Chapter 557 More than one ship

In the eyes of the Pentagon, Ye Zhen is just little Karami.

In Bureau 749, Song Xuan did not expect that someone who participated in the incident would reveal the news.

"Wow, how did Consultant Ye know?" Song Xuan was very curious.

Because just now Song Xuan checked the Bai Ze database in Bureau 749.

It doesn't mention much about the Roswell incident.

Because the database, to put it bluntly, does not come out of thin air.

It requires a little bit of external input and collection.

Speaking of which, Bureau 749 was established only a short time ago.

When Song Xuan first came in, she was the data entry clerk.

“Bob had a friend working in the government at the time, and he was recommended by his friend.

Because that was the case with the Manhattan Project.

Even if there is one, it must be someone with credibility and global influence.

This is how the information in the database began to fill up little by little.

Return to Saint Celia in the Vatican.

In fact, this was a very common thing at the time.

This is something that all countries in the world are staring at now.

They all need to recruit people secretly.

Future development and processing will not be accessible to her, a little saint.

Ning Xiu was also curious about where the information Ye Zhen had now came from.

In this world, there should not be many people who dare to expose or talk about these things to the public.

Celia is currently resting.

At the beginning, Bob didn't know where he was working.

Because of Noah's Ark, someone has already taken it over from Celia's hands.

"Consultant Ye, how many secrets do you still have in your body? Ning Xiu feels that Ye Zhen's mystery has gained another layer.

Because when traveling to your work destination, the entire process is kept confidential.

So we gathered at a defense office in Las Vegas.

After gathering, they signed a strict contract.

I am a double major in physics and electrical engineering.

Bob learned that the government was secretly recruiting some engineers.

In fact, it is because Noah's Ark has been confirmed to be the site of a super ancient civilization!

"Let's start with Bob. This should be the part that everyone is most interested in." Ye Zhen smiled slightly, his eyes curved like crescent moons.

Because of the confidentiality of their work, they cannot and cannot go to their workplace alone.

According to Bob, he flew from Florida to Las Vegas for work.

At that time, Bob worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

A lot of information they collected at that time was input into it.

The name is to allow the saint to rest.

Bob and his group got off the plane.

Saint Celia lowered her eyes and looked at Ye Zhen in the tablet in her hand.

I have experience in participating in many high-level projects, plus referrals from friends.

Ye Zhen is such a best candidate.

They were asked to promise not to disclose anything they saw and heard.

Now their church actually found one.

"You really didn't disappoint me and told me all this." Celia knew that Ye Zhen was such a courageous person.

Celia was just the one who took the lead in the past, but now it’s confirmed.

He completely reported what happened on Mount Ararat to the Pope.

There were also many military and biological experiments conducted in secret.

A secret military plane specially flew them to the Air Force airport near Area 51 in Nevada.

The camera turned back to Ye Zhen.

Much of what Ye Zhen said was brought to Ye Zhen by Selia that night.

Bob became involved in the government's secret work.

But this is not over yet, after getting off the plane.

They were put on black blindfolds again and got into the car.

The windows of the car are also specially treated and blackened.

Only the driver's glass in front is normal.

In this way, Bob and his team came to the place of work.

It was only a long time later that Bob learned that this was actually the legendary Area 51.

Bob, who had just arrived on his first day, was handed out more than a hundred pieces of information.

Let him know about his work, and he will soon be involved in research.

Bob initially wondered what government research needed to be so mysterious.

Finally, after Bob saw some of the above information and documents.

Only then did Bob learn that this was a place where alien flying saucers were studied.

Specializing in reverse engineering research on flying saucers.

His main job is to conduct reverse research on propulsion systems.

One of the flying saucers was from the Roswell incident. "

Some viewers felt a sense of déjà vu when they heard this.

"Isn't this just like something from Transformers!"

"My dear, let me tell you why it looks so familiar." "It turns out that the movie really comes from reality!"

"I didn't expect Bob to be such a tough guy."

Military researchers in some other countries around the world.

After seeing what Ye Zhen said, he started to become suspicious.

"So some so-called flying saucers may not be real flying saucers."

"Could it be the result of an American experiment?"

"They're really working on flying saucers!"

No wonder they think so, because there are so many similar UFO incidents.

But some of them are obviously not so magical and incredible.

Now it seems that it may be some kind of experimental aircraft from the United States.

Some scientists think so too.

"Is it because of the reverse engineering research on flying saucers?"

"This allowed the United States to overtake the former Soviet Union in aerospace."

"After all, copying the homework is indeed much faster than studying slowly by yourself!"

"I don't think it's impossible."

In fact, someone went to confirm Bob's identity back then.

At first, I checked the university where Bob attended, but the university said that there had never been such a student.

They deny that such a student ever existed.

When I went to the National Laboratory for verification, the National Laboratory also said that there was no researcher named Bob.

Just when everyone said Bob was just a complete liar.

Things turned around.

Because a newspaper at the time once published Bob's research project in the national laboratory.

It's about experiments on the power system and creating a rocket car.

So Bob did work in a national laboratory.

But why do universities and national laboratories deny it?
According to insiders, this may be the work of the confidentiality department.

It is not easy to erase a person's past information.

Especially someone like Bob who works in a secret government service.

Outsiders are even less aware of it, and they are simply like a gangster.

After this incident, Bob's revelation became even more convincing.

But it was precisely because of this that Bob was exposed.

Exposing yourself directly to the public is the safest way.

Because if Bob dies, doesn’t it mean there must be a ghost here?

"Bob also revealed that the power systems of some flying saucers inside use anti-gravity waves.

Use element 115 as fuel to generate a powerful anti-gravity field.

Element 115 exists in theory.

Because at that time we had almost understood the mystery of the periodic table of elements.

It has been possible to artificially create some elements that do not exist on the periodic table.

Among them, artificial element No. 115 was not created until 2003.

However, there are only four unknown and artificial elements in front of us.

No. 113, 115, 117 and 118. "Ye Zhen was explaining science to everyone on the small whiteboard.

"Element 115 is a synthetic radioactive metal element named "Element".

Moscovium, chemical symbol is Mc.

Its atomic number is 115, making it one of the weak metals.

This element was successfully synthesized in 2003 by the Soviet Nuclear Research Institute.

And experimentally confirmed the "island of stability" hypothesis in nuclear physics.

Although we have synthesized this metal.

But in nature, this is extremely rare.

Enrium has some unique properties, such as electrochemical, thermochemical, optical, etc.

However, due to the complexity of the element's structure, there is currently no method that can accurately measure its physical and chemical properties.

But at that time, Bob said that they already had two kilograms of element 51 in Area 115.

This is basically impossible.

Because element 115, even if synthesized in a laboratory, requires a lot of energy and harsh reaction conditions.

Even so, it can only form dozens of atoms of element 115.

And two kilograms of element 115 is impossible to achieve with current technology.

But Bob doesn't know where these elements No. 115 came from.

Because he studies the reverse engineering of power systems.

And why recruit new engineers like Bob?

Because the previous engineer was killed by the exploding propulsion system during the experiment.

That's why Area 51 recruited a new group of engineers.

And Bob said that there is more than one flying saucer in Area 51.

He himself had seen three ships.

One of them was the one involved in the famous Roswell Incident.

Named UFO No. 3. "

It turns out that the United States captured more than one flying saucer?
Does this mean that other countries also have so-called flying saucers?

They have already been studying it.

(End of this chapter)

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