for Nurse Aloy, no one made it public until after the millennium.

What did the two of them do?

Nurse Aloy's job at the time was to be secretly sent to Area 51 to treat the surviving Gray.

Bob's job was to study the fallen alien flying saucer. "

After hearing this, the audience began to look forward to it.

This is the key figure!
What was Major Maciel and what local witnesses were there before.

Compared with these two people, they are insignificant people.

Only the people involved can truly understand the ins and outs of the matter.

Audiences at home and abroad felt it.

"Could it be that the Grays and the so-called flying saucers are both real!"

"My dear, does this mean that the United States has already been in contact with aliens?"

"It may not only be aliens, but may also have contact with lizard people."

"The big ones are really coming."

The trio of people who were tired of winning looked at what Ye Zhen said.

Si Xiaoping heard what Ye Zhen said.

"If this is the case, it is not difficult to explain why the United States' technology is so far ahead of ours."

"Even now, we can't easily land on the moon."

"It seems that extraterrestrial civilizations may have been involved in the moon landing."

Old Wu was surprised, "Where did Mr. Ye get the information?"

Instead, Professor Zhou was worried about Ye Zhen, "Will exposing the secrets of the US government in this way lead to death?"

But Professor Yan Xin had other ideas.

"Could it be said that the American superpower project back then was also related to the Roswell incident?"

This had to make Professor Yan Xin suspicious.

Who knows if these little grays have some special abilities?

Perhaps it was not just because of Germany that the United States and the former Soviet Union began to study superpowers and abilities.

It is very likely that it has something to do with this little gray man.

Far away in the Area 51 base on the other side of the ocean.

The lieutenant general in the base was already laughing angrily.

"Okay, very good." The lieutenant general glared angrily, "Ye Zhen is right!"

Although the Lieutenant General has reported the matter to the Pentagon.

But the Pentagon doesn't care about an insignificant pawn like Ye Zhen.

At that time, only things like the Roswell incident could alarm the Pentagon.

(End of this chapter)

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